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Essentials of WRAML2 and TOMAL-2 Assessment
Essentials of WRAML2 and TOMAL-2 Assessment
Essentials of WRAML2 and TOMAL-2 Assessment
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Essentials of WRAML2 and TOMAL-2 Assessment

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Essentials of WRAML2 and TOMAL-2 Assessment introduces professionals to these two widely used memory measurement batteries, both of which measure memory and are used to supplement evaluations of ADHD and reading problems in youngsters, as well as a number of other disorders across the age span. Written by Wayne Adams and Cecil Reynolds, this essential reference provides administration guidelines, including procedural suggestions and solutions for common problems examiners may encounter; expert assessment of each test?s relative strengths and weaknesses; valuable advice on clinical applications; and illuminating case reports.
Release dateDec 5, 2008
Essentials of WRAML2 and TOMAL-2 Assessment

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    Essentials of WRAML2 and TOMAL-2 Assessment - Wayne Adams


    In the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, we have attempted to provide the reader with books that will deliver key practical information in the most efficient and accessible style. The series features instruments in a variety of domains, such as cognition, personality, education, and neuropsychology. For the experienced clinician, books in the series will offer a concise yet thorough way to master utilization of the continuously evolving supply of new and revised instruments, as well as a convenient method for keeping up to date on the tried-and-true measures. The novice will find here a prioritized assembly of all the information and techniques that must be at one’s fingertips to begin the complicated process of individual psychological diagnosis.

    Wherever feasible, visual shortcuts to highlight key points are utilized alongside systematic, step-by-step guidelines. Chapters are focused and succinct. Topics are targeted for an easy understanding of the essentials of administration, scoring, interpretation, and clinical application. Theory and research are continually woven into the fabric of each book, but always to enhance clinical inference, never to sidetrack or overwhelm. We have long been advocates of what has been called intelligent testing—the notion that a profile of test scores is meaningless unless it is brought to life by the clinical observations and astute detective work of knowledgeable examiners. Test profiles must be used to make a difference in the child’s or adult’s life, or why bother to test? We want this series to help our readers become the best intelligent testers they can be.

    In Essentials of WRAML2 and TOMAL-2 Assessment, Drs. Adams and Reynolds provide excellent insights into their respective tests. Both beginners and those familiar with each instrument will find useful material that goes beyond what is found in the test manuals. Following a historical and neurological overview of memory assessment, sections highlighting each instrument are presented. For each battery, specific discussions of test rationale, content, and format are provided. Building on that foundation, a more sophisticated discussion then follows that includes key topics such as common administration errors, interpretative guidelines, and clinical applications. Supplemental data are presented that are not found elsewhere, along with competency-building aides. There is a nice balance between clinically applicable material and conceptual issues. Whether the reader uses the WRAML2, TOMAL-2, or both instruments, this book offers a sound professional grounding to learn, expand, and refine a variety of skills related to the measurement of memory assessment.

    Alan S. Kaufman, PhD, and Nadeen L. Kaufman, EdD, Series Editors Yale University School of Medicine



    Generating meaning from these words is an impressive memory feat. You have to first remember procedural aspects like where to start on the page and to use your eyes and to scan left to right. You also need to remember what the various letter and word combinations represent phonetically and holistically. Then you need to remember what meaning to assign those many phonetic and visual combinations. You also need to remember the meaning at the beginning of a sentence until the end of the sentence, and the beginning of the paragraph until its end. Obviously, without memory, reading would be impossible. And actually, without memory, life as we know it would be impossible.

    Memory is a central feature of human intelligence and is represented in nearly all day-to-day functions, be they intellectual, academic, social, vocational, or recreational. Memory makes us who we are and preserves our identity. Without the ability to recall our own personal history, we would be in a near state of confusion and constant dilemma. Indeed, the greatest tragedy of the dementias is that they eventually take from us who we are and what we know of ourselves. Memory allows us to acquire skills and knowledge, to perform our jobs, and to recognize and respond appropriately to our loved ones. Simply stated, memory is ubiquitous in daily life. Memory, as the term is used here, will reflect this commonsense understanding (i.e., the ability to recall an event, an object, or a behavior—to remember something).

