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Ethanol Fuel Learn to Make and Use Ethanol to Power Your Vehicles
Ethanol Fuel Learn to Make and Use Ethanol to Power Your Vehicles
Ethanol Fuel Learn to Make and Use Ethanol to Power Your Vehicles
Ebook190 pages5 hours

Ethanol Fuel Learn to Make and Use Ethanol to Power Your Vehicles

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There is a lot of different fuel you can make use, but the fact that you are reading this reveals your interest in ethanol as a fuel. In the world today, petroleum, solar, biodiesel are the common fuel people use today. Others may be considering ethanol because of its benefit to replace other fuel in cars, generators, tractor, or to power farm equipment or home. The majority of people who read this book to the end will likely have learned a lot about ethanol, such include; history of ethanol, how to produce ethanol at home, uses of ethanol, application of ethanol and so on. Ethanol has a long history, certainly as a beverage but also as a fuel which only comes to use in the 19th century for lighting. The path of ethanol from a light source to fuel, an additive for pure air testing and bridging technology enable us to move into an oil-free era which is exciting. The story is full of political issues, the effects of wars, industrial espionage and the pure energy of a popular movement. The most important story, however, is the fact that a full litany of common carbohydrates, not just food crops, but also agricultural slaughter, food waste, and plants that are normally bothersome, can actually become a viable fuel that is effectively distributed or produced. According to the approach adopted for the production of ethanol, it is entirely possible to maintain a fully autonomous, self-sustaining and environmentally responsible operation that produces not only fuel but also valuable by-products that can be sold, replaced, or recycled. In this way, ethanol has real advantages over other renewable fuels because it does not need many processes. Releasing unpredictable changes in traditional commodity markets can be a real advantage in long-term planning, insurance, and peace of mind.

Release dateSep 29, 2022
Ethanol Fuel Learn to Make and Use Ethanol to Power Your Vehicles

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    Ethanol Fuel Learn to Make and Use Ethanol to Power Your Vehicles - Samuel Edison


    Somebody, please press the world’s reset button

    Table of Contents



    Introduction to Ethanol

    Ethanol Regulatory Guide

    Basics of production

    Raw Materials

    Sugars and Fermentation

    Distillation Process

    Fermentation and distillation equipment

    Alcohol as Fuel Engine




    There is a lot of different fuel you can make use, but the fact that you are reading this reveals your interest in ethanol as a fuel. In the world today, petroleum, solar, biodiesel are the common fuel people use today. Others may be considering ethanol because of its benefit to replace other fuel in cars, generators, tractor, or to power farm equipment or home.

    The majority of people who read this book to the end will likely have learned a lot about ethanol, such include; history of ethanol, how to produce ethanol at home, uses of ethanol, application of ethanol and so on. Ethanol has a long history, certainly as a beverage but also as a fuel which only comes to use in the 19th century for lighting.

    The path of ethanol from a light source to fuel, an additive for pure air testing and bridging technology enable us to move into an oil-free era which is exciting. The story is full of political issues, the effects of wars, industrial espionage and the pure energy of a popular movement. The most important story, however, is the fact that a full litany of common carbohydrates, not just food crops, but also agricultural slaughter, food waste, and plants that are normally bothersome, can actually become a viable fuel that is effectively distributed or produced.

    According to the approach adopted for the production of ethanol, it is entirely possible to maintain a fully autonomous, self-sustaining and environmentally responsible operation that produces not only fuel but also valuable by-products that can be sold, replaced, or recycled. In this way, ethanol has real advantages over other renewable fuels because it does not need many processes. Releasing unpredictable changes in traditional commodity markets can be a real advantage in long-term planning, insurance, and peace of mind.

    Introduction to Ethanol

    What is alcohol as a fuel?

    Alcohols are used for fuel. Taking consideration of this first aliphatic alcohol (methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol) is of interest as far as fuel production. Methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol can be synthesized chemically or biologically, it also have characteristic which enable them to be used in the internal combustion engines. The general chemical formula for alcohol is CnH2n+1OH.

    Mostly, methanol is produced from natural gas, although some methanol is produced from biomass using a similar chemical process. Ethanol is commonly produced from biological material using the fermentation process. Their high octane ratings gave them the benefit of increasing their fuel efficiency which largely offsets the lower energy density compared to gasoline or diesel fuel, thus results to fuel economy in terms of a kilometer per liter.

