Beyond Parenting Advice: How Science Should Guide Your Decisions on Pregnancy and Child-Rearing
About this ebook
This book provides pregnant women and new parents with evidence-based information on pregnancy and parenting. Most parenting books advise pregnant women or new parents what to do and, at best, defend that advice by citing recommendations from highly selected “experts” or equally selective “studies.” Some parents prefer an advice book, but an increasing number do not trust the advice they receive unless they are convinced of its scientific backing.
Dr. Kramer does not tell pregnant women or new parents what they should or should not do. Instead, he focuses on controversial decision choices for which recommendations and practices differ substantially. He systematically reviews and synthesizes the available scientific evidence bearing on those choices, summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of that evidence, and translates the summaries in a way that encourages parents to make their own informed decisions. He summarizes the risks and benefits of different decision options, as well as the degree of certainty around them. The risks and benefits then need to be valued by the individual parent and balanced against the effort and financial costs incurred by the decision.
Beyond Parenting Advice does not cover every conceivable topic relevant to pregnancy, infancy, and childhood. Instead, it focuses on key controversial areas with abundant but conflicting advice and information. The book’s contents are organized into four sections: an initial section comprising two introductory chapters and one section each devoted to topics concerning pregnancy, infancy/toddlerhood, and childhood/adolescence. Each topic is limited to one chapter. The two introductory chapters are short but dense. They are essential, however, to understand the scientific concepts and vocabulary used in the evidence review of each topic area. After reading the two initial chapters, the rest of the book can actually be used like an encyclopedia. In other words, the reader should be able to read and understand any later chapter in the book, or even a short section from any chapter. Despite the chronological order of pregnancy and the aging child, the topic chapters in sections 2-4 could have been written, and can be read, in any order. An initial Reference Tools section provides a glossary and reproduces a diagram and two tables that define unfamiliar words and concepts.
Armed with the information provided in this book, different parents will make different decisions. But those decisions will be informed decisions—not blind obedience to a book, blog, health provider, friend, family, or public health authority. Moreover, the skills that parents acquire in reading this book will help them throughout their lives in critically evaluating new information relevant to health, science, and technology.
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Beyond Parenting Advice - Michael S. Kramer
Part IScience and Parenting
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
M. S. KramerBeyond Parenting Advice
1. Does a Good
Parent Need Science?
Michael S. Kramer¹
Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Michael S. Kramer
Email: [email protected]
The most costly of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It is the chief occupation of mankind.
—H. L. Mencken
Health researchCausal inferenceBiasConfoundingReverse causalityObservational studiesRandomized trials
What Is Science?
Defining science is an unusual way to start a book on parenting. But for this book, it is necessary. Before explaining what science is, I will start by discussing what it is not. Science is not technology. Yes, developing new technologies requires scientific training and knowledge. Conversely, many scientific advances benefit from, and may even require, technologic innovation. But technology is a tool that enables good science—not an end in itself, but a means to an end. The Large Hadron Collider (the giant nuclear accelerator located near Geneva, Switzerland) creates high-speed collisions of subatomic particles. But it is scientific hypotheses that lead to the design of specific experiments using the collider, and analysis of the data from those experiments, that lead to new knowledge about the fundamentals of matter.
If you ask school-age children or most adults without formal scientific education to define science, they are likely to mention white coats, laboratory glassware, or high-tech machines. They rarely invoke the testing of hypotheses through carefully designed and conducted experiments or other studies.
If science is not technology, neither is it unquestioned and untested belief in the truth of a proposition. So-called natural
remedies are derived from natural sources and are therefore believed to be safe. Because of their long history, popularity, and apparent safety, natural remedies can be sold in pharmacies and grocery stores at any price the market will bear. But you are probably unaware that the companies manufacturing natural remedies are not required to demonstrate that they are effective, that is, that they actually work. People who buy these products do so out of faith: the belief that the products are effective. But because the manufacturers are not legally required to demonstrate efficacy, they don’t even try. They have nothing to gain from science and everything to lose.
In contrast, drugs and vaccines cannot be legally marketed in most countries unless they have been approved by national health agencies on the basis of rigorous scientific studies that demonstrate both safety and effectiveness. These rigorous studies are called randomized controlled trials, or RCTs, and I will have much more to say about them later in this chapter. National health agencies do allow the sale of some drugs without evidence of efficacy from RCTs. Such drugs can be purchased over the counter
without a prescription and were grandfathered
in after long periods of prior use without major safety concerns. Cold medicines are an example of such drugs.
