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Israeli Air Force Operations in the 1956 Suez War: 29 October–8 November 1956
Israeli Air Force Operations in the 1956 Suez War: 29 October–8 November 1956
Israeli Air Force Operations in the 1956 Suez War: 29 October–8 November 1956
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Israeli Air Force Operations in the 1956 Suez War: 29 October–8 November 1956

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By participating in 1956 Suez Crisis Israel exploited an opportunity to join forces with France and the United Kingdom in an attack against Egypt in order to accomplish diplomatic, military and political objectives: to open the Red Sea international shipping lane to ships sailing from and to Eilat; to strengthen its alliance with France; to end – or at least to scale down – Egyptian hosted Palestinian terror attacks against Israel; to launch a preventive war in order to crush Egyptian military power before its completion of the transition to Soviet weapons could tempt Egypt to attack Israel and in order to accomplish a profound victory to deter Egypt from pursuing a another round of war policy. Operation KADESH was the Israeli part in the Anglo-French attack and this title chronicles Israeli Air Force operations along the timeline of Operation KADESH – from day 1 on 29 October 1956 until day 11 on 8 November 1956 – in thus far unmatched depth and detail; all known Israel Air Force missions and sorties are listed and described and all air combats between Israeli Mysteres and Egyptian MiGs and Vampires are presented and analyzed. The large variety of aircraft flown – Dassault Mysteres, Dassault Ouragans and Gloster Meteors; B-17 Flying Fortresses, P-51 Mustangs and De Havilland Mosquitoes; T-6 Texans (Harvards) and T-17 Kaydets (Stearmans); Nord 2501 Noratlases, C-47 Skytrains (Dakotas), Pipers and Consuls and even a pair of Sikorsky S-55 helicopters – are all covered in this title, which presents Israeli Air Force operations during the Suez War in a depth and detail unseen in previous publications. The text is supported by numerous photographs and color profiles. Middle East@War - following on from our highly successful Africa@War series, Middle East@War replicates the same format - concise, incisive text, rare images and high quality color artwork providing fresh accounts of both well-known and more esoteric aspects of conflict in this part of the world since 1945.
Release dateJan 20, 2016
Israeli Air Force Operations in the 1956 Suez War: 29 October–8 November 1956

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    Book preview

    Israeli Air Force Operations in the 1956 Suez War - Shlomo Aloni

    Day 1

    29 OCTOBER 1956

    ILDF objectives for Day 1 were to preserve deception and surprise until H-Hour and to drop Battalion 890 over Mitle sector, a relatively short distance from the Suez Canal.

    A Squadron 113 maintainer refuels an Ouragan at Hatzor; the Ouragan is painted with the first version of ILAF Suez War IFF stripes.


    MAT2 repeated, in a telegram that was circulated at 0420, an earlier order to paint IFF stripes on ILAF aircraft:

    Paint a stripe around the rear part of the fuselage, perpendicular to aircraft longitudinal axis, in between leading edge of the tail section and trailing edge of wing and around each wing perpendicular to aircraft lateral axis, halfway between wing tip and root. The stripe will be painted with two colors: center, 30 centimeters wide, in yellow; two edges, seven centimeters wide each, in black. Painting will start on the morning of 28 October [1956] and will be completed ASAP… This telegram refers to all aircraft in country and not only to ILAF aircraft…

    The stipulated stripes were actually a variation of the ultimate Suez War coalition IFF stripes, primarily because at the time the coalition did not exist. Reference to all aircraft in country covered the arrival of FRAF aircraft; Tel Nof reported, at 0640, the arrival of 10 FRAF Noratlases.


    Squadron 100 – with the main body deployed from Ramla to Beer Sheba from 28 October 1956 – was tasked to assign four Pipers to Command South, one Piper to Division 38, one Piper to Division 77, one Piper to Eilat HQ and eight Pipers to Brigade 202; Phase B assignment was to be four Pipers to Command South, three Pipers to Division 38, one Piper to Eilat HQ, two Pipers to Brigade 9 and three Pipers to Brigade 202. At 0600, the flight commanders were reported: Division 38 Flight Commander, Zvi Armon; Division 77 Flight Commander, Josef Aaroni; Eilat HQ Flight Commander, Benjamin Kahane; and Brigade 202 Flight Commander, Isaac Hirsh.


    Squadron 140 deployed to tents at Teman Field, north-west of Beer Sheba.

    Squadron 110 maritime patrol missions were possibly related to Operation COCK that took place prior to the start of KADESH Day 1 events.

