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Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World
Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World
Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World
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Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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In this New York Times Notable Book, "Mark Miodownik, a materials scientist, explains the history and science behind things such as paper, glass, chocolate, and concrete with an infectious enthusiasm."—Scientific American

Winner of the Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books

Why is glass see-through? What makes elastic stretchy? Why does any material look and behave the way it does? These are the sorts of questions that renowned materials scientist New York Times bestselling author Mark Miodownik constantly asks himself. Studying objects as ordinary as an envelope and as unexpected as concrete cloth, he uncovers the fascinating secrets that hold together our physical world.

In Stuff Matters, Miodownik explores the materials he encounters in a typical morning, from the steel in his razor to the foam in his sneakers. Full of enthralling tales of the miracles of engineering that permeate our lives, his stories of analysis will make you see stuff in a whole new way.

"Stuff Matters is about hidden wonders, the astonishing properties of materials we think boring, banal, and unworthy of attention...It's possible this science and these stories have been told elsewhere, but like the best chocolatiers, Miodownik gets the blend right."—The New York Times Book Review
Release dateMay 27, 2014

Mark Miodownik

Mark Miodownik is professor of materials and society at University College London, where he is also director of the Institute of Making. He is the author of Stuff Matters, a New York Times bestseller which won the National Academy of Sciences Communication Award for Books and the Royal Society Winton Prize, and Liquid Rules, a finalist for the Royal Society Insight Investment Science Book Prize. Mark is a frequent guest on podcasts and NPR, hosts regular shows on the BBC, and was chosen by the Times as one of the one hundred most influential scientists in the UK.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Uber fascinating. Well written. The author brought the materials world alive by making it relatable. We’d have a lot more scientists if our youth learned from teachers like this author. I heartily recommend this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Mark Miodownik examines the materials that surround us, including chocolate, concrete, foam, glass, graphite, implants, paper, plastic, porcelain, and steel. The author dives deep into the scientific properties and history of each. He also relates his own experiences with these substances. I have to admit being surprised at the inclusion of implants and chocolate, as they seem a bit different than the others (but still interesting). There is an unusual “play” in the middle, involving plastics, which did not quite work as well as the other chapters, but I guess he was going for creativity. It is written in a lively manner, accessible, and entertaining manner.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Cool! Written for the lay person, (me), and I found it easy to understand. Really cool materials. Highly recommend
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I have this in hardcover, but I listened to the audiobook from the library. So I’m not sure if my feelings about the book are because I listened to it, or if I’d have felt the same reading it. I do know that Storm in a Teacup is a much better read about slightly similar subjects.

    Stuff Matters is a relatively slim tome covering some of the marvelous ‘stuff’ we live with, and the selection is quite varied: concrete, stainless steel, chocolate, plastics (the most irritating of the chapters), glass, graphite. There was good information about said stuff in here, but I admit it didn’t hold my attention in nearly the same way as Storm in a Teacup.

    The narrator’s voice reminded me strongly of an actor, whose character I can clearly see but can’t place. Very, very British, balding, bow tie, condescending and misanthropic in a humorous way. This might have had something to do with my impressions of the book, too, though I’d have to read the print version to be sure. And someday, I likely will.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Almost everything we touch has had some form of human interaction to change it from one form to another. Some of these interactions are simple, involving the changing of the shape and form, others are much more complex and involve heat and chemical interaction. Using a photo of himself drinking a coffee and eating a bar of chocolate, Miodownik takes us through a range of different materials that you are likely to come across every day, such as glass, steel, plastics, concrete, paper and even chocolate.

    Each chapter takes one aspect of he picture, for example the steel legs of the table, and then he explores the social and historical detail behind the material, from how it was mined, how they used it way back in history, as well as the technological advances that happen to make the material what it is today. Some of the material he writes about are not what you would expect, chocolate for example, but in this he explains some of the chemical processes that are used to change the bitter, fibrous beans to the seductive food that is chocolate. Paper too is an unusual choice, but when you think about it, this is a material that meant that people no longer needed to rely on oral traditions and could communicate with words and drawings and pictures.