If belief is antithetical to science, so too are anecdote and myth. Some people are unshakably convinced that their colds are always caused by exposure to cold air. Every time they come down with a sneeze and cough, they reflect back on the previous few days (or hours) and recall, Oh, yeah, I went out on Monday when my hair was still wet
or My office was freezing cold yesterday.
The same reasoning is applied to prevention (I haven’t had a single cold since I started taking vitamin C tablets
) and successful recovery (Every time I have a bad cold, my doctor prescribes antibiotics, and my cold gets better within a few days
). All of these examples demonstrate a very strong cognitive bias: post hoc ergo propter hoc
(after this, therefore because of this), also known as the post hoc fallacy. But just as the rooster’s morning crow doesn’t cause the sun to rise, a correct temporal sequence (or, more likely, biased recollection) of events is weak evidence of causality. For example, any treatment taken for a cold will appear to be beneficial when it is taken at the peak of symptoms, since down is the only direction possible after a peak! Anecdotes tend to become reinforced by similar episodes that recur, or are selectively remembered, another type of cognitive bias called confirmation bias. Eventually, these reinforced beliefs become established as folk wisdom.
What about the role of serendipity, a beneficial chance occurrence? Serendipity has enjoyed a rich history in science. But as Louis Pasteur famously said, chance favors the prepared mind. One often-cited medical example of serendipity is Alexander Fleming’s discovery of the antibacterial properties of Penicillium, a common bread mold that had contaminated one of Fleming’s bacteria-containing culture dishes that he had mistakenly left open. Fleming noticed a clear halo (where bacterial growth had been inhibited) surrounding the mold. The serendipitous discovery of penicillin, which is produced by the mold, ushered in the modern era of antibiotic treatment of infections. But observations like Fleming’s are not in themselves scientific. They generate hypotheses when, in Pasteur’s words, the mind is suitably prepared. Those hypotheses then lead to experiments and other studies to test the hypotheses— that is, science. When scientific tests convincingly support a hypothesis, it is said to be confirmed (proven
Scientific Inference
Not all scientific inferences are cause-and-effect. Some studies have a predictive purpose, such as quantifying the probability of having a fetus affected by Down’s syndrome (a birth defect also called trisomy 21, because of a third copy of the 21st chromosome), based on measurements of various hormones and proteins in the blood during the second trimester of pregnancy. The number of study women, the methods used to recruit them, and their age and other factors will affect the accuracy of the prediction. But no cause-and-effect relationship is inferred. The hormones and proteins measured are not causes of Down’s syndrome, but rather, biological markers that help predict its occurrence and thereby help the clinician decide whether or not to recommend a more expensive test based on fetal DNA in the mother’s blood or a riskier test like amniocentesis (obtaining and analyzing a sample of amniotic fluid to examine the fetus’s chromosomes).
Other scientific inquiries have a descriptive goal. Some population health studies, for example, describe geographic differences or temporal trends in occurrence of health events. Is preterm birth more common in certain states or provinces than in others? Has preterm birth in the country overall risen or fallen over time? No cause-and-effect relationships are inferred from such descriptive studies, but they may lead to new causal hypotheses about why the observed geographic or temporal differences have occurred. Those hypotheses can then be tested in subsequent studies.
Nonetheless, most scientific questions of interest to health (and thus to parenting) involve causes and consequences. Does spending too much time in front of a TV or computer screen cause obesity? Will vaccination prevent infection with the microbe contained in the vaccine? Will ignoring your baby’s nighttime crying help her sleep through the night? As shown in Fig. 1.1, such questions have two essential ingredients: a hypothesized cause and a hypothesized effect. In health research, we call these the exposure and outcome, respectively. The hypothesis is that the exposure causes a change in the outcome. The process of causal inference is thus: formulate a hypothesis about an exposure and its effect on outcome, design a study to test that hypothesis, analyze and interpret the data that result from the study, and infer the validity of—that is, confirm or refute—the hypothesis.
