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Milner & Dunn: The Christmas Feast (Paranormal Gay Romance)
Milner & Dunn: The Christmas Feast (Paranormal Gay Romance)
Milner & Dunn: The Christmas Feast (Paranormal Gay Romance)
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Milner & Dunn: The Christmas Feast (Paranormal Gay Romance)

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About this ebook

Adrian Milner is a doting dad, a stern college professor and a complete skeptic who just inherited part ownership in a private investigation agency that specializes in the supernatural. To make things worse, his new partner is a gorgeous, arrogant conman that Adrian can't resist.
His first experience investigating a haunting might change Adrian's mind about the supernatural and maybe how he feels about his partner too.
PublisherTrina Solet
Release dateJun 10, 2022
Milner & Dunn: The Christmas Feast (Paranormal Gay Romance)

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    Book preview

    Milner & Dunn - Trina Solet

    Chapter 1

    Adrian was putting his coat on while his little girl looked up at him with a slight pout. As her nanny, Luna, came in, Nessie told her where he was going.

    Daddy is going to look at a man, Nessie said reinterpreting what Adrian had told her. She was only three and loved going places with him, but today she was staying home.

    I said I was going to see a man, Adrian said, but of course Nessie didn't see the difference.

    With his shoes and coat on, he bent down and gave Nessie a kiss. Be good for Luna. I'll be back a little later.

    Bye, Daddy, Nessie said with a two handed wave, and then she and Luna walked him to the door.

    Getting into his car, Adrian was already losing the good feeling Nessie gave him just by being her little self. He didn't know what to expect from his visit to Milner & Dunn Investigations, and he wasn't looking forward to it. But one of those names was his own, so he needed to have a look at the place.

    Arthur Milner, his great-uncle, was a partner in the business, a silent one. When he died, Adrian inherited half the business, but he had no idea what he owned. Milner & Dunn wasn't a normal private investigation firm. According to what he heard, it specialized in supernatural investigations. In other words, it was a scam.

    Why in hell would his great-uncle put his money into something like that much less put his name on it?

    That's why Adrian was going to visit the office of this PI firm. Before he sold his share of it, he wanted to find out what they did there and how they got his great-uncle involved in it.

    At first glance, the offices that bore the name Milner & Dunn were not sleazy looking. The firm was located in a small shopping center between an antique store and a bookstore. Milner & Dunn took up the first and second floors of a narrow building.

    The first floor was a lobby with an unoccupied desk and club chairs in the waiting area. It was decorated in beige and navy blue, in other words, inoffensive. Going up the stairs, Adrian saw a spacious outer office with another unoccupied desk and another waiting area. There were two office doors. One was unmarked, the other was marked simply Dunn.

    Imagining what kind of sleazy conman he would be dealing with, Adrian took a deep breath before he knocked.

    Come in, a deep voice said and Adrian opened the door gingerly. A smiling, good-looking guy was sitting behind the desk, asking, What kind of trouble can I help you with?

    The man was beyond handsome, dark hair and short beard, incredibly luminous light brown eyes and a body that Adrian was dying to see naked. And he was asking what the trouble was.

    The trouble was him, but Adrian didn't say so. I'm Adrian Milner. I tried making an appointment, but no one was answering the phones.

    Milner as in? Dunn pointed at a photo on the wall of him with Great-Uncle Arthur.

    My great-uncle, Adrian said simply and watched Dunn realize what that meant.

    My new partner, he said cheerfully and Adrian groaned inwardly.

    Not for long. I'd like you to buy me out, Adrian stated firmly. He came here planning to ask questions about the business, find out why his great-uncle wanted to be involved with it, but now that he was looking at Dunn with his arrogant good looks, he was only interested in getting out of there and never having to see him again. This guy was looking at Adrian like he couldn't make up his mind if he should pick his pocket or strip him naked or both.

    Not possible, Dunn said in answer to his demand. I can't get the money, and it's not part of my agreement with Arthur.

    Adrian was curious about that agreement, but he stayed focused on his goal. I just want out of this... business or whatever it is.

    You don't have to be involved, Dunn said. You can be a silent partner like Arthur.

    My name is on the door. It reflects on me, Adrian pointed out.

    You mean reflects badly on you, Dunn said, then he threaded his fingers together and leaned forward. Because I'm a conman.

    It wasn't a question so Adrian didn't bother answering. You can borrow the money to buy me out.

    Can I? I don't know about that, but I'm not eager to buy you out anyway, Dunn said like he enjoyed denying him and toying with him, and that's exactly why Adrian wanted out of this.

    Wouldn't you rather be the sole owner, so you can do things your own way? Adrian asked him.

    Arthur never interfered in the business, Dunn said.