    While memory is a central cognitive process, it also is a very vulnerable brain function. Various trauma, minor or devastating, can affect the efficiency of the brain laying down new memories and/or retrieving those already stored. Generally speaking, if there is going to be some cognitive compromise resulting from a brain insult, it is most likely that memory will be among those processes negatively affected. Difficulties with memory and attention are the two most common complaints following even mild head trauma. Further, it seems that memory is susceptible to congenital vagaries as well. Therefore, memory, like intelligence, can be demonstrated to range widely across individuals, from very impaired to quite impressive, starting in early childhood. And like intelligence, there is developmental change associated with age. Therefore, it should not be surprising that psychologists, neuropsychologists, and neuroscientists have devoted and continue to devote much attention to memory and its measurement.

    This book features the two major comprehensive memory batteries currently available for assessment of memory functions in children and adults—the Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning-Second Edition (WRAML2; Sheslow & Adams, 2003) and the Test of Memory and Learning-Second Edition (TOMAL-2; Reynolds & Voress, 2007). Each of these batteries is intended to sample reliably a variety of memory functions that are of clinical and theoretical interest for children, adolescents, and adults.

    Memory can be broken down into a multitude of forms, or types, each of which has a seemingly endless number of variations of task, process, and stimuli. Depending upon one’s theoretical orientation, distinctions among memory processes may carry such labels as abstract, meaningful, verbal, figural, spatial, associative, free recall, sequential, recognition, retrieval, procedural, episodic, working, and semantic, among others. There is no uniformly accepted terminology used to describe memory function. This diversity in memory terminology is rivaled only by the hundreds of terms designed to reflect specific aptitudes and personality characteristics.

    A single task may carry multiple classifications legitimately because theories of memory and their terminology often overlap. Some have even considered this classic definition of learning as also defining memory (e.g., see Kolb & Whishaw, 2003). However, although the distinction may be to some degree artificial (anything recalled must have been learned ), the WRAML2 and the TOMAL-2 distinguish memory and learning by providing subtests that assess both immediate memory as well as new learning over multiple trials, and subsequent recall of that newly acquired information. Although clinical utility was emphasized in the development of the WRAML2 and the TOMAL-2 as well as throughout this volume, researchers will also find the tests valuable in that their content provides reliable coverage of more, different memory functions for this age range than is available in any other co-normed, standardized format.


    The WRAML2 and the TOMAL-2 distinguish memory and learning by providing subtests that assess both immediate memory as well as new learning over multiple trials, and subsequent recall of that newly acquired information.


    Unlike some domains of psychological testing, memory assessment had a relatively strong empirical base upon which to build. That foundation has had many contributors. Hans Ebbinghaus is generally recognized as among the first to study memory. His now classic forgetting curve was published as part of numerous findings related to more than a decade of research on memory and forgetting (Ebbinghaus, 1885). Ebbinghaus operationalized what we now think of as immediate memory using a digit span task and nonsense syllables. He showed that the amount to be remembered affects performance and having a way to chunk information increased performance. The meaningfulness of the information to the learner was shown to affect retention too.

    A contemporary of Ebbinghaus was Alfred Binet, famous for creating the first measures of intellectual ability. Less known is Binet’s interest in many facets of memory. This focus is perhaps one reason that 20% of his first intelligence test (the 1905 Binet-Simon Scale) consisted of questions directly assessing immediate verbal and visual memory abilities.

    While Sigmund Freud did not investigate memory per se, his revolutionary theory was heavily reliant on diverse memory mechanisms. Later, Karl Lashley (long-term memory) (1950), George Miller (and his 7 ± 2 rule) (1956), Alexander Luria (the case of S and his unlimited long-term memory) (2006), and many others contributed an enormous amount of research that help us better understand memory. A lengthier treatment of research pioneers who contributed both directly and indirectly to memory assessment can be found in comprehensive sources like Haberlandt (1999), Squire and Schacter (2002), and Kolb and Wishaw (2003). Memory research continues, embracing new technologies and focusing on such contemporary and applied topics as the impact of blast injuries on the memories of soldiers serving in Iraq using fMRI imaging techniques along with formal memory testing.

    Yet, despite over a century of research on the topic of memory, the clinical assessment of normal and disordered memory has been fraught with problems (Fuster, 1995; Miller, Bigler, & Adams, 2003; Prigatano, 1978; Riccio & Reynolds, 1998), many of which stem from difficulties separating attention and memory as well as immediate memory from short-term and longer-term memory (see especially Fuster, 1995; Miller et al., 2003; Riccio & Reynolds, 1998; and Riccio, Reynolds, & Lowe, 2001).


    The two most common complaints of individuals following a closed head injury are difficulties with attention and memory.