../images/498126_1_En_1_Chapter/498126_1_En_1_Fig1_HTML.pngFig. 1.1
The essentials of causal inference. The study exposure is the hypothesized cause of the outcome, and the outcome is the health state on which an effect of exposure is hypothesized. Arrows point from causes to effects. The direction of an arrow also denotes temporal sequence; the tail occurs earlier in time than the head. Green arrows denote known or hypothesized causal directions, while the red arrow from outcome to exposure denotes reverse causality: the study outcome precedes and causes the exposure. A confounding factor is an underlying (antecedent) cause of both the exposure and outcome, and biases the apparent effect of exposure on outcome. It needs to be adjusted (controlled
) for to remove the bias.
Experiments vs Observational Studies
It is important to distinguish two broad types of studies bearing on human health. The first type is called an experiment. An experiment means that the researcher actively intervenes to change the exposure and then observes the outcome in the study participants. In health research, the intervention is often a treatment intended to improve the study participant’s health, either by preventing an illness or lessening its impact—sometimes even curing it. The outcome is the health state: an illness or some measure of discomfort or disability due to the illness. A controlled experiment is a study in which two treatments are compared, or an active treatment is compared to an inactive placebo. The control
part is key to the comparison. It provides another group of participants in whom the outcome (disease or no disease, average blood pressure, cure or no cure) can be compared to the outcome observed in the active treatment group.
The controlled experiment is analogous to a laboratory study in experimental animals. One group of animals receives the active treatment, the other group receives an inactive placebo or another active treatment. Two main differences distinguish animal and human experiments: a scientific one and an ethical one.
The scientific difference is that the animals who receive both treatments are usually genetically identical mice, rats, fruit flies, etc. Humans, thankfully, are not genetically identical, unless they are monozygotic (from a single fertilized egg) twins, triplets, etc. The question then becomes: How can a researcher ensure that the two groups of human participants receiving the two different treatments are identical in all respects other than receipt of the active vs the control treatment?
The answer is randomization. Letting the flip of a coin or a computer-generated random sequence of numbers determine which participants receive which treatment does not guarantee that each participant is equivalent to every other participant in the two study groups. Instead, it guarantees exchangeability. Exchangeability means that the two groups are virtually identical on average and would have been equally similar had those receiving the active and control treatments been switched—in other words, had they received the opposite treatment. This type of human experiment is called a randomized controlled trial, or RCT. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the RCT design is required for licensing new drugs. The RCT is the gold standard
for making causal scientific inferences, not only in drug studies but in all human health research.
The ethical difference between human experiments (RCTs) and animal experiments goes beyond the legal and moral necessity to obtain human participants’ informed consent. That necessity applies to all human studies, not just RCTs. But it is unethical to administer interventions that are known or suspected to be harmful to human beings, even if they consent to those interventions. We cannot randomize children to be exposed to lead vs a placebo or to physical punishment vs time out
approaches to discipline.
Instead, studies of the effects of hypothesized harmful exposures must be nonexperimental by design. We call these observational studies . Of course, RCTs also require observations; all participants must be observed to see if and when then they develop the outcome hypothesized to be caused or prevented by the active intervention. But in observational studies, the researcher does not intervene. He or she merely observes both the exposure (treatment) and the outcome and then compares the outcomes in groups of exposed and unexposed participants. Observational studies are also used to investigate exposures that are not known to be harmful, including common health behaviors and treatments chosen by the participants or their caregivers. The key feature of observational studies that distinguishes them from RCTs is the lack of exchangeability of exposed and unexposed participants that randomized treatment allocation provides. Table 1.1 compares and contrasts the main features of experimental and observational studies.
Table 1.1
Comparison of experimental and observational human health studies.
As shown in Fig. 1.1, the inference that exposure causes a change in outcome critically depends on knowing the temporal sequence of exposure and outcome. Whether a study is experimental or observational, it is essential that participants have not yet developed the outcome at the time they are exposed. An outcome that precedes the exposure cannot have been caused by that exposure.
Bias and Precision
In the context of causal inference in human health studies, bias refers to an observed association between exposure and outcome that differs systematically (that is, not merely by chance) from the true causal effect of exposure on outcome. In other words, the researcher is likely to observe an association in the absence of a true effect, fail to observe an association in spite of a true effect, or observe an association that is stronger or weaker than the true effect. I will focus on the two most important sources of bias: confounding and reverse causality. Both are illustrated in Fig. 1.1.
