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How Transistor Area Shrank by 1 Million Fold
How Transistor Area Shrank by 1 Million Fold
How Transistor Area Shrank by 1 Million Fold
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How Transistor Area Shrank by 1 Million Fold

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​This book explains in layman’s terms how CMOS transistors work.  The author explains step-by-step how CMOS transistors are built, along with an explanation of the purpose of each process step. He describes for readers the key inventions and developments in science and engineering that overcame huge obstacles, enabling engineers to shrink transistor area by over 1 million fold and build billions of transistor switches that switch over a billion times a second, all on a piece of silicon smaller than a thumbnail.

Release dateJul 15, 2020
How Transistor Area Shrank by 1 Million Fold

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    Book preview

    How Transistor Area Shrank by 1 Million Fold - Howard Tigelaar

    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

    H. TigelaarHow Transistor Area Shrank by 1 Million Fold

    1. Integrated Circuit Revolutions

    Howard Tigelaar¹  


    Tigelaar Consulting, LLC, Allen, TX, USA

    Howard Tigelaar


    Jack KilbyRobert NoyceSpace programApollo 17 missionTechnology/workplace revolutionsMoore’s lawWorld standard of livingFirst robotic revolutionSecond robotic revolutionWireless revolutionCybercrimeIC revolutionPhysical science departmentsEnd of IC scalingIndustry in transition

    1.1 Introduction

    The space program demonstrated that amazing things can be accomplished when clear technical goals are set, and teams of tech-nerd scientists and engineers are showered with money. In less than 10 years, the space program evolved from a goal (May 25, 1961—President Kennedy) of landing a man on the moon and bringing him safely back to actually landing a man on the moon and bringing him safely back (July 24, 1969). The need for complex real-time computation on the Apollo rockets and on the Lunar Rover drove huge investments into research and development of transistors, integrated circuits, and portable computers. Advances in solid-state transistors and computers throughout the 1950s paved the way for the incredible integrated circuit technology revolution that began in the 1960s and continues today.

    Severe cutbacks in the space program after the last Apollo 17 mission in 1972 flooded the market with out of work, highly educated, highly skilled scientists and engineers. Fortunately, the growing demand for more sophisticated, low-power consumer products (such as digital watches, handheld calculators, portable radios, and business computers) created a demand for highly trained engineers across the broad spectrum of the sciences and engineering. Within a few years, the flood of scientists and engineers from the space program was absorbed, and a growing demand for even more technically educated workers was created by the rapidly growing semiconductor industry.

    Over a period of 8 years, absolutely incredible new technologies were invented and developed that put men on the moon. Over a period of 40+ years, even more incredible new technologies were invented and developed to scale the area of IC chips by over a million-fold.

    1.2 Integrated Circuit Scaling and Technological/Workplace Revolutions

    Increasingly cheaper and more powerful ICs spawned the creation of new electronic devices that revolutionized technologies, birthed new industries, and greatly increased productivity. Numerous technological/workplace revolutions enabled by IC scaling evolved in parallel with IC scaling.

    A few of the technology/workplace revolutions include the following:


    The invention/development of CMOS technology and the low-power CMOS inverter circuit enabled the change from plugged in electronic equipment to wireless, portable, and battery-powered electronic equipment.


    The invention/development of fast, multibit analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters plus digital signal processing technology revolutionized how information is stored, transmitted, and processed by computers.


    As ICs scaled smaller, computers became smaller and more powerful. When it became cost-effective to put a desk top computer on the desk of every professional, thousands of secretarial jobs vanished. Many secretaries were retrained as data entry clerks. Professionals who relied upon secretaries to help them prepare papers for publication and slides for presentations now had to do it themselves on their personal desk top computer.


    The world wide web combined with more powerful personal computers and electronic devices revolutionized communication, revolutionized how we do business, and revolutionized how we shop.


    A first robotic revolution produced computerized machine tools that transformed many manufacturing sectors. Items such as automobiles, steel, and integrated circuits transitioned from being manufactured solely by humans to being manufactured by humans with the aid of robots. Robots transformed banking with automatic teller machines (ATMs) and transformed fast food restaurants with food order kiosks. Bar code technology transformed retail store checkouts reducing errors and eliminating the need for checkout clerks that could memorize and enter the prices of hundreds of items and could calculate correct change.


