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Manhattan Project: The Story of the Century
Manhattan Project: The Story of the Century
Manhattan Project: The Story of the Century
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Manhattan Project: The Story of the Century

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Though thousands of articles and books have been published on various aspects of the Manhattan Project, this book is the first comprehensive single-volume history prepared by a specialist for curious readers without a scientific background. 

This project, the United States Army’s program to develop and deploy atomic weapons in World War II, was a pivotal event in human history. The author presents a wide-ranging survey that not only tells the story of how the project was organized and carried out, but also introduces the leading personalities involved and features simplified but accurate descriptions of the underlying science and the engineering challenges. The technical points are illustrated by reader-friendly graphics.  . 


Release dateJun 2, 2020
Manhattan Project: The Story of the Century

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    Manhattan Project - Bruce Cameron Reed

    Bruce Cameron Reed

    Manhattan Project

    The Story of the Century


    Bruce Cameron Reed

    Emeritus, Alma College, Bedford, NS, Canada

    ISBN 978-3-030-45733-4e-ISBN 978-3-030-45734-1

    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

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    For Laurie.

    And Fred, Leo, Stella, Cassie, Nyx, and Newton.


    Nuclear weapons are the most destructive devices ever developed by human beings. A single one can cause a level of destruction to a large city akin to that of an earthquake, tsunami, or hurricane, while also depositing radioactive fallout over a large area. A modest-scale nuclear war could loft enough dust into the atmosphere to cause climatic effects like that of an asteroid strike, posing a truly existential threat to human civilization. Since their development in World War II, thousands of nuclear weapons have been constructed, over 2,000 have been tested, and thousands remain in the arsenals of the world’s nuclear powers. At any time, hundreds are deployed on bombers, missiles, and submarines, ready for essentially immediate use.

    The development and use of nuclear weapons was one of the pivotal events of human history, and certainly the watershed event of the twentieth century. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki helped bring World War II to a close. The number of people killed by the bombs was estimated to be about 125,000, with a further 130,000–160,000 injured. A similar number of deaths had occurred a few months earlier in one night in a fire-bombing raid of Tokyo, but that raid involved nearly 300 bombers carrying about 1,700 tons of bombs. In contrast, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, Little Boy and Fat Man, each exploded with energies equivalent to over 10,000 tons of conventional explosive.

    The ramifications were staggering. A single bomber could now obliterate an entire city with a single bomb. Advances in science and engineering had given humanity the capability of annihilating itself on a global scale if an accidental or deliberate large-scale nuclear war were to break out. Nations that saw themselves as global powers would henceforth depend as much on the depth of their scientific and technological prowess as on traditional military capabilities as a measure of their influence. The Cold War, nuclear proliferation, the possibility of nuclear terrorism, the stockpiles of nuclear weapons currently held by various countries, and public fear of radioactivity and nuclear power are all legacies of 1945.

    Little Boy and Fat Man were the products of what has come to be known as the Manhattan Project. Carried out by the United States Army between 1942 and 1945, this project was properly known as the Manhattan Engineer District. The scale and cost of Manhattan were just as enormous as its eventual significance. Physics Nobel Laureate Niels Bohr, who contributed much to the understanding of the process of nuclear fission, initially thought the idea of a nuclear weapon so improbable as to state that It can never be done unless you turn the United States into one huge factory. To some extent, that is exactly what happened. Some 480,000 people were employed in the Project’s laboratories and factories at one time or another, about one out of every 250 people in the country at the time. Peak employment reached just over 125,000 in late 1944. By mid-1945 the cost of the Project was approaching $2 billion, an enormous amount for two bombs. The Project’s own official record, the Manhattan District History, lists nearly 1,000 government agencies, universities, individuals, businesses, and industrial contractors that contributed to the work.

    In this book I examine the scientific basis of nuclear weapons, how they function, how the Manhattan Project came to be organized, why the bombs required exotic materials for their construction, why they were so difficult and expensive to make, and the circumstances of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing missions. While thousands of articles and books have been written about Manhattan, my motivation in preparing this volume is to offer readers an authoritative treatment of the Project prepared by a professional physicist who has spent over 25 years studying it.

    Any author who takes on the Manhattan Project faces a dilemma: how much detail to cover? The Manhattan District History runs to thousands of pages; no single-volume account can hope to be comprehensive. We know what scientific theories and industrial processes proved correct and workable, that the bombs dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki functioned properly, that the war ended soon thereafter, and that America entered the Cold War as the world’s preeminent power. It is easy to think that this is the way it all had to play out once the United States had committed the resources, money, and political support to developing atomic bombs. But this is not so: none of these events were preordained. So many aspects of the Project were so chancy that the entire effort could easily have played no role in ending the war. After the discovery of uranium fission in late 1938, it took some of the leading researchers of the time well over a year to appreciate how the subtleties of nuclear reactions might be exploited to make a weapon or a reactor. By the time of the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor in December, 1941, experimental tests and theoretical analyses were beginning to clarify the situation, but the technical challenges involved in realizing the liberation of nuclear energy on a practical scale looked so overwhelming as to make the idea of a deliverable nuclear weapon seem more a matter of science-fiction than real-world engineering. The administrators, scientists, and engineers who organized and carried out the Project faced immense and unique challenges which required ingenuity and perseverance to surmount. In relating the story of Manhattan, I have aimed for a middle ground which gives a reasonable treatment of the major advances, setbacks, personalities and uncertainties involved, without attempting to dissect every last detail. The mine runs deep.

    I have benefited from spoken and electronic conversations, correspondence, suggestions, willingness to read and comment on draft material, and general encouragement from John Abelson, Joseph-James Ahern, John Altholz, Dana Aspinall, Albert Bartlett, Jeremy Bernstein, Alan Carr, David Cassidy, John Coster-Mullen, Steve Croft, Gene Deci, Eric Erpelding, Patricia Ezzell, Charles Ferguson, Henry Frisch, Ed Gerjuoy, Chris Gould, Dick Groves, Robert Hayward, Dave Hafemeister, Art Hobson, Cindy Kelly, William Lanouette, Irving Lerch, Harry Lustig, Mike Magras, Jeffrey Marque, Albert Menard, Tony Murphy, Robert S. Norris, Peter Pesic, Klaus Rohe, Bob Sadlowe, Frank Settle, Ruth Sime, D. Ray Smith, Roger Stuewer, Arthur Tassel, Linda Thomas, Michael Traynor, Mark Walker, Alex Wellerstein, Bill Wilcox, John Yates, and Pete Zimmerman. If I have forgotten anybody, I apologize; you are in this list in spirit. A few of these individuals are, sadly, no longer with us. Alma College interlibrary loan specialists Susan Cross and Angie Kelleher have never failed to dig up any obscure document which I have requested; they are true professionals. Angela Lahee and her colleagues at Springer deserve a big nod of thanks for believing in and seeing through this project.