Confounding occurs when a third factor (neither the exposure nor the outcome) biases the association between the study exposure and outcome. The bias occurs because, as shown by the arrows in Fig. 1.1, the confounding third factor is an underlying (antecedent) cause of both the exposure and the outcome. For example, let’s say we knew nothing about the fact that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. A clever researcher carries out an observational study of 100 cases of lung cancer and 100 controls without lung cancer; this is called a case-control study. The researcher carefully interviews and examines the 100 cases and 100 controls. Of the 100 cases, 30 are found to have yellow fingers on their dominant hand, whereas only 3 of the 100 controls have this finding. It would be incorrect to infer that yellow fingers cause lung cancer, because (as we now know) both the yellow fingers and the lung cancer are caused by smoking cigarettes. This bias can be reduced or eliminated by measuring and adjusting for the confounding factor through one of several statistical techniques. For example, if we analyze smokers and non-smokers separately, we will find none of the non-smoking cases or controls to have yellow fingers, but a similarly high proportion of smokers with yellow fingers both among cases and controls.
The second important source of bias is reverse causality. It is illustrated by the red arrow in Fig. 1.1. This bias occurs when the outcome actually precedes and causes the exposure, rather than the reverse. It is particularly likely to occur in what are called cross-sectional studies, because exposure and outcome are ascertained at the same moment (cross-section) of time. For example, many of the studies investigating whether a large number of hours per day spent in front of a television or computer screen causes obesity are based on a cross-sectional design in which children are weighed and measured and parents are interviewed about how many hours per day the child spends watching television or using a computer. If those measurements and interviews occur around the same time, we have no way of knowing if a positive association reflects the causal effect of prolonged screen time on obesity or the causal effect of obesity on increasing screen time. Either direction is biologically plausible. The only way to be sure of inferring the correct direction is to design a longitudinal (prospective) study in which the hypothesized cause, prolonged screen time, is measured at a baseline time when all eligible study children have a normal body weight. The children are then followed up over time, and the proportion of new cases of obesity is compared in children with and without prolonged screen time at baseline.
Confounding and reverse causality biases are much more likely in observational studies than in randomized trials (RCTs). Because association does not prove causation,
it is sometimes claimed that causal inference requires a randomized trial. But bias can occur even in randomized trials. For example, confounding can occur if the treatment received is not well concealed from participants or care givers (we say they are not blinded
) and leads to other co-interventions that affect the trial outcome.
On the other hand, well-designed observational studies that consistently show strong associations with a dose-response relation (for example, higher risks of the outcome in participants with higher levels of exposure), as well as confirmation in repeated studies in different settings, often provide sufficient evidence of causation to take action. That cigarette smoking causes lung cancer can no longer be debated, despite the efforts of tobacco companies to undermine the merely observational
evidence base. The reduced lung cancer risk in ex-smokers, the fall in lung cancer incidence in countries that have succeeded in reducing their smoking rates, and the rise in incidence in other countries with increased smoking provide strong evidence of causality despite the observational
design of the studies demonstrating the association. Similar arguments can be made for prone sleeping position as a cause of the sudden infant death syndrome , or SIDS.
Precision is different from bias. Like bias, insufficient precision can lead to an error in the estimate of an exposure-outcome association, whether that estimate comes from an observational study or an RCT. Unlike bias, however, precision is the degree of uncertainty about the magnitude of association due to chance variation. Imprecision, or low precision, leads to an estimate that is not systematically too high or too low, but one that shows a wide range of statistical uncertainty around the observed estimate. It is usually due to a small sample size and often prevents detection of a true association or effect. The observed association or effect is called statistically non-significant . In other words, it may be entirely attributable to chance. For example, if our abovementioned study of lung cancer and yellow fingers had included only 10 cases and 10 controls, we might have observed 3 cases and no controls with yellow fingers. That would be a statistically non-significant result, because the sample size of only 20 total participants might well yield a difference of this magnitude (3 out of 10 vs 0 out of 10) solely by chance even if yellow fingers had no association with lung cancer. This false-negative
finding has nothing to do with confounding by cigarette smoking. It is merely a consequence of an insufficient sample size, that is, imprecision.
Does a Good
Parent Need Science?
Science is no substitute for love and affection. It is not even a strong competitor. Love and affection are emotions, not decisions. You do not decide to love your child or to show her affection. In contrast, parental decision-making is usually conscious and carefully considered, especially for major decisions. I am not referring here to deciding whether to serve broccoli or carrots at your baby’s supper this evening. But careful reflection is required when you decide whether to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy; whether to vaccinate your child, and which vaccines you should or should not obtain; whether to breastfeed or formula-feed your newborn baby; whether to train
your infant or toddler to sleep through the night; how much, if any, television and screen time you should allow your child; how to control your child’s misbehavior; and how strict to be in establishing and enforcing your child’s bedtime.
