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Blue Carbon in Shallow Coastal Ecosystems: Carbon Dynamics, Policy, and Implementation
Blue Carbon in Shallow Coastal Ecosystems: Carbon Dynamics, Policy, and Implementation
Blue Carbon in Shallow Coastal Ecosystems: Carbon Dynamics, Policy, and Implementation
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Blue Carbon in Shallow Coastal Ecosystems: Carbon Dynamics, Policy, and Implementation

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This book presents a comprehensive and innovative understanding of the role of shallow coastal ecosystems in carbon cycling, particularly marine carbon sequestration. Incorporating a series of forward-looking chapters, the book combines thorough reviews of the global literature and regional assessments—mainly around the Indo-Pacific region and Japan—with global perspectives to provide a thorough assessment of carbon cycling in shallow coastal systems. It advocates the expansion of blue-carbon ecosystems (mangroves, seagrass meadows, and salt marshes) into macroalgal beds, tidal flats, coral reefs, and urbanized shallow waters, demonstrating the potential of these ecosystems as new carbon sinks. Moreover, it discusses not only topics that are currently the focus of blue-carbon studies, i.e., sedimentary carbon stock and accumulation rate, but also CO2 gas exchange between the atmosphere and shallow coastal ecosystems, carbon storage in the water column as refractory organic carbon, and off-site carbon storage. Including highly original contributions, this comprehensive work inspires research beyond the specific regions covered by the chapters. The suite of new concepts and approaches is refreshing and demonstrates that blue-carbon research is indeed a vibrant new field of research, providing deep insights into neglected aspects of carbon cycling in the marine environment. At the same time the book provides guidance for policy makers to deliver benefits to society, for example the inclusion of blue carbon as a carbon offset scheme or the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in the Paris Agreement, and also for building resilience in coastal socio-ecosystems through better management. This book is intended for all those interested in the science and management of coastal ecosystems.

Release dateSep 3, 2018
Blue Carbon in Shallow Coastal Ecosystems: Carbon Dynamics, Policy, and Implementation

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    Blue Carbon in Shallow Coastal Ecosystems - Tomohiro Kuwae

    © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019

    Tomohiro Kuwae and Masakazu Hori (eds.)Blue Carbon in Shallow Coastal Ecosystems

    1. Blue Carbon: Characteristics of the Ocean’s Sequestration and Storage Ability of Carbon Dioxide

    Masakazu Hori¹  , Christopher J. Bayne¹ and Tomohiro Kuwae²


    National Research Institute of Fisheries and Environment of Inland Sea, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima, Japan


    Coastal and Estuarine Environment Research Group, Port and Airport Research Institute, Yokosuka, Japan

    Masakazu Hori

    Email: [email protected]


    The first life on Earth evolved in the ocean about 3.5 billion years ago. Photosynthetic organisms, which first appeared in the ocean, eventually changed the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere to the current concentrations. This gaseous exchange was the first and can be considered as the most important ecosystem service provided by marine ecosystems. That service has been on-going from the first primitive photosynthetic organism to the present and reflects the ability of the oceans to absorb carbon dioxide. Nevertheless, recent discussions of sequestration of CO2 have mainly promoted the concept of land-based green carbon sequestered by terrestrial ecosystems.

    The Blue Carbon Report, which was released in 2009, has shown that more than 50% of the carbon dioxide absorbed by the plants on Earth is actually cycled into the ocean; the remainder of the carbon dioxide absorbed by plants is stored in terrestrial ecosystems. More than half of the carbon stored in the ocean has been sequestered by shallow coastal ecosystems, which account for only 0.5% or less of the total ocean area. In addition, there is good evidence that shallow coastal ecosystems have been greatly affected by human activities and continue to be seriously denuded. However, the importance of shallow coastal ecosystems has not yet emerged as common knowledge within society in general, and full comprehension of the role of shallow coastal ecosystems has not yet been applied to climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. For example, shallow coastal ecosystems are not considered in the inventory of absorbed carbon dioxide. One reason is that the sequestration and storage processes of blue carbon are complex, and it is still difficult to determine what criteria are essential for calculating the relative efficacy of carbon sequestration in shallow coastal ecosystems versus terrestrial ecosystems. In this chapter, which introduces this book, we give an overview of the key points of the Blue Carbon Report. We then try to provide a better understanding of the blue carbon concept by explaining the important characteristics of blue carbon ecosystems. We use the carbon absorption process in seagrass meadows as an example to illustrate important concepts.

