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Wild Swims: Stories
Wild Swims: Stories
Wild Swims: Stories
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Wild Swims: Stories

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A dazzling return to the short story by a finalist for the Man Booker International Prize

In fourteen effervescent stories, Dorthe Nors plumbs the depths of the human heart, from desire to melancholy and everything in between. Just as she did in her English-language debut, Karate Chop, Nors slices straight to the core of the conflict in only a few pages. But Wild Swims expands the borders of her gaze, following people as they travel through Copenhagen, London, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and elsewhere.

Here are portraits of men and women full of restless longing, people who are often seeking a home but rarely finding it. A lie told during a fraught ferry ride on the North Sea becomes a wound that festers between school friends. A writer at a remote cabin befriends the mother of an ex-lover. Two friends knock doors to solicit fraudulent donations for the cancer society. A woman taken with the idea of wild swims ventures as far as the local swimming pool.

These stories have already been featured in the pages of New Yorker, Harper’s Magazine, Tin House, and A Public Space. They sound the darker tones of human nature and yet find the brighter chords of hope and humor as well. Cutting and offbeat without ever losing its warmth, Wild Swims is a master class in concision and restraint, and a path to living life without either. With Wild Swims Nors’s star will continue to be ascendant.

Release dateFeb 2, 2021
Wild Swims: Stories

Dorthe Nors

Dorthe Nors (Herning, 1970) es licenciada en Literatura e Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Aarhus, y una de las voces más originales y aplaudidas de la literatura danesa actual. Es autora de cuatro novelas y de un volumen de relatos, Golpe de kárate, con el que dio el salto internacional. Ha publicado textos en revistas como Harper’s y Boston Review, y en 2013 un cuento suyo fue el primero de un escritor danés en el New Yorker. En 2014 recibió el Premio Per Olov Enquist. En Anagrama ha aparecido la novela Espejo, hombro, intermitente: «Llena de miniaturas vitales contadas con ironía y profundidad. Dorthe Nors cuenta la soledad urbana. Lo cómico de la soledad» (Rosa Belmonte, ABC); «Nors es una miniaturista deliciosa que se apoya en la ficción experimental para retratarnos la vida interior y el aislamiento de los seres anónimos de mediana edad» (Ángeles López, La Razón). 

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Reviews for Wild Swims

Rating: 3.823529411764706 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jan 4, 2025

    I picked this book up for Women in Translation Month not knowing much about it. It is a collection of short stories (most 3-5 pages long), with no connections other than thematically, taking place all over the world. The theme seems to be a kind of longing. Whether it is for belonging or understanding or some sort of completion. All the POV characters, men and women, seem to have a sort of itch that things are not quite as they wish them to be. Some escape their irritation, some do not. Some are not particularly likable, some are instantly familiar. A charming and quick read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Aug 15, 2022

    More vignettes along the lines of those collected in “Karate Chop”. These are the kind of story that reads great in the New Yorker or similar, but just feels too slight collected like this. My fave was probably the title story, in which a woman goes for a swim.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Mar 17, 2021

    darkly deeply sad and weird vignettes. i love her mordant view of the world

Book preview

Wild Swims - Dorthe Nors


The darkly comic Danish writer [Dorthe Nors] is at her wiliest when she’s most direct…. Beneath the cool minimalism roils maximalist outrage.

—The New York Times

Dorthe Nors covers the emotional spectrum … finding as much material in the comedy of rejection as in its humiliations and heartbreak.

—The Wall Street Journal

Spare and sublime. Dorthe Nors knows how to capture the smallest moments and sculpt them into the unforgettable.

—O, The Oprah Magazine

Dorthe Nors is a writer of moments—quiet, raw portraits of existential meditation, at times dyspeptic, but never unsympathetic.

—The Paris Review

In flowing and absorbing prose, Nors illustrates … how it might be possible for anyone to overcome immense loneliness and make a connection.

—The New Yorker

Danish sensation Dorthe Nors … evoke[s] the weirdness and wonder of relating in the digital age.


Dorthe Nors focus[es] on ordinary occurrences … and then twist[s] them into brilliantly slanted cautionary tales about desire, romance, deception, and dread.


Nors’s writing is by turns witty, gut wrenching, stark and lyrical…. That she achieves all this while experimenting with form is something of an impossible feat.

