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Yamanba, the Mountain Witch: A Japanese Reader for Upper Beginners
Yamanba, the Mountain Witch: A Japanese Reader for Upper Beginners
Yamanba, the Mountain Witch: A Japanese Reader for Upper Beginners
Ebook163 pages1 hour

Yamanba, the Mountain Witch: A Japanese Reader for Upper Beginners

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★For Upper Beginners Learning Japanese ★
Living in shadows and the in-between world of dreams and reality, yokai thrive in Japanese imagination. What are yokai? They are monsters, ghosts, unnatural beings, and even sentient household items. Yokai can be harmless and amusing, or they can be terrifying. 
Now you can learn about yokai and read stories of them while polishing your Japanese. ♥
The 山姥(やまんば) is a scary youkai mountain witch. She eats whoever enters her mountain. In this volume, we’ll look at two legends involving the 山姥(やまんば).
The first is about an ox-cart man (someone who made deliveries) who encountered a 山姥(やまんば). The second story is about a young priest who has three magic charms to protect him from the 山姥(やまんば).


Includes two full stories

Each story is presented in three formats: 

1) Sentence-by-Sentence with definition and commentary below 

2) Japanese only (to test your reading ability) 

3) English translation (to confirm your understanding)

The Sentence-by Sentence section of each story presents a small chunk of the Japanese with furigana over the kanji and a complete glossary of all the words; important grammatical patterns are pointed out and explained in plain English

A link to download sound files for the stories is provided (for no extra charge) on the last page of the book

Each story has a slow and normal speed recording of the Japanese read by Yumi

 ① Ushikata and the Yamanba
 ② Yamanba and the Three Magic Charms

This book is designed so that both those fairly new to Japanese and those in the intermediate stages can equally find value. The ideal level, however, is for the upper beginner, somewhere around the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) N4. 
If you are learning Japanese and are fascinated by yokai and traditional tales of old Japan, click the Buy Now button to begin studying now. 


PublisherKotoba Inc
Release dateDec 22, 2022
Yamanba, the Mountain Witch: A Japanese Reader for Upper Beginners

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    Yamanba, the Mountain Witch - Clay Boutwell

    Learn Japanese with Yokai!


    VOLUME 6

    A Japanese Reader for Upper Beginners

    Clay & Yumi Boutwell

    Copyright © 2022 Kotoba Books

    All rights reserved.

    Makoto Monthly E-Zine for Learners of Japanese

    Japanese lessons and stories with sound files.

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    The key to learning vocabulary is, quite simply, reading. Not only are you more likely to pick up words that interest you, you also learn them in context. Add to this active studying by writing new words down in a journal or add them to an Anki deck (Anki is a free flashcard software program) for additional practice.

    Meet the new word in context, isolate it, and then review it until you make that word or phrase your own.

    This series on the legendary Japanese creatures called yokai goes one step further by adding sound files of the Japanese. Improve your listening comprehension while building your vocabulary, kanji, and reading skills.

    The link to download the files is on the last page. If you have any trouble accessing the files, please email us at [email protected].


    By choosing short essays, the intimidation factor is greatly reduced. Not only that, but we divide the stories into tiny, easy-to-swallow segments with complete explanations to give you confidence as you read real Japanese page by page.

    After you have gone through the story with a glossary, try reading it again in full Japanese.


    This book is designed so that both those fairly new to Japanese and those in the intermediate stages can equally find value. The ideal level, however, is for the upper beginner, somewhere around the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) N4.

    These readers are a little more challenging than our Japanese dialogues or the fairy tale series (Japanese Reader Collection). If you are just starting out, check out our beginner digital toolkit at


    Line-by-line: Read the story broken down line-by-line with nearly every vocabulary word defined and explained.

    Grammatical Notes: In the glossary, we also go through important grammatical patterns found in the story and attempt to explain them in plain English.

    Full Japanese: Read the full story in real Japanese.

    English Version: Lastly, we are including a simple English translation. This should be avoided until you are sure you understand the story or find it too difficult to figure out on your own.

    You may want to try to read the story in Japanese while listening to the sound files first. Or if you are a beginner, it may be better to go through the line-by-line story before attempting the full Japanese text. Any way you do it, this book offers several ways to read, listen, and learn. Remember to write down or add to Anki any unknown vocabulary for later review.

    Kanji in Focus: This section helps with the incredibly difficult task of learning those pesky Chinese characters. We take many of the kanji found in the stories and present the readings, meaning(s), and give an example vocabulary word:

    Sound Files: For no extra charge, download two MP3s for each story. One is read at a normal speed and the other at a slow, easy-to-follow pace. The download link is found on the last page. If you have ANY trouble downloading, please email us at [email protected].

    Makoto+ Shogun members have access to many readers like this book in a fun, interactive web format. To learn more, go to


    The 山姥(やまんば) is a scary youkai mountain witch. She eats whoever enters her mountain. In this volume, we’ll look at two legends involving the 山姥(やまんば).

    The first is about an ox-cart man (someone who made deliveries) who encountered a 山姥(やまんば). The second story is about a young priest who has three magic charms to protect him from the 山姥(やまんば).


    Yumi was a popular radio DJ in Japan for over ten years. She has extensive training in standard Japanese pronunciation which makes her perfect for creating these language instructional audio files. Clay has been a passionate learner of Japanese for over twenty years now. Clay started, back in 1999 as a way to help other learners of Japanese as well as himself.

    In 2002, they started to help students of Japanese get hard-to-find Japanese books. Many of their books are available in discounted digital bundles at:

    Clay & Yumi Boutwell (and Makoto & Megumi) in Fukui, Japan

    Yumi and I are very grateful for your purchase and we truly hope this book will help you improve your Japanese. We love our customers and don’t take a single one of you for granted. If you have any questions about this book or Japanese in general, I invite you to contact us below by email [email protected]

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