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Practical Cyber Threat Intelligence: Gather, Process, and Analyze Threat Actor Motives, Targets, and Attacks with Cyber Intelligence Practices
Practical Cyber Threat Intelligence: Gather, Process, and Analyze Threat Actor Motives, Targets, and Attacks with Cyber Intelligence Practices
Practical Cyber Threat Intelligence: Gather, Process, and Analyze Threat Actor Motives, Targets, and Attacks with Cyber Intelligence Practices
Ebook755 pages7 hours

Practical Cyber Threat Intelligence: Gather, Process, and Analyze Threat Actor Motives, Targets, and Attacks with Cyber Intelligence Practices

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About this ebook

When your business assets are threatened or exposed to cyber risk, you want a high-quality threat hunting team armed with cutting-edge threat intelligence to build the shield. Unfortunately, regardless of how effective your cyber defense solutions are, if you are unfamiliar with the tools, strategies, and procedures used by threat actors, you will be unable to stop them.

This book is intended to provide you with the practical exposure necessary to improve your cyber threat intelligence and hands-on experience with numerous CTI technologies. This book will teach you how to model threats by gathering adversarial data from various sources, pivoting on the adversarial data you have collected, developing the knowledge necessary to analyse them and discriminating between bad and good information.

The book develops and hones the analytical abilities necessary for extracting, comprehending, and analyzing threats comprehensively. The readers will understand the most common indicators of vulnerability that security professionals can use to determine hacking attacks or threats in their systems quickly. In addition, the reader will investigate and illustrate ways to forecast the scope of attacks and assess the potential harm they can cause.
Release dateMay 27, 2022
Practical Cyber Threat Intelligence: Gather, Process, and Analyze Threat Actor Motives, Targets, and Attacks with Cyber Intelligence Practices

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    Practical Cyber Threat Intelligence - Dr. Erdal Ozkaya


    Basics of Threat Analysis and Modeling


    Hacking has become the order of the day in recent times with most of our lives having gone online. Businesses and people alike have turned to online platforms as a means to socialize, work, and engage in business activities that have led to more transactional data as well as sensitive data being exchanged over these online platforms. The amount of money that businesses are losing and are likely to continue losing has led many professional cybersecurity experts to develop and use a myriad of defenses to protect their businesses from these hackers. Threat modelling is one of the means through which cybersecurity professionals are engaged in defense. In recent periods, this method has been making more inroads into the cybersecurity landscape as it promises to help greatly in securing systems.


    This chapter will cover the following topics:

    Defining threat modelling

    Understanding the threat modelling process and steps

    Describing threat modelling methods


    This chapter will introduce the cybersecurity concept of threat modeling by defining the concept and providing a description of the processes that encompass threat modelling.

    Defining threat modelling

    Threat modelling is a method of analyzing systems to determine all the system risks and the objectives behind all possible attacks, and then developing countermeasures that can help prevent the attacks or mitigate them if they do happen. Businesses must conduct threat modelling activities at the beginning of a project instead of focusing on threat modelling during the production period. However, threat modelling should be done at all times and should not be limited to the start of projects only.

    The advantage of engaging in threat modelling at the beginning of the projects is to determine risks early on and make it more likely to prevent a security incident from happening. This is as opposed to determining vulnerabilities in a system during the production phase when the vulnerabilities could already have been exploited by malicious individuals or in the process of exploiting them.

    To conduct a proper threat modelling exercise, it is always important to determine answers to these questions:

    What kind of model are you seeking to build in your case?

    This will be answered by a thorough understanding of the business’s data flow processes, system architecture diagrams, and various data classifications applicable to the system in place. After understanding the preceding events, the security team can have a virtual model of the network they seek to protect, and based on this virtual network blueprint, they can build a threat model.

    What are the possible pitfalls?

    At this point, the security team will research and evaluate all possible threats to the network. This includes the applications in the system that expose the organization’s network to the identified threats.

    What are the potential solutions to the problem?

    This step follows the identification of possible threats to the network. The security team will identify all possible solutions that can be used to recover from a cyberattack.

    Was it successful?

    This is the follow-up stage that follows any assessment or the aftermath of a cyberattack. During this period, the security team review the success of the solutions or counter measures that were put in place to help recover from potential cyberattacks.

    This section has defined what threat modelling is and explained how to determine whether we are handling the threat modelling exercise properly. In the next section, you will understand how the threat modelling process is carried out.