    In addition to the individuals listed above, the fingerprints of a lifetime’s worth of family members, teachers, classmates, professors, mentors, colleagues, students, collaborators, and friends are all over these pages; a work like this is never accomplished alone. I thank them all.

    Most of all I thank Laurie, who bore with it. Again.

    Bruce Cameron Reed

    Halifax, NS, Canada

    June 2019


    1 The Big Picture:​ A Survey of the Manhattan Project 1

    1.​1 Atoms, Nuclei, and Isotopes 1

    1.​2 Fission, Neutrons, and Chain Reactions 2

    1.​3 Understanding Fission:​ Neutrons Fast and Slow 4

    1.​4 Reactors and Plutonium 6

    1.​5 The Manhattan Engineer District 7

    1.​6 Little Boy, Fat Man, Trinity, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki 9

    2 From Atoms to Nuclei:​ An Inward Journey 15

    2.​1 X-Rays and Radioactivity 15

    2.​2 Marie Curie:​ Polonium, Radium, and Radioactivity 17

    2.​3 Ernest Rutherford:​ Alpha, Beta, and Half-Life 19

    2.​4 The Energy of Radioactive Decay 22

    2.​5 Isotopes, Mass Spectroscopy, and the Mass Defect 22

    2.​6 Alpha Particles and the Nuclear Atom 26

    2.​7 Decay Chains 29

    2.​8 Artificial Transmutation 31

    2.​9 Particle Accelerators and Cyclotrons 34

    2.​10 Enter the Neutron 39

    2.​11 Enrico Fermi and Neutron-Induced Radioactivity 44

    3 Fission 53

    3.​1 Stumbling Toward Fission 54

    3.​2 Breakthrough 57

    3.​3 A Walk in the Snow 58

    3.​4 Fission Arrives in America 63

    3.​5 A Walk at Princeton 68

    3.​6 Bohr and Wheeler 70

    3.​7 Criticality 75

    3.​8 Bohr Verified 77

    3.​9 An Atomic Bomb Might Be Possible 80

    3.​10 MAUD 84

    3.​11 Plutonium 86

    4 Organizing:​ Coordinating Government and Army Support 1939–1943 91

    4.​1 Fall 1939:​ Szilard, Einstein, the President, and the Uranium Committee 91

    4.​2 The National Defense Research Committee; Reorganization I 101

    4.​3 May 1941:​ The First NAS Report 104

    4.​4 July 1941:​ The Second NAS Report, and the OSRD 107

    4.​5 The MAUD Report 109

    4.​6 If You Tell Me This Is My Job, I’ll Do It 111

    4.​7 A Fission Bomb of Superlatively Destructive Power… 112

    4.​8 November 1941:​ Bush, FDR, Reorganization, and the Planning Board 116

    4.​9 December 1941—January 1942:​ The Pile Program Rescued and Centralized 119

    4.​10 Spring 1942:​ Time Is Very Much of the Essence 123

    4.​11 Enter the Army 125

    4.​12 The S-1 Executive Committee, the Manhattan Engineer District, and Bohemian Grove 128

    4.​13 Oh, that Thing 136

    4.​14 December 1942:​ A Report to the President 145

    5 Piles and Secret Cities 149

    5.​1 It was an Awesome Silence… 150

    5.​2 Scaling Up:​ X-10 158

    5.​3 Secret Cities East:​ Oak Ridge 163

    5.​4 Secret Cities West:​ Hanford 166

    6 U, Pu, CEW and HEW:​ Securing Fissile Material 171

    6.​1 Y-12:​ The Lorentz Force Law Goes Big-Time 171

    6.​2 K-25:​ The Gaseous Diffusion Program 183

    6.​3 S-50:​ The Thermal Diffusion Program 192

    6.​4 Hanford 203

    6.​5 The Hanford Site 204

    6.​6 Pile Design and Construction 206

    6.​7 Fueling the Beasts 212

    6.​8 Controlling the Beasts 215

    6.​9 Startup—And Shutdown 217

    6.​10 Feeding the Beasts 222

    7 Los Alamos, Trinity, and Tinian 227

    7.​1 Origins of the Laboratory 228

    7.​2 Organization 232

    7.​3 The Primer 235

    7.​4 Life on the Hill 239

    7.​5 Roosevelt, Churchill, and the British Mission 242

    7.​6 Criticality and Critical Assemblies 249

    7.​7 Predetonation Physics 253

    7.​8 The Alpha-n Problem 255

    7.​9 Spontaneous Fission 258

    7.​10 The Gun Bomb:​ Little Boy 263

    7.​11 The Implosion Bomb:​ Fat Man 267

    7.​12 The Delivery Program 279

    7.​13 Trinity 287

    7.​14 The Combat Bombs 313

    8 The German Nuclear Program:​ The Third Reich and Atomic Energy 321

    8.​1 Origins of the German Program:​ Competition from the Outset 321

    8.​2 A Report to the War Office, and Norwegian Heavy-Water 328

    8.​3 Plutonium, Cyclotrons, and the First Berlin Pile 332

    8.​4 An Error with Graphite, Twice a Spy, and a Visit to Copenhagen 335

    8.​5 Changes of Fortune 340

    8.​6 Freshman and Gunnerside 344

    8.​7 Plenipotentiary for Nuclear Physics, and Vemork Bombed 347

    8.​8 The D/​F Hydro Sinking, Alsos, and the Berlin Pile Bunkers 351

    8.​9 The B-VII and B-VIII Piles 355

    9 Hiroshima and Nagasaki 361

    9.​1 The Pacific War and the 509th Composite Group 361

    9.​2 Fall 1944:​ Postwar Planning Begins 371

    9.​3 Truman Learns of the Manhattan Project 374

    9.​4 Advice and Dissent 377

    9.​5 The Bombings 386

    9.​6 The Aftermath 418

    9.​7 Farm Hall:​ The German Reaction 420

    Epilogue 427

    Brief Biographies 437

    Chronology 449

    Sources 461

    Glossary 497

    Bibliography 507

    Index 527

    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

    B. C. ReedManhattan Project

    1. The Big Picture: A Survey of the Manhattan Project

    Bruce Cameron Reed¹  


    Emeritus, Alma College, BEDFORD, NS, Canada

    Bruce Cameron Reed

    Email: [email protected]

    1.1 Atoms, Nuclei, and Isotopes

    To develop an appreciation of how nuclear weapons are designed and function requires some understanding of the basic properties of atoms, nuclei, isotopes, and the process of nuclear fission. Buckle up for a whirlwind tour of the atomic landscape and how the Manhattan Project came to be.

