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The Author's Edge
The Author's Edge
The Author's Edge
Ebook176 pages26 minutes

The Author's Edge

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About this ebook

This collection of eighty poems is meant to bring encouragement and inspiration to anyone who has ever thought or dreamed of writing, whether personally or professionally. Writing takes many forms, whether it's a letter, diary, blog, article, story, play, poem, or novel. I will confess my writing leans in favor of fictio

Release dateApr 12, 2022
The Author's Edge

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    The Author's Edge - Marlene Mesot


    This work is dedicated to all my friends and fellow writers who belong to Behind Our Eyes Writers’ Group. Thank you sincerely for your constructive criticism, encouragement and true dedication to our writing craft. May God bless and productive writing.

    Part I (2020)

    My heart overflows with a good theme; I address my verses to the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

    Psalm 45:1

    New American Standard Bible


    by Lynda McKinney Lambert

    Marlene Mesot’s readers will connect with her newest collection of forty poems from the opening quatrain of her first poem, The Author’s Edge.

    It is not a surprise that the format of this collection is well–organized and has a clear focus because Mesot’s academic background includes a bachelor’s degree in education and a MA degree in Library and Information Studies. Beneath the title at the top of each poem, she includes the name of the form for that particular poem. The poems cover various formats, such as quatrain, quintet, couplet, limerick, and more. Because the poet provides the additional information, it gives the reader insight that is usually not available in a book of poetry. It also gives the author an educational edge at the same time as it connects with the reader.

    Mesot clarifies her intention that her verses are a gift to the King, as she quotes from Psalm 45.1.

    The opening poem is The Author’s Edge, and she introduces the poet’s concept as a crafter who works with body and mind simultaneously.

    Craftsmanship in the arts is a recurring theme that appears consistently.

    This poem reminded me of Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, writer, architect, and poet, Michelangelo. As a sculptor who influenced the development of Western art, he described his search for the unseen forms inside the marble blocks.

    She writes,

    Only the crafter sees the stages it takes

    As it forms into work worth its keep…

    Elements are combined in a cohesive state.

    To make it memorable…

    Several poems address weaving. From the beginning to the end of this collection of poetry, Mesot seems to be weaving ideas and actions:

    Plot is the thread pulling the

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