    1.1 Introduction

    The first life on Earth evolved in the ocean. Living organisms first appeared in the ocean about 3.5 billion years ago, and their metabolic activities eventually contributed to the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. The metabolic functions of photosynthesis established an environment where organisms could, through evolution, adapt to life on land. This gas exchange was the first and can be considered as the most important ecosystem service provided by the ocean. Eventually, during the process of biological evolution over billions of years, the ecosystem diversified and its services multiplied. These changes were accompanied by the emergence and extinction of numerous species. One marine ecosystem service has been on-going from the first primitive life to the present: the absorption and sequestration of carbon dioxide in the ocean.

    When people think of organisms that absorb carbon dioxide, many think of large trees and the rich forests where these trees are found. Stark green blankets composed of terrestrial plants and extensive forests such as rainforests and boreal forests come to mind. There is no doubt that these land plants assimilate carbon dioxide and contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gases.

    A report that significantly modified this perception, however, was jointly published in 2009 by the United Nations Environment Program Planning Unit (UNEP), the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the United Nations Educational Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) (Nellemann et al. 2009; hereinafter this report is referred to as the UNEP report, using the acronym of the first organization). In the report, Blue Carbon is described as carbon dioxide absorbed by living marine organisms. Actually, a little less than half of the carbon dioxide biologically captured in the world is absorbed by terrestrial ecosystems, and marine ecosystems account for a majority of the carbon dioxide that is absorbed. Furthermore, more than half of the carbon stored in the ocean is initially absorbed in shallow coastal waters. The words blue carbon, which were used for the first time in this report, characterize the carbon taken up by the ocean because of the action of marine organisms.

    Experts, especially in oceanography and biogeochemistry, initially recognized the fact that marine organisms absorb an amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to that absorbed by land plants. However, this fact has been hardly recognized by the public. In addition, the UNEP report’s conclusion that most of the carbon dioxide absorbed by the ocean is accumulated in shallow coastal areas was surprising, even to research scientists. The UNEP report stimulated the initiation of blue carbon studies, and research directed at determining to what extent blue carbon is sequestered in shallow coastal areas has become popular recently.

    We therefore begin this chapter with a discussion of the UNEP report. We then explain recent trends in studies of blue carbon formation, sequestration, and storage in shallow coastal areas, and outline the processes associated with carbon sequestration and storage in carbon-storage ecosystems known as carbon sinks. This book includes extensive reviews of research and practices related to the use of various shallow coastal ecosystems such as tidal flats, saltmarshes, coral reefs, mangrove forests, and seagrass meadows. In this chapter, we also discuss biological aspects of the sequestration and storage of blue carbon by focusing on the key role played by eelgrass beds. The following sections describe various CO2 absorption mechanisms and carbon sequestration and storage processes. This information is essential to understanding the biological characteristics of eelgrass beds, including their biodiversity and ecosystem services. Finally, we explain why an understanding of biodiversity and the functionality of the whole ecosystem are essential for maintaining and nurturing the carbon sequestration and storage services provided by shallow coastal ecosystems.

    1.2 Blue Carbon Advocacy

    On the one hand, it is common to see headlines such as Deforestation, acceleration of global warming, Conservation of forests prevents global warming, or similar words in the social mass media such as television programs and newspapers. In contrast, it is uncommon to find headings such as Decreases of underwater forests and seaweed beds cause acceleration of global warming. This difference in public awareness is a major reason why the UNEP report was published. The report was intended to enhance public awareness of the differences in climate change countermeasures between the land and ocean.

    Many people understand that terrestrial forest ecosystems are under threat owing to a variety of factors, including deforestation, desertification, forest fires, and the effects of climate change. These perturbations have been major factors causing the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. However, marine ecosystems, especially the ocean floor in shallow coastal areas where phytoplankton and marine macrophytes such as seaweeds and seagrasses grow abundantly, play an important role in absorbing carbon dioxide. This ecosystem service and the area of the seafloor where macrophytes are found have decreased greatly in recent years. Macrophyte-dominated marine ecosystems, like terrestrial forests, are now on the verge of a crisis. Although marine organisms and shallow coastal waters are sometimes considered important from the standpoint of biodiversity and seafood production, few people associate marine organisms with absorption of carbon dioxide. The major concerns for the ocean with respect to climate change seem to relate to loss of biodiversity. Coral reefs, for example, are threatened with decline because of ocean acidification and increasing water temperatures. Here we consider the message of the UNEP report—that shallow coastal ecosystems contribute greatly to mitigating global warming. This message has not been adequately communicated to the public.

    1.2.1 What Is Blue Carbon?

    In order to understand the contents of the UNEP report, it is necessary to define some technical terms about the processes involved in the transfer of carbon dioxide (hereinafter referred to as CO2) from the atmosphere to the ocean, where it may become blue carbon, and the storage of this blue carbon in the sediments of shallow coastal areas or the deep ocean floor (Fig. 1.1). In the UNEP report, blue carbon is defined as green carbon in the sea, and green carbon is defined as carbon that plants have assimilated via photosynthesis and incorporated into organic matter. In a terrestrial ecosystem, green carbon is taken up directly as CO2 from the atmosphere into a plant to make organic carbon. Hence the amount of organic carbon in the terrestrial realm can be equated to the amount of green carbon itself.