    MIOR Yud128 photographic interpretation revealed 17 MiGs at Kabrit; eight MiGs and one Il-14 at Abu Sueir; 16 Vampires, eight Meteors and one Il-14 at Fayid; and no aircraft at Firdan, Kasfareet and Shalufa. The MiGs at Kabrit were dispersed and AIR4 reported that Cairo West was ordered, at 1300, to disperse aircraft. Traffic between Suez and Mitle was reported as sparse. Both Squadron 115 crews reportedly sensed EGAF aircraft in flight but AIR4 did not detect take-offs from Suez Canal air bases and Squadron 101 Mysteres were not vectored to engage.


    AIR3 ordered all units, at 0930, to prepare for Readiness State C, one level below war, from 1300. Instructions included:

    Aircraft dispersal from 1730; assembly of Squadron 160 (dummy) aircraft from 1730… blackout from 1730.


    Israel undertook to pose a threat to the Suez Canal and the ILDF planned to position paratroopers west of Mitle Pass, some 30 kilometers east of the Suez Canal. The ILAF recced Mitle; by 0300 ILDF//I finished interpretation of the 28 October 1956 recce and concluded that EGDF troops were present west of Mitle, near the planned drop zone. Discussions continued until 0930, when the drop of dummies was canceled, and until 1000, when ILDF//G//Operations ordered a change of drop zone to east of Mitle; the new drop zone was some ten kilometers east of Mitle and five kilometers south-west of the Mitle//Bir Hasana//Nekhel road junction. It was therefore during discussions that Squadron 101 was tasked to fly visual reconnaissance over Mitle; pilots reported that the drop zone was clear of enemy forces.


    Squadron 117 pilots were scrambled to intercept a radar track but found nothing. The Squadron 115 crew flew a largely uneventful mission over Sinai, the exception being the observation of an enemy jet flying between El Arish and Rafah.


    The change of drop zone impacted the MIOR Yud120 cable cut mission that tasked P-51s to cut communication lines in Sinai at two points, along CARROT, from 1600. Yud120 stipulated a low altitude flight, radio silence except for an emergency and that pilots would make certain that the lines were indeed cut.

    Following ILDF//G//Operations notification to AIR3, at 1200, about a shift to the east of the telephone lines cutting points, due to a change in drop zone, AIR3 issued, at 1235, a revision to MIOR Yud120: the former eastern first cutting point was transformed into the western second cutting point, while a new first eastern cutting point replaced the old western second cutting point. TOT over the first target was changed to 1545. Dan Barak recalled:

    Our mission was to cut lines in two places… My cable was detached during take-off so I had to land and mount another cable. We flew low and arrived over target. I took part in [pre-war] tests which were so classified that I did not know the purpose but there was one line between two poles over flat terrain and I cut it like butter. Suddenly, [there was] not one line but many lines and sand dunes so my cable was torn away. I remembered that an aircraft accidently cut lines with [its] propeller so I decided to do it [to cut the lines with the propeller]. I circled, signaled to my wingman to fly in line astern, descended [and headed to the lines] but at the last moment I instinctively pulled up. I tried again, fully fine so that RPM would be high, more than 2,000 RPM… and I sensed something like a black shadow for a split second. I circled to see [the] impact and could not find the place so I did it again… We flew to the second place… and did it again. Post-war we toured the area, not only [had] I cut the lines but I pulled out poles! … on the way back we saw the paratroopers at the Mitle.

    Squadron 116 pilots, standing Squadron 116 Commander Zahik Yavneh, Squadron 116 Deputy A Dan Barak, Squadron 116 Intelligence Officer, Cheetah Cohen, Arie Fredilis and Amnon Bloch; on wing Israel Burstein, Ami Hativa, Shlomo Geva, Squadron 116 Deputy B Arie Zeelon, Zvi Kohorn and Zeev Sharon. This photo was taken after 0600 on 2 November 1956 as P-51 is marked with ILAF Suez War IFF stripes version 2 and after 1700 on 2 November 1956 when a Squadron 100 Piper returned Shlomo Geva, with a bandaged forehead, to Tel Nof; Day 1 cable cutter missing from this photo is Amity Hasson.

    Squadron 116 servicemen, most if not all reserves, turn around a P-51 during the Suez War; the cable cut P-51s were target tug equipped and were planned to cut cables with a long steel cable. This photo was taken after 0600 on 2 November 1956 as P-51 is marked with ILAF Suez War IFF stripes version 2.

    In order to enable Squadron 103 to drop a battalion in one round trip, Israel loaned C-47s from France and these were issued with ILAF Numbers 1414 to 1432 in even numbers only; this image of 1418 - in which Squadron 103 pilot Yossi Ofer flew MIOR Yud118 on 29 October 1956 - was taken after its return to France but still with ILAF Number 1418 and still marked with ILAF Suez War IFF stripes version 2.


