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Micro-computed Tomography (micro-CT) in Medicine and Engineering
Micro-computed Tomography (micro-CT) in Medicine and Engineering
Micro-computed Tomography (micro-CT) in Medicine and Engineering
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Micro-computed Tomography (micro-CT) in Medicine and Engineering

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About this ebook

This book focuses on applications of micro CT, CBCT and CT in medicine and engineering, comprehensively explaining the basic principles of these techniques in detail, and describing their increasing use in the imaging field.

It particularly highlights the scanning procedure, which represents the most crucial step in micro CT, and discusses in detail the reconstruction process and the artifacts related to the scanning processes, as well as the imaging software used in analysis.

Written by international experts, the book illustrates the application of micro CT in different areas, such as dentistry, medicine, tissue engineering, aerospace engineering, geology, material engineering, civil engineering and additive manufacturing.

Covering different areas of application, the book is of interest not only to specialists in the respective fields, but also to broader audience of professionals working in the fields of imaging and analysis, as well as to students of the different disciplines.

Release dateJul 25, 2019
Micro-computed Tomography (micro-CT) in Medicine and Engineering

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    Micro-computed Tomography (micro-CT) in Medicine and Engineering - Kaan Orhan

    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

    K. Orhan (ed.)Micro-computed Tomography (micro-CT) in Medicine and Engineering

    1. Introduction to Micro-CT Imaging

    Kaan Orhan¹, ², ³  


    Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey


    Faculty of Medicine, OMFS IMPATH Research Group, Department of Imaging and Pathology, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium


    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospitals Leuven, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium


    Micro-CTMedicineEngineering3D reconstruction3D analyses

    1.1 Introduction

    Micro-CT has the ability to create cross-sectional images of a physical object by making use of X-rays. Cross-sectional images created this way are then processed by relevant software in the computer environment, and a three-dimensional model of the scanned object is hence created in the digital environment. Since the pixels forming the 2D cross-sectional images obtained by micro-tomography are in terms of micro (μ) units, scientific and processable information on internal structures and geometries of tiny objects or appropriately sized pieces of larger objects can be attained. Research on the use of Micro-CT and 3D printer technologies for medical and industrial prototyping processes are becoming ever widespread both in our country and throughout the world. Processing of CT or Micro-CT scanning data of a biological structure and subsequent modelling of its three-dimensional model in the digital environment create its own application areas in numerous fields.

    Hounsfield created the very first full-body computed tomography device back in 1975, and Hounsfield and Cormack received the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine with this device in 1979. Main components of the micro-tomography device are the X-ray tube, a computer-driven step motor that intermittently rotates the sample mounted on its body, an image intensifier which focuses the X-rays in the medium onto the camera sensor, a CCD camera which converts X-rays received into image data, an image collector, and a computer that controls all these components. Better spatial resolution is attained by 5–10 μm³ voxel size scan provided by micro-computed tomography, compared to 1 mm³ voxel size scan provided by computed tomography. This makes viewing areas 1,000,000 times smaller than that could be viewed by computerized tomography possible, which in turn allows conducting more detailed investigations. This was regarded as a revolutionary development [1, 2].

    Micro-CT scanners are mostly utilized in academic and industrial research laboratories. In order to examine specimen such as ceramics, polymers, and biomaterials, different fields of views (FOV) could be selected by Micro-CT devices relevant to the dimensions of the area to be examined, and hence, higher-resolution images can be obtained by working on smaller areas. In vitro and in vivo Micro-CT devices are currently available, and varying FOV ratios applied in these devices determine the area to be examined and the resolution to be attained [3]. Similar to the cone beam computed tomography devices, Micro-CT systems utilize micro focal X-ray sources and high-resolution detectors to create 3D reconstructions of the samples [19]. Main components of the micro-tomography device are the X-ray tube, a computer-driven step motor that intermittently rotates the sample mounted on its body, an image intensifier which focuses the X-rays present in the environment onto the camera sensor, a CCD camera which converts X-rays received into image data, an image collector, and a computer that controls all these components [4].

    Figure 1.1 shows analysis of search from www.​scopus.​com for Micro-CT on May 8, 2019. The results show that the papers published are increasing eventually and the works including Micro-CT are increasing. Figure 1.2 shows the distribution of subjects of Micro-CT papers found in Scopus until 2018. The vast majority in medicine scope papers and following engineering.


