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Empath and Narcissist: A Practical Guide to Understand the Nature of Empathy and Narcissism, Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires and Sociopaths and Heal from Narcissistic Relationships
Empath and Narcissist: A Practical Guide to Understand the Nature of Empathy and Narcissism, Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires and Sociopaths and Heal from Narcissistic Relationships
Empath and Narcissist: A Practical Guide to Understand the Nature of Empathy and Narcissism, Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires and Sociopaths and Heal from Narcissistic Relationships
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Empath and Narcissist: A Practical Guide to Understand the Nature of Empathy and Narcissism, Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires and Sociopaths and Heal from Narcissistic Relationships

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About this ebook

Do you feel like life is weighing you down all the time and you don't know why?

Do you feel like you're constantly getting caught up in abusive relationships and you don't know why?

Do you feel like everything is going wrong in your life?

This book is going to answer all of your questions. Being an empath isn't a clear-cut road, it is a broad term with many meanings and there are many different aspects to it.


So, you might be an empath or you might display a high amount of empathy, either way, you probably share the same symptoms a true empath has and this book is designed to help you overcome life's harshest critics and challenges.


You will find out which type of empath you are and how to rebalance your life and regain the control you've been looking for. Being an empath is a gift and not a curse, it's a special ability that allows you to help others in a way that most don't know how.


You will finally be able to understand the nature of empaths and narcissists backed by science and how to avoid the dreaded narcissist that leeches off of your kind-hearted spirit. Even empaths have a breaking point if you push them too far.


Empaths and narcissists together are like a revolving cycle that is constantly feeding one another due to the behavior that both of these types of people are expressing to each other. The only way to stop the cycle of abuse between the narcissist and the empath is for the empath to change their behavior towards the narcissist.


It can be difficult to identify a person with a narcissistic personality disorder. This is why I have compiled this book to help you find the key signs you might be looking for and observe them in the potential narcissist. Additional to that, I will help you dive deep into the mind of a narcissist and that of an empath and why these two personalities are attracted to each other.



You may be wondering why you are attracting so many narcissists into your life and feeling as though there is something wrong with you. But I assure you this isn't the case.


So are you ready to change your life for the better and leave the narcissist behind and start a new refreshed life?

Scroll up and hit the buy now button!

PublisherMia Warren
Release dateFeb 8, 2022
Empath and Narcissist: A Practical Guide to Understand the Nature of Empathy and Narcissism, Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires and Sociopaths and Heal from Narcissistic Relationships

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    Empath and Narcissist - Mia Warren



    Do you feel like life is weighing you down all the time and you don’t know why?

    Do you feel like you’re constantly getting caught up in abusive relationships and you don’t know why?

    Do you feel like everything is going wrong in your life?

    Well, this book is going to answer all of your questions. Being an empath isn’t a clear-cut road, it is a broad term with many meanings and there are many different aspects to it. So, you might be an empath or you might display a high amount of empathy, either way, you probably share the same symptoms a true empath has and this book is designed to help you overcome life’s harshest critics and challenges.

    You will find out which type of empath you are and how to rebalance your life and regain the control you’ve been looking for. Being an empath is a gift and not a curse, it’s a special ability that allows you to help others in a way that most don’t know how.

    You will finally be able to understand the nature of empaths and narcissists backed by science and how to avoid the dreaded narcissist that leeches off of your kind-hearted spirit. Even empaths have a breaking point if you push them too far.

    Empaths and narcissists together are like a revolving cycle that is constantly feeding one another due to the behavior that both of these types of people are expressing to each other. The only way to stop the cycle of abuse between the narcissist and the empath is for the empath to change their behavior towards the narcissist.

    It can be difficult to identify a person with a narcissistic personality disorder. This is why I have compiled this book to help you find the key signs you might be looking for and observe them in the potential narcissist. Additional to that, I will help you dive deep into the mind of a narcissist and that of an empath and why these two personalities are attracted to each other. This book is made to empower people to leave toxic relationships and find love within themselves.

    Narcissists are drawn to empaths for the fact that narcissists either don’t have or choose not to have empathy in certain situations, and they are resentful of the fact that empaths are, and they try to manipulate their kind heart by playing with it to their own advantage. Unfortunately, it is very rare for a narcissist to be able to change their personality. Around 50 percent of our personality is made up of our genes and the rest by our upbringing and day-to-day life experiences. These are all the things that shape us, and it can be almost impossible for a narcissist to change the fundamentals of his personality that lead to narcissism.