    We have known for a long time that certain neurological disorders of adulthood that tend to occur in the elderly (but also may appear as early as 40 years of age—e.g., Alzheimer’s Disease, Binswanger’s Disease, Huntington’s Chorea, Korsakoff’s Syndrome, Pick’s Disease) have a profound impact on memory, and the type of memory loss that a person displays may have diagnostic implications for that disorder. Numerous neurological disorders of children and adolescents (including epilepsy, head trauma, most of the more than 600 known degenerative neurological disorders, and neoplasms) also have implications for memory, but they have less predictable and more global or generalized effects on memory than with adults. Children diagnosed as learning disabled, whether one views this as a neuropsychological disorder or not, commonly show a variety of memory problems (Reynolds & Fletcher-Janzen, 1997; Riccio & Reynolds, 1998; Riccio & Wolfe, 2003). When these conditions are chronic, related memory problems persist into adulthood (e.g., Goldstein & Reynolds, 2005).

    As part of the standard neurological exam dating back to the beginning of the last century, neurologists have always asked the patient questions concerning today’s date, current news items, and some recitation of letters, words, or sentences as a crude attempt to establish whether memory was normal. Such a screening assumed that individuals free of neurological disease or disorder would have no difficulty recalling such simple items, in contrast to neurologically compromised individuals who would display some type of impairment. However, it became evident that neurological disorders impacted memory with such variability that more elaborate assessment methods were necessary. Neuropsychiatric and psychological problems (e.g., depression) also are known to affect memory subsystems differentially across the age range; therefore psychiatrists, among others, also routinely include informal memory tasks within their mental status exam of children, adolescents, and adults. With children and adolescents, the variability of normal development further complicates this type of informal assessment practice, and often demands more sophisticated evaluation. Regardless of the age or presenting complaints, memory assessment is paradoxical in certain regards: Memory is both fragile and robust. While even slight, seemingly inconsequential blows to the head can cause substantial memory problems (Levin, Eisenberg, & Benton, 1989), some individuals with massive neoplasms or even hydrocephalic children with greatly reduced neural tissue will sometimes exhibit little memory compromise. Systematic evaluation of memory is required to understand learning and behavioral functions, and their normal range of variability seems to dictate standardized procedures such as those represented on the WRAML2 and the TOMAL-2.


    Children diagnosed as learning disabled commonly show a variety of memory problems.

    Recognizing the need to go beyond the common neurological and psychiatric memory exam, Luria (1966) devised a more thorough and insightful evaluation, but he continued in a clinical tradition that was difficult to subject to quantification. Similar to neurologists of his day, Luria would often employ impromptu methods to assess a particular patient suspected of impaired memory. Again, the diagnostic assumption was that the patient would either be impaired or not impaired. Such a dichotomous and idiosyncratic approach in clinical practice, while sometimes creative, did not provide an approach that would lead to quantifiable procedures. While qualitative approaches provided a certain richness and flexibility diagnostically, they did not easily provide nuanced evaluation of milder deficit or identification of areas of memory strength. Further, qualitative approaches require many, many years of experience, supervision, and exposure to a wide range of pathology, not to mention the immense creativity and careful theoretical reflection required in the clinician. In contrast, Western psychology, with its legacy of quantification, strongly influenced neuropsychological and other forms of assessment to proceed in a more psychometrically exacting direction.

    Much of the evolution in modern neuropsychology in the United States can be attributed to events associated with World War II. With dramatically improved emergency medicine in field hospitals, for the first time in the history of warfare many soldiers survived brain injury. Many of these victims had accompanying deficits in memory function. During this era the need for some type of standardization or battery of tests that could assess memory became obvious. Such a battery would depend on quantification so that useful information concerning the nature of the deficit could be reliably relayed from one health specialist to another. With the success of the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Test in 1939, David Wechsler developed the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) as a rapid, simple, and practical measure of memory (Wechsler, 1945, p. 16). The Wechsler Memory Scale was rapidly incorporated into clinical practice and by the 1950s and 1960s was entrenched as the only measure of adult memory that could be compared with an intelligence quotient. The WMS and its revisions, WMS-R and WMS-III, however, are primarily adult measures, beginning at the upper ranges of adolescence. Memory problems in children and their impact on development, learning, and behavior simply were not emphasized or even recognized to the same extent that adult memory symptoms were.