    Fig. 1.1

    Schematic diagram of major carbon cycle and carbon sequestration/storage in shallow coastal ecosystems

    However, unlike terrestrial plants, generally marine plants cannot fix CO2 until CO2 from the atmosphere has become dissolved in seawater. The process of dissolution is complex. In a nutshell, physicochemical processes control the rates of CO2 absorption from the atmosphere by seawater and its release from seawater to the atmosphere. The factors that control CO2 absorption and release by seawater are the difference between the partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 and the partial pressure of CO2 dissolved in the seawater. When the partial pressure in the atmosphere is greater than (less than) the partial pressure in the seawater, there is a net influx (efflux) of CO2 from the atmosphere (ocean) to the ocean (atmosphere). Chapter 6 provides details (Tokoro et al. 2018).

    Photosynthesis by marine plants lowers the dissolved CO2 concentration in the ocean. In addition, increases (decreases) in the water temperature cause the CO2 solubility to decrease (increase). Upwelling and vertical mixing can cause large amounts of dissolved CO2 from lower depths to be introduced into the surface mixed layer and thereby affect the vertical distribution of CO2. The wind speed at the sea surface also influences the exchange of CO2 with the atmosphere. Most of the CO2 dissolved in seawater dissociates into bicarbonate and carbonate ions. At the pH of typical seawater, the bicarbonate ion concentration greatly exceeds the carbonate ion concentration at equilibrium. As dissolved CO2 in seawater increases, the amount of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) that occurs in the form of bicarbonate ions increases, and hydrogen ions are released. These hydrogen ions are the cause of ocean acidification; they lower the pH of the seawater. Marine plants grow by taking up some of the DIC in seawater and converting it into organic matter via photosynthesis. At the present time, the CO2 partial pressure is lower in the sea than in the atmosphere. Hence, there is a net influx of CO2 from the atmosphere into the ocean (see Chaps. 6 and 11; Tokoro et al. 2018, Kuwae et al. 2018). The net influx of CO2 into the ocean is therefore not always equal to the rate of CO2 sequestration by marine plants. Seagrass species are well known to take up dissolved CO2 in preference to bicarbonate ions (Larkum et al. 2006).

    CO2 taken up by marine plants is converted to organic carbon and becomes part of the plant biomass. Chapter 4 provides details (Yoshida et al. 2018). Afterward, depending on the rates of photosynthesis, respiration, growth, and mortality, some of the organic carbon is converted back into inorganic carbon and returned to the sea. Chapter 9 provides details (Abo et al. 2018). Alternatively, the plants may be consumed by herbivores, in which case the organic carbon becomes part of the biomass of the herbivores. The animals convert some of the organic carbon to DIC via respiration, but the carbon that is not respired remains in the form of organic matter. As predators consume prey in the food chain, some organic carbon consumed by predators is converted to DIC via respiration, but the rest is retained as organic carbon. The overall process by which CO2 from the atmosphere enters the ocean and is incorporated as organic carbon in the organisms that make up the marine food chain is called sequestration.

    There is another important process in addition to sequestration. Some of the organic carbon sequestered in the sea is refractory. This refractory organic carbon is difficult for organisms to respire because of its chemical nature, and even the organic carbon that can be easily decomposed is often stored because it is incorporated into sediments, where low oxygen concentrations slow rates of decomposition. Some organic carbon may also be transported to the deep sea, where it is isolated from the CO2 flux between atmosphere and ocean. Such organic matter may be preserved in the sediment or in the deep ocean on a time scale of decades, centuries, or even millennia (Chap. 2; Miyajima and Hamaguchi 2018, Chap. 9; Abo et al. 2018, and Chap. 11; Kuwae et al. 2018). The processes by which organic carbon is isolated from the carbon cycle between the ocean and atmosphere and converted to a state where it is stored for a long time is called storage in this book.

    There are six major carbon pools in marine ecosystems: (1) sedimentary organic carbon (SOC), (2) particulate inorganic carbon in sediment (carbonates), (3) organic carbon in living marine organisms, (4) shell and skeletal inorganic carbon, (5) dissolved organic carbon in seawater, and (6) DIC in seawater. All of these six pools contribute to the sequestration and storage of atmospheric CO2, but the residence time of carbon in these pools (the time during which the carbon is stored in the ocean before it is returned to the atmospheric as CO2) varies.

