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How To Overcome Heartbreak And Get Over Your Ex: A Survival Guide On Heartbreak And How You Can Forget Your Ex And Move On With Your Life
How To Overcome Heartbreak And Get Over Your Ex: A Survival Guide On Heartbreak And How You Can Forget Your Ex And Move On With Your Life
How To Overcome Heartbreak And Get Over Your Ex: A Survival Guide On Heartbreak And How You Can Forget Your Ex And Move On With Your Life
Ebook48 pages41 minutes

How To Overcome Heartbreak And Get Over Your Ex: A Survival Guide On Heartbreak And How You Can Forget Your Ex And Move On With Your Life

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How To Overcome Heartbreak And Get Over Your Ex : A Step-by-Step Guide to Mending a Broken Heart is a lighthearted and enjoyable book that offers practical tactics for getting over your ex as quickly and completely as possible.

Have you recently broken up with someone? Was it a tense and upsetting event for you? Is it tough for you to let go of your ex and move on with your life? Is it difficult for you to forget the moments you spent with your ex, but you're now urgently trying to get over him since he's gone on with his life and you're still caught in the doldrums?

It's over, and it hurts a lot. But, as ridiculous as it may seem in the midst of heartbreak, you can move on from your split. Forget about attempting to win back your ex. Forget about sacrificing yourself to make this individual adore you. Starting now, this painful breakup is the perfect moment to make positive changes in your life, both inside and out.

You will find solutions to your difficulties if you read this book.
Release dateJun 22, 2022
How To Overcome Heartbreak And Get Over Your Ex: A Survival Guide On Heartbreak And How You Can Forget Your Ex And Move On With Your Life

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    Book preview

    How To Overcome Heartbreak And Get Over Your Ex - Maryanne Amber Cohen


    No part of this book should be considered legal or professional advice. Take everything I say in this book as my opinion and regard it as entertainment. You are responsible for your action by acting on the thoughts and views shared in this book.


    A breakup is more than just the termination of a relationship. It might erode your self-esteem and leave you feeling lonely and unwelcome. It may be a terrible blow to your mental health, especially if you still have feelings for your ex. But there are methods to go on and emerge stronger and healthier.

    It may appear simple and even insulting to recommend that you consider your mental health when you are at your lowest and most vulnerable. It might feel as though your entire life has come to a standstill. That all of your goals and dreams have been dashed.

    Perhaps all you want is to be left alone so you can figure out what went wrong. You should probably examine all of your behaviors and see whether you might have done anything differently to remain with the person you still love.

    But here's the harsh reality: that's never an impartial judgment, especially when you're still in love with your ex. It's a rapid and painful path from what went wrong to it's all my responsibility. It's an internal spiral that only serves to aggravate the damage.

    Moving on is the only way out. While it may appear to be insurmountable, here are five basic steps you can do right now.

    1. Disconnect All Communication (Both Direct And Indirect)

    This is the most crucial thing you can do for your physical and mental well-being.

    You are not required to know where they are or who they are with. Eliminate any contact with your ex.

    Yes, being absent from their life may be devastating. But the emphasis is now on your trip, and they have no place in it. It's time to put yourself first, rather than your ex's social activities.

    You should also be aware that you can no longer be friends with them. That seldom works out well in real life, regardless of what you may have read or seen. It can be a difficult and ultimately hopeless endeavor to resurrect and maintain a broken relationship.

    Simply said, you cannot be friends with your ex. Maybe after a few years, when you're both in better health and happier places, you'll be able to be civil and even become acquaintances. But, for the time being, you should avoid interfering in their lives.

    So, leave their social media networks and

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