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Integrated Assessment of Climate, Land, Energy and Water
Integrated Assessment of Climate, Land, Energy and Water
Integrated Assessment of Climate, Land, Energy and Water
Ebook132 pages1 hour

Integrated Assessment of Climate, Land, Energy and Water


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This publication presents the findings of an IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on the development and application of the integrated climate, land, energy and water (CLEW) framework. Together with other UN partners, the IAEA has developed this framework in response to global challenges such as ensuring universal access to food, energy and water, to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals. The publication reflects the objectives of the CRP to expand and improve the knowledge base, tools and toolkits available for integrated assessment of climate, land, energy and water, as well as demonstrate the applicability of these tools in different countries facing diverse challenges. The research results help to identify practical strategies and policies for coherent development and management of land, water and energy resources, and responses to climate change.
Release dateJan 8, 2021
Integrated Assessment of Climate, Land, Energy and Water

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    Integrated Assessment of Climate, Land, Energy and Water - IAEA


    Integrated Assessment

    of Climate, Land,

    Energy and Water

    Integrated Assessment

    of Climate, Land,

    Energy and Water


    VIENNA, 2020


    All IAEA scientific and technical publications are protected by the terms of the Universal Copyright Convention as adopted in 1952 (Berne) and as revised in 1972 (Paris). The copyright has since been extended by the World Intellectual Property Organization (Geneva) to include electronic and virtual intellectual property. Permission to use whole or parts of texts contained in IAEA publications in printed or electronic form must be obtained and is usually subject to royalty agreements. Proposals for non-commercial reproductions and translations are welcomed and considered on a case-by-case basis. Enquiries should be addressed to the IAEA Publishing Section at:

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    © IAEA, 2020

    Printed by the IAEA in Austria

    December 2020


    IAEA Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

    Names: International Atomic Energy Agency.

    Title: Integrated assessment of climate, land, energy and water / International Atomic Energy Agency.

    Description: Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2020. | Series: , ISSN ; no. | Includes bibliographical references.

    Identifiers: IAEAL 20-01362 | ISBN 978–92–0–113720–3 (paperback : alk. paper) ISBN 978–92–0–113820-0 (pdf) | ISBN 978–92–0–113920–7 (epub) | ISBN 978–92–0–114020–3 (mobipocket)

    Subjects: LCSH: Climatic changes. | Sustainable development. | Nuclear energy.

    Classification: UDC 502.131.1 | STI/PUB/1910


    At the heart of sustainable development is the goal of satisfying basic human needs, such as energy, food and water, while addressing challenges such as climate change, which can affect the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The IAEA assists Member States in using nuclear science and technology to meet their development objectives in areas including energy, human health, food production, water management and environmental protection, supporting their efforts to reach the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations. In the field of energy, the IAEA’s assistance to countries ranges from supporting the efficient and safe use of nuclear power to building capacity in national and regional energy planning to address multiple objectives of sustainable development.

    This publication presents the findings of the coordinated research project (CRP) Assessing Interdependencies between Energy, Water, Land Use and Climate Change, which addressed the development and application of an analytical framework for energy planning that enables the integrated assessment of climate, land (including food), energy and water (CLEW). Research teams from ten IAEA Member States participated in the CRP, and the results and analysis presented in the publication are based largely on their diligent work. The wide range of research questions, applied methodologies and analytical results included in the CRP have helped to advance the state of knowledge of linkages between CLEW domains and to establish a solid foundation for further applications of the framework.

    This work complements major IAEA activities in capacity building in energy planning, nuclear energy technology development, the sustainable management of agriculture and water resources, and the monitoring of and adaptation to climate change. In energy planning, the CLEW framework expands established IAEA activities strengthening Member States’ capacities to elaborate sustainable energy strategies and to conduct studies for electricity supply and energy system options, energy investment planning and energy–environment policy formulation. This includes strategic support for Member States in the integration of energy–environment policy, for example via major events such as the International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Power in the 21st Century, in Abu Dhabi in 2017, and the International Conference on Climate Change and the Role of Nuclear Power, in Vienna in 2019. In the broader energy domain, the IAEA fosters the efficient and safe use of nuclear power by supporting new and existing nuclear programmes around the world, catalysing innovation and building capacity in nuclear information and knowledge management. This includes initiatives that are directly relevant to CLEW, such as supporting Member States to develop strategies for efficient water management in nuclear power plant construction, commissioning and operation to protect water resources and to ensure a reliable energy supply. Examples include support in identifying and implementing water supply options, such as desalination technologies that can supplement water needs beyond the power plant. In addition, activities indirectly related to CLEW include the development of advanced and innovative nuclear reactor technologies that can serve to meet increasing energy demands in a sustainable manner. Complementary activities outside the energy domain include the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, established in 1964, which supports the safe and appropriate use of nuclear and related technologies in food and agriculture so as to contribute to global food security and sustainable agricultural development. Similarly, the IAEA provides Member States with the information and technical skills to understand and manage water resources. Many of these activities also benefit from IAEA support to Member States in monitoring the climate with nuclear and isotopic techniques and improving the resilience of agriculture and water systems to adapt to effects of climate change. In addition to the CLEW framework, these activities also contribute to the effective long term management of key resources for sustainable development.

    The IAEA officers responsible for the CRP and this publication were T. Alfstad and H. Turton of the Division of Planning, Information and Knowledge Management.


    Although great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of information contained in this publication, neither the IAEA nor its Member States assume any responsibility for consequences which may arise from its use.

    This publication does not address questions of responsibility, legal or otherwise, for acts or omissions on the part of any person.

    Guidance provided here, describing good practices,

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