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Private Guards and National Security:: -Issues, Challenges and Opportunities/Prospects
Private Guards and National Security:: -Issues, Challenges and Opportunities/Prospects
Private Guards and National Security:: -Issues, Challenges and Opportunities/Prospects
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Private Guards and National Security:: -Issues, Challenges and Opportunities/Prospects

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The private guard security sub-sector has been overlooked all this while considering matters of national security. The purpose of this book is to unravel the significance of private security guard companies to national security, also the sector’s critical roles in community policing and economic development; how government can explore its advantages to ensure an effective security network. I believe that this opportunity will enhance intelligence gathering, good communication and prompt response to emergencies. The major security problem Nigeria is facing today is inadequate synergy among security agencies and the public. It appears every security agency operates independently of other sister security agencies. No single security agency has the sole capacity to effectively secure a nation as the situation at present is worrisome. Ideally, no security agency should assume alpha and omega in security matters or see itself as more important than others. This mentality of “I am more important than others” has affected efficient security networks, information sharing, intelligence gathering, crime prevention also responding to emergencies. The immediate solution to Nigeria’s security challenge hinges on the synergism among all stakeholders: security agencies and members of the community.
Release dateJan 27, 2023
Private Guards and National Security:: -Issues, Challenges and Opportunities/Prospects

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    Book preview

    Private Guards and National Security: - Abusanh Baidu Benedict

    © 2023 Abusanh Baidu Benedict. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  01/27/2023

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8044-6 (sc)

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    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8043-9 (e)

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    Chapter 1   Security

    Security guards

    Differences between police and private security guards

    Standards of operation for security companies

    Benefits of hiring security guards

    Security guards and national security

    Wrong perceptions about security guards

    The importance of private guards to national security and the economy

    Chapter 2   Basic Security Terms and Their Meanings


    Report writing

    Patrol and vigilance


    Public relations

    Dress code

    Chapter 3   Managing a Security Company

    Background checks

    How to hire desirable security guards

    Supervising security guards

    Contract agreement

    Termination of beat

    Relationship between security operatives and clients

    Qualities of good security guards

    Common offences of security guards

    Chapter 4   Residential Security

    Types of residential buildings

    Areas of focus in residential security

    Common mistakes security guards make in residential beats

    Ways forward/steps to be taken

    Chapter 5   Hotel Security

    Nature of hotel crimes

    Prevention of crime in hotels

    In-house security and outsourced security

    Signs of crime operatives should be watching out for in a hotel

    How to manage a crisis in a hotel

    The need for a good security network in hotels

    Chapter 6   High School Security

    The role of the community in school security

    School management and security

    School security threats

    Benefits of hiring security guards in schools


    Why schools need security

    Chapter 7   Security Consciousness in Nigeria

    Why security consciousness among Nigerians is below average

    The consequences of poor security awareness

    Neighbourhood watch as key to effective crime prevention and crime fighting

    How to have an effective neighbourhood watch association

    The way forward



    I am indebted to spiderwebs security Bauchi for recruiting me and for the thorough training and discipline. This training and discipline lay the foundation for my success in private security. Also, I am grateful to Behaviour security services Abuja for exposing me to the routment of security management, leadership and intelligence gathering. Particularly, I wish to thank the director of behaviour security services Femi Ogummodede for his mentorship. I also want to express my gratitude to the chairman of the Behaviour security service Prof. Olu ogunsakin for his mentorship I am most sincerely grateful to my wife Amarachi, without her encouragement motivation and financial support, this book would have remained in the manuscript it would have been impossible for me to get the manuscript to publication. I thank my children Joy and Divine who was also with me in the house when I was working on this book


    The greatest challenge of mankind today is security, and how to create an environment conducive to living. Governments, organizations, and individuals have spent fortunes to protect life and property from internal and external aggression, yet no nation in the world today is completely safe from crime. It seems that the more populated a nation becomes, the greater the rate of crime and security threats it experiences.

    There is no doubt that we are living in dangerous times. No place is safe. The lives of men and women are under constant threat by hardened criminals. People are killed in their homes and offices, and many are committing suicide due to depression. Religion centres are increasingly targeted by extremists. The more security agencies develop ways to deal with these criminals, the more criminals develop ways to outsmart security agencies.

    Every human endeavour needs some measure of security to ensure sustainability. The level or the degree to which a human endeavour is secured determines how effective and beneficial it will be for people. A viable economy requires economic security. A viable health facility requires health security. A viable educational institution requires education security. An efficient and effective office is an office that is well secured. Residential areas, hotels, and schools all require effective security.

    The extent to which a community is secured determines the prosperity, peace, and general development of that community—or nation. Businesses can only thrive in a secure environment. Peace can only reign in a secure community. Investors can only invest in countries where their capital will be safe. Where there is a low level of threat to life and property, a nation will experience economic development and social growth.

    Securing the environment requires a deliberate effort by all stakeholders to ensure that homes, offices, hotels, playgrounds, and social events are safe from crime. Globally, every nation is battling a rise in crime and potential threats, both within and outside of the community. Nigeria, for instance, has never before experienced the kind of security challenges she faces today. The rate at which crime is growing in Nigeria is alarming. Armed robbery, kidnapping, communal crises, banditry, farmers-herders crises, rape, suicide bombing, and perennial poverty make our communities today unsafe, and make it hard to combat crime.

    It will take the collective efforts of members of the community to effectively combat crime. The government’s security agencies are doing their best, but this is not sufficient. To reduce crime in our communities, there must be collaboration between the government, non-governmental organizations, and citizens.

    The role of security guards in complementing security manpower in Nigeria is crucial now, especially when police lack adequate hands and motivation. The private security subsector has been overlooked when considering matters of national security. The purpose of this book is to reveal the significance of private security guards and companies to communities; their critical role in national security and community policing; and how governments can explore the advantages of private guards to ensure an effective security network. I believe that this opportunity will enhance intelligence-gathering, good communication, and prompt response to emergencies.

    The major security problem Nigeria is facing today is inadequate synergy among security agencies and the general public. It appears that every security agency operates independently of its sister security agencies. No single agency has the capacity to effectively secure a nation, and the situation at present is worrisome. Ideally, no security agency should assume alpha and omega in security matters or see itself as most important. This mentality of I am more important than others has impaired the efficiency of security networks, information-sharing, intelligence-gathering, crime prevention, and emergency response. The immediate solution to Nigeria’s security challenges hinges on synergy among all stakeholders, including security agencies and members of the community.


    Security means to secure a thing. To secure something means not only to ensure the physical protection of an item but also to ensure that the item serves the purpose it is meant for. The physical presence of something does not mean the thing is secure and safe until it serves its purpose. A car parked under the care of a security operative could be assumed to be safe and secure until rodents start feasting on the car and perhaps the engine gets damaged. When that happens and the car owner cannot move the car, then the car is physically present but not secured to its function.

    Providing security to life and property means people and things must be not only safe but also able to function. The Cambridge English Dictionary defines security as protection. This implies the protection of persons, buildings, organizations, or countries against external and internal threats. Security is the degree of resistance to or protection from harm. This applies to vulnerable or valuable assets such as persons, dwelling places, communities, items, nations, or organizations.

    Physical security, which deals with life and prosperity, will result in psychological security. On the other hand, insecurity of life and property

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