    It should be noted that an increase of a carbon pool does not necessarily lead to a reduction of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. For example, when inorganic carbonates are produced (e.g., calcification associated with the growth of shellfish and corals), CO2 is also formed as a byproduct of the chemical reaction (see Chaps. 6 and 10) (Tokoro et al. 2018; Watanabe and Nakamura 2018). Therefore, as carbonates are formed, the partial pressure of dissolved CO2 increases, and this increase may lead to an efflux of CO2 into the atmosphere.

    The carbon residence time is long in both SOC (because of the slow decomposition of organic matter) and RDOC in seawater (see Chaps. 2 and 11) (Miyajima and Hamaguchi 2018; Kuwae et al. 2018). Although the DIC in seawater is the largest among the six pools, the residence time of CO2 in the DIC is short because the bicarbonate ion in the DIC is readily converted into CO2 as a result of carbonate chemistry equilibrium (pH decrease). Moreover, the organic carbon in living organisms also undergoes large spatiotemporal fluctuations and is rather unstable compared to SOC and RDOC.

    In the UNEP report, blue carbon is described as the CO2 absorbed by living marine organisms. However, blue carbon is more accurately characterized as carbon that is sequestered or stored in the ocean by marine organisms. An ecosystem refers to an interactive complex of biological communities and the abiotic environment affecting them within a particular place. The physicochemical factors are more complex in the water column of the ocean than in terrestrial ecosystems. To evaluate the role of blue carbon in mitigating effects of climate change, it is therefore important to understand not only the amount of organic carbon sequestered and stored by marine organisms but also the carbon cycle in the ecosystem.

    The terminology used in this book to characterize oceanographic topography should also be defined. Shallow coastal areas, for example, are important for sequestering and storing blue carbon, but how are these areas defined? In the field of oceanography, the coastal area corresponding to the continental shelf with depths shallower than 200 m is normally defined as the coastal area, and the area of the ocean extending from the continental slope to the deep sea is defined as the offshore area (Fig. 1.2). However, photosynthesis is impossible without light, and because light sufficient for photosynthesis does not penetrate to ocean depths greater than about 200 m, marine plants are not found on the seabed at depths greater than 200 m. The euphotic zone is the part of the water column where there is adequate light for photosynthesis. The depth of the euphotic zone depends on the transparency of the water and varies from place to place; the euphotic zone may be as shallow as several tens of meters and up to 80 m deep in coastal areas that are hardly affected by human activities. In this book, the coastal zone from the coastline to the depth of the euphotic zone is referred to as the shallow coastal area, and the sea above the continental shelf from the depth of the euphotic zone to 200 m is defined as the coastal offshore area. Areas deeper than 200 m are defined as the open ocean.


    Fig. 1.2

    Oceanographic topography and structure as defined in this book. This classification differs somewhat from the classification generally used in oceanography and divides the coastal area into a shallow and offshore region. The estuary, the inland bay, and the area outside of the bay are included in the shallow coastal area

    1.2.2 Blue Carbon Report

    The goal of the UNEP report was not only to present the scientific evidence that the ocean absorbs more CO2 than land, but also to point out that the shallow coastal areas are extremely important sites of carbon sequestration and storage. At the beginning the UNEP report states, The purpose of the report highlights the clear role played by oceans and marine ecosystems in climate control, to help marine policy planning for climate change and to develop countermeasures for climate change using blue carbon. The first chapter of the UNEP report discusses the carbon cycle on a global scale and explains the effects of the large contribution of the ocean to the carbon cycle. The second chapter describes the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, methane, etc.) and compares those emissions with the rate of CO2 taken up by terrestrial organisms. The third chapter explains the processes that make up the carbon cycle and the role of the ocean in mitigating global warming. The fourth chapter discusses the sequestration and storage of blue carbon in shallow coastal areas and the associated mechanisms. The fifth chapter concerns the degradation and loss of shallow coastal areas. The importance of these areas for blue carbon sequestration and storage accounts for much of the concern over their degradation and loss.

    In addition to the biogeochemical aspects of blue carbon, the UNEP report addresses social issues in chapters six to eight and stresses that, The objective is to help policy planning. The sixth chapter explains that the sequestration and storage of blue carbon in healthy ecosystems is closely related to human well-being. The seventh chapter presents examples to illustrate the ecological-based adaptation and mitigation measures necessary to maintain a healthy coastal ecosystem despite future climate changes. The eighth and concluding chapter discusses five key policy options. The following is an outline of the UNEP report.


