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Ebook74 pages25 minutes


Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The lively ‘bears’ in this playful and poignant collection will surprise you on every page. They are poems of love and death, life, loss and grief. The ephemera of popular culture is used to confront mortality, and you’ll be transported from the British Library to the Alps to the International Space Station, along with a vibrant cast of Vikings, videogames and Angela Lansbury. From the ludicrous to the domestic, these profound, wry and very real bears affirm that hope may be found even in our darkest moments.
Release dateJul 7, 2017

Chrissy Williams

Chrissy Williams is a poet, editor and tutor based in London. Her work has been featured by the BBC and her first book-length collection Bear (Bloodaxe Books, 2017) was one of the Telegraph's 50 Best Books of the Year. The author of numerous pamphlets, her work has been shortlisted for the Michael Marks Award, and published in many magazines and anthologies including Poetry, Poetry Review, Poetry London and Salt's Best British Poetry series. She is editor of the online poetry journal PERVERSE, and previously worked both at the National Poetry Library and as Director of the Poetry Book Fair. She is also an improviser and edits comics, including the New York Times bestselling The Wicked + The Divine. Her second book-length collection, Low, is published by Bloodaxe in 2021.

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    Book preview

    Bear - Chrissy Williams



    The lively ‘bears’ in this playful and poignant collection will surprise you on every page. They are poems of love and death, life, loss and grief. The ephemera of popular culture is used to confront mortality, and you’ll be transported from the British Library to the Alps to the International Space Station, along with a vibrant cast of Vikings, videogames and Angela Lansbury. From the ludicrous to the domestic, these profound, wry and very real bears affirm that hope may be found even in our darkest moments.

    Chrissy Williams has published several pamphlets, one of which was shortlisted for a Michael Marks Award. Bear is her first book-length collection.

    ‘Chrissy Williams is my new favourite poet. These poems are as close and intimate as a bear breathing down your neck, about to take you in its arms or tear you limb from limb; as strange and unexpected as a bear playing the piano and as beautiful and inexplicable as love.’ – Luke Kennard

    ‘In spite of its almost absurdist character and apparent playfulness, Chrissy Williams’s Bear is a collection of poems that deal with all that is most serious in human life. From start to finish, these wonderfully various, entertaining and original poems speak the language of compassion, intimacy and faith.’ – Annie Freud

    ‘A pleasure in pluralism.’ – Richard O’Brien, Poetry London

    ‘Fasten your seatbelts. Something powerful is taking off here.’ – Christie Williamson, Sphinx

    Cover artwork: Tom Humberstone (




    Title Page



    Bear of the Artist



    Robot Unicorn Attack


    The Lost

    Green Lake


    Sonnet for Zookeeper

    On Getting Boney M’s Cover of ‘Mary’s Boy Child’ by Harry Belafonte Stuck in My Head


    from Groundhog Day

    The art of editing

    Poem in Which I Respond to Notes in the Margins of Ian Hamilton Finlay’s Selections

    Bedroom Filled With Foam

    Wet Days Are the Worst

    Over Dave’s Trousers


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