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Process Improvement Using Six Sigma: A DMAIC Guide
Process Improvement Using Six Sigma: A DMAIC Guide
Process Improvement Using Six Sigma: A DMAIC Guide
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Process Improvement Using Six Sigma: A DMAIC Guide

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In order to stay competitive, organizations need to continuously improve their processes. The purpose of this book is to provide the practitioner with the necessary tools and techniques with which to implement a systematic approach to process improvement initiatives using the Six Sigma methodology.

While there are many self-help books out there, here the topics are discussed in a way so as to remove the fear out of Six Sigma and statistics. This guide takes readers through the five phases of the Six Sigma methodology, Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC), in five clearly written and easy-to-understand sections. You learn each phase’s purpose and what activities to perform in each. Numerous examples are included throughout and all statistics are described to the exact level of understanding necessary. Each of the five sections then concludes with a checklist to ensure that all of the phase’s activities have been completed.

Following the systematic approach outlined in this book will ensure that customer needs and functional area needs are understood and met; knowledge of subject matter experts (SMEs) and team members to improve the process is leveraged; team consensus is reached on the root cause(s) for problems; and risk is managed by addressing all compliance issues.

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"" as the author provides a thorough introduction to this book and its key deliverables.
Release dateNov 10, 2008
Process Improvement Using Six Sigma: A DMAIC Guide

Rama Shankar

Rama Shankar is an adjunct professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Daley College Chicago, and Great Lakes Institute of Management, India.

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    Book preview

    Process Improvement Using Six Sigma - Rama Shankar

    Process Improvement Using Six Sigma

    A DMAIC Guide

    Rama Shankar

    ASQ Quality Press

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    American Society for Quality, Quality Press, Milwaukee 53203

    © 2009 by ASQ

    All rights reserved. Published 2009

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Shankar, Rama, 1956– 

    Process improvement using Six Sigma : a DMAIC guide / Rama Shankar.

    p. cm.

    Includes index.

    ISBN 978-0-87389-752-5 (soft cover : alk. paper)

    1. Six sigma (Quality control standard) 2. Total quality management. 3. Process control. 4. Reengineering (Management) I. Title.

    HD62.15.S477 2009

    658.4'013—dc22 2008052670

    ISBN: 978-0-87389-752-5

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Publisher: William A. Tony

    Acquisitions Editor: Matt T. Meinholz

    Project Editor: Paul O’Mara

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    My guru

    My mother

    My family

    Table of Contents

    List of Figures and Tables

    Read Me First

    Acronym List


    I. Define

    Purpose of Define Phase

    How Do You Identify Projects for Improvement?

    How Do You Pick a Project?

    How Do You Scope Your Project? The SIPOC Diagram

    Assemble the Process Improvement Team

    Create a Project Authorization/Charter Document

    End of Define Phase

    II. Measure

    Purpose of Measure Phase

    Develop an Understanding of Your Process—Creating Process Maps

    Risk Management Plan FMEA

    Calculating Process Sigma for Your Process—Process Capability

    Calculating Process Sigma (Z) or Process Capability (Cp and Cpk) for Variable Data

    Conducting Gage R&R Studies—Variable Data and Attribute Data

    End of Measure Phase

    III. Analyze

    Purpose of Analyze Phase

    Are Things Improving? Running a Hypothesis Test

    Can You Uncover Any Relationships? Correlation and Regression

    ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)

    End of Analyze Phase

    IV. Improve

    Purpose of Improve Phase

    Investigating Relationships between Input and Output—Running Design of Experiments (DOE)

    End of Improve Phase

    V. Control

    Purpose of Control Phase

    Monitor the Stability of the Process—Statistical Process Control


    Technology Transfer—The Control Plan

    Wrap-Up—Updating Essential Documents

    Calculating Project Savings

    Final Report

    End of Control Phase

    List of Figures and Tables

    Figure 1. The process model.

    Figure 2. The DMAIC process.

    Figure 3. Example of multiple levels of Pareto charts.

    Figure 4. SIPOC diagram template.

    Figure 5. SIPOC diagram for going to work in the morning.

    Figure 6. Example of a meeting minutes template.

    Figure 7. Example of a communication plan template.

    Figure 8. Example of a simple charter document template.

    Figure 9. Example of a process map for a stamping process.