    Of the carbon isolated by biological processes on Earth, marine organisms sequester 55%. Green carbon is a collective term that includes all carbon incorporated into organic matter through the photosynthetic activity of plants (the term ‘blue carbon’ is defined later in the UNEP report; only carbon incorporated into terrestrial organisms and marine organisms is currently called ‘green carbon’, and ‘blue carbon’, respectively). Forms of carbon that human beings have used (greenhouse gases such as CO2), such as particulate matters and smoke from the combustion of fossil fuel, timber or vegetation, are called black carbon and brown carbon, respectively. Concentrations of black and brown carbon have been increasing steadily with global economic development, and their influence on climate, food production, and human beings is increasing. Natural ecosystems that absorb CO2 are reducing the concentrations of black and brown carbon and mitigating their adverse impacts. However, the rate of decline of the capacity of natural ecosystems to absorb CO2 is one to two times faster than the rate of reduction of black and brown carbon released annually by global transportation. In other words, the amount of CO2 that remains in the atmosphere without being absorbed exceeds the reduction of CO2 emissions associated with efforts to regulate emissions at present.


    Maintaining and improving the CO2 sequestration and storage functions in terrestrial and marine ecosystems is extremely important for mitigating climate change effects. The contribution of forests to these functions is evaluated through mechanisms such as the market economy. Because the contribution of the ocean remains underestimated, the purpose of this report is to highlight the contribution of the oceans to the reduction of atmospheric CO2 concentrations and the important role the oceans, and especially shallow coastal areas, play in stopping further degradation. An option for achieving that goal might be introduction of a market economy mechanism to evaluate the contribution of CO2 sequestration by the ocean. Exploring the effectiveness of a CO2 reduction plan with the ocean is also aimed as the main focus.


    The ocean plays a major role in the global carbon cycle of Earth. The ocean is the largest sink for long-term sequestration of carbon. In fact, a little over 90% of the CO2 on the planet (40 teratons: tera means 10 raised to the power 12, i.e., 10¹²) is found in the ocean.


    Coastal ecosystems with plant foundation species such as mangrove forests, saltmarshes, and seagrass beds account for less than 0.5% of the ocean area, but these act as the largest sink of blue carbon. They account for 50–71% of the total carbon stock preserved in marine sediments. Although the plant biomass in these three ecosystems is only 0.05% that of terrestrial plants, annual carbon storage in these ecosystems is roughly equivalent to the amount of carbon stored by all terrestrial plants on Earth. In other words, these three ecosystems are the most effective global carbon sink. Hereinafter, the mangrove forest, saltmarsh, and seagrass ecosystems are collectively referred to as the blue carbon ecosystem).


    The blue carbon ecosystem is the most efficient ecosystem for storing carbon, but it is also the most rapidly disappearing ecosystem on Earth. Its rate of disappearance is more than 4 times that of tropical rainforests. Recently, the average rate of decrease of the blue carbon ecosystem has been preliminarily estimated to be 2–7% per year. This rate of decrease is seven times the rate half a century ago. If measures for protecting it are not implemented, most coastal vegetation may be lost within the next 20 years. If further degradation of coastal vegetation is prevented and logging of tropical rainforests is greatly reduced, there is a possibility that recent CO2 emissions can be reduced by as much as 25%.


    Maintaining the blue carbon ecosystem will also have positive economic effects; it will improve food safety and living standards and increase the ability of people living in coastal areas to adapt to the effects of climate change. Although the coastal area is only 7% of the total ocean area, the blue carbon and coral reef ecosystems are among the most important fishing grounds all over the world; they provide about 50% of the worldwide fisheries resources. Approximately 3 billion people are provided with nutrition essential for life activities from coastal areas. Also, coastal areas provide about 50% of animal protein and minerals consumed by 4 billion people living in developing countries.


    The blue carbon ecosystem provides a wide range of benefits to human society besides fishery resources. Water purification, reduced coastal pollution, increased nutrient supplies, increased soil stability, decreased coastal erosion, reduction of effects of extreme weather events, and protection of the coastline are examples of other benefits derived from the blue carbon ecosystem. The value of these ecosystem services has been estimated to be equivalent to at least 25 trillion dollars per year. Therefore, the blue carbon ecosystem is one of the highest valued ecosystems. Degradation of the blue carbon ecosystem is caused not only by overuse of natural resources beyond their sustainable level but also by inadequate watershed management and inappropriate coastal development. The conservation and restoration of shallow coastal areas, by enhancing the health of local residents, employment opportunities, and food safety, enhance human well being. These services are among the benefits derived from integrated coastal management, which takes into consideration important characteristics of the target community.


    Loss of the blue carbon ecosystem is an immediate threat to the global environment and human society. Consideration of the blue carbon ecosystem is the largest missing item in the recent climate change mitigation strategy. Considering the integrated management of the shallow coastal areas and oceans and including conservation and restoration of the blue carbon ecosystem area would be the most effective win–win scenario (i.e. killing two birds with one stone) for mitigation of climate change impacts to date. However, this strategy is still not recognized by international protocols and market economic systems. The following objectives illustrate the steps needed to conserve, restore, and manage the blue carbon ecosystem.


    Establish a global blue carbon fund to protect and manage shallow coastal areas and other marine ecosystems as carbon sinks.