    Fig. 1.1

    Shows analysis of search from www.​scopus.​com for Micro-CT on May 8, 2019 that reveals the works including Micro-CT are increasing dramatically


    Fig. 1.2

    Shows the distribution of subjects of Micro-CT papers found in Scopus until May 8, 2019. The vast majority in medicine scope papers and following engineering

    Interestingly, there are nearly half as many Micro-CT papers on tissue engineering scaffolds as there are in the nonbiology subject areas.

    1.2 What Does the Life Sciences Profession Need in Terms of Micro-CT Imaging?

    For scientific studies, an objective diagnosis using imaging techniques must be reproducible. Although there are criteria and conventional as well as contemporary evaluation methods in life sciences, there are still an unclear correlation often exists between clinical relevance and symptoms and the imaging findings in diseases.

    There is no doubt that this is a maturing technology, but what is perhaps the most exciting aspect of using Micro-CT is that images of internal structures can be obtained without damage to the specimen. The technology provides the opportunity to undertake large-scale studies in a relatively short timescale and use museum collections not normally amenable to conventional anatomical studies [5].

    There are various applications for Micro-CT in life sciences. Micro-CT are viable inspection tools for biological applications as they can be used to compliment medical imaging techniques at increased resolution in the absence of dose restrictions. Due to its nondestructive nature, CT samples can be further utilized for other experimental techniques such as mechanical testing and histology [6]. For life sciences histomorphometric analyses are destructive, long term, and costly methods. It is impossible to reuse the same sample for another measurement. Due to these disadvantages, three-dimensional micro-tomography techniques have been put into use as nondestructive, rapid, and reliable methods for analyzing micro-architecture of cortical and trabecular bones [7].

    Bone quality evaluation is one of the main applications for Micro-CT in life sciences. The bone is a highly mineralized and multifunctional tissue, which plays roles in mechanical support and protection, mineral homeostasis, and hematopoiesis. The quality of bone, as well as its quantity, contributes to the biomechanical performance of the skeleton and encompasses aspects of both macromolecular composition and microarchitectural arrangement [8]. The excellent reproducibility and accuracy of Micro-CT measurements of bone morphology have been established in several studies [9, 10]. The accuracy of Micro-CT morphology measurements has been evaluated by comparing them with traditional measures from 2D histomorphometry both in animal and in human specimens [9, 11, 12]. These studies show that 2D and 3D morphologic measurements by Micro-CT generally are highly correlated with those from 2D histomorphometry. The most important part for these kinds of evaluations is gathering as much information to the Micro-CT technologists which allows to have a proper analysis in a realistic way.

    1.3 What Does the Material Sciences Profession Need in Terms of Micro-CT Imaging?

    The appearance of new digital scanning systems with numerous features in addition to the mentioned advantages above is changing the evaluation of the materials in engineering as well.

    Previously, the material science was stuck for evaluation in 2D. However, 2D have several drawbacks, including errors that are classified as errors of projection and errors of identification. Errors of projection are due to the two-dimensional (2D) which causes a shadow of the three-dimensional (3D) object. As a result of the various evaluations, modalities may lead to errors of identification and reduced measurement accuracy.

    New technological advances in material science especially Micro-CT imaging have resolved these errors and are becoming increasingly popular for evaluations for the materials, and this area is rapidly growing (Fig. 1.2). Mainly Micro-CT imaging can use not only hard characteristic materials like geological samples but also the materials such as composites to understand the mechanical behaviors. In particular, Micro-CT is a nondestructive technique that visualizes interior features within specimens with 3D imaging. This effective characterization method can alter the focus size from micro to macro to obtain reliable image data [13].

    In materials science it is often necessary to make correlations between the properties of materials and their microstructure. In the case of metallic materials, the microstructure is usually correlated to defects defined as perturbations in comparison with the perfect single crystal and to the presence of alloying elements. These defects are thus vacancies, dislocations, grain boundaries, pores, and cracks, and in the case of alloys, one can find foreign atoms in solid solutions [14]. There are several evaluations that can be made by Micro-CT such as phase volume fractions and phase connectivity to more complex measurements such as spatial distributions, orientations, alignment, and connectivity of microstructural features. These various microstructural features can form during elaboration, shaping, and use of the materials all along their life time [15, 16]. Throughout this book, detailed applications of Micro-CT will be discussed in detail.

    The chapters that follow fall into two categories: medical approaches and engineering approaches and use of Micro-CT. The technique and fundamentals of this imaging modality will be discussed in Chaps. 2–4. Chapters 2–3 briefly review the fundamentals of X-radiation and imaging and discuss reconstruction from projections of Micro-CT. Chapter 4 will be reviewing all artifacts for Micro-CT imaging. The rest of the book will focus on medical applications which are covered in Chaps. 5–13, whereas the engineering parts will be covered in Chaps. 14–19.