Decisions are choices. Making an appropriate choice requires you to list the realistic alternatives. You must then weigh the evidence among those alternatives, which can require quantifying (or at least ranking) their respective benefits, risks, efforts, and costs. You then must attach your own values to those benefits, risks, and costs. Finally, you should choose the alternative that maximizes the overall value of your choice for your child, for your family, and for society. Two different parents, even within the same family, may not arrive at the same decision. Despite receiving the same information from me, my daughter Elise and daughter-in-law Sarah made opposite decisions about whether to drink alcohol during their pregnancies. Although the health benefits and risks are often the same for most children, some parents tend to be more risk-averse than others. And you may not be willing to spend the effort or money required by some of the alternatives.
Nor is conformity with expert
recommendations an ideal recipe for making your parenting decisions. Different experts (or expert groups) may disagree. Many expert recommendations are based on minimizing risks for all children, even when the risks are already extremely low and even when considerable parental effort is required to reduce them further. Social interaction among fellow parents can lead to a herd effect
by which parents in groups defined by geographic, cultural, religious, or socioeconomic commonalities encourage similar or even identical decisions by parents in the group. Instead of following expert advice or your group’s norm, you may want to know more about the scientific basis underlying that advice and those norms. If you seek the evidence (or lack thereof) for risk and harm of your parenting choices, this book is for you.
Key Points
A key aspect of science is the rigorous testing of cause-and-effect hypotheses.
The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the human analog of an animal experiment and is the scientific gold standard
for testing causal hypotheses in human health.
Biases are systematic errors that can lead to erroneous causal inferences, especially in observational (non-experimental) studies.
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
M. S. KramerBeyond Parenting Advice
2. Summing Up: Synthesizing the Scientific Evidence
Michael S. Kramer¹
Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Michael S. Kramer
Email: [email protected]
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
—George Bernard Shaw
Systematic reviewMeta-analysisPublication biasSelective citation
Why Synthesize the Evidence?
If you are reading this book, you want access to the best scientific evidence before making decisions concerning your pregnancy and your child’s health. In today’s world, such access usually means online access. Most people start with an Internet search, selecting one or a few summaries from sources they believe to be reliable and unbiased or that seem useful. But a simple Google search won’t cut it, because you and other people without epidemiologic or other training in research methodology are not usually able to sift through the mountain of hits
and separate the grain from the chaff. The most recent study also doesn’t cut it—it almost never replaces all those that precede it. It is true that knowledge increases over time, but the process is not linear. Sometimes it is two steps forward, one step backward.
Even for doctors and other health providers, keeping up with the best evidence is tough. They often rely on reviews published in their specialty’s journals; some even subscribe to a regular (monthly, for example) review service that summarizes topics in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions relevant to their practice. Similarly, governments, insurance companies, and other organizations responsible for health systems or policy also depend on up-to-date scientific evidence. They often seek reviews in scientific journals and publications by professional societies and government agencies.
Unfortunately, most reviews are narrative descriptions . That is, they tell a story in a way that is digestible for the intended audience. Their readability is a strong point, but they are seriously flawed in one important respect: they are shaped by the reviewer’s choices. They are therefore almost always selective, incomplete, and unverifiable. In other words, they tend to be biased. The reviewer may be biased by her prior opinion, or she may make an honest appraisal rooted in her past experience, augmented by a recent literature search. But the reader has no way of knowing how she selected the studies cited in her review. Selective citation of published studies can lead to serious bias in reviewing scientific evidence. This is often referred to as cherry picking,
a colloquial expression for bias due to selective citation of studies when reviewing the evidence.
You may well ask, But isn’t the reviewer an expert in the field? If so, why shouldn’t I trust her?
The answer is simple. Two expert reviewers can and often do disagree with each other. Both of their reviews are readily available, either from Professor Google or via a library search. What are you, as a parent seeking a review of the published evidence, supposed to do when faced with two (or five!) conflicting expert reviews? That is the problem.