    Threat Modeling puts you in the mindset of an attacker of your system

    Understanding the threat modelling process

    Threat modelling is a systemic process that looks at the system deeply and considers all aspects of the network. It begins with a complete definition of all company assets, all the applications that work in the system, and their concerning functions for the entire system. Defining all the assets and applications is followed by the assembly of the security profile of these two aspects of the system. Then, the security team engages in the identification and prioritizing of potential threats to the system.

    The documentation process completes the threat modelling process by recording all the harmful events that could face the system and what possible solutions can be used to resolve the problems.

    Threat modelling is an important process, but many organizations are yet to fully understand the benefits of the process and rarely engage in it. Many system users in many companies are still oblivious to the dangers they pose to systems globally and still use weak passwords to access sensitive data.

    The following diagram illustrates the steps used in the threat modelling process:

    Figure 1.1: Threat modelling process

    Now that you have understood the threat modelling processes and the steps involved in it, we will look at why we need security threat modelling in the next section.

    Why do we need security threat modelling?

    The importance of threat modelling activities cannot be overemphasized. From recent reports, it has been shown that cyber threats have been on a rapid increase. For instance, a recent security research by Security Boulevard Company revealed that in 2019 alone, more than 4 billion records were exposed as a result of data breaches across the globe. In addition, the report also said that more than $3.25 billion was lost to cybercrime through social media engineered attacks.

    Other reports have shown that companies will increase their investments in cybersecurity products and services to a staggering amount of over $1 trillion by the year 2021.These reports are proof of the damage that cybercrime has inflicted on companies across the globe, the increasing need to invest in processes such as threat modelling, and the benefits that accrue from using the method. Cybercrime is a growing epidemic that affects all companies, so having a sound threat modelling plan is a smart solution that will definitely help companies fight this growing digital problem. The following image demonstrates how we need to design our threat modelling:

    Figure 1.2: Threat modelling with threat actors in mind

    We explained the need for security threat modelling in this section and how it helps organizations avoid costly security incidents. In the next section, we will look at the various threat modelling methodologies and their descriptions.

    To summarize, threat modelling is:

    A structured process to discover and prioritize threats to your system and prioritize and plan risk mitigations;

    A mechanism to make your security time/thinking more effective and more thoughtful about the end-to-end security design; and

    Focused on answering what is the system?, what can go wrong?, and What to do about the things that can go wrong?.

    Threat modelling methodologies

    There are several methodologies that security experts can use to conduct threat modelling, including:



    P. A. S. T. A



    Attack Tree

    Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)



    Quantitative Threat Modelling Method


    Persona Non-Grata


    Security Cards


    This methodology was developed by the Microsoft Corporation. It provides six categories (refer to figure 1.3) that can be used to identify security threats:

    Spoofing: Intruder in the system that is posing as other users or a component of the system.

    Tampering: Checking for alterations to data within the system that could have been done with malicious intentions.

    Repudiation: Determining the ability of an intruder or insider to deny performing any malicious activities due to insufficiency of proof against them.

    Information Disclosure: Determining exposure of data to users that are unauthorized to access and see such data.

    Denial of Service: An attacker using means to exhaust all the available resources that are needed to offer services to legitimate users of the system.

    Elevation of Privilege: Allowance of an attacker in the system to execute privileged commands within the system that they should not be allowed to.

    Figure 1.3: The STRIDE methodology

    This methodology was invented in 1999, and Microsoft adopted the technique in 2002.Currently, the technique is considered the most mature option among all the available options in the market. The technique has been evolving over time and can presently be used under two variants: STRIDE-per-element and STRIDE-per-interaction. With the former, evaluation is done per the elements of the system. In the latter category, assessment is done based on the interactions between the system components.

    The methodology works by evaluating the system detail designs. The modelling is done for in-place systems by building data flow diagrams (DFDs). With STRIDE, the security team can identify system entities, the various events in the system, and the boundaries of the system. The methodology has been used successfully in both cyber systems and cyber-physical systems.

    The following table will demonstrate us some threats:

    Table 1.1: Understanding threats

    PS: At the end of this chapter, we will have a hands-on approach in our lab section.


    This methodology was developed by Microsoft Corporation. It was dropped by Microsoft in 2008, but it is still in use by many other organizations. The methodology provides a way to rank and assess security risks that potentially affect a system in five categories:

    Damage potential: The category ranks the potential to damage possible to each exploitable vulnerability in the system.

    Reproducibility: This category ranks the ease of reproducing an attack on the system.

    Exploitability: This category assesses and rates by giving a numerical rating to various efforts that attackers need to launch a given type of attack.

    Affected Users: The category provides the number of users that could be affected in case attackers successfully carry out an attack and the attack becomes widely available.