    Add a mechanism to approve the use of carbon credits through carbon sequestration and storage in marine ecosystems within the international policy agreements on climate change. Because blue carbon can be treated in the same way as green carbon in tropical rainforests, it can be included in the protocol on CO2 emission control and climate change mitigation.

    Establish standards and measurement methods for carbon sequestration appropriate for the global environment in the future.

    Strengthen collaborations and consider the framework of financial resources.

    Prioritize integrated coastal planning and management at the sustainable ecosystem level in order to strengthen the resilience of coastal vegetation and to maintain the safety of food and livelihood, especially around the hotspots of the blue carbon ecosystem.


    Protect 80% of existing seagrass beds, saltmarshes, and mangrove forests by promptly conducting effective management.


    Reduce or eliminate the threats confronting blue carbon ecosystems and manage these ecosystems with new perspectives that facilitate robust recoveries.


    Maintain food and livelihood safety of the marine ecosystem by conducting comprehensive and integrated ecosystem management to improve resilience to environmental change by both human societies and nature.


    Implement the following mitigation measures to create a win–win situation with respect to ocean resources;

    Improve the efficiency of energy used in marine transportation, fisheries, and aquaculture, and in marine leisure and tourism.

    Encourage sustainable and environmentally friendly harvesting of marine food resources, such as seaweed farming.

    Lessen activities that negatively impact the carbon absorption capacity of the ocean.

    When promoting business, contracting, or coastal development, prioritize the restoration and protection of coastal macrophytes, which provides not only seafood and income, but also carbon sequestration and storage.

    Manage coastal ecosystems to increase and expand the distribution of seagrass beds, mangrove forests, and saltmarshes. Transform coastal development so as to rehabilitate coastal macrophytes as natural capital.

    1.2.3 Present Status of Blue Carbon Ecosystems

    In the UNEP report, mangrove forests, saltmarshes, and seagrass beds are all called blue carbon sinks, and they are most important in the sequestering and storing of ocean CO2. These carbon sinks not only make a large contribution to the sequestration and storage of CO2, but they also provide a variety of important ecological services, such as food and livelihood safety to human beings. From this standpoint, the blue carbon ecosystem is comparable to a rainforest in the terrestrial realm. In this section, we describe the characteristics of a blue carbon ecosystem, and we explain how and why it sequesters and effectively stores carbon.

    In accord with the logic of the UNEP report, the morphological and structural arrangement of vegetation can be mentioned as a feature common to mangrove forests, saltmarshes, and seagrass beds. Saltmarshes and seagrass beds are formed by herbaceous plants, which are known to have a high shoot density and high growth rate (Pennings and Bertness 2001, Williams and Heck 2001). First, this dense vegetation creates a three-dimensional structure in the sea, provides a habitat for various marine organisms, and restricts the flow of seawater. Second, the vegetation grows in soft sediments, which are essential for carbon storage. In all mangrove forests, saltmarshes, and seagrass beds, dense vegetation restricts the flow of seawater and traps organic carbon drifting in the water column. The trapped organic carbon then accumulates in the sediment, where it is stored on site on time scales of centuries or more. There is a misconception that organic carbon is consumed and rapidly decomposed in extremely shallow coastal areas because of the high rates of biological processes, but the amount of organic carbon stored in these systems is equivalent to the amount stored in terrestrial forests and the deep ocean on the same timeframe. The mechanism responsible for the high carbon sequestration and storage of blue carbon ecosystems accounts for this equivalence.

    A characteristic that is not common to the three ecosystems is the habitat where the vegetation is formed. Saltmarshes and mangrove forests are formed in intertidal zones that undergo repeated submergence and emergence because of the tides. In extremely shallow waters, stems and leaves may emerge above the water but never dry out. These conditions are found especially at the mouths of brackish water estuaries, where freshwater and seawater mix with each other. Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is then directly fixed via photosynthesis when the leaves are exposed to the atmosphere. For that reason, although these two ecosystems are clearly defined as blue carbon in the UNEP report, some researchers may regard saltmarshes and mangrove forests as being intermediate between green carbon and blue carbon systems. In other words, of the three ecosystems called blue carbon ecosystems, only seagrass beds consist of plants that are strictly marine and can sequester and store carbon in the subtidal zone. However, it has become clear that CO2 in the atmosphere can also be directly absorbed by eelgrass. Chapter 6 provides details (Tokoro et al. 2018). The depths at which seagrass beds are found depend on which seagrass species forms the bed and can be as great as about 60 m (Coles et al. 2009). Seagrass beds are found over a wide range of salinities (Lirman and Cropper 2003, Koch et al. 2007). These characteristics of seagrasses suggest that they can be much more widely distributed than saltmarshes and mangrove forests, the habitats of which are restricted to intertidal areas along the coast. In the future, it will be very desirable to find a way to expand the areal distribution of seagrass beds (See Chaps. 12 and 13 for details; Nobutoki et al. 2018, Kuwae and Hori 2018) to achieve the coastal management goal of maintaining and improving the role of shallow coastal ecosystems in sequestering and storing blue carbon. Achieving that goal is one of the main reasons that seagrass beds are frequently cited as representative examples of blue carbon ecosystem in this chapter.

