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Releasing Miracles: How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God
Releasing Miracles: How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God
Releasing Miracles: How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God
Ebook204 pages5 hours

Releasing Miracles: How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God

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You Were Born for Miracles 

Too many Christians have settled for experiencing small doses of God's supernatural love. But what if your life was marked by an outpouring of His power, answered prayers, miracles and victory? 

In this practical, eye-opening book, Dr. Kynan Bridges shows that this is exactly the life God designed you for--through Christ, you have the divine right to operate in the miraculous. Why? Because miracles are deliberate, redeeming, life-changing displays of God's love in action. In these pages you will discover not only the biblical foundation for living out the miraculous every day, but also how to sustain a supernatural lifestyle through faith, compassion, humility and worship. 

Miracles are your spiritual inheritance, and the Holy Spirit is waiting to partner with you. It's time to let His love and Kingdom overflow in your life and change the lives of those around you.

"Biblically balanced and well written. A great book for someone interested in healing for themselves or the ministry of healing for others."--DR. RANDY CLARK
Release dateNov 8, 2022

Kynan Bridges

Dr. Kynan Bridges is the senior pastor of Grace & Peace Global Fellowship in Tampa, Florida. A highly sought-after speaker and published author of several books, Dr. Bridges is known for his dynamic teaching ministry and practical approach to applying the deep truths of the Word of God. He's appeared on numerous media outlets, including Daystar, Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!, FaithTV, CTN, Cornerstone, and TCT. He and his wife live in Tampa, Florida. Learn more at

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    Releasing Miracles - Kynan Bridges

    "Releasing Miracles is an excellent book on the subject. I found it to cover so many valuable issues regarding healing and miracles. I found it biblically balanced and well written. A great book for someone interested in healing for themselves or the ministry of healing for others. Very thorough in the subjects covered and full of great illustrative stories."

    Randy Clark, D.D., D.Min., Th.D., author, Power to Heal, Authority to Heal, The Healing Breakthrough and Eyewitness to Miracles; president, Global Awakening Theological Seminary, Family of Faith Christian University

    "The apostle Paul declared that the Kingdom of God should be expressed not only in word but also in power. In Releasing Miracles, my friend Kynan Bridges stirs us to believe for miracles and equips us to do them! This book provides necessary tools to launch us into the next levels of releasing miracles."

    Robert Henderson, bestselling author, Operating in the Courts of Heaven and the Courts of Heaven series

    "The Body of Christ today is inundated by books and sermons full of insight, but it is largely ineffective because it does not know how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to release the power of God. Thankfully, my good friend Kynan Bridges has produced Releasing Miracles, a beautiful book that provides a warm and revelatory overview to guide all believers into a powerful life and effective ministry. I encourage you to read it prayerfully and allow God to lead you into a life of real fullness in the Holy Spirit."

    Joan Hunter, president, Joan Hunter Ministries; author; TV host, Miracles Happen

    "Dr. Kynan Bridges tells it like it is in Releasing Miracles. Sadly, the Church has left the supernatural and miracles out of the menu, thus leaving the hopeless and sick starving for a power encounter with the Lord. This sad state of affairs has become my personal pet peeve, especially since, as Dr. Kynan teaches, miracles are our portion because of the cross of Christ! Throughout this book, Dr. Kynan lays out the blueprint for healing directly from the Scriptures. He makes it so clear and states it so powerfully that any believer can reproduce the miracles Jesus performed. As one who has administered thousands of miracles, I applaud his work. There are not enough people operating in the fullness of the supernatural power available to us through Jesus. I believe this book can change all that."

    Katie Souza, Katie Souza Ministries

    © 2022 by Kynan Bridges

    Published by Chosen Books

    Minneapolis, Minnesota

    Chosen Books is a division of

    Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan

    Ebook edition created 2022

    Ebook corrections 08.09.2024

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

    ISBN 978-1-4934-3764-1

    Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations identified ESV are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ESV Text Edition: 2016

    Scripture quotations identified KJV are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture quotations identified NASB taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations identified NASB1995 taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations identified NIV are from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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    I dedicate this work the Lord Jesus Christ,

    the reason and purpose for all things.