    A second robotic revolution is now taking place as artificial intelligence is being combined with robotics to perform jobs that require intelligent decisions as new situations arise. In some jobs, humans are totally eliminated.


    I and a group of colleagues went to a restaurant in a shopping mall in Beijing, China, in 2018. When we arrived, a greeter asked us to bring up their website on our cell phones, review their menu, and place our orders. They told us to browse in the mall and they would text us when our table was ready. About half an hour later we received the text. Within a few minutes after we were seated, our first course was served. When our meal was finished, we could select to electronically pay individually or with one check.



    The wireless revolution and the internet of things allow people to communicate with each other and with other electronic machines whenever and wherever.


    Wireless pagers, personal digital assistants (PDA), and smart phones are revolutionizing personal communications, revolutionizing social interactions, revolutionizing work, revolutionizing shopping, and revolutionizing entertainment.


    Cybercrime is huge. Cyber security is now a major industry. Whole new industries and new governmental departments have been generated to conduct cyber war.


    Smart weapons are revolutionizing the war industry and revolutionizing how wars are fought.


    The IC industry has and is revolutionizing the medical industry (MRIs, CAT scans, DNA sequencing, diagnostic testing, implantable devices such as heart pacers and insulin pumps).


    The IC revolution transformed the gaming industry from pinball machines in bars and one-armed bandits in casinos to computer game consoles and portable computer games virtually every child and child-at-heart adult owns.


    Social media is transforming the news industry and revolutionizing marketing. Many magazines and newspapers have closed. Targeted advertisements are being delivered directly to consumers on their personal social media devices.


    Photography is transformed. Film is for the most part a thing of the past. Expensive film cameras have been largely replaced with cell phone cameras. Motion pictures are recorded digitally using CCD cameras and projected onto screens in theaters using digital light projectors (DLPs). Anyone can now produce high-quality video using a handheld camera. Amazing special effects are now generated electronically. Animated cartoons are now created by digital artists using animation software instead of by thousands of artists drawings on cells.


    Heavy cathode ray televisions with screens limited to about 40 in. and weighing several hundred pounds are replaced by LCD and LED televisions with screens exceeding 200 in. and weighing less than 100 pounds [1]. https://​www.​businessinsider.​com/​samsung-219-inch-the-wall-tv-2019-1

    1.3 Integrated Circuit Scaling Impact on Universities, Industrial Labs, and Consortia

    The increased demand for IC chips and the race to smaller and smaller ICs that kept Moore’s law on track for over 40 years created a huge demand for scientists and engineers with advanced degrees. In response to this demand, physical science departments including math, physics (quantum, solid state, optics, plasma, information), chemistry (polymer, plasma, cleanup, chemical vapor deposition, thin film deposition, crystal growth, photochemistry), and materials science (solid state materials, crystal doping, thin film dielectrics, thin film metals, polymers for ICs and packaging) ballooned. In addition, new departments (computer programming, computer modeling, robotics, information technology, digital signal processing, wireless technology, internet technology, internet security, etc.) were established to support these evolving new technologies. Many private and government research labs funded by IC chip profits were established to support the semiconductor industry both within the United States and worldwide [2–6]. (Americas [2]; European Union A-J [3]; European Union K-Z [4]; Europe Outside EU [5]; Asia and Australia [6]).

    1.4 Integrated Circuit Scaling and the Worldwide Rise in the Standard of Living

    The increase in the standard of living across the world enabled by integrated circuits is truly mind boggling. Cell phones and color TVs can be found in even the most remote villages. The development of modern medical equipment such as MRIs, EKGs, CAT scans, and implanted pacemakers would not have been possible without ICs. ICs run most modern household appliances. LEDs and LCDs provide far more light using far less energy than incandescent light bulbs. The agricultural revolution that has reduced hunger in the world to a level that is lower than ever before in recorded history was enabled by ICs. Without the increase in human productivity enabled by ICs, the dramatic increase in the standard of living across the world would not have been possible.

    1.5 Integrated Circuits: An Industry in Transition

    Integrated circuit scaling has virtually stopped. The number of transistors that can be crammed on an IC chip and switched simultaneously is pushing physical limits. A silicon atom is about 0.2 nm. Transistor gates have now scaled to less than 10 nm. The resistance and capacitance of the highly scaled, closely spaced wires is limiting how fast ICs can run. The heat generated by the billions of transistors is pushing reliability limits. The thickness of transistor gate dielectrics has scaled to just a few layers of dielectric molecules.