    Some of the researches in this book were supported by Ankara University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (Grant number: 17A0234001).



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    Faillace ME, Rudolph RA, Brunke O. Micro-CT and Nano-CT as a valuable complimentary tool for life sciences. Microsc Microanal. 2013;19:636–7.Crossref


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    Aaron JE, Shore PA. Bone Histomorphometry. In: Handbook of histology methods for bone and cartilage. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press; 2003. p. 331–51.


    Bouxsein ML, Boyd SK, Christiansen BA, Guldberg RE, Jepsen KJ, Müller R. Guidelines for assessment of bone microstructure in rodents using micro–computed tomography. J Bone Miner Res. 2010;25(7):1468–86.Crossref


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    Bonnet N, Laroche N, Vico L, Dolleans E, Courteix D, Benhamou CL. Assessment of trabecular bone microarchitecture by two different X-ray microcomputed tomographs: a comparative study of the rat distal tibia using Skyscan and Scanco devices. Med Phys. 2009;36(4):1286–97.Crossref


    Müller R, Van Campenhout H, Van Damme B, Van Der Perre G, Dequeker J, Hildebrand T, Rüegsegger P. Morphometric analysis of human bone biopsies: a quantitative structural comparison of histological sections and micro-computed tomography. Bone. 1998;23(1):59–66.Crossref


    Bayraktar E, Antolovich SD, Bathias C. New developments in non-destructive controls of the composite materials and applications in manufacturing engineering. J Mater Process Technol. 2008;206(1–3):30–44.Crossref


    Salvo L, Michel S, Marmottant A Limodin N, Bernard D. 3D imaging in material science: application of X-ray tomography. C R Physique. 2010;10:641–9.Crossref


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    Guldberg RE, Ballock RT, Boyan BD, Duvall CL, Lin AS, Nagaraja S, Oest M, Phillips J, Porter BD, Robertson G, Taylor WR. Analyzing bone, blood vessels, and biomaterials with microcomputed tomo-graphy. IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag. 2003;22(5):77–83.Crossref

    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

    K. Orhan (ed.)Micro-computed Tomography (micro-CT) in Medicine and Engineering

    2. X-Ray Imaging: Fundamentals of X-Ray

    Roberto Molteni¹, ²  


    American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Lombard, IL, USA


    American Association of Physicists for Medicine, Alexandria, VA, USA


    X-rayX-ray tubeX-ray sourceRadiographic sourceX-ray image detectorFlat panel detectorRadiographic detector

    2.1 X-Rays and Their Interaction with Matter

    X-rays are electromagnetic radiation with wavelength (λ) in the 10+1 to 10−3 nanometers range. Since the frequency (ν) of an electromagnetic radiation equals to the speed of light (c) divided by its wavelength, i.e., ν = c/λ, this corresponds to a frequency range of approximately 10¹⁶ to 10²⁰ Hz. The energy of a single photon (E) equals to ν multiplied by the Planck constant h (6.626 × 10−34 J s), so the energy range of a single X-ray photon falls between 2 × 10−17 and 6 × 10−14 joule, corresponding to 100 eV (very soft) to 1 MeV (very hard), where 1 eV (electron volt) is the energy acquired by one electron when accelerated by an electric field of 1 V (the energy of subatomic particles is usually expressed in eV and multiples thereof, 1 eV corresponding to 1.602 × 10−19 J).

    Electromagnetic radiation in this energy range is called γ(gamma)-rays or X-rays depending on the process that generated it: a nuclear transition for the former, a phenomenon outside the atomic nucleus for the latter. However, a γ-ray beam is composed of photons all having essentially the same energy (monochromatic or monoenergetic radiation), because of the nature of the generation process, whereas an X-ray beam is generally composed of photons having a multitude of different energies, i.e., a continuous spectrum of energies (polychromatic radiation). Moreover, usually γ-rays have higher energies (are harder) than the typical energy of X-rays, although some overlapping exists.

    X-rays (and γ-rays alike) have the desirable property of interacting with matter only moderately, which is why they are so convenient for imaging the interior of solid bodies, that they penetrate to various depths before being stopped through absorption or scattering. Practically speaking and unlike visible light, an X-ray beam cannot be reflected, refracted, or focused (except minimally and under special conditions).

