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Best Roses, Herbs, And Edible Flowers
Best Roses, Herbs, And Edible Flowers
Best Roses, Herbs, And Edible Flowers
Ebook393 pages2 hours

Best Roses, Herbs, And Edible Flowers

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About this ebook

A quick-reference guide to roses, herbs, and edible flowers for gardeners with little experience and time.

Roses represent love and beauty. Their colors and fragrance create the standard by which many other flowers are measured. Cultivated around the world for perfume, roses have a sweet and unforgettable scent. However, many would-be rose gardeners believe that roses require constant care and lavish doses of sprays and chemicals. Roses do require attention, but their glorious flowers make all your efforts worthwhile, and the roses in this book were chosen because they are tried-and-true, proven performers.
Of the many types of plants that grow in our gardens, herbs and edible flowers hold a very special place. People use herbs and edible flowers to heal their bodies, calm their minds, add fragrance to their homes, and flavor and preserve their foods—herbs improve the quality of our lives.
This colorful, photo-filled book takes the guesswork out of gardening with the easiest-to-grow and best-performing roses, herbs, and edible flowers. No trial and error—get it right the first time!

Release dateMay 7, 2019
Best Roses, Herbs, And Edible Flowers

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    Best Roses, Herbs, And Edible Flowers - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

    title page


    Title Page



    Introduction to Roses

    Best Roses

    Apricot Drift

    Flower Carpet Scarlet

    Oso Easy Paprika

    Rainbow Happy Trails

    White Meidiland

    Abraham Darby

    Beach Rose


    Carefree Wonder

    Cecile Brunner


    Frau Dagmar Hartopp

    Golden Celebration

    Graham Thomas

    Knock Out

    Mary Rose

    Morden Centennial

    Olivia Rose Austin

    Red-Leaved Rose

    Sally Holmes

    The Fairy

    Top Gun

    Charles De Mills

    Stanwell Perpetual

    Tuscany Superb

    Zephirine Drouhin




    Don Juan


    Fourth of July

    New Dawn

    William Baffin

    Yellow Lady Banks’ Rose

    Burgundy Iceberg

    Easy To Please


    Honey Perfume


    Julia Child


    Mister Lincoln



    Queen Elizabeth

    Touch of Class


    All a’Twitter

    Diamond Eyes

    Gourmet Popcorn

    Rainbow’s End

    Ruby Ruby

    Best Tips for Growing Roses, Herbs, and Edible Flowers

    Introduction to Herbs and Edible Flowers

    Best Herbs and Edible Flowers

    Anise Hyssop



    Lemon Verbena




    French Tarragon

    English Daisy


    Pot Marigold

    Roman Chamomile




    Clove Pink

    Purple Coneflower


    Sweet Woodruff


    Curry Plant



    Sweet Bay

    English Lavender


    German Chamomile

    Lemon Balm


    Bee Balm


    Sweet Basil

    Sweet Marjoram

    Greek Oregano


    Scented Geranium

    Curled Parsley


    Apothecary Rose


    French Sorrel

    Pineapple Sage

    Culinary Sage

    Summer Savory

    Winter Savory


    Mexican Mint Marigold




    Flannel Mullein

    Sweet Violet


    Harvesting and Preserving Herbs


    Hardiness Zone Map

    Photography Credits


    Copyright © 2019 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

    All rights reserved

    Derived from Taylor’s 50 Best Roses and Taylor’s 50 Best Herbs and Edible Flowers, produced by Storey Communications, Inc. Copyright © 1999 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

    For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to [email protected] or to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 3 Park Avenue, 19th Floor, New York, New York 10016.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN 978-0-328-61844-3

    Cover design by Vertigo Design NYC © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

    eISBN 978-1-328-61858-0


    Introduction to Roses

    Roses represent love and beauty. Their colors and fragrance create the standard by which many other flowers are measured. Cultivated around the world for perfume, roses have a sweet and unforgettable scent. Yet many would-be rose gardeners believe they require constant care: pruning, deadheading, training, feeding, and lavish doses of sprays and chemicals. Roses do require attention, particularly the hybrid teas, but their glorious flowers make all your efforts worthwhile.

    The roses in this book were chosen because they are tried-and-true performers under the conditions stated with each selection. Their flowers are lovely, each with a distinctive character and some with fragrances that linger in your memory long after the last rose of autumn has faded away.

    the world of roses

    To simplify your understanding of this large and variable family of flowers, the featured roses have been divided into six groups.

    SPECIES ROSES grow naturally in the wild. Typically, they produce flowers with five petals and come true from seed. They tend to be vigorous, ranging plants, ideal for settings where you want them to spread out and fill with blooms.

    SHRUB ROSES is a class for roses that don’t fit into the other groups. Some were bred by crossing sweet-scented, many-petaled old garden roses and more recent hybrid teas or other modern roses. In this category are ground-cover roses, hybrid rugosa roses, English roses, and others.

    OLD GARDEN ROSES are those that were grown in the nineteenth century and earlier; they were mostly cultivated before 1867, when the first hybrid tea rose was developed. They are further subdivided into approximately thirteen classes, including gallica, alba, Bourbon, tea, damask, and centifolia. Usually they bloom once each growing season, in early summer, finishing before the onslaught of Japanese beetles that devour other roses in much of the country.

    FLORIBUNDAS, GRANDIFLORAS, AND HYBRID TEAS are popular rose groups. While the bushy, cluster-flowering floribundas and grandifloras are a fairly recent development, hybrid teas date back to the mid-eighteenth century. Hybrid tea roses are prized for their elegant high-centered blooms, long stems, and wide choice of colors, as well as their often delightful fragrance.