    Despite the end of IC scaling, the semiconductor industry is still going strong. The demand for ICs able to perform an even wider variety of functions is still on the rise. Integrated circuit factories, each costing ten billion dollars or more, are still being built—most of them in Asia. In the USA, the focus of semiconductor companies is changing from research and development of equipment and processes that can manufacture smaller transistors to a focus on research and development (R&D) of transistors that can switch higher voltages and more power, R&D into new sensors and other new electronic components, and R&D into new packaging methods and procedures that reduce cost, reduce size, and increase the number of functions packaged ICs can perform. Some of the new packaging methods include wafer scale packages where IC chips skip the usual packaging processing and are mounted directly onto circuit boards after the wafer is diced. Other new packaging methods combine multiple dies with widely different capabilities into one package avoiding mounting the multiple dies separately on a circuit board thus saving area and reducing cost.

    Other industries such as biomedical, aerospace, oil and gas, transportation, agriculture and a host of others are taking advantage of new wide-ranging IC capabilities to enhance the existing products and to develop and offer new products. Research into areas such as the internet of things, robotics, artificial intelligence, bio transistors, wearable electronics, smart prosthetics, self-driving vehicles, and mega data ensures the demand for ICs with new and increased capabilities will continue for some time.



    Samsung’s absurd 219-inch TV takes up an entire wall—thus its name, The Wall, Business Insider (2019). https://​www.​businessinsider.​com/​samsung-219-inch-the-wall-tv-2019-1.


    Semiconductors-Industries Website, Semiconductor Research Laboratories of North (USA & CANADA), Central and South America. http://​www.​semiconductors.​co.​uk/​research_​laboratories/​americas.​htm. Accessed 4 Mar 2020.


    Semiconductors-Industries Website, Semiconductor Research Laboratories within the European Union Countries A to J. http://​www.​semiconductors.​co.​uk/​research_​laboratories/​europe-eu_​a-to-j.​htm. Accessed 4 Mar 2020.


    Semiconductors-Industries Website, Research Laboratories within the European Union Countries K to Z. http://​www.​semiconductors.​co.​uk/​research_​laboratories/​europe-eu_​k-to-z.​htm. Accessed 4 Mar 2020.


    Semiconductors-Industries Website, European Semiconductor Research Laboratories Outside the European Union. http://​www.​semiconductors.​co.​uk/​research_​laboratories/​europe-noneu.​htm. Accessed 4 Mar 2020.


    Semiconductors-Industries Website, Semiconductor Research Laboratories in Asia and Australasia. http://​www.​semiconductors.​co.​uk/​research_​laboratories/​asia&​australasia.​htm. Accessed 4 Mar 2020.

    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

    H. TigelaarHow Transistor Area Shrank by 1 Million Fold

    2. Overview of Integrated Circuit Manufacturing

    Howard Tigelaar¹  


    Tigelaar Consulting, LLC, Allen, TX, USA

    Howard Tigelaar


    CMOSNMOSPMOSSTIPMDIMD1IMD2Metal1Copper wiringPOPhotoresistPhotolithographyPlasma etchIonsSilicon dioxide dielectric (SiO2)Thermal oxidationChemical vapor deposition (CVD)PECVDAPCVDLPCVDSACVDHDPHARPALDSputter depositionDC sputteringRF sputteringReactive sputteringColumnated sputteringIMP sputteringMemory transistorsSRAMDRAMEPROMEEPROMFLASHPackaged integrated circuits

    2.1 Integrated Circuit Manufacturing

    To manufacture an integrated circuit, a silicon wafer is typically processed 24 h a day, 7 days a week, for 2–3 months. One high-volume integrated circuit fab costs upwards of 10 billion dollars to build and equip. The fab costs over five million dollars per day just to operate. Most of the machines in an IC fab cost over one million dollars each. Multiple machines are required for each manufacturing step. The most expensive machine is the immersion scanner which costs over 100 million dollars for just one. These machines print the extremely small and complicated patterns on the wafer [1]. https://​en.​wikipedia.​org/​wiki/​Semiconductor_​fabrication_​plant.