    The interaction with matter of electromagnetic photons in the range of energy of our interest mostly occurs via two processes: photoelectric absorption and Compton scattering. Other two less-intense interaction phenomena can happen: production of an electron-positron pair and coherent scattering. The former start occurring when the photon’s energy is above 1022 keV (rest energy of the electron-positron pair); the latter is relevant just at very low photon energies. Both of them are outside the energy range of our interest here and will not be discussed further.

    Photoelectric absorption occurs when a photon fully transfers its energy to the electronic shell of an atom and is thus absorbed. It predominates at photon energies up to approximately 30 kV.

    Compton scattering (or Compton effect) occurs when a photon interacts with an atom by yielding only part of its energy. As a consequence, its trajectory is randomly deviated, or scattered. The Compton scattering is rather undesirable (albeit unavoidable) from the radiologic imaging standpoint since it causes a component of randomly directed, non-information-bearing photons to overlap the information-bearing component of the X-ray beam, fogging the resulting radiographic image.

    The interaction of photons, electrons, and atoms is governed by random statistics since they are quantic objects. Indeed, for an individual photon, one cannot predict with certainty what thickness (or distance travelled) of a given material it will traverse before an interaction occurs. Only the probability that such interaction occurs for a certain thickness of a given material can be defined. Such probability, and the penetration capacity of an X-ray beam, can be expressed as a Mean Free Path and depends upon the photon energy and the material. The Mean Free Path is the mean distance travelled by a photon before an interaction occurs. It is also—by the law of Gaussian statistics—the thickness of material that causes a reduction in intensity (i.e., in the number of photons) of a monochromatic beam to 0.368 (the inverse of the Napier’s constant 2.718). The inverse of the Mean Free Path is used more frequently, called the Linear Attenuation Coefficient (μ). Another pertinent quantity is the mass attenuation coefficient, which is the Linear Attenuation Coefficient divided by the density (ϱ) of the material. In the practical technical arena, another related quantity—essentially equivalent to the Mean Free Path—is much more frequently used, that is, the Half-Value Layer (HVL), namely, the thickness (usually in mm) of a given material that attenuates by half the intensity of a monochromatic X-ray beam of given energy. It corresponds to 0.693/μ or 0.693 times the Mean Free Path. So, an X-ray beam with HVL of, e.g., 2.5 mm Alequiv means that two and half millimeter of pure aluminum, or of a substance of stopping power equivalent to aluminum, are needed to attenuate it by half. Aluminum (Al), for lower beam energies, or copper (Cu), for higher beam energies, is the material generally used to indicate the HVL for the range of interest in radiology (Fig. 2.1).


    Fig. 2.1

    Attenuation of a monochromatic X-ray beam through an increasing thickness of material, according to the Beer-Lambert Law, as shown with a wedge-shaped object of uniform radiologic density. HVL is the Half-Value Layer, and the Mean Free Path is 1/μ (the inverse of the Linear Attenuation Coefficient μ)

    These numerical coefficients, and the formula that entails them, can be derived with merely theoretical mathematical considerations from the normal (or Laplace-Gauss) statistical nature of the interaction of photons with matter, which leads to the Beer-Lambert Law:

    $$ A={I}_1/{I}_0=\exp\ \left(-\mu t\right) $$

    where A is the attenuation of beam intensity, I0 is the beam intensity at the entrance of the absorbing material, I1 is the beam intensity after transiting through the absorbing material, t is the thickness of the material, and μ is the Linear Attenuation Coefficient.

    For the component of X-ray absorption due to photoelectric effect, the mass attenuation coefficient (μ/ϱ) depends—very steeply, namely, to the third power—on the (effective) atomic number (Z) of the material. This is why elements with high atomic number (like lead, Z = 82; bismuth, Z = 83; barium, Z = 56) are very effective at shielding (= stopping) X-rays. Mass attenuation coefficients and density of all the natural elements and of many substances and compounds, for the whole range of photon energies of interest, can be found tabulated at the website established and maintained by the NIST—National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA): www.​nist.​gov/​pml/​x-ray-mass-attenuation-coefficients.

    The Beer-Lambert Law is very useful and straightforward for γ-rays, which are essentially monochromatic. Unfortunately, X-ray beams generally are polychromatic; hence each component of their continuous energy spectrum involves a different value of μ. The attenuation is the result of an integral of all the differential beam intensities and values of μ through the energy spectrum.