    Using alcohol as fuel is not new. When Nikolaus Otto invented the internal combustion engine in 1872, there was no gasoline available; the indicated fuel was ethyl alcohol at 180-190. Ford's T model was developed for both use gasoline and alcohol.

    Alcohols in general and ethanol in particular, are excellent fuels for cars, machinery. The reason that the alcohol-based fuel was not fully utilized is that gasoline was once cheap, available and easy to produce.

    However, crude oil is getting scarce and the historical price difference between alcohol and petrol is decreasing. At the moment considerable efforts are being made to find and develop alternative energy sources to obtain reserves of oil and other decreasing fossil fuels. Edward Teller, one of the greatest physicists in the country, points out: There is no single recipe for solving the energy problem. Energy conservation is not enough, petroleum is not enough, Coal is not enough, Nuclear energy is not enough, geothermal energy is not enough and developments alone will not be enough, only the right combination of these factors is sufficient.

    Alcohol can be an important part of the solution, but certainly not a panacea. If all the existing agricultural surpluses are converted to ethanol, alcohol accounts for less than 5% of our fuel need. The ability to convert cellulose residues to ethanol and general biomass into methanol and the most optimistic total remains below 10% of our current needs! However, this is a very important rate of 5 or 10%, since it can be renewed every year and saves a gallon of fat from each gallon of oil produced.

    Chemical composition

    Alcohol and gasoline, despite the fact that they are from different chemical classes, are remarkably similar. Gasoline is mostly a mixture of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons are a group of chemical substances composed exclusively of carbon and hydrogen atoms. This is a very large chemical class containing many thousands of substances.

    Most of the fuels we use such as coal, gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, butane, propane, etc. are chiefly hydrocarbons. Referring to Figure below, the simplest member of this group is methane which consists of a single carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. Next is ethane with two carbons and six hydrogen. Propane has three carbons and butane has four. The substances just named are gases under ordinary conditions. As we add more carbons to the hydrocarbon molecule, the chemicals formed become liquids: pentane, hexane, heptane, octane and so on. As we continue with even more complex molecules, the substances get progressively oilier, waxier and finally solid.

    Chemical structure

    Combustion properties

    One of the most important properties of a fuel is the amount of energy obtained from it when it is burned. Referring to Figure below, note that the hydrocarbon octane, which represents an ideal gasoline, contains no oxygen. In comparison, all of the alcohols contain an oxygen atom bonded to a hydrogen atom in the hydroxyl radical. When the alcohol is burned, the hydroxyl combines with a hydrogen atom to form a molecule of water. Thus, the oxygen contained in the alcohol contributes nothing to the fuel value.

    Physical properties of alcohol and gasoline

    The relative atomic weights of the atoms involved are: hydrogen, 1; carbon, 12; and oxygen, 16. Since methyl alcohol has an atomic weight of 32, half the molecule cannot be burned and does not contribute any fuel value. As expected, methanol has less than half the heat value (expressed in Btu/lb) of gasoline. Ethanol, with 35% oxygen, is slightly better with 60% of the heat value of gasoline. If the heating value of methyl and ethyl alcohol were considered alone, they would appear to be poor choices as motor fuels.

    However, other redeeming qualities such as latent heat of vaporization and anti-knock values make alcohol fuels superior, in some ways, to gasoline. When a fuel is burned, a certain amount of air is required for complete combustion. When the quantity of air and the quantity of fuel are exactly balanced, the fuel air mixture is said to be stoichiometrically correct. Again referring to Figure above, the stoichiometric ratio for gasoline is 15:1 or 15 pounds of air for each pound of gasoline. The figures for methyl and ethyl alcohol are 6.45:1 and 9:1 respectively. On a practical level, this means that to burn alcohol effectively, the fuel jets in the carburetor must be changed or adjusted to provide 2.3 pounds of methanol or 1.66 pounds of ethanol for each 15 pounds of air. Referring to the last entry in Figure 2-2, an interesting fact is that if we provide the correct stoichiometric mixture and then compare on the basis of the energy (in Btu's) contained in each cubic foot of the different fuel/air mixtures, the fuels are almost identical: gasoline 94.8 Btu per 8 cubic foot; methanol 94.5 and ethanol 94.7! This means that gasoline and alcohol are about equal in what is called volumetric efficiency when burned in a correctly adjusted engine

