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American Revolution USA: Some Tea Times
American Revolution USA: Some Tea Times
American Revolution USA: Some Tea Times
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American Revolution USA: Some Tea Times

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American Revolution wishes to acknowledge a gratitude to those good cooks of yesteryear who created fine recipes. I preserved them to this day. May you find American Revolution a source of inspiration to carry on and preserve the traditions of American Revolution.

Release dateFeb 13, 2019
American Revolution USA: Some Tea Times

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    American Revolution USA - Clarene J. Gomer


    American Revolution USA

    Some Tea Times

    Clarene J. Gomer

    Copyright © 2019 Clarene J. Gomer
    All rights reserved
    First Edition
    Page Publishing, Inc
    New York, NY
    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc 2019
    ISBN 978-1-64424-695-5 (Paperback)
    ISBN 978-1-64424-697-9 (Digital)
    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Family Modest

    Not everybody could keep up with the Joneses.

    As the motto of the upper class, their servant must have been ready for anything,

    People came from the city to luncheons.

    Restaurants were too expensive and keeping house is hard work.

    I can be bullied into making their chores. And serve them with

    Good and kindness go together, for faith and excellent source for servants.

    Too—sure—now go green

    You Are a Jewel

    No matter what you say,

    No matter what you do,

    Somebody in this world

    Wants to be just like you.

    Gather your roots—for the way in which you live;

    This makes your fruits for the way in which you give.

    People are always watching—

    To see what’s right or wrong;

    There are always those that need encouragement

    While on life’s road alone.

    My challenge to you is—be a good jewel

    For no matter what you say

    No matter what you do

    There’s somebody in this world

    That wants to be just like you.

    Times of Birth

    Spring: anoint oil plants

    Summer: obedient plants

    Autumn: time o’clock plants

    Winter: prayer plants

    Signs of times

    HEAVEN______ EARTH______ WATER_______ FIRE

    In my dream I see

    The plant world

    No water or sea

    Down from the earth

    The renown of old

    One from the earth

    The ax in his hand

    Deep under the ground

    Tell me what can it be

    Will You Marry Me?

    My sweet rose, do you spices all for me?

    You are the dove of my eye with your

    Corn hair and foxes nose.

    My heart peppers for you.

    My love for you is as strong as mustard.

    If we radish, turnip marry and we

    Will be a happy pear.

    Father, in fall and winter when planting, used a mirror in warmer provided by the morning sun that reflected light to the soil and provide rays from the sunshine in the afternoon sun. As plants grow by the mirror light in winter, they make garden beds and dresses with plastic bags to grow his plants. Do not keep plastic over growing plants. It will kill them. My methods and experience were to anoint and pray. Talking to the plants would help them grow. While the garden rests, I’d find myself cooking up a storm as well. Many parents and young people from the communities and churches, hunger families, attend the families’ reunion. This reunion is not just seeing someone at thanksgiving and Christmas. The reunion is like the river. It just keeps flowing. I am the cooking queen and serves the four seasons. Taking care of my recipes is my adventure, romance, love, mystery, artistic, spirited. My jewel is found at the table cookbooks. Gazette Holiday cookbook.

    I watched my mother cook every day by standing in a wood cook stove. I started cooking when I was a little girl. I grew up with a family on a farm outside of town. In those early days, the families did not have a cookbook. Life was hard. At first, the land yielded fruits. There were few roads, and the towns were far apart. As you drive through the beautiful country side, you would see rich green fields carefully fenced in, solid and well-kept farmhouses, and barns. Country farmers had forever been fraught with hard times. The methods had been passed down to him from generation to generation. Its revolution was in the soil—be it good or bad, make it taste well. The developing is all way in the soil. Father

    Method was to use ashes from the wood. Cook stove to fertile his gardening after dressing the field to plants. He would bury in the dry grass and kill the insect for fertility. Before planting the fields, I got up at 5:00 a.m. to help my mother cook breakfast in the wood cook stove. After eating, mama would wash the dishes while the children fed the animals—hogs, horses, chickens, cow, dogs, cats, etc.—and milked the cow, then put the milk in the box to cool in spring, summer, and fall. We would all go to the field with Dad and work until dinner. Mama would say, It is some-tee-times.

    We would plant and hoe corn, cane syrup, and dig taters. We liked to work barefoot in the dusty. We grew every things that were on the planet and vegetables too. After dinner and rest, we would return to the fields and works. Sometimes, we would get ice cream that seemed as a gift I would not forget. It was time to do chores again—pump water, gather fire wood, feed the animals, putting the

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