    Figure 2.1 is a cross-sectional view of a simple complementary metal-oxidesemiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit built in single crystal silicon substrate. The CMOS IC uses both NMOS (n-type channel where current is negatively charged electrons) and PMOS (p-type channel where current is positively charged holes) transistors. The NMOS and PMOS transistors are isolated from each other by a shallow trench (STI) filled with silicon dioxide (SiO2) dielectric . The NMOS and PMOS transistors are covered with silicon dioxide (SiO2) premetal dielectric (PMD). Metallic contact plugs electrically connect the NMOS and PMOS transistors to the overlying copper metal1 wiring layer. A first layer of intermetal dielectric (IMD1) electrically isolates the metal1 wires from each other. A second layer of intermetal dielectric (IMD2) electrically isolates a second layer of copper wiring (metal2) from the metal1 copper wires. Copper filled holes (via1) electrically connect metal2 wires to the underlying metal1 wires. A third layer of metal wiring (metal3) is covered with a protective overcoat (PO) dielectric such as SiO2 or polyimide. Three levels of copper wiring are shown. Some ICs have a dozen or more levels of copper wiring. An aluminum bond pad, shorted to the top layer of metal3, is formed through an opening in the PO to provide electrical connection to the underlying transistors. A wire attached to the aluminum bond pad (not shown) communicates electrical signals to and from this IC to other ICs, to other electrical devices, and to the power supply.


    Fig. 2.1

    Cross section of a CMOS integrated circuit with three layers of metal wires (interconnect) plus a metal bond pad layer

    The integrated circuit manufacturing process starts with a bare silicon wafer (substrate). The integrated circuit is manufactured by repeatedly applying a photoresist coating on the wafer, printing a pattern in the photoresist, and then performing manufacturing steps such as plasma etching to transfer the photoresist pattern onto electronic structures on the wafer. For example, after the PMD dielectric layer is deposited it is coated with photoresist and a contact hole pattern is printed in the photoresist with contact holes penetrating through the photoresist. An etching step is then performed that etches contact holes through the PMD layer. The contact photoresist pattern is then removed, and the contact holes are filled with metallic contact plugs. The IMD1 dielectric layer is then deposited covering the contact plugs and the PMD layer. A photoresist coating is then applied on the IMD1 layer and a metal1 trench pattern is printed in the photoresist with metal1 trenches penetrating through the photoresist. The metal1 trenches are then etched through the IMD1 layer and filled with copper to form the metal1 copper wires. These steps of IMDx deposition, forming a metalx trench pattern in photoresist, etching the metalx trenches and refilling them with copper are repeated for additional wiring layers.

    2.1.1 Photolithography (Printing Patterns in Photoresist)

    Before digital photography , a camera was used to capture pictures on film. The film was then developed to form a negative. The negative was put into a projection printer and light was projected through the negative to expose photo reactive chemicals on photographic paper. The exposed photographic paper was then developed with chemicals to produce the photograph. In semiconductor processing the surface of the wafer is coated with a photoactive polymer (photoresist). Portions of the photoresist are exposed by light that is projected onto the photoresist through a pattern (photomask or reticle). Photoresist polymer that is exposed by the light undergoes a chemical reaction that renders it soluble to a solvent (developer). After exposure, the developer washes away exposed photoresist leaving the unexposed photoresist pattern on the wafer. The photoresist geometries protect the underlying surface of the wafer from being changed by subsequent manufacturing processes. Some photo resist geometries in ICs manufactured today can be 20 nm or smaller. Over 1000 times smaller than a human hair. 

    The metal trench pattern openings in a photoresist pattern expose the underlying IMD layer. Where the IMD silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer is exposed, reactive gases that are produced in a plasma react with the exposed SiO2 and etch it away forming trenches through the IMD layer.

    2.1.2 Plasma Etch

    When an electric current flows through a gas, the electric current can dislodge electrons from the gaseous atoms forming highly reactive atoms. The electric current that flows through neon gas inside a neon tube knocks electrons from neutral (uncharged) neon gas atoms forming highly reactive positively charged neon gas ions (charged atoms). These highly reactive neon ions scavenge electrons as soon as possible to return the neons ion back into uncharged neon atoms. As the scavenged electrons neutralize the charge on the reactive neon ions, they emit light (photons) with the characteristic neon color. Florescent light is also produced by a plasma in the florescent tube.

