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Cambodia’s Ecosystem for Technology Startups
Cambodia’s Ecosystem for Technology Startups
Cambodia’s Ecosystem for Technology Startups
Ebook111 pages1 hour

Cambodia’s Ecosystem for Technology Startups

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Technology-based startup enterprises are an increasingly important part of the business landscape in Asia and the Pacific. By applying innovative technologies to create new products and services, they can make a significant contribution to economic development while generating social and environmental benefits. However, to survive and then thrive, tech startups require an enabling ecosystem that includes supportive government policy, and adequate access to capital, skilled personnel, and quality digital infrastructure. This report assesses the current ecosystem for tech startups in Cambodia, focusing on four sectors: climate change and environment, agriculture, education, and health. The report discusses challenges facing tech startups in these sectors and provides recommendations to overcome them.
Release dateJun 1, 2022
Cambodia’s Ecosystem for Technology Startups

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    Cambodia’s Ecosystem for Technology Startups - Asian Development Bank


    Sopheara Ek and Paul Vandenberg

    JUNE 2022

    Country Report No. 1

    Ecosystems for Technology Startups in Asia and the Pacific

    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO)

    © 2022 Asian Development Bank

    6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines

    Tel +63 2 8632 4444; Fax +63 2 8636 2444

    Some rights reserved. Published in 2022.

    ISBN 978-92-9269-561-3 (print); 978-92-9269-562-0 (electronic); 978-92-9269-563-7 (ebook)

    Publication Stock No. TCS220233-2


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    Cover design by Joe Mark Ganaban.


    Tables and Figures


    Technology-based startup enterprises—or tech startups—are an increasingly important part of the business landscape in Asia and the Pacific and, indeed, around the world. These enterprises apply new technologies to create new products or services or provide services in a new way. Many startups may not survive long, but some will succeed and make significant contributions to economic development. Tech firms such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon are now among the largest firms in the world, and tech firms including Tencent, Gojek, and Grab are also among the leading emerging enterprises in Asia. The technology and dynamism they provide are important for economic growth.

    Given their growing importance, it is essential to better understand the ecosystem in which tech startups develop. They don’t grow in a vacuum. They

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