    Discoverability: The category measures how easy it is for the security systems to discover the threat.

    P. A. S. T. A

    P. A. S. T. A stands for Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis. The methodology has 7 steps and is focused on risks to the system. The methodology offers a system for threat identification, enumeration of the threats, and a scoring system for each of the identified threats. The experts then create a detailed analysis of all the identified threats to the system, which is used by developers in creating an asset-focused mitigation strategy that is possible through the analysis of all system applications from the attacker’s perspective.

    The aim of this methodology is to bring technical requirements along with the business objectives. It elevates threat modelling to a strategic level by involving key decision makers in the organization and requiring security input from all sectors, such as governance, operations, development, and architecture. The technique is widely regarded as risk-centric and employs an attack-focused approach to produce asset-centric results.

    The seven P. A. S. T. A. steps are listed as follows:

    Definition of objectives: This step includes these processes: identify objectives, business impact analysis, and identification of security and compliance requirements.

    Definition of the technical scope: This step includes these activities: capturing the boundaries of the technical environment and capturing of infrastructure, application, and software dependencies.

    Application decomposition: This step includes the following activities: identifying use cases, defining application entry points and trust levels, identifying actors, assets, data sources, roles and services, and Data Flow Diagram (DFD) as well as determination of trust boundaries.

    Analysis of threats: Includes activities like threat intelligence correlation and analytics, regression analysis on security events, and probabilistic attack scenarios analysis.

    Analysis of vulnerabilities and weaknesses: The activities in this step include queries of existing vulnerability reports, issues tracking, threats to existing vulnerability mapping using threat trees, design flaw analysis using use and abuse cases, and scorings as well as enumerations.

    Attack modelling: The activities in this step include determining attack surface analysis, attack library management, attack tree development, attack to vulnerability, and exploit analysis.

    Analysis of risks and impact: Activities in this step include ID risk mitigation strategizing, quantifying business impact, and counter-measuring identification and residual risk analysis.


    This methodology uses threat models as a risk-management and defence tool. These threat models should be based on the requirement models that are determined from stakeholder-defined risk acceptable levels for each of the company assets. An analysis of the requirements provides a requirements analysis model that yields a threat model that identifies threats and is subsequently provided with risk values. The created threat model is then used to create a risk model that factors things such as assets, exposure to risk, actions, and roles of applications and users within the system.

    The methodology follows these steps:

    Defining the system: Once the system is defined, an analyst builds a requirements model after thoroughly understanding and enumerating the system. The analyst must understand all the system’s intended actions, rules, actors, and assets. In this first step, there is a creation of an actor-asset-action matrix. The columns of this matrix represent the assets, while the rows represent the actors.

    Division of cells: Each of the matrix cells is divided into four parts that represent the following actions: Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting (CRUD). The analyst assigns one of these values in the cells: disallowed action, allowed action, and action with rules. To determine the rules to be used, each cell has a rule tree attached to it.

    Building a Data Flow Diagram (DFD): Defining a DFD is the next step after defining requirements. Each element in the matrix is then mapped onto a selection consisting of assets and actors. The analysts iterate through the DFD to determine threats that largely fall into two categories: denial of service and elevations of privilege. Each of the discovered threats becomes a root node on the attack tree.

    Assessment of risks: To assess the risk of attacks, the CRUD method is used along with a five-point scale that represents each action. Actors in the system are rated on five-point scales too to represent the risks they are assumed to bring to the system. In the rating system, a lower number represents a high risk to the system or asset. In addition, the actors are evaluated on a 3-dimensional scale for each evaluated asset. The three dimensions include always, sometimes, and never.


    This is a threat modelling methodology acronym that stands for Visual, Agile, and Simple Threat modelling technique. This methodology offers actionable outputs that are specific to the unique needs of various stakeholders such as developers, cybersecurity personnel, application architects, and so on. The VAST technique offers an infrastructural visualization plan that is unique in its application and eliminates the need for specialized expertise in order to use the technique to enhance company security.

    Attack tree

    An attack tree is a methodology that conceptualizes the attack process. The technique conceptualizes the process in form of a tree with a root node, leaves, and children nodes. The child nodes represent the conditions that must be met before making the direct parent node true. The conceptual tree also uses ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ operations that are responsible for providing the security experts with alternative steps to achieve the required goals to implement security needs.

    Common Vulnerability Scoring System

    Referred to with the acronym CVSS, this threat modelling methodology provides security experts with a way to capture the characteristics of vulnerability and then assign a value to the vulnerability ranging from 0-10.The value 10 represents the most severe case. The scoring system is then further translated into four qualitative representations, i. e., low, medium, high, and critical. These representations are extremely helpful to organizations in prioritizing their security concerns and in managing the various vulnerabilities that are unique to their systems and business operations.