    That atoms can be imagined as being constructed like miniature solar systems is a staple of every high-school chemistry and physics class. The development of this picture began with the discovery of the electron in 1897, and was essentially completed with the discovery of the neutron in early 1932. In the solar system analogy, the Sun is played by nuclei at the centers of atoms, combinations of electrically-positive protons and electrically-neutral neutrons. Surrounding nuclei at various distances are negatively-charged orbiting electrons, the particles which sustain the electric currents that course through our houses, bodies, workplaces, and computers. The numbers of these various particles in a given atom depends on what chemical element the atom identifies with. In any atom, the number of orbiting electrons usually equals the number of protons in the nucleus, making the overall structure electrically neutral. The number of protons in the nucleus is the same for all atoms of the same element, and is the atomic number of the element.

    A very important refinement to this picture is that different elements can occur in a variety of forms: isotopes. Different isotopes of the same element contain differing numbers of neutrons in their nuclei, but they all have the same electrical and chemical properties because they contain the same number of protons and electrons. The atomic number is always designated by the letter Z. For atoms of life-sustaining oxygen, Z = 8, that is, they all contain eight protons in their nuclei and have eight orbiting electrons (unless they have been ionized). But there are three naturally-occurring stable isotopes of oxygen: one contains eight neutrons, another nine, and another ten. In these three types there are consequently totals of 16, 17, or 18 protons plus neutrons in the nuclei: Oxygen-16, Oxygen-17, and Oxygen-18, or just O-16, O-17, and O-18. O-16 is by far the most common type, accounting for over 99.7% of naturally-occurring oxygen, but you can and do breathe the other two types.

    Neutrons can be thought of as a sort of nuclear glue that holds nuclei together against the immense repulsive electrical forces that act between the like-charged protons. The total number of neutrons plus protons in the nucleus is known as its atomic weight (a bit of a misnomer), and also as its mass number. This is always designated with the letter A. Adopting N to designate the number of neutrons, it follows that N = A Z. Any isotope can be represented by the shorthand notation $${}_{Z}^{A} {\text{X}}$$ , where X is the symbol for the element involved, A is the mass number, and Z the atomic number corresponding to the element X. The three oxygen isotopes are then abbreviated as $${}_{8}^{16} \text{O}$$ , $${}_{8}^{17} \text{O}$$ , and $${}_{8}^{18} \text{O}$$ .

    All nuclear weapons ultimately derive their power from reactions involving isotopes of the very heavy elements uranium (Z = 92) and plutonium (Z = 94). Two isotopes of uranium and one of plutonium are involved in the Manhattan Project: U-235 $$\left( {{}_{92}^{235} U} \right)$$ , U-238 $$\left( {{}_{92}^{238} U} \right)$$ , and Pu-239 $$\left( {{}_{94}^{239} Pu} \right)$$ . All U-235 nuclei contain 143 neutrons (N = A Z = 235 − 92 = 143), while all U-238 nuclei contain 146 neutrons. The three-neutron difference plays a huge role. Only U-235 can be used to make a nuclear weapon, but this isotope makes up only about 0.7% of naturally-occurring uranium. The remaining 99.3% is U-238, which is useless for making a first-generation nuclear weapon. Plutonium is an artificially-prepared element, and its mass-239 isotope makes for a very efficient nuclear explosive.

    1.2 Fission, Neutrons, and Chain Reactions

    The process by which uranium and plutonium release their energy in nuclear weapons is termed nuclear fission. Fission, which is synonymous with splitting—the word was in fact borrowed from the process of cell division in biology—was discovered quasi-serendipitously in Berlin in late 1938. This discovery involved the realization that nuclei of uranium atoms could be caused to break apart when struck by incoming neutrons. That the bombarding particles are neutrons is important. Fission cannot be induced by striking a uranium nucleus with one of another element; the repulsive forces between the protons in the nuclei are so great that it is practically impossible to have the nuclei come into contact with each other. But because neutrons are electrically neutral, they experience no repulsion: there is nothing to stop them from striking a target nucleus that lies in their path. It was quickly realized that the disintegrated nucleus loses a small amount of mass, but this mass corresponds to a huge amount of energy thanks to Albert Einstein’s famous equation E = mc². The amount of energy released per fission of a single nucleus proved, atom-for-atom, to be millions of times that released in any known chemical reaction.

    It was immediately apparent to researchers that if such reactions could be induced on a large scale, millions of pounds of conventional explosive could be replaced with a few pounds of nuclear explosive. A few weeks after the discovery, it was found that a by-product of each fission was the simultaneous liberation of two or three neutrons from the fissioned nucleus, secondary neutrons. These neutrons, if they do not escape the mass of uranium involved, can go on to fission other nuclei and initiate a chain reaction. In theory, this process can continue until all of the uranium is fissioned, releasing an enormous amount of energy.


    A sketch of the fission process. A nucleus comprising protons (filled circles) and neutrons (open circles) is struck by an incoming neutron (left). The nucleus captures the neutron, becomes agitated (middle), and then fragments into two product nuclei and three neutrons (right). In a real uranium nucleus there are many more protons and neutrons than are drawn here

    These discoveries raised a host of questions. Were any other elements fissile? Was there a minimum amount of uranium that would have to be arranged in one place to realize a chain reaction? Did one or both uranium isotopes undergo fission? Could the process be controlled by human intervention to create a power source (a nuclear reactor), or would the result be an uncontrollable explosion? Why hadn’t all of the uranium ores in the Earth spontaneously fissioned themselves into oblivion millions of years ago?