    Figure 10. Example of an FMEA.

    Figure 11. Summarizing raw data.

    Figure 12. Histogram for cycle time.

    Table 1. Calculating process sigma—variable data.

    Figure 13. Process capability for terminal length showing percentage overall performance.

    Figure 14. Process capability for terminal length showing PPM overall performance.

    Table 2. Calculating process sigma—attribute and count data.

    Figure 15. Gage R&R graph for inventory retains.

    Figure 16. Minitab output for deflection measurement of electronic parts.

    Figure 17. Results of deflection measurement of electronic parts.

    Figure 18. Appraiser results for bank loan pass/fail study.

    Figure 19. Attribute agreement analysis of bank loan gage R&R study.

    Table 3. Common alpha risk values.

    Figure 20. Results of t-test of tooling cavity dimensions.

    Figure 21. Output of t-test for pharmacy layout.

    Figure 22. Results of t-test for pharmacy layout.

    Figure 23. Output of t-test for document approval process.

    Figure 24. Results of t-test for document approval process.

    Figure 25. Output of correlation/regression test for plastic density versus strength.

    Table 4. Cheat sheets for ANOVA assumptions.

    Figure 26. Main effects plot for ambulance response time.

    Figure 27. Results of ANOVA assumptions test for factors.

    Figure 28. Anderson-Darling normality test for hospital 1.

    Figure 29. Anderson-Darling normality test for hospital 2.

    Figure 30. Anderson-Darling normality test for hospital 3.

    Figure 31. Bartlett’s test for ambulance response times.

    Figure 32. Results of statistical analysis of ambulance response times.

    Figure 33. Output of residual plots for ambulance response times.

    Figure 34. Tukey test results for ambulance response times.

    Figure 35. Main effects plot for two-way ANOVA of ambulance response times.

    Figure 36. Interactions plot for two-way ANOVA of ambulance response times.

    Figure 37. ANOVA table for ambulance response times.

    Table 5. Experimental worksheet and results—gluten dissolution experiment.

    Figure 38. Main effects plot for gluten dissolution experiment.

    Figure 39. Interactions plot for gluten dissolution experiment.

    Figure 40. Cube plot for gluten dissolution experiment.

    Figure 41. Normal probability plot for gluten dissolution experiment at alpha = .10.

    Figure 42. Pareto chart for gluten dissolution experiment at alpha = .10.

    Figure 43. Four-in-one residuals graph for gluten dissolution experiment.

    Table 6. Calculated P value for dissolution time.

    Figure 44. Normal probability plot for gluten dissolution experiment at alpha = .05 with factors A, B, AC, C, and AB.

    Figure 45. Pareto chart for gluten dissolution experiment rerun at alpha = .05 with factors C, A, AC, B, and AB.

    Table 7. Calculated P value for dissolution time at alpha = 0.05.

    Figure 46. Normal probability plot for gluten dissolution experiment at alpha = .05 without interaction term AB.

    Figure 47. Pareto chart for gluten dissolution experiment at alpha = .05 without interaction term AB.

    Table 8. Calculated P value for dissolution time at alpha = 0.05 without interaction term AB.

    Figure 48. Analysis of variance for dissolution time.

    Table 9. Estimated coefficients for dissolution time using data in uncoded units (data for prediction equation from software).

    Figure 49. Response optimizer graph for gluten dissolution experiment.

    Table 10. Experimental worksheet and results—pellet hardness.

    Figure 50. Main effects plot for pellet hardness experiment.

    Figure 51. Interactions plot for pellet hardness experiment.

    Figure 52. Cube plot for pellet hardness experiment.

    Figure 53. Normal probability plot for pellet hardness experiment—alpha = .10.

    Figure 54. Pareto chart for pellet hardness experiment—alpha = .10.

    Figure 55. Four-in-one residuals graph for pellet hardness experiment.

    Table 11. Calculated P value for pellet hardness at alpha = 0.10. .

    Figure 56. Normal probability plot for pellet hardness experiment with alpha = 0.05.

    Figure 57. Pareto chart of effects for pellet hardness experiment with alpha = 0.05.

    Table 12. Calculated P value for pellet hardness at alpha = 0.05 without interaction term ABC and BC.

    Figure 58. Analysis of variance for

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