    CLIMBERS AND RAMBLERS, with training, can grow over trellises, arbors, and buildings. They can also stand alone to form a lush free-form mound.

    MINIATURE ROSES are very small. While a climbing miniature rose may reach 10 feet tall, the typical mini is 8 to 24 inches high. The flowers, leaves, and even thorns are all in scale with one another.

    how to use this book

    Let the pictures that follow inspire you to grow roses of your own. Or, if you already grow roses from one or two categories, study the entries for unfamiliar plants and try something new. Why garden, after all, if you can’t have fun?

    Whichever rose you choose, whether it climbs over an arbor or edges a little flower bed, savor it. Learn about roses firsthand by growing them, nurturing them, moving them when they do not thrive, and replacing them if they die, all the time increasing your knowledge of and joy in what many consider the most perfect of flowers. Included in the account for each kind of rose is information about the necessary growing conditions and vital statistics, as well as bloom time, using the designations common to reference books, rose nursery catalogs, and plant tags. Naturally, the exact date or month varies depending on where you garden and that year’s weather conditions.

    EARLY: This means the rose blooms in late spring or early summer.

    MIDSEASON: The rose begins blooming in early to midsummer.

    ALL SEASON: It blooms continuously, from early summer through fall.


    Individual growing requirements and suggestion for care are included with each rose, but there are some general cultural and maintenance procedures that apply to all roses.


    Take into account the shade tolerance, height, and width of the roses you choose to grow. Leave room for the shrubs to mature.

    preparing the hole

    Dig an ample hole, 2 feet wide and deep (somewhat less for smaller plants), and amend the soil with compost, well-rotted manure, leaf mold, or store-bought humus. If you’re inclined to measure, use at least one part organic material to two parts soil. If your soil is heavy with clay, use sand mixed with humus or crumbly rotted manure to increase the drainage. Add a couple of handfuls of bonemeal or superphosphate to the hole to promote root growth. To avoid compacted soil, don’t plant your rose when the soil is wet.


    For a bareroot rose, soak the roots of the plant in water at least overnight or for 24 hours. Then set it in the hole on a crown of mounded soil and spread out the roots evenly. For a containerized rose, pop it out of its pot and tease apart the roots, especially if they’re congested. Put it in a hole that is larger than the pot it came in. In either case, cover the plant so the bud graft is buried under 1 inch of soil in northern areas; it should be about 1 inch above the soil surface in warm regions. With your hands, pack the soil around the base of the plant. Water deeply.


    After planting, spread a 2-inch layer of mulch such as rotted manure or compost over the root zone to retain moisture and keep the soil cool. Renew in fall after the ground has frozen and again each spring when leaves begin to emerge.


    Once established, mound composted manure around each shrub. You may also fertilize lightly with a complete rose food in spring as buds begin to break and again after the first bloom begins to fade.


    Before bud break, remove dead, damaged, or crowded canes. Information about how much to prune the healthy canes of individual roses is noted with each entry; the best time is generally while the bush is dormant, in late winter or early spring. To shape a rosebush, just trim the branch tips by making an angled cut ¼ inch above an outward-facing bud.


    Roses get mildew and black spot, among other maladies. Always remove and dispose of affected leaves and canes; in fall, rake and remove dead leaves from around the shrub. Spray susceptible bushes each spring just as leaves are emerging and again throughout the season as needed. See individual entries for specific information.

    pest control

    If you live in an area of lush lawns, then Japanese beetles may be a problem. Pick them off by hand in the cool of the morning when they won’t fly away, dropping them into a cup of soapy water to drown them. Spray grassy areas with milky spore or predatory nematodes. Rose stem girdler is a small green beetle that lays its eggs near the base of rose canes. When the soft-bodied grubs hatch, they feed on the stems, causing a swollen area, sometimes accompanied by splitting of the bark. To control, promptly prune out and destroy infested canes.


    Determine the cold hardiness of the roses you like to see if they coincide with the area where you live. Most likely, your property has microclimates where tender plants can remain protected and relatively warm year-round, while others are fully exposed to the elements. In Zones 6 and north, protect roses from winter damage by mounding 12 inches of soil or mulch over the base of each plant in fall after the ground has frozen. The addition of rose cones, or straw and chicken wire, may also be warranted, and helps protect the plants from the devastating effects of freeze and thaw cycles. The following spring, do not bare the roses until danger of frost is past.

    Best Roses

    Apricot Drift

    how to grow

    Apricot Drift thrives in a site with full sun and fertile, moist (though not wet) soil, but it can adapt to average soil conditions. A yearly application of organic mulch, in a 1- to 2-inch-deep layer, helps to keep the roots cool and moist and discourages weed growth around the base of the plants. Prune the plants in later winter to early spring. They flower on new growth, so you can cut them back hard—by one-half to two-thirds—to promote vigorous growth and abundant flowering. Diseases rarely affect this easy-care rose.

    With the time-tested favorite ‘The Fairy’ in its heritage, there’s little wonder that Apricot Drift is an exceptional garden rose. The vigorous plants produce an abundance of clustered small buds that open to double flowers in shades of soft pink to peachy pink. When fully opened, the cupped blooms reveal a small cluster of yellow stamens in the center. They appear in a prolific first flush in late spring, with more flowers appearing through the rest of the growing season. As each flower finishes, its petals drop off neatly, so the plants stay tidy looking. Apricot Drift has a low, mounded growth habit and shiny deep green leaves.



    ZONES: 4–10

    SIZE: 1–2 feet tall, 2–3 feet wide

    BLOOM TIME: All season

    BLOOM WIDTH: 1–2 inches

    FRAGRANCE: Light

    THORNINESS: Moderate

    how to use

    Classified as a ground-cover rose, Apricot Drift is obviously ideal for planting in

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