    1.3 Understanding Fission: Neutrons Fast and Slow

    By the time of the outbreak of World War II in September, 1939, physicists had developed theoretical arguments which indicated that only the very heavy elements thorium (Z = 90) and uranium were likely to be fissile. The element between thorium and uranium, protactinium, is so rare as to be of no practical use in the nuclear weapons business. Thorium would prove unworkable for either a bomb or a reactor. In the case of uranium, the theory indicated that only the rare U-235 isotope would fission under neutron bombardment, whereas U-238 nuclei would tend to capture incoming neutrons without fissioning. These predictions were confirmed experimentally in early 1940. With the overwhelming preponderance of U-238 in natural uranium, this capture effect promised to literally poison the prospect for a chain reaction using uranium of natural isotopic abundance. To obtain a chain reaction would require isolating a sample of pure U-235 from its sister isotope, or at least processing uranium in some way to isolate a sub-sample with a dramatically increased percentage of U-235. Given that 993 of every 1,000 lb of uranium ore extracted from the Earth will be of the undesirable U-238 isotope, this presents an immense challenge. Isotope enrichment is very difficult, even for a technically advanced country. Since isotopes of any element behave identically so far as their chemical properties are concerned, no chemical reaction can be used to achieve enrichment: only techniques that depend on the mass difference between the two isotopes can be used. In the case of uranium, the three-neutron difference amounts to a mass difference of only about 1% between the two isotopes. Physicists and chemists had developed three workable enrichment techniques, namely centrifugation, mass spectrometry, and a process known as diffusion, but these had been applied successfully only in very limited laboratory settings involving minute samples of much lighter elements where the mass differences between isotopes was relatively large. For uranium, the prospects looked dim to non-existent.

    By mid-1940, understanding of the differing responses of the two isotopes of uranium to bombarding neutrons had led to the development of a new idea for obtaining a controlled (not explosive) chain reaction using natural uranium without enrichment. When a nucleus is struck by a neutron, various reactions are possible: the nucleus might fission, it might capture the neutron without fissioning, or it can deflect the neutron just as a billiard ball would an incoming marble. Each result has some probability of occurring, and these probabilities depend on the speed of the incoming neutrons. Neutrons released in fission reactions are extremely energetic, emerging with average speeds of about 45 million miles per hour. For obvious reasons, such neutrons are termed fast. U-238 nuclei tend to capture fast neutrons emitted in fissions of U-235 nuclei and not subsequently fission. But when a nucleus of U-238 is struck by a neutron traveling at a pokey few thousand miles per hour, it behaves as a much more benign target, with scattering of the neutron being about three times as likely as capture. But—and this is a key point—U-235 nuclei turn out to have an enormous probability for undergoing fission when struck by slow neutrons: over 200 times the slow-neutron capture probability of U-238. This factor is large enough to compensate for the small natural abundance of U-235 to the extent that, in a sample of natural-abundance uranium, a slow neutron is about as likely to fission a nucleus of U-235 as it is to be captured by one of U-238. This speed-sensitive behavior is what makes possible the slow-neutron chain reactions used in power-producing nuclear reactors. In effect, slowing fission-liberated neutrons is equivalent to enriching the abundance percentage of U-235. This point is so important that it bears reiterating: if a neutron emitted in a fission can be slowed, then it has about as good a chance of going on to fission another U-235 nucleus as it does of being uselessly captured by a nucleus of U-238. In actuality, both processes proceed simultaneously within a reactor: U-235 fissions generate energy and liberate neutrons, while U-238 nuclei capture some of the neutrons and become a waste product. In a curious twist, however, this very waste product turned out to be the seed material for producing the bomb-suitable isotope plutonium-239.

    The trick to slowing neutrons during the very brief interval between when they are emitted in fissions and when they strike other nuclei is to work not with a single large mass of uranium, but rather to disperse it as small chunks within a surrounding medium which slows neutrons without capturing them. The medium is known as a moderator, and the entire package is a reactor. During the Manhattan Project, the synonymous term pile was used in the literal sense of an arrangement of slugs of uranium metal embedded within a heap of moderating material. Ordinary water can serve as a moderator, but, at the time, graphite—like that used in pencils—proved easier to employ. By introducing moveable rods of neutron-capturing material into the pile, the reaction can be controlled by adjusting them as necessary. It is in this way that natural-abundance uranium proved capable of sustaining a controlled nuclear reaction, although not an explosive one. All power-producing nuclear reactors operate via slow-neutron chain-reactions. But you can sleep comfortably. Reactors cannot behave like bombs; the reaction is far too slow, and even if the control rods are rendered inoperative, the reactor will melt rather than blow up. Video footage of the explosion of a reactor at Fukushima, Japan, actually showed a steam explosion involving the reactor’s cooling water, not a nuclear explosion.


    Schematic illustration of a chain reaction utilizing moderated neutrons. Each fission of a U-235 liberates two secondary neutrons, one of which goes on to fission another U-235 nucleus while the other is captured by a nucleus of U-238. From Reed, Atomic Bomb (2015) Fig. 1.2

    1.4 Reactors and Plutonium

    By mid-1940, it appeared that to make a chain-reaction mediated by fast neutrons—a bomb—would require isolating pure U-235. However, it was soon appreciated that the moderated-neutron concept could be used in an indirect way to make a different fissile material for use in a nuclear weapon. As a reactor operates, neutron capture by U-238 nuclei proceeds alongside fission of U-235 nuclei to about the same degree of probability. On capturing a neutron, a nucleus of U-238 becomes one of U-239. Based on projecting from known patterns of the stability of nuclei, it was predicted that U-239 nuclei might decay within a short time to nuclei of atomic number 94 (later called plutonium), and that such an element might be very similar to U-235 in its fissility properties. If this proved so, then a reactor could be used to breed plutonium through neutron capture by U-238 nuclei, while maintaining a self-sustaining reaction via U-235 fissions. The advantage of this would be that the plutonium could subsequently be separated from the mass of parent uranium fuel by chemical processing, which would allow engineers to circumvent the need to develop enrichment techniques. These predictions were soon confirmed on a laboratory scale by creating a tiny sample of plutonium via neutron-bombardment of uranium.

    By the time of the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor in December, 1941, two possible routes to developing a nuclear explosive had been identified: isolate tens of kilograms of U-235, or develop reactors to breed plutonium. U-235 was considered practically certain to make an excellent nuclear explosive, but the tens of kilograms necessary would have to be separated atom by atom from tons of uranium ore. In the case of plutonium, the likely chemical separation techniques were understood by chemical engineers, but nobody had ever constructed an operating reactor or isolated any significant quantity of the new element. Fundamental questions of engineering and physics loomed. Could a large-scale reactor be safely controlled? What if plutonium proved to have some property that rendered it useless as an explosive? With the possibility that German scientists could be thinking along the same lines, the leaders of the Manhattan Project made the only decision that they could in such a circumstance: both methods would be tried.

