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Wicca Starter Kit: Candles, Herbs, Tarot Cards, Crystals, and Spells. A Beginner's Guide to Using the Fundamental Elements of Wiccan Rituals(2022 Crash Course for Newbies)
Wicca Starter Kit: Candles, Herbs, Tarot Cards, Crystals, and Spells. A Beginner's Guide to Using the Fundamental Elements of Wiccan Rituals(2022 Crash Course for Newbies)
Wicca Starter Kit: Candles, Herbs, Tarot Cards, Crystals, and Spells. A Beginner's Guide to Using the Fundamental Elements of Wiccan Rituals(2022 Crash Course for Newbies)
Ebook112 pages2 hours

Wicca Starter Kit: Candles, Herbs, Tarot Cards, Crystals, and Spells. A Beginner's Guide to Using the Fundamental Elements of Wiccan Rituals(2022 Crash Course for Newbies)

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About this ebook

Do you have the ability to cast a magic spell? 

Do you want to know what equipment is required to execute a Wiccan ritual? 


PublisherAva Walton
Release dateSep 22, 2022

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    Book preview

    Wicca Starter Kit - Ava Walton


    Wicca Starter Kit is your comprehensive guide to casting spells and performing rituals, complete with all of the instruments you'll need to bring nature's and the divine's power into your life. When you work as a solitary practitioner, you control the rituals, the equipment you employ, and the types of spells you construct to accomplish your magical rites. Finding all of the necessary tools can be difficult, but having a good resource guide to help you get started can make all the difference.

    Whether you are new to Wicca or have been practicing for a long, this book will provide you with an overview and introduction to the history of Wicca, the concepts underlying its philosophies, and some of the reasons for celebrating this lovely magic. It is critical to have the background to grasp the tools and reasons for your work.

    The most crucial aspect of the Wicca Starter Kit is your guidance on the tools you'll need to execute rituals and spells. In Chapter 2, you will find a concise list of magical implements to assist you to explore your Wicca practice, as well as an explanation of what they are used for, how to use them, when to use them, and where to find them for your altar and practice.

    The Wicca Starter Kit will also include several chapters of step-by-step instructions for constructing and honoring your altar space.

    Casting a magical circle, performing rituals, and composing and casting spells are all examples of witchcraft. There is also a chapter dedicated to the use of crystal magic and another to candle magic.

    Overall, Wicca Starter Kit is an excellent resource for getting started with rituals and spells using some of the most common instruments in the field. Whatever you see on these pages is certain to increase your understanding of your craft and assist you in moving forward on So mote it be!

    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Wicca,

    A Brief History of Wicca

    Welcome to Wicca's brief history! As you learn more about the mysteries and enchantment of this magnificent craft, it will be crucial for you to understand where it came from. Many Wiccan traditions are derived from more ancient Pagan belief systems and rituals; however, the emergence of Wicca and its founding beliefs started in England and was presented in the mid-1950s by a British civil servant named Gerald Gardner.

    Wicca is classified as Neo-Paganism by some, yet it has specific elements and characteristics that distinguish it from the conventional varieties of paganism practiced in more ancient societies.

    Before Gardner's public introduction of Wicca in 1954, the concepts of Wicca could be traced back to Margaret Murray, a renowned folklorist, anthropologist, and Egyptologist who studied the traditions and cultures of a wide range of religious practices, combining a field study of these sects and describing the concept of witchcraft in her own words.

    Murray wrote several publications regarding medieval religious practices, particularly witch cults in Europe. Her publications motivated readers to reignite the pagan arts by forming their covens and basing their worship on Murray's descriptions. All of this was going on in the early 1920s in the United Kingdom and Europe, and it most likely led to Gerald Gardner's more structured worldview known as Wicca.

    Gardener's book, Witchcraft Today, explained the origins of the term Wicca and what it means in the context of the craft. In his work, it is spelled with only one 'c,' as in which, and the second 'c' was not added until the 1960s. Gardner notes that 'which' is a Gaelic or Scots-English word that means intelligent people. He had always had a fascination with the occult, and eventually

    In the late 1930s, he was initiated into his coven. In the late 1940s, he founded his coven, purchasing land and using it as a center for folklore research. It became his occult headquarters, where he would bring the Wiccan way to light through his books and practice.

    Gardner had a close relationship with the renowned occultist Alister Crowley. When the two men met in the late 1940s, they had a lot to talk about regarding their personal views and magic. Gardner's work, as well as his writing out of his Wiccan rites for publication, were heavily affected by Crowley's work, which extended back to the early part of the century.

    Gardner published his works, including a novel titled High Magic's Aid, which became one of his first standard tomes to define Wicca practice. However, it was his Book of Shadows that became the most well-known and sought-after.

    Gardner's Book of Shadows was his collection of spells, rituals, and other occult literature. It is still one of the most important books for practicing Wicca or at least learning from the original Wiccan, Gardner himself. Fortunately, Wicca was and still is an ever-evolving discipline that does not follow a precise set of principles. It is a very adaptable religion that encourages individuals to follow a simple set of beliefs and concepts while also allowing them to explore and gain a better grasp of those ideals.

    Gardner's coven initiates were handed the Book of Shadows to copy and use as one of the ways they belonged to the coven, sharing the same spells and rituals to carry on and practice.

    Gardner met Doreen Valientes in the early 1950s before Wicca became popular. She called him after reading an article in a magazine about covens, witches, their customs, and what life was like for them. She was able to edit The Book of Shadows under Gardner's supervision for Gardner to market it as a popular book for children.

    Others outside of the coven, as well as notable Wiccan circles, were sold in the same way Crowley had marketed his beliefs and conclusions.

    Valientes rose to prominence as a Wiccan coven leader and scholar in the rapidly rising Wiccan community.

    When viewed in this light, the narrative of Wicca appears to be nothing more than a footnote in the annals of history, yet when examined further, it had a tremendous impact on the realm of magic. Before Gardner introduced his new religion, there were various ways for people to pursue the ancient Pagan arts.

    Witchcraft was an extremely forbidden practice that was frowned upon for generations following the witch trials.

    Margaret Murray's study of the past helped people gain a fresh appreciation and understanding of the beauty of ancient magic, and Wicca might not have existed if it hadn't been for her work and that of other occult philosophers.

    To be honest, it has always existed in some form or another, and it has gone by many different names. Pagan is a broad umbrella term that encompasses a wide range of different sects and denominations, rites, and rituals.

    So, it begs the question, what distinguishes Wicca?

    Modern-day Wicca approaches connection to the divine through rituals and practices, solstice festivals, observances of deities, notably a male and female god form, herbalism, a code of ethics, and a belief in reincarnation and an afterlife.

    Some argue that it is a modern interpretation of pagan faiths and rituals that existed before Christianity. It has European beginnings, but in today's world, it will combine principles from various religious practices such as Shamanism and pre-Christian Egyptian religion. It has also been highlighted that there are striking similarities to Druidism, despite the paucity of information about how the Druids genuinely worshipped.

    The majority of Wiccans worship a male god and a female goddess, or the Horned God and Mother Goddess, or Mother Earth. It is not always the case, and even in Gardner's day,

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