    The Linear Attenuation Coefficient decreases markedly as the energy increases, in other words X-rays with higher energy are more penetrant, or harder. Therefore, the different components of the spectrum are variously attenuated when the polychromatic X-ray beam passes through a layer of material, the lower-energy portion being attenuated more than the higher-energy portion. As a consequence after the attenuation, or filtering, the spectrum of the X-ray beam is skewed toward higher energies, that is, hardened with respect to the original spectrum. Again, this is obtained by absorbing portions of the spectrum in a differential manner—more at low energies, less at higher energies—not by shifting the spectrum, whose value of maximum energy bin remains unaffected by the filtering. By selectively attenuating the softer parts of the spectrum more than the harder part, filtering causes the beam to become slightly less polychromatic—but just slightly. There is a common misconception that more filtering always results into improved quality of the X-ray images, since the beam becomes harder (more penetrating) and less polychromatic. This is generally true for the minimal filtering recommended by the standards for a given application, which removes a large portion of very soft radiation ineffectual for imaging but that adds unnecessary skin dose to a live patient. Beyond that, the primary consequence of filtering is attenuation of the radiative flux that was laboriously obtained via the best application of technology, with the hardening as a modest side effect. Anyway, there is an optimal radiation hardness for every radiological process and increasing it further is not beneficial.

    Since hardness, or penetration capacity, of a polychromatic X-ray beam increases with filtration, its HVL after a first filtration is increased. Let us suppose that an X-ray beam is made to traverse a layer of material corresponding to its Half-Value Layer; at the exit the beam intensity is half than at the entrance, and the beam is harder. If the beam then traverses a second layer of equal thickness of the same material, the attenuation will be less than before because of the beam’s increased hardness; therefore the beam intensity at the second exit will be more than half of the intensity at the second entrance. In order to attenuate to half, the thickness of the second layer has to be increased with respect to the (1st) Half-Value Layer; this new thickness is called the 2nd Half-Value Layer; and so on with any further attenuating layers or filters (Fig. 2.2). Of course, this beam hardening phenomenon is solely due to the polychromatic nature of the beam. The spectrum of a hypothetical monochromatic X-ray beam would be just a line (as with γ-ray); therefore there could not be reshaping of the spectrum, hence no hardening. Thus, the only effect of filters and of traversed materials would be attenuation of the intensity.


    Fig. 2.2

    Half-Value Layer attenuation of a polychromatic X-ray beam

    2.2 The Radiographic Process

    The radiographic process basically consists of four elements:


    The X-ray source


    The object to be radiographed (in medical radiology, a bodily part)


    The image detector


    The software for image processing and the device for its visualization

    Together with the projection geometry, these four elements fully determine the outcome of the radiographic process.

    A radiograph is produced when an X-ray beam from the source crosses the object to be radiographed, being thus variously absorbed and attenuated in the different parts of the object—depending on its density and extent—and casts an X-ray shadow onto the radiographic image detector, namely, a negative image of the object. Thus, the signal is at full scale where there is no attenuation (= void), while it is zero where the attenuation is complete (no X-rays passing through).

    To optimize the radiographic result as a whole, it is necessary to balance and compromise the optimization of each element’s settings. For instance, maximizing spatial resolution may require increasing the examination time, the imparted radiation dose, the size and/or the cost of the system, etc. This holds true also in micro CT, where, however, one goal is sought above all others, that is, the maximization of spatial resolution for the visualization of small details, whereas, e.g., irradiation time and imparted dose are of secondary or no concern.

    X-rays are generated when electric charges (electrons) are abruptly decelerated or as a result of transitions between the atomic orbitals (or statuses) of electrons. Two devices are used to artificially generate X-rays: synchrotrons and X-ray tubes.

    A synchrotron consists of a very large ring-shaped vacuum pipe along which numerous properly synchronized electromagnets veer the path of a beam of electrons travelling at relativistic velocity. At suitable locations along the ring, a swift deceleration of the electrons causes the emission of synchrotron radiation, i.e., X-rays.

    There is no doubt that synchrotron-generated X-rays vastly exceed in quality and features those produced from X-ray tubes (which will be addressed immediately after). Flux and spectral brightness is orders of magnitude greater; they can be quasi-monochromatic, tightly collimated, coherent, and even polarized, which makes possible applications unachievable with X-ray tubes.

    However, synchrotrons require very large and very expensive facilities that are also expensive to operate. Furthermore, the range of X-ray energies attainable falls somewhat below of what is required in many micro-CT applications. There are only a few dozens of them in the whole world; therefore they are impractical for routine applications and are used mostly for research.