    The technique was developed by National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) and the responsibility of maintaining it lies with the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST). The methodology is made up of three metric groups, namely, temporal, base, and environmental.

    Each of these groups consists of a set of metrics, as shown below:

    Table 1.2: Metric groups

    A CVSS score will be determined by values that are assigned by a security analyst on each of the metrics. The CVSS method is often used in combination with other threat modelling methods.


    This methodology is commonly available for off-the-shelf security systems. The methodology calculates attack weight paths and incorporates the use of things like UML diagrams, access classes, target assets, vulnerabilities, and affected values.


    This is a threat modelling methodology acronym that stands for Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation. This technique is risk-based in its evaluation and assessment procedures. Its focus is on the assessment of organizational risks only. However, it does not address risks to the technological aspects of the system.

    The OCTAVE methodology works in three phases, namely:

    Organizational evaluation: It encompasses the building of threat profiles that are asset-based.

    Informational Infrastructural evaluation: It includes the identification of infrastructural vulnerabilities.

    Risk evaluation affecting critical assets and decision-making: It includes the planning and development of a security strategy.

    Quantitative threat modelling method

    This is a hybrid method that combines three of the above-mentioned methodologies; CVSS, STRIDE, and attack trees. The methodology recognizes complexities in interdependencies that arise from cyber-systems and their components and addresses the issues that they cause on threat modelling processes. The first step in this methodology is to create attack trees for all the STRIDE categories. The aim of the trees is to determine and show the dependencies between various attack categories and determine the low-level component attributes. The CVSS methodology is applied last by the calculation of scores for all the identified tree components.


    This is a threat modelling methodology acronym that stands for Linkability, Identifiability, Nonrepudiation, Detectability, Disclosure of information, Unawareness, Noncompliance.

    The technique focuses on data privacy concerns and is often used to enhance data security. It consists of six steps:

    Defining the Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

    Mapping the privacy threats to the respective DFD elements

    Identifying threat scenarios

    Prioritizing threats

    Eliciting mitigation strategies

    Selecting corresponding PETS

    This technique begins with the DFD of the system that helps define the various system entities, data flows, data stores, external entities, and system processes. The technique works by iterating over all the components that make up the model and analyzing these components from the point of view of the attacker or threat categories. This allows the users to determine the threat’s applicability to their system and then build threat trees as a result.

    Persona Non-Grata

    Persona non Grata (PnG) is a threat modelling technique that mainly focuses on the motivations and skills of the potential attackers. The technique considers people users as archetypes who can potentially misuse the system and requires security experts to view the system from the point of view of potential attackers. The methodology is useful during the early stages of threat modelling as it helps visualize potential threats from the counterpart side. It is based on security experts walking in the attacker’s shoes to understand their skills, goals, and motivations. The method is considered to be a good fit for agile system development processes.


    This is a hybrid method, and the acronym stands for Hybrid Threat Modelling Method. The method is a recent invention, developed in 2018.It combines three techniques in the form of security cards, PnG activities, and Security Quality Requirements Engineering Method (SQUARE).

    The methodology targets the following characteristics from the system:

    No false positives

    Consistency in results regardless of the security analysts performing the threat modelling

    No overlooking of threats


    The methodology has five main steps:

    Identify the system that needs threat modelling

    Apply the security cards based on suggestions from the developer

    Remove possibly and unlikely PnGs (Ensure no unrealistic attack vectors)

    Summarize the results of the process using support tools

    Continue with a formal risk assessment method

    Security Cards

    This method is not formally recognized as a standalone threat modelling technique. However, it can be used to identify unusual and complex attacks on a system. The method helps security experts brainstorm for security solutions to potential problems. It uses a deck of cards that help security analysts answer security questions regarding the security of the system under analysis. Examples of these questions include:

    Who is likely to attack?

    What assets are they likely to target?

    Why may the system be attacked?

    How can attackers implement their attacks?

    The method uses a deck of 42 cards. These cards are categorized into four groups: human impact (represented by 9 cards), adversary motivation (represented by 13 cards), adversary methods (represented by 9 cards), and adversary resources (represented by 11 cards).

    The following table illustrates the various cards and the descriptions for each of the 42 cards:

    Table 1.3: Security Cards

    The choice of what threat modelling methodology to use depends on several factors. The security team in an organization will choose the methodology to use based on available expertise, the timeline available for threat modelling, the risks involved and how they impact the business, and how much stakeholders want to be involved in the process. Apart from these factors, the main determinant is the reason for doing the threat modelling in the first place.