    There was never a plastic age, as we have had a stone age and iron age in the past, but I think that you could safely classify the post war years in that way. The first plastics were nitrocellulose, and were used to replace Ivory billiard balls, where as now we have a whole raft of plastic types to choose from, and they can be formed and moulded in many ways. Glass to is an amazing substance. As bill Bryson said in Notes from a Small Island: call me obtuse, but you could stand me on a beach till the end of time and never would it occur to me to try to make it into windows. And it is an amazing material. Naturally fragile, it can be made much tougher by tempering it or by adding thin layers of plastic it becomes bullet proof. Concrete, like glass was a material that the Romans had, whilst they didn’t have the fine control and understanding that the modern chemists and engineers have, they knew how to build with it, so much so that the Pantheon still is the largest unreinforced dome in the world and it is 2000 years old.

    A morning coffee wouldn’t be the same with out a cup to drink it out of, and Miodownik looks at the history of china and porcelain. The finest porcelains were perfected by the Chinese who had almost transparent cups. After the Europeans stole the technology from them, we developed our own industry here using China clay mined in Cornwall. Other material include carbon, available in the ludicrously expensive form of diamond and the much cheaper, and more useful form of graphite.

    Miodownik is well qualified to write this too, he is Professor of Materials at UCL, and his boundless enthusiasm for any and all materials comes across vividly in this book, just like you would see him on the telly in fact. Even though he is vastly experienced and knowledgeable, this is a popular science book, and really does not go into a huge amount of depth on each subject. The writing style is chatty, which will annoy some people no doubt, and I am not sure who convinced him that doing the chapter on plastics as a play would work, because it doesn’t. All that said, this is a good introduction to the things that we see, use, sit on, write with and drink from every day; 3.5 stars though.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Years ago, in college, I made a conscious decision to stay away from all but the (barely) required science classes. I'd enjoyed science in high school, but at this university, science seemed to be highly competitive, aimed at premed and PhD ambitions. If there had been a track for 'science for poets' as sometimes exists today, I would have taken every course. I was probably afraid of the competition, and the math, and had no ambitions for a scientific career. But in high school, especially in chemistry class (which I basically taught myself, the teacher was so bad), what fascinated me was what I later learned was called 'physical chemistry', the structure and behavior of atoms in substance.

    (By the time I'd graduated, my writing was poorer for a lack of scientific metaphor and expanded horizons. And when I think of auditing college classes now, it's always the science courses that interests me.)

    Well, this book is all about physical chemistry, complete with little pictures of things like carbon hexagons and great explanations of the substances discussed. Don't worry about the chapter on paper - didn't interest me much. But the other stuff, the steel chapter, the carbon chapter! Wow.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Most of us don't spend much time thinking about materials science, but that might be a mistake. The materials that make up the tools and products we use every day, from the most mundane (paper clips, anyone?) to the ones you probably don't know exist (I certainly never heard of concrete cloth before), are fascinating not just for what they do, but for how they get that way and how we figured it out.

    This is a fascinating tour through the world of materials science, and Miodownik is very effective at sharing his joy in it.


    I bought this audiobook.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Materials scientist Mark Miodownik provides the reader with an extremely accessible, surprisingly enjoyable and mind-blowingly informative treatise about "stuff"...the building blocks of which items we come into contact with on a daily basis are made. Each chapter explores the history, composition, structure and common usage of a different material, such as concrete, chocolate, glass or porcelain. Miodownik treats his subjects lovingly and with enthusiasm, relating seemingly dry subject matter in such a way that whole new worlds are opened up for the reader and one will never be able to look at a spoon or a street in the same way ever again.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Enjoyable, easy read on the history and properties of certain materials of everyday life. Miodownik talks about steel, paper, concrete, plastic, ceramics, glass, and more...even chocolate! Oddly, his lack of references, other than a short "Further reading" list, didn't bother me. Perhaps because materials was among my least favorites of my engineering classes and he made it fun?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A rather interesting look at materials that enter our lives in all the various shapes and forms we deal with on a daily basis. The author is a British fellow with a Physics background of course.

    The layout is a clever as he is portrayed sitting on a roof top type patio with objects surrounding him as it picks out each topic and discusses origins and applications. A good way to get a sense of how advanced and intertwined the everyday materials we interact with are.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Good read about some interesting areas of material science - and how it becomes the "stuff" of our lives. Especially intriguing was the chapter on foams and gels, most particularly aerogel. Very cool! I like the author's writing style and the way he added personal stories about a material to kick off many of the chapters.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    During my school and college days, I had no inclination towards chemistry whatsoever. If I had a teacher like Miodownik, I'm pretty sure things would be different for me. The ease with which the author explains the complex microscopic world illustrates his hold on the subject.