    Compact (even tabletop) synchrotron systems have been speculated and described, but mostly they are the object of experimental researches, and their industrial production and commercial availability are still away in the future.

    2.3 X-Ray Tubes

    X-ray tubes constitute the vastly overwhelming majority of X-ray sources in any radiological imaging application, whether medical, industrial NDC (nondestructive controls), security (e.g., baggage scanning), or scientific.

    The simplest (and possibly the most common) type of X-ray tube is the stationary anode X-ray tube (Fig. 2.3), a direct evolution of the design initially developed by William Coolidge in 1913. As in any electric vacuum tube, there are two main electrodes: the cathode and the anode, sealed in a gas-tight enclosure in a high-vacuum environment (10−4 Pa, or better). In operation, a very large difference of electrical potential is applied between cathode (at negative potential) and anode (at positive potential), in the order of several tens, or even hundreds, of kilovolts, causing a flow of electrons inside the X-ray tube and the circulation of an electric current in its circuit, called the anodic current (or just tube current). By universal convention and standards, such current is referred to as the mA (milliampere) and the maximum instantaneous difference of electric potential (or high voltage) as the kVp (kilovolt peak—although the qualifier peak nowadays is rather unnecessary and obsolete in view of the current technology). The high voltage kV, the anodic current mA, the exposure time s (seconds), and the product of anodic current by exposure time mAs are called the technique factors.


    Fig. 2.3

    An X-ray tube, stationary anode type

    The X-ray tube can (be designed to) operate in either:

    Bipolar mode, where the high voltage is equally split between cathode and anode, namely, a negative high voltage equal to half of the difference of potential is applied to the cathode and a positive high voltage equal to the balance (the other half) is applied to the anode. This is advantageous in terms of reduced stress to the X-ray tube and because of less stringent insulation requirements.

    Grounded anode mode, where the anode is electrically connected to ground and all the difference of potential consists of a negative high voltage at the cathode (potentially advantageous for dissipating the thermal load of the anode, but with more severe insulation requirement at the cathode side).

    Grounded cathode mode, where the cathode (i.e., one side of the cathodic filament) is electrically connected to ground and all the difference of potential consists of a positive high voltage at the anode (with the benefit of simplifying the circuitry needed to supply and drive the cathodic filament, see below).

    The cathode consists of a filament wire, which in operation is heated to glowing temperature by an electrical current, hence emitting a cloud of electrons by thermionic effect. Because of the large difference of electric potential applied between cathode and anode, the electrons are swept away and accelerated by the electric field to hit the anode. Here they are abruptly decelerated by the interaction with solid matter, thus releasing the energy, which they had acquired from the electric field, as high-energy electromagnetic photons, i.e., the X-rays (Fig. 2.4).


    Fig. 2.4

    Principle electrical schematic of an X-ray tube circuit

    The filament is usually made of a tungsten wire (W) or alloys thereof, and is wound in a tight helicoid, similarly to that of the now-obsolete glowing filament light bulb. The helicoidal shape is mandated by the need to expose as much surface as feasible in order to boost the quantity of electrons thermionically emitted from a source of compact area. Generally, the greater the required electron flow (= the current), the larger the filament. In most cases it is, say, approximately 10 mm of length × 2 mm of diameter, or slightly bigger. However, when the current intensity to be achieving is not a major consideration (as is the case for certain micro-CT systems), the filament could also be a straight wire or even just the tip or the corner of an angle-bent wire.

    The geometrical design of the X-ray tube is such to converge and focus the flow of electrons, by properly shaping the electric field onto a defined small area of the anode, called the focal spot or simply the focus. Often such goal is also assisted by the presence of a suitably shaped third electrode, called the grid, situated in close proximity of the cathode. The grid is at a more negative potential than the cathode itself and can be used to converge the electrons beam in a more stable and controlled way. Alternatively, a grid, if properly close to the emitting cathode, can also be used to suppress the electrons beam right at its thermionic emission, repelling the electrons into the cathode, hence controlling the turn on and off of the anodic current or its intensity.

    The thermionic filament is an inconvenient emitter of electrons. It is energetically inefficient: in order to emit a relatively small number of electrons, it generally requires several watts of power, most of which is lost and dissipated as heat. It requires a control and drive circuit (potentially of significant sophistication) that in most circumstances must drive the filament in electrical isolation from other system’s circuitry, namely, floating at many tens of thousands kV, therefore requiring substantial insulation. Worst of all, since the slow thermal response of the filament mediates the transfer function from power imparted to the filament to anodic current, the response time of the latter is slower than what would be desirable for many applications, being anything in the range 0.1–1 s.