    You may be wondering why you are attracting so many narcissists into your life and feeling as though there is something wrong with you. But I assure you this isn’t the case.

    So are you ready to change your life for the better and leave the narcissist behind and start a new refreshed life?

    Chapter 1

    The science behind empathy and types of empathy


    Having empathy is so much more complex than sympathizing with someone and putting yourself in their shoes. There are scientific explanations on why empaths are the way they are; this is to help you understand more about empathy and its role in your life.

    The science behind empathic people is not yet developed. It's still in the early stages of research, but factors of the brain and your environment contribute to being empathetic. To figure out how to use your empathy in your favor instead of it working against you, you must first understand what empathy is. A person who is empathic but not overly influenced by the emotions or lack of feeling for others is the number one most effective way of influencing others and being in control of oneself.

    When we are born, we don't learn how to imitate; we do it naturally. It's part of how we are designed. We use it to learn and adapt to our environment, and it plays a significant role in empathy because we understand how another person feels through compassion and empathy. Studies show that people who regularly imitate each other during conversation are more likely to be empaths.

    Empathy is all around us. Without empathy, society wouldn't be able to function the way it is now, and there would be no jobs and no relationships. Being empathetic is being able to relate to and understand others. There is a specific group of brain cells responsible for sympathy; they are called mirror neurons because they mirror the emotions of others. Whether it's anger, sadness, or laughter, it is believed that empaths have hypersensitive mirror neurons and are even more susceptible to other people's emotions than people with normal functioning neurons. Therefore makes an empath even more vulnerable to narcissists because this empathic ability can be used against you and twisted into your manipulation by them. Empathy is a subject that scientists do not fully understand; this is why you will see many aspects of the empathic brain, and several things can contribute to its functioning.

    Electromagnetic fields in our modern lives have a significant impact on empaths, from exposure to this energy from mobile phones to artificial lighting contributes to our state of well-being. They are also within us. Your heart and mind are linked together; they both have neurons that generate electromagnetic signals that affect everything around you. Research shows that positive thoughts and intentions increase heart rate, thus correlating with expanded emotional states of mind. When two people exchange information, an electromagnetic field around them is formed, which helps progress their relationship. Every positive word that is spoken or gesture contributes to social cohesion, which builds trust and compassion among a group of people. Every time we appear into the world as positive people, we help develop social cohesion around our community and family. We contribute to the world's magnetic field with our energetic footprint.

    Neuroscientists have researched the phenomena of emotional contagion, and they have found that when empaths pick up on the emotions of people around them, they have an emotional response. Since emotional contagion is a natural and biological process, we have no control over it. It is subconscious, making it impossible to pick and choose what we receive. But that limitation doesn't mean we have to suffer. Instead, we can influence what we receive by giving positivity to others.

    To help minimize the effects of emotional contagion on your psyche, you can:

    ›  Limit your interactions with negative people

    ›  If that's not possible, then breathe deep when you're around them

    ›  Be wary of your tendency to mirror others

    ›  Limit the conversation to small talk

    Dopamine has a significant role in introverted empaths because they need less dopamine, a neurotransmitter, to be content and fulfilled. That is why they are happy to spend time alone and read books or run errands instead of extroverts, who get dopamine from participating in social gatherings like parties or events.

    Everyday life can be challenging for empaths because they are different, and most are highly sensitive people (also known as HSP) and enjoy the quiet and nature, making it hard for them to fit in. HSP’s are introverts; although some can be extroverts, most are introverted, and people with spiritual and intuitive empathy aren’t usually HSP’s. On the empathic spectrum, empaths are at the very end, HSP’s are a bit further in, and people with a high amount of empathy but are not highly sensitive are in the middle, and people with empathic deficiency disorders, psychopaths/sociopaths, and narcissists are at the opposite end.

    Empaths are quite sensitive and can easily hurt their feelings if you upset them. But are also very forgiving and don't turn their backs easily on people. This makes them appear weak to others, and they can be easily taken advantage of and can make them to be the targets of narcissists who prey on this perceived weakness. Narcissists struggle with the absence of empathy, and they gravitate to empaths because they are caring and can provide

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