    Table 1.1 compares some of the characteristics of seagrass beds, mangrove forests, and saltmarshes and the amounts of blue carbon they store versus the whole ocean. The values for seagrass beds, however, are derived from data for the genus Posidonia in the Mediterranean Sea and coastal waters of Australia as well as for some other fast-growing tropical seagrass species. It is therefore possible that the rates for seagrass beds are overestimates. The authors of the UNEP report have pointed out this potential bias, and caution is therefore necessary when citing this value. In particular, it is believed that belowground production tends to be larger for the genus Posidonia than for other seagrass genera, and thus the amount of organic carbon stored in the sediment tends to be greater in seagrass beds dominated by Posidonia. For example, in Japan the rate of organic carbon storage by eelgrass (Zostera marina) is almost equal to the rate of storage by the genus Posidonia in Australia, but it is only about one-fifth the rate of storage by the genus Posidonia in the Mediterranean (see Chap. 2 for details; Miyajima and Hamaguchi 2018).

    Table 1.1

    The areal distribution and carbon storage rates of shallow coastal ecosystems, modified from the UNEP report (Nellemann et al. 2009)

    The storage rate was calculated from the amount of organic carbon deposited in the sediment per unit area per unit time. The values in parentheses indicate the maximum value of the 95% confidence interval of the data

    Among the coastal macrophyte communities, mangrove forests and saltmarshes have the same storage rate per unit area, and those rates are slightly higher than the rates for seagrass beds. However, because seagrass beds have a more extensive distribution than mangrove forests, calculations of the rate of carbon storage for the whole earth have made more use of the value for seagrass beds than of that for mangrove forests. In the most recent calculations since the UNEP report, some revisions have been made to the value of each blue carbon ecosystem. The carbon storage rate of saltmarshes is the lowest, whereas the rates for mangrove forests and seagrass beds are similar (Table 1.2, Bridgham 2014). However, saltmarshes, mangrove forests, and seagrass beds all have a higher carbon storage rate than other coastal areas such as estuaries, continental shelves, and the deep sea. According to the IPCC Fifth Report (2013), since the Industrial Revolution, the total amount of black and brown carbon released by industrial activities has been about 555 billion tons, of which 160 billion tons are sequestered and stored as green carbon and 155 billion tons are sequestered and stored as blue carbon. The remaining 240 billion tons are in the atmosphere. In recent years, it is estimated that the annual rates of absorption by terrestrial vegetation and the ocean have been 2.3 billion tons C per year and 2.4 billion tons C per year, respectively. Recent emissions from human activities have averaged 9.4 billion tons C per year, and the residual amount in the atmosphere has been 4.7 billion tons C per year (Chap. 11; Kuwae et al. 2018). The total carbon sequestration rate on Earth has therefore been about 4.7 billion tons C per year. The areal carbon storage rate of blue carbon ecosystems is estimated to be 20–30 times that of terrestrial vegetation such as tropical rainforests (Table 1.2). Therefore, despite the fact that the total area of blue carbon ecosystems is less than 2% that of tropical rainforests, the carbon storage rates of blue carbon ecosystems and tropical rainforests are similar.

    Table 1.2

    Comparison of amounts and rates of carbon storage between blue carbon ecosystems and major ecosystems

    Modified from Bridgham (2014)

    It is therefore apparent that the area of coastal macrophytes makes a large contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gases, like terrestrial forests. However, the UNEP report also shows that coastal macrophytes are disappearing faster than tropical rainforests. The areas lost since the 1940s corresponds to about 35%, 35%, and 25% of the areas previously occupied by mangrove forests, seagrass beds, and saltmarshes, respectively. The decline of coastal macrophyte communities has continued. The recent estimated rate of decrease have been about 1.5 percent per year for these coastal vegetation, meaning that 0.15–1.02 billion tons of carbon dioxide are being released annually (Pendleton et al. 2012).