    A possible alternative to the thermionic filament is the cold emission cathode, where extraction of the electrons is directly achieved by an electric field. It utilizes the phenomena that at sharp edges and point-like features of conductors the strength of the electric field is boosted (the smaller the feature, the more the boosting), potentially to exceed the electron extraction force of the material. For instance, the surfaces of material of suitably low extraction potential, such as diamond or ZnO, can be nano-shaped into, e.g., a pattern of tiny pyramids with sharp vertices. More commonly, carbon nanotubes (CNT) are used, where the open tip of the nanotubes is down in size to molecular scale. From these quasi-singularities, a flow of electrons can be emitted under the action of an electric field of reasonably-moderate force (say, a few kV/mm). Potentially, cold cathode X-ray tubes offer many advantages over traditional thermionic cathode X-ray tubes:


    Instantaneous response, making possible to switch the emission on-off at a frequency of many kHz, if needed.


    Little or no circuitry appended to the cathode.


    Energetic efficiency, since there is no power dispersed in heating the filament.


    Ease to produce very small point-like sources, which, as we shall see in the subsequent chapters, is of paramount importance for micro CT.

    Many regard cold cathode as the necessary evolution of X-ray tubes for the future. However, the technology and the manufacturing process for CNT cathodes, and X-ray tubes based upon them, is not yet mature. Indeed, there are still open questions about their long-time reliability and the applicability for large anodic current, notwithstanding the scientific/technical investigations conducted in the past 20 years. Consequently, their adoption for industrially made devices has been quite slow; nevertheless they are now used in a number of commercially available products but typically outside the realm of mainstream medical radiology.

    As said, the beam of electrons accelerated by the cathode-anode high-voltage electric field is focused onto the target portion of the anode, hitting the small area called the focal spot. At any given time, all hitting electrons have precisely the same energy, equal in eV to the accelerating voltage at that moment. If the cathode-anode difference of potential is, say, 80 kV, then all electrons hitting the anodic target have an energy of 80 keV. The electrons cede their energy to the anode’s target, mostly in form of heat. The majority of the X-rays are generated by the abrupt deceleration of the electrons over a path several micrometers deep into the target, through a mechanism called bremsstrahlung, which produces a continuous spectrum of energy. The maximum photon energy thus possible corresponds to the (peak) high voltage, which occurs when the electron yields all its energy in a single event generating just one photon having the entire energy that was carried by the electron; however, this is a vanquishing rare event since usually the hitting electrons interact multiple times with those in the atoms of the target, yielding a fraction of their energy at each interaction. The continuous X-ray spectrum originated from bremsstrahlung, unfiltered, has its maximum intensity in the lowest energies bins and slopes down to zero at the maximum energy corresponding to the accelerating difference of potential.

    There is a second process by which X-ray is generated: the characteristic radiation (of the target’s material). It happens when an orbital electron of the innermost atomic shell (the K shell) gets knocked off its orbital (or energy status) and another free electron (or an electron from an outer lower-energy orbital) refills the temporarily empty orbital, thus emitting a photon having an energy corresponding to the (negative) potential of that orbital. This ensues in quasi-monochromatic lines or peaks, superimposed to the continuous spectrum caused by bremsstrahlung, with energies corresponding to the (negative) potential of the K orbital of the target’s material. Energy lines corresponding to transitions into other orbitals (notably the L) are also possible but of scarce practical relevance. Usually (but not always) characteristic radiation accounts for only a small portion of the total X-ray flux.

    Part of the generated X-rays is reabsorbed before it leaves the target into empty space, preferentially so for the very low-energy photons, which modifies the spectrum to a bell shape, with empty bins at very low energies (Fig. 2.5).


    Fig. 2.5

    X-ray spectrum from a tungsten anode X-ray tube operated at 100 kV, with bremsstrahlung and peaks of characteristic radiation (after inherent filtration). The dashed lines indicate what the low-energy spectrum would be in the hypothetic case of zero inherent filtration (including no self-filtration by the target)

    The X-ray generation mechanism just described is very inefficient, since only a small portion (about 1%, or less) of the energy carried by the cathode-to-anode electrons beam results into X-rays, the remainder is wasted as heat. Managing the dissipation of such heat is one of the crucial points in the design of X-ray tubes and of their operation too.

    The energy load per unit time (= per second) carried by the electrons’ beam, i.e., the thermally dissipated power (in watts), is simply calculated by the product of anodic current time cathode-anode difference of potential, i.e., mA × kV. Such power is imparted entirely to the anodic target, from where the ensuing heat has to be removed in the fastest and most efficient manner possible.