    1.5 The Manhattan Engineer District

    The possibility that nuclear fission might have military applications was brought to the attention of President Franklin Roosevelt in the fall of 1939, and support for research was soon organized under the direction of a committee that he ordered assembled. Until mid-1942, this effort was under the authority of various civilian branches of the government, although the work was being conducted in secrecy. By that time, researchers in both Britain and America had reached the conclusion that reactors and weapons could be feasible, but that isolating the relevant materials would require large-scale factories. The only organization capable of carrying out the work with the necessary secrecy was the United States Army, and the project was assigned to the Army’s Corps of Engineers in August, 1942. To carry out the work, the Corps established a new administrative entity, the Manhattan Engineer District (MED). In September, overall command of the MED was assigned to Brigadier General Leslie Richard Groves, who had extensive experience with large construction projects.


    Left: Brigadier (later Major) General Leslie R. Groves (18961970). Right: Robert Oppenheimer (19041967) ca. 1944. Sources: http://​commons.​wikimedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Leslie_​Groves.​jpg; http://​commons.​wikimedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​JROppenheimer-LosAlamos.​jpg

    Manhattan Project work was focused in two major directions: acquiring fissile material (U-235 and Pu-239), and designing and testing possible configurations for actual bombs. Fissile materials were produced at enormous factory complexes located at Oak Ridge, Tennessee (uranium enrichment) and Hanford, Washington (plutonium production reactors). The vast majority of MED funding went into the construction and operation of these facilities. At the same time, a highly-secret bomb-design laboratory was established at Los Alamos, New Mexico. The Los Alamos Laboratory began operating in the spring of 1943, and was directed by theoretical physicist Dr. J(ulius) Robert Oppenheimer of the University of California.


    Locations of major Manhattan Project research and production sites. Other sites were located in Montreal and British Columbia, Canada. From Reed (2014a)

    In theory, the tasks facing Los Alamos scientists seemed straightforward. Fissile isotopes such as U-235 or Pu-239 possess a so-called critical mass, a minimum mass necessary to achieve a chain reaction. The value of the critical mass depends on factors such as the density of the material, its probability for undergoing fission, and the number of neutrons liberated per fission. Much of the experimental work at Los Alamos was directed toward obtaining accurate measurements of these quantities. With these data, critical masses could be calculated by using mathematical relationships adopted from a well-established branch of physics known as diffusion theory.

    1.6 Little Boy, Fat Man, Trinity, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki

    By mid-1945, Oak Ridge and Hanford were beginning to produce critical-mass quantities of U-235 and Pu-239. For U-235, the critical mass is about 50 kg. A more efficient explosion can be created if you have more material available than just one critical mass, so imagine that you have 70 kg available. To make a bomb, divide the 70 kg into two pieces, and then arrange to bring them together when you are ready to have the device detonate. This is exactly what was done in the uranium-based Hiroshima Little Boy bomb. Ordnance engineers mounted the barrel of a naval artillery cannon inside a bomb casing, and placed one piece of uranium, the target piece, at the nose end of the barrel. The second piece, the projectile piece, was placed at the tail end. When radars mounted on the bomb indicated that it had fallen to a pre-programmed detonation height, a conventional powder charge was set off to propel the projectile piece into the target piece. A source of neutrons must be supplied to initiate the chain reaction, but this is the essence of a gun-type fission bomb.


    Schematic illustration of a gun-type fission weapon

    The Hiroshima bomb contained about 60 kg of U-235, but weighed nearly five tons overall. Much of this was the weight of the cannon, but a significant contributor was that the target end of the cannon was surrounded by a steel tamper weighing several hundred kilograms. The tamper served three essential functions. First, it stopped the projectile piece from flying through the front end of the bomb; unlike in an artillery cannon, the projectile piece has to remain seated around the target piece while the reaction proceeds. Second, the tamper briefly retards the expansion of the assembled bomb core as it detonates, buying a bit more time (microseconds) over which the chain reaction can operate. Third, by making the tamper of a material which reflects escaping neutrons back into the assembled target and projectile pieces, they will have a chance to cause further fissions; this effectively decreases the necessary critical mass. These effects all enhance the efficiency of the weapon by a factor of ten or more over an untamped device, so a tamper is certainly a worthwhile investment despite its being dead weight.

    The plutonium bomb was a much more difficult matter. Reactor-produced plutonium proved to fission spontaneously, a completely uncontrollable process. Los Alamos scientists calculated that if they tried to make a gun-type bomb using plutonium, the nuclear explosion would self-initiate before the target and projectile pieces were fully mated, and that the result would be an expensive but very low-efficiency fizzle explosion. Two approaches to overcoming this setback looked plausible: either find a way to use less fissile material (fewer spontaneous fissions), and/or assemble the sub-critical pieces more rapidly than could be achieved with the gun mechanism in order to lower the pre-detonation probability. Both approaches were adopted. The critical mass of a fissile material depends on its density; a greater density means a lower critical mass. A mass of material that would be sub-critical at normal density can be made critical by crushing it to a higher density, a feature that lets you get away with using less material than would normally be required. This led to the idea of an implosion weapon wherein a small subcritical core with a naturally low rate of spontaneous fissions is surrounded with a fast-burning explosive configured to detonate inwards to crush the core to high density in a very short time. For maximum efficiency, the implosion has to be essentially perfectly symmetric: all of the pieces of surrounding explosive need to be triggered within about a microsecond of each other. The feasibility of implosion was considered so uncertain that it was decided to perform a full-scale test of the method. This was the Trinity test of July 16, 1945, the world’s first nuclear explosion. The test succeeded, and three weeks later the method was put to use in the Nagasaki Fat Man bomb. The Little Boy bomb was not tested in advance: by August, 1945, there was only enough U-235 available for one bomb.


    Left: The Trinity fireball 25 ms after detonation. Right: The fireball a few seconds later. Sources: Left: http://​commons.​wikimedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Trinity_​Test_​Fireball_​25ms.​jpg; Right: Courtesy of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Archives

    The combat bombs used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki reflected these designs. Little Boy was a cylindrically-shaped mechanism that looked like a regular bomb, but Fat Man required a bulbous configuration to accommodate its spherical implosion assembly. General Groves’ two-billion-dollar gamble paid off in spectacular fashion, and nuclear physics brought the world into a new era.