    The main factors that will determine the methodology to use among the provided list are risk, security, and privacy. Each of these three factors determines the kind of threat modelling required and determines the methodology to use to handle the threat to the business in question.

    Threat modelling is meant to enhance the security situation of an organization. Proper use of threat modelling should result in a product that is not only safe but also trustworthy. The methodologies that have been listed and described differ in terms of the scope of their usage and effectiveness. Some of the methodologies can be used as standalone methodologies to perform threat modelling effectively for security analysts. For some of the other methodologies, they are used in combination with other methodologies for them to be effective as they are not comprehensive on their own.

    A summary of some of the methodologies and the features that differentiate them is provided in the following table:

    Table 1.4: Summary of a few methodologies and the features that differentiate them


    In this chapter, you were introduced to the topic of threat modelling, a major topic in the cybersecurity arena. Threat modelling is the process of assessing and identifying vulnerabilities and potential threats facing a system and taking countermeasures to address the risks associated with these threats. We have identified the reasons for threat modelling and the importance of avoiding actual security incidents. We also looked at several methodologies that can be used for threat modelling activities. These include STRIDE, DREAD, P. A. S. T. A, Trike, VAST, Attack Tree, Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), T-MAP, OCTAVE, Quantitative Threat Modelling Method, LINDUNN, Persona Non-Grata, HTMM, and Security Cards. Some of these methods can be used as standalone methodologies to resolve threat modelling needs.

    However, other methodologies are either combinations of other methods or need other methods to effectively help analysts in threat modelling processes. It has been shown that with effective use of threat modelling, an organization can greatly improve the security and trust of a product and keep hackers away.

    The next chapter will introduce the concept of adversaries in threat modelling and focus on various sources of adversary data.

    Lab 1: Hands on Threat Modeling

    In this lab, we will use the free threat modeling tool from Microsoft. We will take you step by step through the process, let’s start:

    If you don’t have the tool already, download it:

    Direct Download link:

    To get more information about the tool, visit this link:

    Once you download the tool, install it:

    Figure 1.4: Click on install

    The tool will take a few minutes to install. Once installed, agree with the licensing and start with your approach., which involves creating a diagram, identifying threats, mitigating them, and validating each mitigation. The following diagram highlights the process that we will follow during this lab:

    Figure 1.5: Threat modeling process

    Once you have the tool installed, start the threat modeling process. Once you launch the tool, you will notice a few things, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Figure 1.6: Microsoft threat modeling tool

    Create A Model Tab will open a blank canvas for you to draw your diagram. Select the template you would like to use for your model and save your work; you can later open it via the Open a Model tab.

    Next, you will need to build a model, To do so, click on the create a new model tab; it will open a template based on your choice:

    Figure 1.7: Threat modeling blank template

    For this example, we will create a data-flow diagram to represent the flow of data through a process or system. With the help of threat modeling you can specify trust boundaries, indicated by the red dotted lines, to display the different entities that are in control. For example, IT administrators require an Active Directory system for authentication purposes, so the Active Directory is outside of their control.

    Now, build your threat model. For this scenario, let’s have a user who is sending commands to a web server that has a database; here’s a sample.

    You can use the menu icons as per the following screenshots:

    Figure 1.8: Microsoft Threat Modeling tool editing options

    To add Stencils, use the menu on the right-hand side.

    Figure 1.9: Microsoft Threat Modeling tools Stencils

    Now, draw our model:

    Figure 1.10: Sample threat model

    You can specify trust boundaries, shape them with red dotted lines to show the different entities in control, and then click on analysis view from the icon menu (file with magnifying glass). Now, select the items on the list.

    Once you select it, you will notice the interaction between the two stencils that are enchased:

    Figure 1.11: Web server access threat modeling example

    Second, you will see additional information appearing in the Threat Prosperities Window:

    Figure 1.12: Microsoft Threat Modeling tool allows you to add descriptions

    The generated threat helps you understand potential design flaws. The STRIDE categorization gives an idea on potential attack vectors, and the additional description will tell you what’s wrong, along with potential ways to mitigate it. You can use editable fields to write notes in the justification details or change priority ratings depending on the organization’s bug bar.

    You can build a threat modeling scenario based on the threats that you are dealing with. Below, we will have one more scenario to give you more TIPS.

    Now, let’s build threat modeling mitigations for storage:

    Ensure that binaries are obfuscated if they contain sensitive information.

    Figure 1.13: Sensitive information details

    Consider using the Encrypted File system

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