    Only a limited number of metallic materials are practically suitable for the target. Tungsten (W) is the one used in the vast majority of cases (sometime alloyed or coated with rhodium) because of a combination of desirable properties:

    Extremely high melting temperature (3422 °C) and boiling temperature (5930 °C, the highest of all elements).

    Good thermal conductivity.

    Very good mechanical properties (hardness).

    Very high atomic number (Z = 74) and density (19.3), hence very short electron Mean Free Path so the X-ray generation occurs within a short depth from the surface.

    Characteristic radiation (K-line) at 59 keV, which is around the center of the energy spectrum suitable for many radiographic applications.

    Another material used as target is molybdenum (Mo), which also has good thermal and mechanical properties, high density, and characteristic radiation at about 18 and 20 keV which makes it suitable for applications with relatively soft X-rays, such as in particular mammography. Rhenium, silver, or copper are also occasionally used for special applications.

    In stationary anode tubes, the anodic target practically consists of a small disk of tungsten (say, approximately 10×20 mm in diameter and 2 mm thick) embedded in a much more massive anodic bulk made out of copper, which is the best heat-conductive material practically available. The temperature of the focal spot in the target must not exceed 2600 °C with tungsten, 1800 °C with molybdenum, above which the metal begins to evaporate and blister. Such thermal load must be dissipated radiatively and/or conductively, the latter being the prevailing mechanism in the stationary anode case. The heath flows to the tungsten-copper junction, where the temperature must already drop to less than 900 °C (copper melts at 1085 °C), and then through the body of the anode to outside the tube where it is dissipated, often with the assistance of a heath sink. The immediate outside environment is frequently dielectric oil which, in addition to conveying away the heat, is also required for high-voltage electrical insulation. Sometime the heat dissipation is assisted by recirculation of coolant liquid inside the anode itself.

    Therefore, power management is a two-stage process in X-ray tubes: one relates to the maximum instantaneous power that the target can sustain, defined by the combination of kV and mA on short-time loads, and the other to the maximum energy (in joule) resulting into a thermal load, which the bulk of the anode and its eventual heat sink can take and slowly dissipate into the surrounding environment, up to a steady-state equilibrium. They are expressed by characteristic diagrams (Fig. 2.6a–c).


    Fig. 2.6

    Main characterization charts for a small stationary anode X-ray tube, typically for dental intraoral application, with focal spot 0.4 per IEC 60336 (derived from original technical data by Skan-X/C.E.I., San Lazzaro di Savena BO, Italy): (a) Emission curve. The flow of anodic current (and the consequent X-rays) starts rather abruptly and steeply at a value of filament current called the knee, at which the temperature of the filament is high enough to cause significant thermionic emission. (b) Loading charts. The curves indicate, for each given value of anodic high-voltage potential (kV), the limit combination of anodic current (mA) and exposure time (s) that must not be exceeded to prevent thermal damage of the anode. The abscissa is in logarithmic scale. (c) Thermal curves. The curves represent the thermal energy (in joules) accumulated by the anode under different conditions of continuous power load (in watts). The descending curve shows the dissipation over time of the thermal energy, after suspension of the load

    From the imaging geometry standpoint—in micro CT, in particular, and also in general radiology—it is intuitive that the smaller the focal spot, the better, all the rest being the same; but the rest cannot be the same! So it is desirable that the focal spot is as tiny as possible, but if a given current and power per unit surface is exceeded, the anode would promptly deteriorate. Such value is very approximately in the order of 200 W/mm2. Of course, it depends upon the total exposure time and duty cycle of the anodic current flow.

    The remedy to increase the achievable anodic current while retaining an effectively small focal spot is the so-called Line Focus Principle. It is based on the optical illusion that a segment of line on a sloping plane is effectively seen as shorter than its actual length when observed at a small angle from the plane, namely, reduced by a factor equal to the sinus of that angle. The anode surface facing the anode and holding the target, therefore, is slanted at a small angle from orthogonality to the main axis of the X-ray tube, called the anodic angle, and the focal spot produced by the hitting electrons beam is actually a focal stripe spread over a much larger surface, and consequently with less power to dissipate per unit area, at a given anodic current. The nominal X-ray beam axis, i.e., the central axis of the beam, is normally defined as one perpendicular to the X-ray tube axis. When observed from the nominal beam axis (and only at that angle), the focal

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