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Mind Body Wellness
Mind Body Wellness
Mind Body Wellness
Ebook163 pages1 hour

Mind Body Wellness

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About this ebook

To live in harmony with nature's plan requires that we unite with mind, body, and spirit. If we merely identify with our body, for example, as many people do, our happiness is subject to our material form. Then what happens to our self-image as our body ages, or we become ill? It is for this reason that many people mistakenly identify with their illness or their aging body at this point in their life; but that is not who they are.


By appreciating we are composed of the material and non-material self, our body moves towards higher states of health, radiant energy, beauty and the vitality of life flowing through it. Allow me to render a caveat at this point: it takes time and commitment to develop into the person I am describing here. What is the hurry? The urgency to lose weight NOW is merely a marketing tactic to deprive us of our hard-earned dollars.


Nature does not subscribe to this ideal, nor should we. She is patient and endearing. Humans are the only mammals where the young have the longest developmental period – there is a reason and purpose to nature's timing. Slow and steady is Nature's trademark – there is no haste or urgency to life.


In keeping with this line of thought, health is not an event, rather it is a PROCESS which evolves. There is no need to rush the process of life. A person living in alignment with their authentic nature knows that any disturbance to their wellbeing is only transient. They have a universal view that life is an enduring process. They are not invested in their mental or emotional state, knowing that thoughts and emotions come and go like ocean tides. They witness their thoughts like waves crashing into the shoreline. They know that in time, these thoughts too shall pass; much like the changing seasons.


Mind Body Wellness e-book is about appreciating the value of your health and wellbeing in a different light. I assure you that as you connect with mind, body, and spirit, your life will transform. You will look back with uncertainty and not understand why it took so long to achieve a blissful state of being. Remember: patience and persistence will undoubtedly prosper in the long term. You should make it a priority from this moment forward to grow into somebody worthy of living an authentic and captivating life.

PublisherTony Fahkry
Release dateDec 16, 2022
Mind Body Wellness

Tony Fahkry

Tony is a leading self-empowerment author, expert speaker and coach. His comprehensive self-empowerment program, The Power to Navigate Life, teaches participants how to achieve mental, emotional and physical well-being using easy to follow principles. The book which bears the same name is testimony to the principles espoused in the program. The book achieved local and international attention with NY Times Best Selling author Dr. Eldon Taylor contributing the foreword. His follow-up book, Reconstructing the Past to Create a Remarkable Future, gained the attention of international author Dr. Joe Vitale from The Secret who wrote the foreword. He has written a third book titled: Awaken Your Authentic Self whose foreword is written by the acclaimed spiritual author Dennis Merritt Jones. Tony has a strong online writing profile in self-empowerment for websites including: Thought Catalog, Medium, Thrive Global, Mogul, Scriggler, SelfGrowth, EzineArticles, Rizzarr, LinkedIn Pulse, Sivana East, Pick the Brain and more. He works with a number of Australia’s leading CEOs and other executives.

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    Book preview

    Mind Body Wellness - Tony Fahkry

    What is Health ?

    During recent times, the concept of health and well- being has grown to include a number of other areas.

    These days, health is considered to be a multidimensional concept that includes: social, mental, physical, environmental, and emotional aspects.

    Wellness is another concept which has had media exposure. What is wellness? How do you become well?

    Wellness can be defined as the measure of our status in each of the dimensions of health outlined above.

    Therefore, in order that you become congruent with health and wellness, I suggest you be aligned in each of the aforementioned dimensions. Alignment refers

    to being active and having a conscious understanding of how these ideas show up in your life.

    Many people may have active and healthy social health due to the nature of their jobs. This may be to the detriment of their physical health since they spend a great deal of time drinking and engaging in toxic social behavior. The key to achieving success in these areas is bringing a balance and order to each one of them and not allowing one to override the other.

    I have been talking about emotional health for many years now at both a client level and during seminars and workshops. I have witnessed many clients deny their emotional well- being, believing that denying it would allow it to go away or get better. This notion is far from the truth.


    Dimensions of health defined

    We previously defined a number of areas relating to health

    and also gave a descriptive definition of wellness.

    Let us examine these definitions more thoroughly so that we have a working model as we explore these ideas.

    Social health

    Social health may be defined as the ability to ‘get along’ with others, including: family members, friends and colleagues, giving and receiving love or friendship and feeling goodwill toward others. Most of us take this for granted. As we move into a technological age that is built on social platform media, we are seeing a shift in the way we communicate and relate- to others.

    This is clearly evident when you take public transport. Observe the number of people wired to iPod’s or other musical devices. I take public transport from time to time. I can recall many instances where people were reluctant to engage in direct conversation. They thought it was odd that a complete stranger would start a conversation. Yet, we’re more than happy to initiate conversations, meetings and even dating behind the safety of a computer screen. Most of the interactions of today’s youth are and will continue to be electronically based.

    Examine your social practices and review anything which you are uncomfortable with or wish to change. The brain is very astute in subtle changes in relation to social interactions. There are many reported cases of people suffering social phobias that may become crippling to the degree of requiring psychological intervention.

    The more you engage yourself in social scenarios that require you to step out of your comfort zone, the better equipped your mind becomes to accommodate and make adjustments in these areas. Facial recognition and the ability to interpret human facial expression is an area activated within the brain called the fusiform gyrus. This area becomes more active and makes stronger network connection the more it is used.

    Mental health

    According to Wikipedia, mental health is defined as: an individual's ability to enjoy life and procure a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience. Mental health is an expression of our emotions and signifies a successful adaptation to a range of demands.

    The above definition refers to being united with your thoughts. The suggestion is that you are at peace with yourself in thought and do not have an internal conflict or dialogue going against your natural state of well-being.

    Mental health can be a difficult area to diagnose when one is out of balance, since the outward signs may not be obvious.

    One of the greatest influences on my own mental health has been the development of spiritual service and regular personal development. I will discuss these concepts more in detail later. To use a metaphor, you are developing and extending the ability of your mind to be your humble servant. This is opposed to your mind becoming your slave. Working on yourself and extending your mind’s ability to deal with external situations in life nurtures personal growth.

    My aim in writing Awaken Your Authentic Self e-book is to share some of these ideas with you, since it has afforded me a great deal of joy and inspiration in the process.

    Being in spiritual service requires that you become aligned to life’s greater purpose and mystery. It requires practice and understanding of universal laws and principles which govern humanity. Laws such as karma and giving are two main principles that bring one into alignment with a greater meaning.

    The other area I mentioned is personal development. According to Wikipedia, personal development or personal growth is the process of allowing oneself to become guided by improving who you wish to become. Attainment of goals, tasks, plans or actions is orientated toward fulfilling some of the following aims:

    ▪  improving self-awareness and self-knowledge,

    ▪  building identity,

    ▪  developing or strengthening talents,

    ▪  improving or identifying potential,

    ▪  enhancing lifestyle or the quality of life,

    ▪  fulfilling aspirations and improving social abilities.

    When self-awareness and self-knowledge are combined with health and wellness, a wonderful life begins to emerge—a life filled with meaning, purpose, direction, joy,

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