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Letters From God
Letters From God
Letters From God
Ebook99 pages45 minutes

Letters From God

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Letters from God is God himself telling her what to write for him. She was only about the age of eighteen when this started. She would get the urge to write whenever the Lord would tell her to write. This whole book is truly only from God because she didn't finish school, only went to sixth grade. She can't read or write too well. Monica knew it was God instantly from the first time she wrote down one of her little letters from God in her phone, and when she stopped and read it, she knew it was God writing for her with her own hands because it was nothing like how she usually talks or spells. It was completely different.

God wrote this book. He would grab her eye from anything and make her write from just looking at it. She could be watching a movie or even driving a car. It didn't matter. God used any little thing just to get her attention. Half this book is of her doing daily activities, and God basically grabbing her attention so she can write what he's got to say. God had this planned the whole time for her to write about what he wants to tell the world. She never thought she could write a book in her life.

God would get her attention. It would be on a constant repeat in her head. Write this down or write until she would write. Every word in this book is directly from our Lord and Savior. He just used her to write. It's true author is God. All the Bible verses in the book all came from God to she didn't know all of them Bible verses off the top of her head. God would give her bits and pieces of verse, and she would look them up in the Bible. The Holy Spirit truly guided her through this whole book, from writing what God wants out there, to finding perfect scriptures in the Bible, down to even the drawings and design of the book. It is true. Ask God to help and guide, and he will, just like Monica who can't read but finished a book for her Lord and Savior because he wanted. He can do the same with you if you just allow him to

Release dateNov 30, 2022
Letters From God

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    Book preview

    Letters From God - Monica Gilk


    Letters From God

    Monica Gilk

    ISBN 979-8-88685-530-2 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88685-531-9 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Monica Gilk

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Jesus Is Always Looking Out

    Know Your Enemy

    Hand over the Steering Wheel to Jesus

    Over the Rainbow


    Pinky Promise

    Ready or Not

    Meaning of True Love

    Do You Believe?

    Construction Site

    Strong Foundation

    Keep Going, Don't Give Up

    Hungry Spirit

    Run Away


    Cry for Help When in Need

    Trusting the True Deliveryman

    Follow the Cross

    Speak into Existence


    Ticket into Heaven

    God's Will Will Be Done

    Wait on the Lord

    Rainbow of Promise


    Perfect Timing


    God Is 24-7, Never Closes

    Best Friend Forever

    Childlike Faith

    Endless Lives

    Fiery Flames

    About the Author

    I hope everyone who reads this book I wrote receives from it. How this book came about was over three years ago. I was very young, probably around the age of eighteen. I remember it like yesterday. I was in my room watching Finding Nemo, the Walt Disney movie, and things about God and this movie were like relating together, to myself, then I had this urge to write. I didn't know what about until the end. It's funny how God uses anyone. If you know me, I personally can't spell or read good. But if God wants you to do something he wants done, he will equip you just like he did with me just now. It took me a very long time to finish this book.

    After the Finding Nemo story, I couldn't stop writing whenever I got the urge. The enemy got into my head many times, made me feel stupid and like, I'm only a young girl, no one was going to read this if I turned all my notes into a book. I got attacked many times because the Lord told me maybe a year or two after to write a book about what he had been telling me to write. So after all the years of writing and believing the enemy's lies, I finally started blocking out his lies and listened to the King's voice. So this whole book was him telling me what to write about, just to spread his Gospel.

    So I truly hope you receive from this book and get to know Jesus, our Lord and Savior. And if you don't know him, and you want to, all you have got to do is say the sinner's prayer which is, Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe you died for my sins. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life. I confess you as my personal Lord and Savior. Amen.


    This book is a very eye-opening, awakening your spirit book. How this all started was, one day, a girl was lying down in her room, and she had the urge to write. She didn't know what she was going to write, but all she knew was that it was something for the Lord. And by the time she would be done writing, she would sit back and look, and it would be a whole page. She didn't know what to call it at first. Notes, reminder, maybe even letters from God. Ever since that one night she was lying in her bed, she couldn't stop writing. Every time she got the urge to write, she would have to write whatever the Lord would tell her to write. So I hope you receive and enjoy what I call Letters from God. In this book, you will find encouraging messages, restoring your faith and knowing who the true enemy is.


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