    I also want to dedicate this book to

    my beautiful wife, Gloria Bridges (aka SugarBoo Wifey).

    Without you, this book and all books I have written would be

    impossible. I love you more than words can express.

    To my children, thank you for being my bedrock;

    you are my greatest treasure.

    To my supporters and partners, this message is for you.




    Half Title Page

    Title Page

    Copyright Page


    Foreword by Sid Roth

    1. Miracles: Our Spiritual Inheritance

    2. Jesus: The Blueprint of the Miraculous

    3. Understanding Biblical Faith: There’s No Manifestation without the Manifester

    4. Personal Revival: The Power of Consecration

    5. Hearing God’s Voice: The Source of Faith for Miracles

    6. Prayer: Our Spiritual Power Source

    7. The Power of Proclamation: Open Mouth, Open Heaven

    8. Breaking Free from Guilt and Shame: Overcoming the Theology of Unworthiness

    9. Hope: The Anchor of the Soul

    10. Action Activates Miracles: Take the Leap

    11. Possessing a Relentless Spirit: The Power of Perseverance

    12. How to Maintain the Miraculous: Keeping a Heart Focused on Jesus

    13. Ready, Set, Go: Practical Steps in the Miraculous

    14. Heroes in the Miraculous: We Didn’t Get Here on Our Own




    About the Author

    Back Cover


    Dr. Kynan Bridges has been a frequent guest on my It’s Supernatural! television show and has served on my board of directors for many years. So I can really say I know him!

    Releasing Miracles could well be Kynan’s best and most important book. Why? Because we are entering the time when we will witness what Jesus referred to as the greater works! I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works (John 14:12 NLT).

    What will be greater than the blind seeing, the deaf hearing and the dead being raised? How about praying in the amputee ward of a hospital and seeing limbs restored before your very eyes? How about witnessing not just one person rise from the dead, but hundreds in one city at one time? How about laying hands on cancer patients whose flesh was destroyed and watching it be instantly restored? How about seeing this happen live on the secular TV news networks! There will be so much good news, they won’t have time for the other!

    We need the greater works. The world is too far gone. It is beyond help from politics. It cannot be restored by man. The devil has made his best move—now it’s God’s turn! He is our only hope. And He is more than enough!

    I have concentrated on miracles for my entire fifty years of public ministry. Miracles are how Jesus reached the multitudes with the Good News. And miracles are how I reach large numbers of Jewish people today.

    Last week I led an outreach meeting in Israel with 950 unsaved Jewish Israelis in attendance. During the meeting, large numbers of these nonbelievers raised their hand to signify they had just been healed! Then well over 900 of them boldly stood up and publicly proclaimed Jesus as Messiah and Lord. Without the miracles this would never have happened! This was as historic as what was recorded in the book of Acts at Pentecost!

    The working of miracles was God’s number-one method to evangelize the first church. And God has never changed.

    We are coming into the greatest harvest of souls in history. The least follower of Jesus in the first church walked in miracles. How much more must we walk in miracles just before His return!

    Releasing Miracles is written for evangelicals who have never walked in or even believed in modern-day miracles, as well as for charismatics who believe in miracles but see very few. Kynan teaches first from the Bible, then from firsthand experience. Many will receive a supernatural impartation flowing from the words of this book to walk in miracles. 

    As miracles are released in this end-time move of God’s Spirit, it will galvanize the true Church. God is sending out a shofar-blast mandate worldwide. He is saying, All hands on deck! This is God’s time for you to walk in the greater works, the greater miracles. It’s time for you to be normal—that’s normal as defined by the Bible!

    Sid Israel Roth, host, It’s Supernatural!



    Our Spiritual Inheritance

    Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.

    John 14:12

    As the scorching sun beat upon his face, the noise of the crowd grew as each person pushed their way closer and closer to the pool, growing so loud now that he couldn’t even hear himself think. Nor could he move his paralyzed body closer to the pool.