    Left: Little Boy in its loading pit. Right: The Fat Man bomb. Note graffiti on tail. Sources: Left: http://​commons.​wikimedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Atombombe_​Little_​Boy_​2.​jpg; Right: http://​commons.​wikimedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Fat_​Man_​on_​Trailer.​jpg


    Flowchart summarizing major elements of the Manhattan Project

    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

    B. C. ReedManhattan Project

    2. From Atoms to Nuclei: An Inward Journey

    Bruce Cameron Reed¹  


    Emeritus, Alma College, BEDFORD, NS, Canada

    Bruce Cameron Reed

    Email: [email protected]

    The modern scientific picture of atoms as having nuclei of protons and neutrons surrounded by clouds of orbiting electrons emerged between the late 1890s and the early 1930s. Once this understanding was in place, research began shifting toward exploring the internal structure of nuclei, and reactions that could happen with them: nuclear physics. During the 1930s, an immense amount of knowledge on nuclear reactions was accumulated, setting the stage for the discovery of nuclear fission in late 1938. At just the time when events in Europe were heading toward another World War, physicists were beginning to appreciate that fission might hold the key to developing immensely powerful new sources of energy and weapons. What had been a quiet area of academic research was about to assume profound importance in world affairs.

    This chapter describes the development of our understanding of atomic structure.

    2.1 X-Rays and Radioactivity

    In late 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen accidentally discovered X-rays. He soon found that his mysterious rays could not only pass through objects such as his hand, but that they also ionized air when they passed through it. This was the first known example of ionizing radiation. Electrons had not been formally discovered in 1895 (though their existence was strongly suspected); the ionization was caused by X-rays, which are essentially a high-energy form of light, knocking electrons from molecules in the air as they passed through it, leaving the molecules with net electrical charges.

    To see X-ray images, Röntgen used a cardboard screen coated with a phosphorescent compound which glowed when struck by the X-rays; when holding his hand in front of the screen, he would be treated to a ghostly image of his bones. That phosphorescence seemed to be involved caught the attention of French mineralogist Antoine Henri Becquerel. Becquerel was an expert on phosphorescence, and wondered if phosphorescent materials such as uranium salts might be induced to emit X-rays if they were exposed to sunlight. While this supposition proved incorrect, investigating it led him, in February 1896, to the accidental discovery of radioactivity. Becquerel observed that samples of uranium ores left on top of wrapped photographic plates would cause them to be exposed, even in the absence of any external illumination. The exposures seemed to be created by the uranium itself; when the plates were unwrapped and developed, images of the samples appeared. Nuclear physics originated with this discovery.


    Henri Becquerel (18521908) and the first image created by Becquerel rays emitted by uranium salts placed on a wrapped photographic plate. In the lower part of the plate a Maltese cross was placed between the plate and the lump of uranium ore. Sources: http://​upload.​wikimedia.​org/​wikipedia/​commons/​a/​a3/​Henri_​Becquerel.​jpg; http://​upload.​wikimedia.​org/​wikipedia/​commons/​1/​1e/​Becquerel_​plate.​jpg

    These exposures are now understood to be due to so-called alpha and beta particles emitted by nuclei of uranium and other heavy elements as they naturally decay to more stable elements. Some of the decay timescales are fleeting at minutes or seconds only, while others are astronomically long at hundreds of millions or billions of years. In the latter cases it is only because there are so many trillions upon trillions of individual atoms in even a small lump of ore that enough decay within a span of seconds or minutes to leave an image on a film or trigger a Geiger counter. A third type of decay particles, gamma rays, were subsequently discovered by French chemist Paul Villard in 1900. Gamma-rays are photons just like those by which we see, but of energies about a million times greater than visible-light photons. X-ray photons are intermediate in energy between visible-light photons and gamma-ray photons.

    2.2 Marie Curie: Polonium, Radium, and Radioactivity

    Becquerel’s discovery did not attract much attention at first. Unlike X-rays, which could be created with cathode ray tubes and focused on a target, uranium-generated images required having a sample of ore, tended to be indistinct, and required long exposure times. But the phenomenon of Becquerel rays came to the attention of Marie Sklodowski, a native of Poland who had graduated from the Sorbonne (University of Paris) in July 1893 with a degree in physics, ranking first in her class, and then again in mathematics in July, 1894. In 1895 she married Pierre Curie, a physicist at the École Municipale de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles. Seeking a subject for a doctoral thesis, she decided to follow up Becquerel’s work, and set up a laboratory in her husband’s institution in late 1897.


    Marie (18671934) and Pierre (18591906) Curie; Right: Irène (18971956) and Frédéric Joliot-Curie (19001958) in 1935. Sources: http://​commons.​wikimedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Mariecurie.​jpg; http://​commons.​wikimedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​PierreCurie.​jpg; http://​commons.​wikimedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Irène_​et_​Frédéric_​Joliot-Curie_​1935.​jpg

    Curie’s work began from the observation that X-rays could ionize air. Pierre Curie and his brother had developed a device for detecting minute electrical currents, which Marie used to determine that the amount of electricity generated was directly proportional to the amount of uranium in a sample. On testing other ores, she found that the heavy element thorium also emitted Becquerel rays, although not as many per second as an equal weight of uranium. Further work revealed that samples of pitchblende ore, a blackish material rich in uranium compounds mined in Joachimstal, northwest of Prague, emitted more Becquerel rays than could be accounted for solely by the quantity of uranium that they contained. Inferring that there must be some other active element present, Curie began the laborious and very unpleasant task of chemically isolating it from the tons of ore she had available. Pierre soon abandoned his own research on the properties of crystals in order to join Marie in her work. Between 1898 and Pierre’s death in 1906, the Curies would acquire over 23,000 kg of waste Joachimstal ores.

    Spectroscopic and chemical analyses of the active substance showed that it was a new, previously unknown element. Christening their find polonium in honor of Marie’s native country, they published their discovery in the weekly journal of the French Academy of Sciences in July, 1898. In this paper they introduced two new words of scientific jargon: radioactivity to designate whatever process deep within atoms was giving rise to Becquerel’s ionizing rays, and radioelement to designate any element that possessed the property of doing so. The term radioisotope is now more commonly used as not all of the individual isotopes of elements that exhibit radioactivity are themselves radioactive.

    In December of the same year, the Curies announced that they had found a second radioactive substance, which they dubbed radium. By the spring of 1902, they had isolated a mere tenth of a gram of radium from ten tons of pitchblende ore, enough for spectroscopic confirmation of its status as a new element. In the summer of 1903 Marie defended her thesis, Researches on Radioactive Substances, and received her doctorate from the Sorbonne. In the fall of that year the Curies would be awarded half of the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics; Henri Becquerel received the other half.