—Los Angeles Times





Mirror, Shoulder, Signal

So Much for That Winter

Karate Chop









Copyright © 2018 by Dorthe Nors

English translation copyright © 2020 by Misha Hoekstra

Wild Swims was first published as Kort Over Canada by Gyldendal in Denmark, 2018. First published in English by Pushkin Press in 2020.

Published by agreement with Ahlander Agency.

The Freezer Chest appeared in the New Yorker. Hygge appeared in and in Harper’s Magazine. By Sydvest Station appeared in Novelleforlaget and in Tin House. In a Deer Stand appeared in The Dark Blue Winter Overcoat & Other Stories (ed. Sjón and Ted Hodgkinson, Pushkin Press) and in A Public Space. Sun Dogs appeared on

The author and Graywolf Press have provided this e-book to you for your personal use only. You may not make this e-book publicly available in any way. Copyright infringement is against the law. If you believe the copy of this e-book you are reading infringes on the author’s copyright, please notify Graywolf Press at:

This publication is made possible, in part, by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. Significant support has also been provided by Target Foundation, the McKnight Foundation, the Lannan Foundation, the Amazon Literary Partnership, and other generous contributions from foundations, corporations, and individuals. To these organizations and individuals we offer our heartfelt thanks.

The author gratefully acknowledges the Danish Arts Council and its Committee for Literary Project Funding and the Danish Arts Agency for support in the writing and translation of this book—and to Hald Hovedgaard for a writing residency.

Published by Graywolf Press

250 Third Avenue North, Suite 600

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States of America

ISBN 978–1-64445–043–7

Ebook ISBN 978–1-64445–139–7

2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1

First Graywolf Printing, 2021

Library of Congress Control Number: 2020937595

Cover design and art: Kimberly Glyder


In a Deer Stand

Sun Dogs


By Sydvest Station

Between Offices

The Fairground

Compaction Birds

Pershing Square


On Narrow Paved Paths

Inside St. Paul’s

The Freezer Chest


Wild Swims

You can always withdraw

a little bit further



IT’S A QUESTION OF TIME. SOONER OR LATER, SOMEBODY will show up. Even dirt tracks like these can’t stay deserted forever. The farm he passed when he entered the area must be inhabited. The people who live there must go for walks sometimes. And the deer stand is probably the farmer’s, and it’s just a question of time before it starts raining. The vegetation on the ground is dry. Some twiggy bushes, some heather too. To the right, a thicket; to the left, the start of a tree plantation. The dirt road must go in there for a reason, so someone comes here now and then. Take him, for instance, he came this way. Just yesterday, even if it feels longer. The circumstances make it feel longer. It’s likely that his ankle’s broken, though it’s also possible that it’s just a sprain. The pain isn’t constant. There is some swelling. Now he sits here and he has no phone. She must be in pieces back home. He can imagine it. Walking around with his phone in her hand, out in the utility room. She’s standing there with it in her hand. She curses him for not taking it. He supposes the police will be involved soon. Maybe they already have been for some time now. It’s probably been on the local radio; that he’s forty-seven, that he drives a BMW, that he left home in a depressed state. He can’t bear the thought of them saying those last words. She just wasn’t supposed to win every battle.

Last night there was screeching in the forest. Some owls, foxes perhaps. Someone has seen wolves out here, and no doubt Lisette has come by the house. Lisette’s probably sitting on the couch with her wide eyes, eating it all up. He’s so tired. His clothes are damp, and last night he froze something terrible. There are black birds overhead, rooks he thinks, and she’s pacing around in the yard, restless. He painted the eaves last spring. It’s a nice house, but she wants to sell it now. He really likes the house, but now she wants something else. When she wants something else, there’s nothing he can do. As recently as the day before yesterday, he had an urge to call his brother, but he’s lost that battle. Lisette’s welcome to visit. Lisette often stands in their kitchen-dining area and calls up her network. Lisette’s got a big network, but mostly she hangs out with his. And in principle, he’s only got the kids left. It’s a long time since she took part in the gatherings on his side of the family. There’s something wrong with his parents, she says. Something wrong with his brother’s kids, his brother’s girlfriend, and especially his brother. She says that his brother sows discord. That’s because his brother once told him he ought to get divorced. And because he loses all battles, he went straight home and told her: My brother thinks I should get divorced. So this isn’t the first time he’s driven out to some forest. He’s done it a fair amount over the years. Sometimes to call up his folks on the sly, or his brother. He also calls them when he’s down washing the car.

He’s sitting in a deer stand,

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