    AIR3 issued, at 1025, MIOR Yud118 which tasked Squadron 103 to drop Battalion 890 east of Mitle at 1700. The stipulated altitude for the flight to the target was 5,000 feet AGL and 4,500 feet for the flight from the target. Aircraft unable to take-off on time and unable to arrive over the drop zone by 1720 were to take-off later for TOT at 2145, flying to and from the target at 4,000 feet.

    Brigade 202, tasked to advance along PEPPER and link up with Battalion 890, crossed the border at 1600 and was thus the first Israeli force to set foot in Sinai; Battalion 890 followed from 1700 with each four-ship formation dropping a company, from 1,200 feet, over a drop zone that was – as concluded in a post-war inquiry – only three kilometers away from the planned drop zone. Drop dispersal was approximately 2,000 meters long and 500 meters wide; 13 paratroopers were injured during the drop but by 1930 Battalion 890 was organized in a defended locality east of Mitle.


    MIOR Yud126 tasked Squadron 117 to launch two unarmed Meteor trainers to fly a decoy mission at 30,000 feet, along a route from Rafah to Qantara and back, from 1630 until 1720, in zigzag flight so that the average advance speed would be 140-150 mph. Squadron 115 Commander Eli Eyal and Squadron 115 pilot Meir Livneh flew the mission in two Squadron 117 Meteor trainers. ILAF post-war analysis of EGAF radar coverage concluded that the four Egyptian radar stations, active on 29 October, covered the north half of Sinai but were unable to track targets flying higher than 26,000 feet.


    FAC Yekutiel Alon – radio call sign GIFT – dropped with Battalion 890. At the end of the drop, the C-47 captained by Amnon Amrami remained over the drop zone and established radio contact with GIFT; 1422 replaced Amrami at 1730 but was unable to contact GIFT.


    Battalion 890 was planned to prepare a landing strip for Piper immediately after the end of the drop. In line with this plan, the first Piper departed Eilat at 1545, flew to Quntila and from there to Mitle. Moshe Even established radio contact with GIFT but was unable to land, since the landing strip was not ready. GIFT asked Even to recce the road from Mitle to Suez. No unusual activity was detected so Even headed back to Eilat, but was asked to land at Quntila for CASEVAC to Lod, from where Even flew to Beer Sheba.


    MIOR Yud121 tasked Squadron 117 to escort Squadron 103 from 1620 until 1640. The four Meteors were to fly from Tel Nof to a rendezvous point at 30,000 feet, descend and split into two pairs, with one pair flying at 5,000 feet and the other at 10,000 feet.

    MIOR Yud122 tasked Squadron 117 to escort Squadron 103 from 1635 until 1655. The six Meteors were to fly from Tel Nof to a rendezvous point at 30,000 feet, descend and split into two sections, a four-ship formation flying at 5,000 feet and a pair at 10,000 feet.

    MIOR Yud123 tasked Squadron 113 to escort Squadron 103 from 1650 until 1710. The six Ouragans were to fly from Tel Nof to a rendezvous point at 25,000 feet, descend and split into two sections, a four-ship formation flying at 5,000 feet and a pair at 10,000 feet.

    MIOR Yud121, Yud122 and Yud123 stressed:

    Aircraft will intercept any enemy aircraft approaching airlifters.

    Squadron 117 servicemen during deployment to Tel Nof. Standing on veranda, Uri Gat, Shabty Ben-Aaron, Shlomo Sapir, Yossi Sarig and Technical Flight Commander; sitting on floor of veranda: Nahum Yahalom; sitting on stairs, Hillel Alroy, Mordechai Lavon and Mati Kaspit.


    MIOR Yud125 tasked Squadron 101 to patrol between Mitle and Kabrit from 1650 until 1719. Unlike the escorting Meteors and Ouragans, whose only ordnance was guns, the patrolling Mysteres had guns and rockets. The first formation was tasked to patrol at 10,000 feet; the second and third formations were to start their patrol at 30,000 feet and, after ten minutes, descend to 10,000 feet in order to overlap patrol watches at 10,000 feet. All three formations were to fly to and from the patrol station at 30,000 feet. MIOR Yud125 stressed:

    Aircraft will intercept any enemy aircraft approaching airlifters. Aircraft will attack any fighter aircraft attempting to take-off from Kabrit. Aircraft will attack any vehicles advancing in direction of drop zone.

    Squadron 101 Mysteres with ILAF Suez War IFF stripes version 1 and rockets pods. ILAF Number of photographed Mystère possibly ends with 2; 4552, 4562 and 4592 flew MIOR Yud125 on 29 October 1956.

    ILAF maintainers servicing a P-51 with ILAF Number last digit 8 - probably 2338 - at night. Nighttime was exploited to prepare as many aircraft as possible for next day operations.



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