    2.3 Ernest Rutherford: Alpha, Beta, and Half-Life

    In the fall of 1895, New Zealand native Ernest Rutherford arrived at the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University in England on a postgraduate scholarship. His timing was propitious. The Director of the Laboratory was the distinguished experimental physicist Joseph John J. J. Thomson, who in the fall of 1897 would discover electrons. On stripping electrons away from their parent atoms, Thomson was able to determine their mass and electrical charge by measuring how they were deflected by electrical forces of known strength. Electrons from all parent atoms behaved identically, confirming their existence as the universal negatively-charged particles of matter which orbit nuclei and account for the volumes of atoms. Thomson determined that electrons weighed about one eighteen-hundredth as much as hydrogen atoms, which led him to infer that they must be small components of atoms which resided within some larger overall structure. It is energy released in rearrangements of the outermost electrons of interacting atoms that power our bodies and propel internal-combustion automobiles.

    Soon after Rutherford arrived in Cambridge, Röntgen discovered X-rays. As a student, Rutherford had acquired considerable experience with electrical devices, and the Cavendish was well-equipped with Thomson’s cathode ray tubes, the core apparatus for generating X-rays. Rutherford began studying their ionizing properties, and when radioactivity was discovered it was natural for him to turn his attention to this new ionizing phenomenon.


    Left: Ernest Rutherford (18711937) Nobel Prize photo. Right: Seated left to right in this 1921 photo are J. J. Thomson (18561940), Rutherford, and Francis Aston (18771945), inventor of the mass spectrograph. Sources: https://​upload.​wikimedia.​org/​wikipedia/​commons/​d/​df/​Ernest_​Rutherford_​%28Nobel%29.​jpg; AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives, Gift of C. J. Peterson

    Rutherford discovered that he could suppress some of the uranium rays by wrapping the samples in thin aluminum foils; adding more layers of foil progressively decreased the activity. He deduced that there appeared to be two types of emissions present, which he termed alpha and beta. Alpha-rays could be stopped easily by a thin layer of foil or a few sheets of paper, but beta-rays were more penetrating; Becquerel later showed that alpha-rays were positively charged, while beta-rays were ordinary negative electrons. By passing both by a magnet, Becquerel further determined that alpha-rays weighed about 7,000 times as much as the electronic beta rays. Magnets exert forces on electrical charges; by observing how the two types are deflected, their masses can be determined.

    In the fall of 1898, Rutherford completed his studies at Cambridge and moved to McGill University in Montreal, where he had been appointed as the McDonald Professor of Physics. Over the following three decades he continued his radioactivity research, both at McGill and later back in England, work which would result in a series of groundbreaking discoveries and earn him the 1908 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

    Rutherford’s first major discovery at McGill occurred in 1900, when he found that, upon emitting its radiation, thorium simultaneously emitted a product which he named emanation. Emanation was also radioactive, and, when isolated, its rate of radioactivity was observed to decline in a geometrical progression with time. Specifically, the activity decreased by a factor of one-half for every minute that elapsed. Rutherford had discovered the property of radioactive half-life, a natural random decay process.

    Rutherford sought to identify what the thorium emanation actually was, and teamed up with Frederick Soddy, a young Demonstrator in Chemistry. They had expected the emanation to be some form of thorium, but Soddy’s analysis revealed that it behaved like an inert gas. This suggested that, remarkably, thorium could spontaneously transmute itself into another element, one of the pivotal discoveries of twentieth-century physics. Soddy initially thought that the emanation was argon (element 18), but it would later come to be recognized as radon (element 86). Various isotopes of thorium, radium, and actinium decay to various isotopes of radon, which themselves subsequently decay until achieving stability when they become atoms of lead.


    Frederick Soddy (18771956). Source: http://​commons.​wikimedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Frederick_​Soddy_​(Nobel_​1922).​png

    Each isotope that decays has its own characteristic half-life. As a standard for comparing radioactivity rates of different substances, Marie and Pierre Curie adopted the rate of decay of a freshly-isolated one-gram sample of radium-226. This isotope, which has a half-life of 1599 years, is a prodigious emitter of alpha-particles. For a one-gram sample, the initial decay rate is about 37 billion nuclear disintegrations per second. This is a huge number, but a gram of radium contains some one billion trillion atoms, and so will maintain for many years essentially the same rate of activity with which it began. In 1910, the International Radium Standard Commission defined one Curie of radioactivity to be exactly 37 billion disintegrations of any type per second. This designation honored Pierre Curie, who had been killed tragically when run over by a heavily-laden horse-drawn wagon while crossing a rainy street in Paris in 1906.

    In many situations, a Curie is too large a unit of activity for practical use, so it is more common to encounter millicuries (one-thousandth of a Curie), or even microcuries (one-millionth of a Curie). Household smoke detectors contain about one microcurie (37,000 decays per second) of radioactive material which ionizes a small volume of air around a sensor in order to aid in the detection of smoke particles. The modern unit of radioactivity is the Becquerel; one Becquerel is equal to one decay per second. In this unit, a smoke detector would be rated as having an activity of 37,000 Bq, or 37 kBq. Decay rates are critically important factors in nuclear weapons engineering.

    2.4 The Energy of Radioactive Decay

    The most fundamental quantity in a physicist’s universe is energy. In everyday life, we acquire energy by digesting food, and use it to do work. Machines are no different: energy is supplied by burning fuel or running water and returned as mechanical work, minus what is eroded into useless heat by friction.

    Electric bills quantify energy use in kilowatt-hours, and nutrition labels speak of food calories. At the atomic level, however, such units are far too large for quantifying individual reactions. Physicists who study atomic processes adopt a more convenient one, the electron-Volt, always abbreviated eV. There is a formal technical definition of this oddly-named quantity, but an everyday example will make the point: with an ordinary 1.5-V battery, the electrons supplied each emerge with 1.5 eV of kinetic energy. A 9-V battery consists of six 1.5-V batteries connected in series, so their electrons emerge with energies of 9 eV. On an atom-by-atom basis, chemical reactions involve energies of a few eV; when dynamite is detonated, the energy released is 10 eV per reacting molecule.