    The areal extent of the blue carbon ecosystem along the Japanese coast has not been an exception to this pattern; a significant decrease has occurred. In particular, the areas occupied by saltmarshes and seagrass beds have decreased as a result of coastal developments throughout Japan for the past 100 years. The only exceptions to this pattern have been the mangrove forests in the Nansei Islands. The area of freshwater and saltwater marshes was about 2100 km² (of which Hokkaido accounted for 84%) in the 1910’s and 1920’s. That area had declined to only 820 km² (of which Hokkaido still accounted for 86%) in 1999 (Geospatial Information Authority of Japan 2016). In addition, according to published data on seagrass beds in Japan, 2000 ha of eelgrass beds disappeared in only 13 years from 1978 to 1991. Moreover, in the Seto Inland Sea, where the area of eelgrass beds is large, about 16,000 ha of eelgrass beds disappeared between 1960 and 1991 because of coastal development and deterioration of water quality (Port and Airport Department, Chugoku Regional Bureau, 2016). Recently, however, seagrass beds have started to increase in Japan because of water quality improvements that have resulted from legal restrictions on nutrient inputs from the watersheds in some areas (Hori et al. 2018). This example illustrates the possibilities for restoring coastal macrophyte communities through water quality control and natural ecosystem resilience.

    1.2.4 Other Ecosystems as Carbon Sinks

    The UNEP report emphasizes the importance of the blue carbon ecosystem, where macrophytes sequester organic carbon and store it in the sediment. However, the blue carbon ecosystem is not the only sink of blue carbon in the ocean. Of the blue carbon storage capacity of the ocean, 30–50% is found outside the blue carbon ecosystem, and there are also shallow coastal water blue carbon sinks that have not yet been evaluated. Macroalgae are the most abundant vegetation in addition to the vascular plants found in blue carbon ecosystems.

    In recent years, scientific evidence has shown that macroalgae that grow on rocks in the absence of sediment also contribute to carbon storage after sequestering atmospheric CO2 (Krause-Jensen and Duarte 2016). The carbon may be stored somewhere different from the place where the CO2 is sequestered by the macroalgae, such as in tidal flats or the deep sea. If the connection between the discrete sources and sinks of blue carbon can be explained, it will be possible to assess the contribution of macroalgal vegetation to the blue carbon sink. Discussions about macroalgal vegetation as a blue carbon sink are incomplete in the UNEP report because there was inadequate understanding of the source–sink relationship at the time the report was written. Although there are no sufficiently accurate published summaries of the distribution of macroalgae at the global level, the UNEP report mentions that the evaluation of macroalgae with the largest distribution area and the largest amount of production on Earth is the next task. In this book, an example of macroalgal sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere is described in Chap. 6 (Tokoro et al. 2018), and Chap. 4 describes an example of a calculation of the amount of organic carbon sequestered by macroalgae along the coast of Japan (Yoshida et al. 2018). Chapter 2, which concerns organic carbon storage within seagrass beds, includes a discussion of carbon sources derived from macroalgae and phytoplankton that have drifted in and accumulated in the seagrass meadows (Miyajima and Hamaguchi 2018). There are estimated values of eelgrass (but not seaweed) exhibiting the same transportation process from shallow coastal areas to the deep sea as Chap. 9 (Abo et al. 2018). There is also much carbon storage derived from green carbon by a similar process in coastal marine ecosystems such as tidal flats and estuaries, which are ecotones between the land and ocean. Chapter 11 (Kuwae et al. 2018) also discusses the fact that phytoplankton in estuaries and within bays can contributes to carbon storage.

    1.3 Characteristics of Sequestration and Storage in Blue Carbon Ecosystems

    In this section, the mechanism by which blue carbon ecosystems sequester and store blue carbon is discussed. To understand how blue carbon ecosystems sequester and store blue carbon, it is essential to understand the function of each ecosystem and its biological characteristics. We first describe the general biological characteristics of blue carbon ecosystems and also biogeographic features. The species that support the base of the ecosystem and that determine the biological and physicochemical characteristics of the ecosystem have been termed foundation species (Ellison et al. 2005). Blue carbon ecosystems have characteristic foundation species. They therefore provide characteristic ecosystem services, not just blue carbon sequestration and storage.

    1.3.1 Saltmarshes on Tidal Flats

    Saltmarshes form in the upper coastal intertidal zone, which is regularly flooded by seawater during high tides. The vegetation consists of dense stands of salt-tolerant plants including herbs, grasses, and short shrubs (Adams 1990, Woodroffe 2002). The dense vegetation exhibits extremely high primary production and also provides coastal protection by trapping and binding sediments (Woodroffe 2002, Chap. 8). Saltmarshes, along with seagrass ecosystems and mangrove forests, are sites of effective organic carbon sequestration and storage. These three ecosystems have recently been called blue carbon ecosystems, but they were originally recognized as ecosystems supporting diverse communities that include terrestrial organisms such as angiosperms, insects, birds, and mammals as well as marine organisms such as algae, molluscs, crustaceans, and fish (Pennings and Bertness 2001).

    Saltmarshes are commonly found on shorelines that consist of muddy or sandy tidal flats with sluggish tidal movement and low wave action at almost

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