    I'm not him. If my name is going to be on the door, I'll want to make sure the business is run properly. Have a look at the books and check out your methods to make sure that business is being conducted ethically. Adrian meant it as a threat and Dunn didn't miss his meaning.

    He smiled ruefully then stood up abruptly and buttoned his jacket. In that case, you'll want to accompany me and see how things are done, he said. He headed for the door and when Adrian didn't follow him, he turned back. Come on. I just called your bluff. Are you already backing down?

    Adrian wasn't ready to capitulate just yet. And where would we be going? he asked as Dunn went into the outer office and got his coat.

    To see a client, Dunn said. He pulled his coat on while walking down the stairs and actually filled Adrian in on what the client wanted. Lloyd McKay doesn't want his Christmas dinner ruined by some apparition that's been haunting his new house. He did a lot of remodeling before he moved in, gutted the place, so he didn't think he needed a cleansing. And you see how that turned out. Remodeled or not, a place that old, of course it has to be cleansed.

    While he prattled on, Adrian stared at the back of his head in disbelief. Did Dunn even believe what he was saying?

    Outside, Dunn headed for a black Jag. We'll take my car. You can drive, Dunn said and tossed him the keys.

    Rather than catch them, Adrian took a step back so the keys wouldn't hit him.

    What, you can't catch? Or you can't drive? Dunn asked.

    Neither. I just don't want to be your chauffeur, Adrian informed him.

    Don't you want to make yourself useful? It's not like you can exorcise ghosts, Dunn said.

    You can't either. Because they don't exist, Adrian told him.

    Dunn sighed and bent down to pick up the keys. Fine. I'll play chauffeur.

    So this guy is worried that a ghost is going to upend his Christmas dinner? This is what you do? Adrian asked as he got into his car.

    Yes. I give my wealthy clients peace of mind.

    Whether their problem is real or not, Adrian added.

    You can't have that attitude while I'm working, Dunn told him and gave him a stern look.

    Will my disbelief interfere with you ghost hunting? Adrian asked.

    No, it will annoy me.

    They arrived in front of a mansion which looked quite old and stately from the outside, and Adrian couldn't wait to see what horrendous things had been done to it on the inside. During the drive he only had time for a quick online search that told him that Lloyd McKay was loaded and that he was also good-looking.

    Then he got to see that for himself as the client, Lloyd McKay, opened the door to them and launched into a hug that Dunn returned warmly.

    Though far from young, Lloyd was a silver fox. He had looks and money, no wonder Dunn was all over him. Plus he was obviously gullible.

    I know, I know. You're going to lecture me for not having you in for a cleansing, but I was in a rush to get the decorating done then this dinner had to be planned, Lloyd said while standing in the doorway and giving Dunn a pleading look.

    As long as you learned your lesson, Dunn told him mock sternly.

    Now Lloyd noticed Adrian for the first time. Oh, a new assistant. Wonderful, he said.

    Yes, this is Adrian, Dunn confirmed falsely so that Adrian had to correct Lloyd's mistake.

    I'm not his assistant. I'm his business partner, Adrian Milner. Unless you'd like to buy me out, he said.

    Lloyd took that as a joke, which it wasn't, and laughed while inviting them in. Inside, the house was nicely decorated but it was also brand new, unlived in.

    Dunn complimented everything, all sorts of touches and Lloyd ate it up. Then Lloyd actually started talking about why he needed Dunn as he led the way to the kitchen. Every single thing in the fridge was spoiled, Lloyd said. So it turned out he had a broken fridge, which was a solvable problem. And at least appliance repair was an honest profession unlike pretending to bust ghosts.

    Then Dunn asked him what Adrian had been thinking. Could your fridge just be on the fritz?

    Lloyd denied it. No, it's brand new and top of the line.

    That doesn't mean it can't break, Dunn pointed out reasonably.

    Even if the fridge did break, food doesn't rot in a matter of hours, Lloyd said. What the maid found was horrific. Putrid, liquefied. I had to have the whole fridge out of here and got a new one. I can't have that sort of thing happen at my Christmas dinner. Please do your thing and get rid of the nasty intruder.

    I'll see what I can do. Now tell me what else happened, Dunn said.

    The knives. They're always being stuck into things, bread, apples, cheese, chicken, Lloyd said and Adrian noticed that those were all things that normally get cut with knives. But there was more to the list. Milk jugs, orange juice cartons. Then there are the eggs. I haven't had an egg in days. They always end up broken. Then the oven was turned on to the highest temperature right when Wanda was baking my poppy seed muffins.

    Wanda is the maid, right? Could Wanda possibly be disgruntled? Dunn asked, again saying what Adrian had just been thinking.

    "So she's attacking my food with

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