    The composition and behavior of everyday materials is excellently explained in this little book. Steel, concrete, glass, chocolate, paper are some of the day-to-day items that we see, use and deal with, but are still very ignorant about their importance and impact on our lives.

    Some of things I learned: the way graphite differs from diamond; life, as we know it, is made up of carbon and yet it is a trace element; e-ink is actually a print on 'paper'.

    The chapter on glass was the best one IMHO where the author describes the concept of why glass is transparent in a very picturesque way. Something tells me I'll remember the 'athletics stadium and a pea in center with sparsely populated electron spectators' for a long time to come.

    I agree with some other reviewers about the image - they could be of higher quality.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A look at the composition and characteristics of several commonly used materials. Nicely paced, informative, but not overwhelmingly technical.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not a huge fan of the chapters on paper and celluloid, because the science took a back seat to the "emotional" aspects that Miodownik ascribed to the materials.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was really very interesting, each chapter is devoted to a different material (most common, like steel and concrete, but some obscurely high tech, like aerogel) that goes into the history of how it has been used, what's going on scientifically, like at a molecular level (it was nice understanding why we can see through glass, my comprehension of this lasted about 15 minutes), and what cultural connotations the substances have (like why a concrete building seems more dismal than a brick building).

    My biggest issue is that the author seemed perpetually unaware that his own personal observations aren't always reflective of larger cultural values. I get that when we talk about trends or preferences, we are by definition talking about vague sets of "most" people, there will always be some people who disagree, but he made a lot of things personal that didn't resonate at all with me. I think this was perhaps intended to blend a human touch with the science-based information in the book, but it mostly resulted in me having doubts about his judgement.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The author is a material scientist who holds the position of professor of “materials and society” at University College London. His somewhat quirky title gives a hint about the contents and organization of the book: it deals not only with the incredible and unexpected properties of various man-made materials, but also with the way that humans relate and react to those materials. Ten materials are explored in all, each with a separate chapter.

    I must admit that I found the explanations of the make-up of the materials - especially the ways in which they are not at all the “solids” they appear to be - more interesting than the author’s musings on the way these items shaped society. As the author repeatedly demonstrates:

    "The central idea behind materials science is that changes at … invisibly small scales impact a material’s behavior at the human scale. It is this process that our ancestors stumbled upon to make new materials such as bronze and steel, even though they did not have the microscopes to see what they were doing - an amazing achievement.”

    He shares many fascinating observations about the property of “stuff”: for example, he describes silica aerogel, a material that is 99.8% air, which may be the least dense solid in the universe, but which is being successfully used by NASA to harvest space dust from comets. He explains why diamonds have such unique and remarkable properties, why paperclips bend, and why elastic stretches. And he tells how the use of glass for serving beer changed the whole nature of the brewing industry. Likewise, his observations on how more prosaic materials like paper, steel, ceramics, and concrete were developed and how they shaped the modern world are worth reading.

    On the other hand, I wasn’t so much taken with his inclusion into the narrative mix of “psychophysics,” the study of how humans react sensually to materials.

    Nevertheless, the author is engaging, and there are plenty of photos and diagrams throughout the book to elucidate that which he wants to convey.

    Evaluation: This is a short, easy read with lots of interesting factoids.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Materials science – Mark Miodownik made it very interesting! I was fascinated from the get-go by how he came by his interest in metals, and thence to other materials. And hooked by the first chapter – metals. The porcelain, concrete/cement chapters were also interesting. The only chapter that didn’t grab me was Paper; I guess there was nothing new to me there, or else the author wasn’t as interested, because his enthusiasm was felt in all the other chapters but this one. Most fascinating to me was the chapter which discussed the 3D printer and its application in organ transplants.

    The author kept my attention throughout the whole book. Well written, engaging presentation of materials science.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Enthralling and wittily written tour of materials science, beginning with an anecdote about being attacked with a razor blade. Illustrated with the author's endearingly crappy little drawings. Great fun.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If you’re a science buff this book will not be for you, but for everybody else it’s a wonderful guide to science through a scene from his roof. Miodownik explains some fairly complicated things in an easygoing fashion with simplified diagrams, and one point a movie script. Definitely a good guide to have around.