A personal anecdote will illustrate the problem. In 1995, I was meeting with potential Belarusian obstetrician and pediatrician collaborators to discuss a large RCT we were planning to conduct in their country, Belarus. The RCT’s goal was to assess the impact of a breastfeeding promotion intervention on infant feeding practices and the health of the offspring. (I will have more to say about this study in my chapter on infant feeding.) At that 1995 meeting, I was discussing the strengths of the RCT design with my collaborators, reviewing many of the arguments I made in Chap. 1 of this book. I asked them how they decide between two different treatment options for their patients. We ask an expert,
they replied. But,
I countered, what if you ask two different experts, and the two give opposite advice?
Then we’d ask a third expert,
they responded, a bigger expert.
That response got a few assenting nods, but also a good laugh from the attendees. The episode underlines the problem of reliance on expert opinion.
The truth is, conflicting views or interpretations of the evidence are the rule, not the exception. Expert judgments are not mere mechanical, arithmetical manipulations. Rather, they must consider the quality of the studies: their potential for bias, their size, and their representativeness. Quality assessments are both time-consuming and subjective.
What is the alternative? What should you do when faced with conflicting expert opinion? Or even in the absence of conflict, should you follow the crowd, that is, the shared opinion of your friends, family, church, or yoga class (what I referred to as the herd effect in Chap. 1)? My suggestion is to distrust expert opinion, no matter how big
the expert, and also to distrust your herd.
The preferred alternative is called a systematic review, which I describe in the following section.
Systematic Review
Unlike a conventional review, a systematic review is a research study in its own right. In fact, it can require greater effort and time than a new, independent study. Like an individual research study, it should attempt to test a specific scientific hypothesis: often, a causal hypothesis that a specific treatment or other exposure affects one or more subsequent health outcomes. For example, we might want to review the published evidence comparing the effects on subsequent aggressive child behavior of physical punishment, banishment
to the bedroom, or removal of privileges in school-age children who exhibit some undesirable behavior. Systematic reviews are also useful for descriptive and predictive studies.
Like an individual research study, a systematic review benefits from a formal protocol written beforehand. The protocol states the objective(s) of the review: usually, the causal question to be addressed. The protocol also details the bibliometric methods (which electronic databases, keywords, and logic) to be used in searching the literature for published studies and the criteria by which studies will be included in or excluded from the review. It should also indicate how the reviewer(s) will assess the quality and validity of each study meeting the inclusion criteria. Finally, the protocol should describe the methods to be used to synthesize the evidence from the collected studies. These include both qualitative synthesis (a descriptive summary of the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of the assembled studies) and, if justified, a quantitative pooling of data and statistical analysis across studies (meta-analysis).
Many of the published systematic reviews I cite are limited to a narrative summary of the studies reviewed, summarizing their designs, geographic settings, and main results in text and tables, perhaps also commenting on their individual strengths and weaknesses. Others provide that information but also include a meta-analysis. Some narrative systematic reviews omit meta-analysis because they judge the characteristics or results of the studies to be too heterogeneous to pool, but most do not state the reasons.
A systematic review takes far more time to complete than a conventional review and may require research funding (a grant). It also requires expertise in research methods, statistical analysis, and the substantive area under review. Although a single author may have expertise in all of these areas, a collaborative team is often necessary. Moreover, collaboration is helpful to enhance the validity of the many judgments needed on study eligibility and quality, and of the data extracted for meta-analysis. Table 2.1 compares and contrasts systematic and conventional reviews.
Table 2.1
Systematic vs conventional reviews of published scientific evidence.
Reviewing the Evidence on Parenting
In the remainder of this book, I will apply the principles laid out in the first two chapters. The areas covered will be divided into three main sections, one each on pregnancy, infancy and toddlerhood (the first 2–3 years of life), and childhood and adolescence. Each of those sections contains several chapters, each covering an important topic.
I do not review every topic of interest or relevance to pregnant women and new parents. Those concerning common infections, injuries, and other illnesses are not particularly controversial and are well covered by existing books and online resources. Instead, I focus on topics characterized by the high frequency of their occurrence, the need for parental decisions, and the plentiful but confusing advice about what you should decide. These are topics for which rigorous and systematic review of the published evidence should be most helpful in providing you with a complete and unbiased source of the science underlying the decisions you will have to make. As mentioned in the Preface to this book, your doctor or other health provider is unlikely to be familiar with this evidence and may be surprised to learn how you came to your decisions!
In line with the arguments made in this chapter, I will heavily rely on systematic reviews. These will not be my systematic reviews. Since you have made it this far, you will appreciate that even a single original systematic review relevant to any one of the 15 topic areas that comprise the remainder of