    In plasma etching, electric current flows through an etchant gas forming highly reactive etchant ions. One process that plasma etches the silicon dioxide (SiO2)PMD and IMDx layers passes electric current through chloroform (CHF3) and oxygen (O2) to form highly reactive atomic fluorine, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. These highly reactive atoms react with exposed silicon dioxide surface removing silicon and oxygen atoms . SiO2 etch products are silicon tetrafluoride (SiF4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and water (H2O) gas molecules. These gasses are pumped away through a vacuum pump.

    Gases such as sulfur hexafluoridez(SF6) or carbon tetrafluoride (CF4) decompose in a plasma releasing highly reactive fluorine atoms that etch single crystal silicon and polysilicon. The reaction forms silicon tetrafluoride (SiF4) gas which is pumped away.

    2.1.3 Thermal Oxidation of Silicon to Grow Silicon Dioxide Dielectric

    Silicon dioxide (SiO2)dielectric is grown on exposed silicon surfaces by the reaction with oxygen (O2) or water vapor (H2O) at temperatures in the range of 800 –1200 °C.

    In early technology nodes, SiO2 was simultaneously grown on multiple wafers (batch processing) in quartz furnace tubes with oxygen or water vapor flowing through.

    In advanced technology nodes, SiO2 is grown on one wafer at a time (single wafer processing) in rapid thermal processing tools (RTP) using oxygen or water vapor. Gate dielectrics in advanced technologies are so thin (a few nanometers) that the gate dielectric can be grown in a few seconds or less. RTP tools can raise the temperature of a wafer from room temperature to 900 °C or more and return the wafer back to room temperature in less than a second (without it shattering due to thermal stresses!)

    2.1.4 Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)

    In a CVD process, gaseous molecules are decomposed, usually thermally or with the help of a plasma, to deposit dielectric or metallic thin film layers. Many different types of dielectric and metal thin films are deposited using a variety of CVD methods.

    In thermal activated CVD, gaseous molecules hit the hot surface of a wafer, decompose, and react depositing a dielectric or metal thin film. For example, the gas tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) decomposes thermally when it hits the hot (~700 C) surface of the wafer and deposits silicon dioxide (SiO2) dielectric. TEOS decomposes into silicon dioxide (SiO2) and diethyl ether. The SiO2 solid deposits on the wafer. The diethyl ether gas is pumped away.

    Silane (SiH4) plus ammonia (NH3) or dichlorosilane (SiH2Cl2) plus NH3 thermally decompose to deposit silicon nitride dielectric (Si3N4) films.

    High aspect ratio (narrow and deep) contact holes are filled with tungsten metal using CVD. Tungsten hexafluoride gas decomposes to form tungsten metal (W) plus fluorine gas (F2). Tungsten metal fills the contact holes and fluorine gas is pumped away.

    Vias are lined with CVD tantalum nitride (CVD-TaN) to prevent copper diffusion into the surrounding intermetal dielectric (IMD).

    Many variations on the CVD process have been invented and developed to deposit various thin films over wide-ranging underlying topographies.

    To enable engineers to build smaller and smaller transistors, chemists developed various CVD reactant gases to deposit thin films at lower and lower temperatures. For example, CVD depositions of chlorinated silanes such as SiH3Cl, SiH2Cl2, and SiHCl3 occur at lower temperatures than silane (SiH4). CVD depositions of organosilanes such as tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) occur at an even lower temperature.

    Equipment scientists and engineers repeatedly redesigned CVD reactors to fill smaller and smaller trenches void-free as IC area scaled. Reactant gases have a longer mean free path (distance they travel before a collision) at lower pressures. Reactant gasses can better fill narrow trenches and have improved step coverage at lower pressure.

    Some of the various CVD deposition methods are explained in more detail in Chap. 10. Included are low pressure CVD (LPCVD), sub atmospheric CVD (SACVD), atmospheric CVD (APCVD), high-density plasma CVD (HDP), high aspect ratio process CVD (HARP), and atomic layer deposition CVD (ALD).

    New CVD variations with improved gap filling (such as flowable CVD) are being researched and developed.

    APCVD (Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition) Operating Pressure 1 atm (760 Torr). Temperatures 100–1000 °C. Wafers on a heated moving belt pass under the gas source. Equipment is inexpensive. Deposition rate is fast. Films tend to be lower quality and less uniform.

    LPCVD (Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition) Operating pressure between 0.25 and 2 Torr. Operating temperatures 300–900 °C. Many wafers are simultaneously processed in a batch in LPCVD furnace tube. Slow deposition rate is compensated by the large batch size. Good step coverage and good gap fill.