    Free review copy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An intriging and stimulating book, full of scientific discoveries and concepts. It is written in a style that never condescends, but encourages the less science-minded to delve deeper into material science secrets. This book is for the casually interested, or hardcore science geek, and everyone else in between. And for chocolate lovers, too! Recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Before I picked this up I was already familiar with articles and tv programmes by Mark Midownik and enjoyed both his presenting and writing style. This book was no different bringing our everyday environment into focus by examining the materials that are all around us and of which I give very little thought.I particularly like the manner in which he relates his own life experience to the different materials. Accessible popular science at its very best!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a very interesting book about discoveries and inventions and how one idea builds on another. It focuses on concrete, chocolate, paper, and porcelain.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A brief exploration of materials that make up manufactured things in the world, specifically some of the items seen in the picture of the author enjoying tea on his roof-top in London. The author is a materials scientist, writes lightly and well, has many interesting facts to tell about the making of concrete, porcelain, glass, chocolate and other materials.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Highly entertaining stroll through the world of materials science by looking at some of our most familiar objects - concrete, paper, chocolate - through the author's slightly quirky eyes. Very enjoyable.

Book preview

Stuff Matters - Mark Miodownik

First Mariner Books edition 2015

Copyright © 2013 by Mark Miodownik


For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 215 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003.

First published in the United Kingdom by Penguin Books Ltd 2013

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Miodownik, Mark, author.

Stuff matters : exploring the marvelous materials that shape our man-made world / Mark Miodownik.—First U.S. edition.

pages cm

Reprint of: London : Penguin, 2013.

ISBN 978-0-544-23604-2 (hardback)

ISBN 978-0-544-48394-1 (pbk.)

1. Materials science—Popular works. I. Title.

TA403.2.M56 2014



eISBN 978-0-544-23704-9


For Ruby, Lazlo, and Ida


AS I STOOD ON a train bleeding from what would later be classified as a thirteen-centimeter stab wound, I wondered what to do. It was May 1985, and I had just jumped on to a London Tube train as the door closed, shutting out my attacker, but not before he had slashed my back. The wound stung like a very bad paper cut, and I had no idea how serious it was, but being a schoolboy at the time, embarrassment overcame any sort of common sense. So instead of getting help, I decided the best thing would be to sit down and go home, and so, bizarrely, that is what I did.

To distract myself from the pain, and the uneasy feeling of blood trickling down my back, I tried to work out what had just happened. My assailant had approached me on the platform asking me for money. When I shook my head he got uncomfortably close, looked at me intently, and told me he had a knife. A few specks of spit from his mouth landed on my glasses as he said this. I followed his gaze down to the pocket of his blue anorak. I had a gut feeling that it was just his index finger that was creating the pointed bulge. Even if he did have a knife, it must be so small to fit in that pocket that there was no way it could do me much damage. I owned penknives myself and knew that such a knife would find it very hard to pierce the several layers that I was wearing: my leather jacket, of which I was very proud, my gray wool school blazer beneath it, my nylon V-neck sweater, my cotton white shirt with obligatory striped school tie half knotted, and cotton vest. A plan formed quickly in my head: keep him talking and then push past him on to the train as the doors were closing. I could see the train arriving and was sure he wouldn’t have time to react.

Funnily enough I was right about one thing: he didn’t have a knife. His weapon was a razor blade wrapped in tape. This tiny piece of steel, not much bigger than a postage stamp, had cut through five layers of my clothes, and then through the epidermis and dermis of my skin in one slash without any problem at all. When I saw that weapon in the police station later, I was mesmerized. I had seen razors before of course, but now I realized that I didn’t know them at all. I had just started shaving at the time, and had only seen them encased in friendly orange plastic in the form of a Bic safety razor. As the police quizzed me about the weapon, the table between us wobbled and the razor blade sitting on it wobbled too. In doing so it glinted in the fluorescent lights, and I saw clearly that its steel edge was still perfect, unaffected by its afternoon’s work.