    Octane Ratings

    If a certain fuel is burned in an engine in which the compression ratio can be varied and this ratio is gradually increased, a point will be reached when the fuel will detonate prematurely. This is because as a gas is compressed, heat is generated. If the explosive fuel/air mixture in an engine cylinder is compressed enough, the resulting heat will cause it to detonate. Since gasoline engines are designed so that the mixture is detonated by the spark plug at the beginning of the downward movement of the piston following the compression stroke, preignition or knock occurring during the compression stroke is undesirable.

    Indeed, severe knock can quickly overstress and destroy an engine. Since greater compressionratios in an engine mean increased power per stroke and greater efficiency, the ability of a fuel to resist premature detonation is a desirable quality. The octane numbers assigned to fuels are based on the pure hydrocarbon, octane, which is considered to be 100. At the other end of the scale, n-heptane is considered to have an octane rating of zero. The octane number of an unknown fuel is based on the percentage volume of a mixture of octane and nheptane that matches it in preignition characteristics.

    In practice, these tests are conducted in a special test engine with variable compression. Alcohols have a relatively high anti-knock or octane rating. As noted in Figure 2-3, alcohols have the ability to raise considerably the octane ratings of gasoline with which they are mixed. The effect is greatest on the poorer grades of gasoline. A 25% blend of ethanol and 40 octane gasoline will have a net increase of almost 30 points! This increase is one of the major advantages of gasohol.

    The ability to increase octane rating means that: (1) a lower (therefore cheaper) grade of gasolinecan be used to obtain a fuel with a certain octane rating; and (2) the use of traditional pollution producing antiknock additives such as tetraethyl lead can be eliminated. The addition of about 10-15% ethanol to unleaded gasoline raises the octane rating enough so that it can be burned in high compression engines that previously could not use unleaded fuel. This use of ethanol is not new, of course, because ethanol was the original gasoline additive for increasing the octane rating. The term ethyl used to describe a high-test gasoline comes from ethyl alcohol, not tetraethyl lead! [Online] retrieve from:

    Alcohol as a fuel

    The idea of using alcohol as a fuel in cars is not new. At the launch of the T model, Henry Ford predicted he would work with alcohol produced from renewable sources. Brazil uses cane liquor for many years. Because of this experience, alcohol is considered an alternative to fossil fuels. The book is a compilation on the production of methanol and ethanol, the use of alcohol blends in automotiveapplications and the use of alcohols in a fuel cell. The chapters were created by about 26 American and Europe authors individually, reflecting the broad scope of the book and the international dimension of the subject. The future availability of oil, its security of supply and, increasingly, its impact on climate change have motivated the search for alternative sources of energy, especially sustainable, low impact, or even without environmental impacts.

    Alcohol from renewable sources is one of the main competitors to meet these challenges. To foster these changes, government initiatives and tax incentives in the US, Brazil, Europe, and the Far East not only stimulate the development and production of alcohol, but also the gradual introduction of alcohol fuels mixed with fossils. This book is therefore ideally suited to give for the first time a comprehensive overview of the production of alcohols, their use as fuel in internal combustion engines as well as more advanced concepts such as fuel cells and portable mobile applications through fuel cells. The book will appeal to a broad readership. People who are not yet familiar with this topic, but who are interested in the development of renewable fuels, will find great value in this book, even if they do not follow the more technical chapters on biochemistry and catalyst development for fuel cell applications. Likewise, persons who are familiar with or interested in certain areas, e.g. For example, the challenge of developing catalysts for direct alcohol fuel cells, the book and its many references of particular value.

    Why is Ethanol Important?

    U.S. Ethanol Industry Has Grown by Leaps and Bounds

    The U.S. ethanol industry has grown from a handful of small plants producing 175 million gallons in 1980 to 210 plants in 27 states producing a record 16.1 billion gallons of ethanol in 2018. Today, we make up slightly more than 10 percent of the U.S. gasoline supply.

    Ethanol Plants are Creating Jobs and Helping Fuel the U.S. Economy

    In 2018, the industry directly employed 71,367 American workers

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