    SACVD (Sub atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition) Operating pressure between 6 and 600 Torr. Good step coverage and good gap fill. Higher dep. rate than LPCVD. Denser dielectric film than LPCVD.

    PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition) Operating pressure 0.1–5 Torr. Low temperature deposition—usually about 400 °C. Plasma is used to lower the CVD deposition temperature. Higher deposition rates than thermal CVD techniques are achieved.

    HDP (High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition) Ionizes argon atoms and accelerates them to sputter etch the dielectric surface as the dielectric film is depositing. Top flat surface sputters faster than bottom of trenches. Trenches fill void-free. Deposited dielectric film is dense and is largely planarized. A negative is that gate dielectrics can be degraded due to charge from the argon ions.

    HARP™ (High Aspect Ratio Process Chemical Vapor Deposition) No plasma. Very good void-free gap fill of narrow trenches. Concentrations of TEOS vs ozone are adjusted throughout process to first fill small trenches and then speed up deposition rate to shorten deposition time.

    ALD (Atomic Layer Chemical Vapor Deposition) First reactant gas decomposes on hot surfaces on the wafer to deposit a monolayer of atoms or molecules. Reaction is self-limiting. Second reactant gas decomposes on hot surface to deposit a second monolayer on top of the first monolayer. Monolayers are repeatedly deposited to build up the desired film thickness.

    https://​web.​stanford.​edu/​class/​ee311/​NOTES/​Deposition_​Planarization.​pdf [2].

    2.1.5 Physical Vapor Deposition (Sputter Deposition)

    Metal thin films are usually deposited with sputtering. An argon (Ar) ion plasma is formed in the sputter deposition tool. Electric fields are used to accelerate the argon ions causing them to impinge on a metal target. High electric fields impart enough energy to the argon ions for them to dislodge (sputter) metal atoms and clusters of metal atoms from the target. The metal atoms and clusters rain down and deposit on the surface of the wafer forming a layer of the desired metal. Mirrors are formed by placing glass plates under an aluminum target in a sputter deposition tool and sputter depositing an aluminum metal film on them.

    As ICs scaled scientists and engineers developed number of different sputter deposition processes to provide improved metal film uniformity and improved step coverage.

    Sputter Deposition

    I began my career at Texas Instruments as a sputter deposition engineer. When I hired into TI, I had not heard of sputter deposition. I did some reading prior to my start date so I knew what a sputter machine was but had never seen one. My first day I was put in charge of the sputter machine in the Houston Process Development Lab where TI was prototyping a 16 MEG DRAM. Luckily, I was assigned a very good and experienced technician. He introduced me to the Perkin Elmer 2400 and taught me how to run it. My job was to either quickly become a sputter deposition expert or to find another job.

    I describe various manufacturing methods for sputter deposition used over the years to give you a feel for the incredible research and development (R&D) expense and effort that provided tools to keep transistor scaling moving forward. The equipment and other semiconductor manufacturing processes have similar or even more amazing stories to tell.

    DC sputtering: A DC voltage accelerates argon ions (Ar+) into a plate (target) of the metal to be deposited. The argon ions are given sufficient energy to dislodge individual metal atoms and small clusters of metal atoms from the surface of the target. These atoms and clusters rain down and deposit on the wafer coating it with a thin film of the desired metal.

    DC magnetron sputtering: Magnets behind the target confine and accelerate electrons in the plasma ionizing the Ar atoms more efficiently. Deposition rates are increased anywhere from 10 to 100 times depending upon the material.

    RF sputtering: To sputter deposit insulating materials, RF energy from an RF generator behind the insulating target is coupled through the insulator target to create a plasma in the sputtering chamber. The RF provides sufficient energy to ionize the argon gas and sputter deposit the insulator.

    Reactive sputtering: A reactive gas is introduced into the sputtering chamber along with the argon gas during sputter deposition. The reactive gas reacts with the target metal being sputtered to form the desired molecular compound. For example, nitrogen (N2) gas is introduced into the sputtering chamber during sputter deposition of titanium to form titanium nitride (TiN) thin films (or during the deposition of tantalum to form tantalum nitride TaN).

    Columnated sputtering: In columnated sputtering, a collimator (looks like a honeycomb) is placed under the target (between the target and the wafer). The collimator prevents atoms and clusters sputtered at oblique angles from reaching the wafer. Columnated sputtering improves bottom and sidewall coverage of high aspect ratio contact and via holes (small and deep).