Later I remember having to fill in a form, with my parents anxiously sitting next to me and wondering why I was hesitating. Perhaps I had forgotten my name and address? In truth I had started to fixate on the staple at the top of the first page. I was pretty sure this was made of steel too. This seemingly mundane piece of silvery metal had neatly and precisely punched its way through the paper. I examined the back of the staple. Its two ends were folded snugly against one another, holding the sheaf of papers together in a tight embrace. A jeweler could not have made a better job of it. (Later I found out that the first stapler was hand-made for King Louis XV of France with each staple inscribed with his insignia. Who would have thought that staplers have royal blood?) I declared it exquisite and pointed it out to my parents, who looked at each other in a worried way, thinking no doubt that I was having a nervous breakdown.

Which I suppose I was. Certainly something very odd was going on. It was the birth of my obsession with materials—starting with steel. I suddenly became ultra-sensitive to its being present everywhere. I saw it in the tip of the ballpoint pen I was using to fill out the police form; it jangled at me from my dad’s key ring while he waited, fidgeting; later that day it sheltered and took me home, covering the outside of our car in a layer no thicker than a postcard. Strangely, I felt that our steel Mini, usually so noisy, was on its best behavior that day, materially apologizing for the stabbing incident. When we got home I sat down next to my dad at the kitchen table, and we ate my mum’s soup together in silence. Then I paused, realizing I even had a piece of steel in my mouth. I consciously sucked the stainless steel spoon I had been eating my soup with, then took it out and studied its bright shiny appearance, so shiny that I could even see a distorted reflection of myself in it. What is this stuff? I said, waving the spoon at my dad. And why doesn’t it taste of anything? I put it back in my mouth to check, and sucked it assiduously.

Then a million questions poured out. How is it that this one material does so much for us, and yet we hardly talk about it? It is an intimate character in our lives—we put it in our mouths, use it to get rid of unwanted hair, drive around in it—it is our most faithful friend, and yet we hardly know what makes it tick. Why does a razor blade cut while a paper clip bends? Why are metals shiny? Why, for that matter, is glass transparent? Why does everyone seem to hate concrete but love diamond? And why is it that chocolate tastes so good? Why does any material look and behave the way it does?

Since the stabbing incident, I have spent the vast majority of my time obsessing about materials. I’ve studied materials science at Oxford University, I’ve earned a PhD in jet engine alloys, and I’ve worked as a materials scientist and engineer in some of the most advanced laboratories around the world. Along the way, my fascination with materials has continued to grow—and with it my collection of extraordinary samples of them. These samples have now been incorporated into a vast library of materials built together with my friends and colleagues Zoe Laughlin and Martin Conreen. Some are impossibly exotic, such as a piece of NASA aerogel, which being 99.8 percent air resembles solid smoke; some are radioactive, such as the uranium glass I found at the back of an antique shop in Australia; some are small but stupidly heavy, such as ingots of the metal tungsten extracted painstakingly from the mineral wolframite; some are utterly familiar but have a hidden secret, such as a sample of self-healing concrete. Taken together, this library of more than a thousand materials represents the ingredients that built our world, from our homes, to our clothes, to our machines, to our art. The library is now located and maintained at the Institute of Making which is part of University College London. You could rebuild our civilization from the contents of this library, and destroy it too.

Yet there is a much bigger library of materials containing millions of materials, the biggest ever known, and it is growing at an exponential rate: the man-made world itself. Consider the photograph on page xiv. It pictures me drinking tea on the roof of my flat. It is unremarkable in most ways, except that when you look carefully it provides a catalog of the stuff from which our whole civilization is made. This stuff is important. Take away the concrete, the glass, the textiles, the metal, and the other materials from the scene, and I am left naked, shivering in midair. We may like to think of ourselves as civilized, but that civilization is in large part bestowed by material wealth. Without this stuff, we would quickly be confronted by the same basic struggle for survival that animals are faced with. To some extent, then, what allows us to behave as humans are our clothes, our homes, our cities, our stuff, which we animate through our customs and language. (This becomes clear if you ever visit a disaster zone.) The material world is not just a display of our technology and culture, it is part of us. We invented it, we made it, and in turn it makes us who we are.

