Enhancing Nuclear Security Culture in Organizations Associated with Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material: Technical Guidence
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Enhancing Nuclear Security Culture in Organizations Associated with Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material - IAEA
1.1. Publications in the IAEA Nuclear Security Series provide nuclear security guidance to States to assist in establishing, implementing and maintaining their national nuclear security regimes.
1.2. Nuclear security culture is defined as The assembly of characteristics, attitudes and behaviour of individuals, organizations and institutions which serves as a means to support, enhance and sustain nuclear security
[1–3]. As this definition indicates, nuclear security culture is an important component of an effective nuclear security regime. Essential Element 12 (para. 3.12(c)) of the Nuclear Security Fundamentals [4] states that "Developing, fostering and maintaining a robust nuclear security culture contributes to the sustainability of a nuclear security regime, and the Nuclear Security Recommendations publications [1–3] underscore the importance of a robust nuclear security culture. Nuclear security culture¹ is also one of the 12 Fundamental Principles of the 2005 Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material [5], which entered into force in May 2016 and states that
All organizations involved in implementing physical protection should give due priority to the security culture, to its development and maintenance necessary to ensure its effective implementation in the entire organization."
1.3. The current publication is intended to help States develop, enhance and maintain a robust nuclear security culture; it complements and follows:
(a) IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 7, Nuclear Security Culture [ 6 ], which provides a model for nuclear security culture and identifies the roles and responsibilities of various nuclear security stakeholders;
(b) IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 28-T, Self-assessment of Nuclear Security Culture in Facilities and Activities [ 7 ], which provides a methodology for nuclear security culture self-assessment.
1.4. The IAEA has also issued several publications on enhancing nuclear safety culture [8–13]. Much of the information in these publications also applies to nuclear security culture, as both nuclear safety culture and nuclear security culture are part of an overall organizational culture. For example, relevant requirements for enhancing nuclear safety culture are specified in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 2, Leadership and Management for Safety [8]. In addition, both nuclear safety culture and nuclear security culture focus on promoting the attitudes and behaviour required to support each discipline.
1.5. This publication is intended to provide practical guidance on how to implement a systematic approach to enhancing nuclear security culture. This publication is provided for use by States; competent authorities with responsibilities relating to nuclear security; and the operators of associated facilities and activities, including managers and other personnel².
1.6. A graded approach can be used to implement nuclear security culture enhancement, as described in this publication, for nuclear and other radioactive material and associated facilities and activities. The enhancement of nuclear security culture, as described, may also be applied to nuclear security culture in organizations with responsibilities for the security of nuclear and other radioactive material out of regulatory control, but detailed guidance for those types of organization is not provided in this publication.
1.7. As managers can strongly affect nuclear security culture, this publication includes guidance on enhancing management skills to better support nuclear security and the stakeholder organization as a whole.
1.8. This publication addresses enhancing nuclear security culture within all stakeholder organizations, including operators or competent authorities who regulate or support regulated entities.³ The operator has the primary responsibility for implementing nuclear security measures for nuclear and other radioactive material, and associated facilities and associated activities. These responsibilities are overseen and supported by various competent authorities, such as regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies, who need a robust nuclear security culture to function effectively. This publication is also intended for any stakeholders whose only involvement with regulated facilities or activities is through their authorized access to sensitive information about such facilities or activities.
1.9. Section 2 highlights the roles, responsibilities and activities of those involved in a nuclear security culture enhancement programme. Section 3 describes the key elements of such a programme. The annexes provide detailed examples and information on nuclear security culture. Annex I provides examples of how the attitudes and behaviour of personnel impact the overall effectiveness of nuclear security. Annex II provides a matrix of nuclear security culture indicators and examples of activities that can be undertaken to enhance nuclear security culture. Annex III describes the training that personnel, and specifically managers, can take to enhance nuclear security culture. Annex IV provides a sample nuclear security culture code of conduct. Annex V provides a completed action plan sample. Annex VI summarizes how nuclear security culture can evolve.
2.1. Fundamental Principle F of the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material [5], on security culture, requires all organizations involved in implementing physical protection to give due priority to nuclear security culture.
2.2. In addition, Essential Element 12 of the IAEA Nuclear Security Fundamentals [4] states:
"A nuclear security regime ensures that each competent authority and authorized person and other organizations with nuclear security responsibilities contribute to the sustainability of the regime by: …Developing, fostering and maintaining a robust nuclear security culture".
2.3. An effective nuclear security culture contributes to the ability of personnel to effectively mitigate potential threats to nuclear and other radioactive material and associated facilities and activities. Moreover, an effective nuclear security culture instils attitudes and behaviour that result in personnel adopting a more rigorous and prudent approach to their nuclear security responsibilities. It can also increase vigilance and increase correct reactions to abnormal and unexpected situations. Within organizations that have a strong nuclear security culture, the increased level of vigilance and professional adherence by all personnel to good nuclear security practices should lead to personnel being less likely to commit a malicious act.
Effective nuclear security culture
2.4. An effective nuclear security culture strengthens nuclear security by encouraging personnel, including managers, to do the