    IMP Sputtering: Sputtered metal atoms are given a positive charge and are accelerated with an electric field toward the wafer. Electric fields are also used to confine the charged metal atoms into a column directed toward the surface of the wafer. The high directionality of the IMP metal atoms enables them to reach the bottom of very deep and narrow contact and via holes and the bottom of deep and narrow damascene metal trenches.

    SIP Sputtering: In self-ionized plasma sputtering (SIP) a specially designed magnetron increases the ionization in the plasma and increases resputtering of the metal from the surface. The resputtering results in a more uniform layer covering the bottom and sidewalls of vias and trenches.

    IBS Sputtering: In ion beam sputtering an ion beam with mono energetic ions is created and accelerated toward the target. The ion beam is neutralized before it hits the target so that the metal or insulator is sputtered with neutral, high-energy atoms. IBS sputtering produces very dense, high-quality films.

    Handbook of Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) Processing [3].

    2.2 Integrated Circuit Transistors

    In addition to low-voltage core CMOS transistors that perform the bulk of the digital logic, most integrated circuits also have high-voltage input/output (I/O) transistors. The I/O transistors translate the low-voltage signals from the core CMOS logic to the higher voltage levels needed for the IC chip to communicate with other IC chips such as those that run keyboards, video displays, speakers, and motors.

    In addition to core CMOS transistors and I/O transistors, many integrated circuits also have bipolar transistors, analog transistors, various versions of high-voltage transistors, various versions of high-power transistors, electrostatic discharge (ESD) transistors, and memory transistors such as SRAMs, DRAMs, EPROMS, EEPROMS, and FLASH. The manufacturing processes required for these other types of transistors are similar to the manufacturing processes for core CMOS transistors. SRAM memories are built with the same process flow as the core CMOS transistors. Only a few additional steps are required to manufacture SRAM CMOS transistors. EPROM, FLASH, and DRAM memories on the other hand add about one-third more process steps to the core CMOS manufacturing flow. In some cases, specialized equipment and processes used only for the manufacture of integrated circuits with these memory cells are required.

    2.2.1 Memory Transistors in Integrated Circuits

    Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM)

    The vast majority of SRAM memory cells are six transistor or 6 T SRAM cells. SRAM transistors are identical to core CMOS transistors except for their turn on voltages (VT). An SRAM cell stores a logic state 1 or a logic state 0 while drawing very little power for as long as the SRAM memory is connected to a battery. Once disconnected, all logic information is lost (Volatile memory).

    Dynamic Random-Access Memory (DRAM)

    A DRAM memory cell is simply a capacitor connected to the source of an NMOS transistor. The DRAM capacitor can be either charged (logic state = 1) or discharged (logic state = 0). When the DRAM capacitor is charged to a logic state = 1, the source diode is reverse-biased and a small reverse-biased diode leakage current flows. The DRAM capacitor slowly discharges losing the logic state. In a DRAM memory cell, the logic information is dynamically refreshed (rewritten) every few milliseconds. When disconnected from the battery all logic information is lost (Volatile memory).

    Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM and FLASH)

    EPROM and FLASH memories are nonvolatile memories. When the battery is disconnected, the logic states are preserved.

    A FLASH memory is a version of an EPROM memory. An EPROM memory transistor is a NMOS transistor with a piece of polysilicon that is electrically isolated between the NMOS gate and the NMOS channel (see Figs. 2.2 and 2.3). During programming a high voltage is applied to the control gate and drain of the EPROM transistor. This turns the EPROM transistor on hard and generates channel hot carriers (CHC) (extremely energetic electrons) in the EPROM transistor channel. High voltage on the control gate diverts the path of some of these CHC electrons from the drain toward the floating gate. Some of the CHC electrons have enough energy to penetrate the gate dielectric between the floating gate and the EPROM transistor channel. These electrons get trapped on the floating gate giving the floating gate a negative charge (logic state 1). An EPROM transistor that has not been programmed (no charge trapped on the floating gate) has a logic state 0. These logic states remain programmed for 10 years or more even when no battery is attached! (This is how your car radio remembers your presets when your car battery goes dead.) To deprogram or erase the negative charge off the floating gate of an EPROM or FLASH transistor, a positive voltage is applied to the substrate and a negative voltage applied

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