The fundamental importance of materials to us is apparent from the names we have used to categorize the stages of civilization—the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age—with each new era of human existence being brought about by a new material. Steel was the defining material of the Victorian era, allowing engineers to give full rein to their dreams of creating suspension bridges, railways, steam engines, and passenger liners. The great engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel used it to transform the landscape and sowed the seeds of modernism. The twentieth century is often hailed as the Age of Silicon, after the breakthrough in materials science that ushered in the silicon chip and the information revolution. Yet this is to overlook the kaleidoscope of other new materials that also revolutionized modern living at that time. Architects took mass-produced sheet glass and combined it with structural steel to produce skyscrapers that invented a new type of city life. Product and fashion designers adopted plastics and transformed our homes and dress. Polymers were used to produce celluloid and ushered in the biggest change in visual culture for a thousand years: the cinema. The development of aluminum alloys and nickel superalloys enabled us to build jet engines and fly cheaply, thus accelerating the collision of cultures. Medical and dental ceramics allowed us to rebuild ourselves and redefine disability and aging—and, as the term plastic surgery implies, materials are often the key to new treatments used to repair our faculties (hip replacements) or enhance our features (silicone implants for breast enlargement). Gunther von Hagens’s Body Worlds exhibitions also testify to the cultural influence of new biomaterials, inviting us to contemplate our physicality in both life and death.

This book is for those who want to decipher the material world we have constructed and find out where these materials came from, how they work, and what they say about us. The materials themselves are often surprisingly obscure, despite being all around us. On first inspection they rarely reveal their distinguishing features and often blend into the background of our lives. Most metals are shiny and gray; how many people can spot the difference between aluminum and steel? Woods are clearly different from each other, but how many people can say why? Plastics are confusing; who knows the difference between polythene and polypropylene? I have chosen as my starting point and inspiration for the contents of this book the photo of me on my roof. I have picked ten materials found in that photo to tell the story of stuff. For each I try to uncover the desire that brought it into being, I decode the materials science behind it, I marvel at our technological prowess in being able to make it, but most of all I try to express why it matters.

Along the way, we find that, as with people, the real differences between materials are deep below the surface, a world that is shut off from most unless they have access to sophisticated scientific equipment. So to understand materiality, we must necessarily journey away from the human scale of experience into the inner space of materials. It is at this microscopic scale that we discover why some materials smell and others are odorless; why some materials can last for a thousand years and others become yellow and crumble in the sun; how it is that some glass can be bulletproof, while a wine glass shatters at the slightest provocation. The journey into this microscopic world reveals the science behind our food, our clothes, our gadgets, our jewelry, and of course our bodies.

But while the physical scale of this world is much smaller, we will find that its timescale is often dramatically bigger. Take, for example, a piece of thread, which exists at the same scale as hair. Thread is a man-made structure at the limit of our eyesight that has allowed us to make ropes, blankets, carpets, and, most importantly, clothes. Textiles are one of the earliest man-made materials. When we wear a pair of jeans, or any other piece of clothing, we are wearing a miniature woven structure, the design of which is much older than Stonehenge. Clothes have kept us warm and protected for all of recorded history, as well as keeping us fashionable. But they are high-tech too. In the twentieth century we learned how to make space suits from textiles strong enough to protect astronauts on the Moon; we made solid textiles for artificial limbs; and from a personal perspective, I am happy to note the development of stab-proof underwear woven from a synthetic high-strength fiber called Kevlar. This evolution of our materials technologies over thousands of years is something I return to again and again in this book.

Each new chapter presents not just a different material but a different way of looking at it—some take a primarily historical perspective, others a more personal one; some are conspicuously dramatic, others more coolly scientific; some emphasize a material’s cultural life, others its astonishing technical abilities. All the chapters are a unique blend of these approaches, for the simple reason that materials and our relationships with them are too diverse for a single approach to suit them all. The field of materials science provides the most powerful and coherent framework for understanding them technically, but there is more to materials than the science. After all, everything is made from something, and those who make things—artists, designers, cooks, engineers, furniture makers, jewelers, surgeons, and so on—all have a different understanding of the practical, emotional, and sensual aspect of their materials. It is this diversity of material knowledge that I have tried to capture.

For instance, the chapter on paper is in the form of a series of snapshots not just because paper comes in many forms but because it is used by pretty much everyone in a myriad of different ways. The chapter on biomaterials, on the other hand, is a journey deep into the interstices of our material selves: our bodies, in fact. This is a terrain that is rapidly becoming the Wild West of materials science, where new materials are opening up a whole new area of bionics, allowing the body to be rebuilt with the help of bio-implants designed to mesh intelligently with our flesh and blood. Such materials have profound ramifications for society as they promise to change fundamentally our relationship with ourselves.