    Suddenly, the voices of the multitude dimmed, and a single voice became clearer and clearer. Will you be made whole? He asked, His voice so gentle and yet so powerful it could be heard above the noise, as if every other voice faded away. The face of a stranger towering over his frail body seemed so eerily familiar. Rise, take up your bed, and walk!

    The command was given with such authority, he couldn’t even resist.

    Immediately, his body began to quake from within, as he could hear the cracking of bone and feel the stretching of his muscle tissues. His ligaments and tendons felt like they were snapping back into place. Suddenly, he stood on his feet—perplexed and yet relieved. After 38 years of paralysis and a stagnant existence by a pool he had never once entered, the man was totally healed and restored. He received a miracle!

    This is my own dramatized version of one of my favorite biblical accounts, the story of the man at the pool of Bethesda. I believe it paints the perfect picture of the omnibenevolence of God in performing a miracle for a man who was undeserving. In fact, it is no coincidence that the miracle takes place there, because the word Bethesda literally means house of mercy.1

    Could it be that this miracle of divine restoration paints a vivid picture for us of the underlying purpose for miracles? Let’s explore.

    Why Miracles?

    All my life, I have wondered about God and the supernatural. From the first time I read the Bible, I knew intuitively there must be something more to this world than what I could see with my natural eyes. Unfortunately, when I would speak to other Christians, there wasn’t much talk of miracles. Granted, we learned a lot about the moral responsibilities of Christians (e.g., don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t cheat, don’t chew or hang with those who do). It was, however, a strange thing to ask someone, How many miracles did you experience today? And even if you asked that question, some would respond by saying, The fact that I am still breathing is a miracle!, or Every day is a miracle! With this I would agree to an extent. There is nothing wrong with seeing every day as a miracle, but if we are going to be faithful to the Word of God, we need to acknowledge that God had a specific definition in mind when He introduced the concept of miracles in Scripture. So before we can answer the question, Why miracles?, you may be wondering, What are miracles? I am very glad that you asked.

    The Bible says that Jesus of Nazareth was approved of God by miracles, signs and wonders. Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know (Acts 2:22 KJV). The word approved here comes from the Greek word apodeiknymi, which means to point away from oneself, to show forth, to expose to view or to prove by demonstration.2

    In other words, Jesus’ ministry was filled with miracles, and these miracles pointed people to the King and His Kingdom, demonstrating His power. The word for miracles here is rendered from the Greek word dynamis, which literally means demonstrative power, dynamic power or the power to perform miracles. In the ancient world, power had to be demonstrated in order to confirm the truth and veracity of that power. If God is real, He must possess the ability to perform miracles. Another definition of a miracle according to the Oxford Dictionary is a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.3

    I like to define a miracle as an intervention, interruption or overriding of natural laws by God—or when eternity invades time.

    The Argument for Miracles

    The presence of miracles is proof (from a logical and philosophical standpoint) that God is real. Why? If God is a supernatural being, then the presence of the supernatural points to the reality of God. Furthermore, how can anyone claim to follow a supreme being who is incapable of affecting the natural world? If God is omnipotent, then He must have the ability to heal disease and raise the dead. These are the very things that characterized the ministry of Jesus. Again, Acts 2:22 tells us that Jesus was approved of God by signs and wonders. The question would be, Are our churches today approved by the same standard as the first-century Church? I believe that where miracles begin, arguments end. The truth is, this generation longs for an authentic display of the presence and power of God. People don’t just want to hear about the God of the Bible; they want to experience Him in a very real and tangible way. I believe there is a clarion call to the Church to walk in and release the miraculous power of God on a daily basis.

    We said earlier that a miracle is defined as an intervention in or an overriding of a natural law or process. According to this definition, miracles happen when heaven literally invades the earth. Every time a miracle takes place, the sovereignty and love of God are established in the hearts and minds of the recipients or witnesses to those miracles. Glory to God! The crack addicts on the street may not understand systematic theology, but they understand

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