    During this same period of time (1940-1960), other tests of memory were being developed, most notably, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Design (Rey, 1941), the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (Rey, 1958), and the Benton Visual Retention Test (Benton, 1946). The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test was a list-learning task in which 15 words were presented to the patient over five trials. This would permit creation of a learning curve; and by using an interference procedure one could examine forgetting—a factor particularly important in certain neurological disorders (Lezak, 1983). Additionally, the words could be embedded in a paragraph so that recognition memory could be assessed. Although widely used as a clinical test, it was never fully standardized or normed. Additionally, the Rey auditory verbal learning approach did not permit a detailed evaluation of storage and retrieval of information. To examine these principles of memory more fully, and to apply them to a clinical procedure, Buschke and Fuld (1974) developed the Selective Reminding Test. With this procedure, the individual is told only the words that are failed on the previous trial, thereby allowing another method of studying long- and short-term retrieval from storage.

    Visual memory has been typically assessed by the Benton Visual Retention Test (Benton, 1974) or the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Task (Rey, 1941). Both have the confound of requiring the examinee to use graphomotor abilities; and if there is any disturbance in perceptual-motor functioning, this can affect performance on either one of these tasks adversely. The Benton Visual Retention Test has sound psychometric properties for older children and adolescents. Unfortunately, it has not been fully standardized in the lower age ranges. The Rey-Osterrieth figure is complicated and somewhat difficult to score, and this has presented obstacles in its use and clinical utility. Also, the delayed recall feature of the Rey-Osterrieth has never been fully standardized and normed, and numerous methods for assessing delayed recall have been suggested. Both of these measures have also been criticized because there is an element of verbal categorization that can be used so that the tasks may also tap verbal memory as well as the intended domain of visual memory.

    As they developed over the years since the late 1930s, memory testing efforts continued to be focused primarily on adults. Nevertheless, some pediatric focus was evident. The various versions of the Halstead (and Halstead-Reitan) Neuropsychological Test Batteries (e.g., Reitan & Wolfson, 1985) routinely included several brief memory measures for children 6 to 14 years of age. However, psychologists engaged in the assessment of memory in children were often forced to use informal techniques (such as a recall segment following administration of Bender’s 1938 Bender-Gestalt Test) as follow-up to any suspected memory problems arising from the few memory procedures included on formal intelligence batteries. Dorothea McCarthy (1972), a developmental psycholinguist, placed a Memory Index on the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities, but even this scale overlapped other scales and was spare in its coverage. It was not until the 1990s that the first comprehensive, pediatrically focused memory measures appeared—specifically the original versions of the WRAML (Sheslow & Adams, 1990) and TOMAL (Reynolds & Bigler, 1994b).

    It is of interest to note that by the late 1980s, 80% of a sample of various testing experts noted memory as an important aspect of a cognitive assessment (Snyderman & Rothman, 1987). Yet, despite the recognized importance of memory assessment and the inclusion as brief recall tasks on most popular IQ tests since the early 1900s, widespread adoption of comprehensive memory batteries was not seen until the beginning of the 21st century.

    Rapid Reference 1.1 lists the evolution of instruments used in clinical memory testing, and Rapid Reference 1.2 lists memory phenomena identified by various researchers over the last 130 years. Most terms in Rapid Reference 1.2 are recognized by psychologists, and many of these research products have been formative in defining the content of contemporary memory tests. Those memory phenomena found within the subtests of both the WRAML2 and TOMAL-2 are also noted in Rapid Reference 1.2. The meaning of the terms can be found in almost any introductory psychology or cognitive psychology text.


    It was near the mid-20th century when the first comprehensive memory measures appeared, but widespread use of comprehensive memory batteries, like the WRAML2 and TOMAL-2, was not common until the beginning of the 21st century.

    You will note that neither the WRAML2 nor the TOMAL-2 include long-term memory tasks.

    003 Rapid Reference 1.1

    A Short Chronology of Memory Tests

    1941. Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Task

    1945. Wechsler Memory Scale (1987, Second Edition; 1997, Third

    Edition; 2009, Fourth Edition)

    1946. Benton Visual Retention Test

    1958. Rey Verbal Learning Task

    1974. Selective Reminding Task

    1987. California Verbal Learning Test

    1990. Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning

    1994. Test of Memory and Learning

    1997. Children’s Memory Scale

    2003. Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning-Second


    2007. Test of Memory and Learning-Second Edition

    In fact, there are no normed, psychometrically sound measures of long-term memory. This, obviously, is not because long-term memory is not an important aspect of our memory systems, but rather due to the difficulty of creating such a scale. In part, this is because everyone’s background is different and so

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