Because everything is ultimately built from atoms, we cannot avoid talking about the rules that govern them, which are described by the theory known as quantum mechanics. This means that, as we enter the atomic world of the small, we must abandon common sense utterly, and talk instead of wave functions and electron states. A growing number of materials are being designed from scratch at this scale, and can perform seemingly impossible tasks. Silicon chips designed using quantum mechanics have already brought about the information age. Solar cells designed in a similar way have the potential to solve our energy problems using only sunshine. But we are not there yet, and still rely on oil and coal. Why? In this book I try to shed some light on the limits of what we can hope to achieve by examining the great new hope in this arena: graphene.

The central idea behind materials science is that changes at these invisibly small scales impact a material’s behavior at the human scale. It is this process that our ancestors stumbled upon to make new materials such as bronze and steel, even though they did not have the microscopes to see what they were doing—an amazing achievement. When you hit a piece of metal you are not just changing its shape, you are changing the inner structure of the metal. If you hit it in a particular way, this inner structure changes in such a way that the metal gets harder. Our ancestors knew this from experience even though they didn’t know why. This gradual accumulation of knowledge got us from the Stone Age to the twentieth century before any real appreciation of the structure of materials was understood. The importance of that empirical understanding of materials, encapsulated in such crafts as the blacksmith’s, remains: we know almost all of the materials in this book with our hands as well as our heads.

This sensual and personal relationship with stuff has fascinating consequences. We love some materials despite their flaws, and loathe others even if they are more practical. Take ceramic. It is the material of dining: of our plates, bowls, and cups. No home or restaurant is complete without this material. We have been using it since we invented agriculture thousands of years ago, and yet ceramics are chronically prone to chip, crack, and shatter at the most inconvenient times. Why haven’t we moved to tougher materials, such as plastic or metal for our plates and cups? Why have we stuck with ceramic despite its mechanical shortcomings? This type of question is studied by a vast variety of academics, including archaeologists and anthropologists, as well as designers and artists. But there is also a scientific discipline especially dedicated to systematically investigating our sensual interactions with materials. This discipline, called psychophysics, has made some very interesting discoveries. For instance, studies of crispness have shown that the sound created by certain foods is as important to our enjoyment of them as their taste. This has inspired some chefs to create dishes with added sound effects. Some potato chip manufacturers, meanwhile, have increased not just the crunchiness of their chips but the noisiness of the chip bag itself. I explore the psychophysical aspects of materials in a chapter on chocolate and show that it has been a major driver of innovation for centuries.

This book is by no means an exhaustive survey of materials and their relationship to human culture, but rather a snapshot of how they affect our lives, and how even the most innocuous of activities like drinking tea on a roof is founded on a deep material complexity. You don’t have to go into a museum to wonder at how history and technology have affected human culture; their effects are all around you now. Most of the time we ignore them. We have to: we would be treated as lunatics if we spent the whole time running our fingers down a concrete wall and sighing. But there are times for such contemplation: being stabbed in a Tube station was one of them for me, and I hope this book provides another for you.



I HAD NEVER BEEN asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement in the bathroom of a pub before, so it came as something of a relief to discover that this was all that Brian was asking me to do. I had met Brian for the first time only an hour earlier. We were in Sheehan’s, a pub in Dun Laoghaire that wasn’t far from where I worked at the time in Dublin. Brian was a red-faced man in his sixties with a walking stick for his bad leg. He was smartly dressed in a suit and had thinning gray hair with a yellowish tinge. He chain-smoked Silk Cut cigarettes. Once Brian found out that I was a scientist he guessed rightly that I would be interested to hear stories of his life in London in the 1970s, when he was in the right place at the right time to trade Intel 4004 silicon chips, which he imported in boxes of twelve thousand for £1 each and sold in small batches to the fledgling computer industry for £10 each. When I mentioned that I was researching metal alloys in the Mechanical Engineering Department of University College Dublin, he looked pensive and was quiet for the first time. I took this as an opportune moment to head to the bathroom.

The non-disclosure agreement was scrawled on a piece of paper which he had clearly just ripped out of his notebook. The contents were brief. They stated that he was going to explain his invention to me but I had to keep it confidential. In return he was to pay me one Irish pound. I asked him to tell me more, but he comically mimed the zipping of his lips. I wasn’t quite sure why we had to have this conversation in a bathroom stall. Over his shoulder I saw other drinkers come in and out of

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