    Nuclear reactions are much more energetic than chemical ones, typically involving energies of millions of electron-volts, abbreviated as MeV (emm-ee-vee). If a nuclear reaction liberates 1 MeV per atom involved (nucleus, really) while a chemical reaction liberates 10 eV per atom involved, the ratio of the nuclear to chemical energy releases is 100,000. This immense leap is what gives nuclear weapons their compelling power in comparison to ordinary chemical bombs. An ordinary bomb that contains 1,000 lb of chemical explosive could in theory be replaced with a nuclear bomb that utilizes only a fraction of a pound of a nuclear explosive. Even if a nuclear bomb detonates with low efficiency, the destructive energy released can still be immense. Thousands of tons of conventional explosive can be replaced with a few tens of pounds of nuclear explosive. The fission bombs used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki involved reactions which liberated about 170 MeV per reaction, and had efficiencies of about 1% and 20%, respectively. The immense energy latent in nuclei was appreciated well before Einstein wrote E = mc².

    2.5 Isotopes, Mass Spectroscopy, and the Mass Defect

    In modern chemistry, an element’s location in the periodic table is dictated by the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms. Each block on the table represents a single element, which might comprise many isotopes.

    The concepts of atomic number and isotopy developed over the course of a full century. In 1803, English chemist John Dalton hypothesized that all atoms of a given element are identical to each other and equal in weight. Evidence from chemical reactions indicted that the masses of atoms of various elements seemed to be very nearly equal to whole-number multiples of the mass of hydrogen atoms. This notion was formalized around 1815 by English physician and chemist William Prout, who postulated that all heavier elements are aggregates of hydrogen atoms. He called the hydrogen atom a protyle, a forerunner of Ernest Rutherford’s proton.

    Parts of both Dalton’s and Prout’s hypotheses would be verified, but, as with any evolving scientific theory, other aspects came to require modification. In particular, something looked awry with Prout’s idea in that some elements had atomic weights that were not close to integer multiples of that of hydrogen. An outstanding case was chlorine, whose atoms seemed to weigh 35.5 times as much as hydrogen atoms. This is now understood on the basis that chlorine has two naturally-occurring isotopes: $${}_{17}^{35} Cl$$ and $${}_{17}^{37} Cl$$ , which have abundances of about 75 and 25%; the overall weight of 35.5 reflects a percentage-weighted average of 35 and 37.

    The concept of isotopy first arose from evidence gathered in studies of natural radioactive decay sequences. Substances that appeared in different decay sequences had similar properties, but could not be separated from each other by chemical means. Isotope was coined in 1913 by Frederick Soddy, who had taken a position at the University of Glasgow. By that time, it was appreciated that the masses of nuclei could not be accounted for solely by the masses of their protons. Extra, electrically-neutral mass had to be present, and it was hypothesized to be due to additional protons within nuclei whose positive charges were balanced by the presence of negative electrons somehow contained within the nuclei. Soddy hypothesized that the net positive charge of the nucleus dictated the atom’s place in the periodic table, and termed atoms with the same net charge but differing numbers of proton/electron combinations isotopic elements which occupied the same place in the table because they would have the same net positive charge. Iso comes from the Greek isos, meaning equal, and the p in tope serves as a reminder that it is the number of positive charges which is the same in all isotopes of a given element.

    True understanding of the nature of isotopy came with the invention of mass spectroscopy, a technique for making extremely precise measurements of atomic masses. In his 1897 electron work, J. J. Thomson measured the ratio of the electrical charge carried by electrons to their mass by using electric and magnetic fields to deflect them and track their trajectories. In 1907, he modified his apparatus to investigate the properties of positively-charged (ionized) atoms, and so developed the first mass spectrometer. In these devices, electric and magnetic fields were configured to force ionized atoms to travel along separate trajectories which depended on their masses. The ions were directed to strike photographic films, and their landing locations could be analyzed to yield their masses. A vastly scaled-up version of this technique would be used to separate isotopes of uranium during the Manhattan Project.

    In 1909, Thomson acquired an assistant, Francis Aston, a gifted instrument-maker. Aston improved Thomson’s instrument, and in November, 1912, obtained evidence for the presence of two isotopes of neon, of masses 20 and 22 (taking hydrogen to be of mass 1). The atomic weight of neon was known to be 20.2, and Aston reasoned that this could be explained if the two isotopes were present in a ratio of 9:1.

    Aston’s research was sidelined by World War I, but he returned to Cambridge in 1919 and began constructing his own series of mass spectrometers. In all, he would discover over 200 naturally-occurring isotopes, including uranium-238. Remarkably, he does not have an element named after him, but he did receive the 1922 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.


    Francis Aston (18771945). Source: http://​commons.​wikimedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Francis_​William_​Aston.​jpg

    Mass spectrometers are now a staple of every chemistry laboratory, and all still work on the principles pioneered by Thomson and Aston. Fundamentally, these devices utilize an effect known as the Lorentz Force Law, named after Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz. The sample to be investigated is first heated in a small oven. The heating will ionize the atoms, some of which escape through a narrow slit. The ionized atoms are then accelerated by an electric field and directed into a region of space where a magnetic field is present, arranged to be perpendicular to the plane of travel of the positively-charged ions. The magnetic field exerts a so-called Lorentz Force on the ions, which causes them to move in circular trajectories whose radii depend on their masses and net charges. For a given net charge, heavier ions will be deflected less strongly than lighter ones, and will enter into larger-radius orbits. The ions streams will be maximally separated after one-half of an orbit, where they are collected on a computerized detector for analysis.


    Mass spectroscopy. Positive ions are accelerated by an electric field and then directed into a magnetic field which emerges perpendicularly from the page. Ions of different mass will follow different circular trajectories, with those of greater mass having larger orbital radii. There will be one ion stream for each isotope present

    Aston’s work revealed that Dalton’s conjecture had been partially correct: atoms of the same element behave identically as far as their chemistry is concerned, but the presence of isotopes means that not all atoms of the same element have the same weight. Similarly, Aston found that Prout’s conjecture that the masses of all atoms are integer multiples of that of hydrogen, was also very nearly true if one substitutes isotopes for atoms. But very nearly proved to involve some very important physics.

    A good example of this very nearly is provided by the common form of iron, Fe-56, nuclei of which contain 26 protons and 30 neutrons. In Prout’s hypothesis, the mass of an iron-56 atom should be 56 hydrogenic mass units, if the very tiny contribution of the electrons is neglected. Mass spectroscopy can determine the masses of atoms to remarkable precision, and reveales that the actual weight of iron-56 atoms is 55.934937 mass units. Aston termed the minute shortfall, a mere 0.065063 mass units,

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