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Fruit and Vegetables as Medicine
Fruit and Vegetables as Medicine
Fruit and Vegetables as Medicine
Ebook479 pages3 hours

Fruit and Vegetables as Medicine

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About this ebook

Since my first printing of Fruit and Vegetables as Medicine literally thousands of consumers have used the information to assist with their wellbeing recovery. The healing benefits associated with these
foods are astounding and impress people with just how good they feel when they start using Fruit and Vegetables as Medicines. There is mor

Release dateJan 15, 2016
Fruit and Vegetables as Medicine

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    Fruit and Vegetables as Medicine - Sandi Rogers

    First Published in Australia 1997

    Second Edition 2000 15 reprints to 2014

    Third edition and upgraded 2015

    Copyright © 2016 SANDRA B. ROGERS All rights reserved

    The information contained in this text is presented as information only, it should not take the place of professional advice. Always consult your wholistically trained health care practitioner.

    It is important to also note, that depending on the condition being treated, it may be necessary to use the treatments recommended in conjunction with other medications, as prescribed by your medical practitioner. In this instance you must ascertain the safety of combining foods and pharmaceutical drugs as there maybe an adverse interaction.

    The eclectic practitioner will blend treatments that are for you, the person, and not treat a condition. This text is offered as a ready reference for the management of common conditions but not to take the place of a professional consultation.

    Countless numbers of people take short cuts and purchase products over the counter thinking they are saving money, yet fail to see they may be spending money on product that is not useful and in fact the only thing that will occur is to make them poorer and develop a very expensive urine.

    In this day and age with the plethora of information on the internet, many people self-diagnose and often get it quite wrong. Please find a qualified practitioner who you feel comfortable with and work as a team.

    By consulting with a natural medicine consultant you can be assured about safety and receiving the best advice and support, working as a team to achieve your goals.

    Phone: 0411047821

    Email: [email protected]


    Correspondence to: Dr Sandi Rogers

    8/32 Ereton Drive, Arundel, QLD, 4214

    Sandi Rogers Publishing

    National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication

    Creator: Rogers, Dr Sandi,

    Title: Fruit and Vegetables as Medicine / Sandi Roberts; illustrated by Laila Savolainen.

    ISBN: 9780992569754 (paperback)

    ISBN: 9780992569761 (ebook)

    Subjects:      Fruit—Therapeutic use.

                        Vegetables—Therapeutic use.

    Dewey Number: 615.321

    Book Cover Design:     Pickawoowoo, Laila Savolainen

    Interior Design:            Pickawoowoo Publishing Group

    Printed & Channel Distribution

    Lightning Source | Ingram (USA/UK/EUROPE/AUS)

    Dr Sandi Rogers ED.D., N.D

    Sandi is a qualified Educator, Naturopath, Herbalist, Reflexognosist and Public Speaker who draws audiences Internationally. She calls on her experience from running two clinics in Melbourne, Victoria for more than three decades. She now consults on the Gold Coast, Queensland.

    She maintains her position as CEO of the National College of Traditional Medicine, respected interstate and international lecturer, public speaker and published author, to deliver this dynamic, exciting updated book.


    Anne Wassnig

    Since beginning her career in education Anne has had several publications. She has written education material for the RSPCA, Melbourne Water, and a children’s activity book for Healesville Sanctuary. Anne has also written a patient’s memoirs for a hospice in Melbourne, and is currently writing for a practitioner of natural therapies.

    When beginning this project both Sandi and Anne began by identifying and clarifying the objectives of this book. Through discussion and collaboration, they decided on a format that would provide immediate, easily accessible information regarding fruit and vegetables as medicine. They wanted the reader to be able to gain as little or as much information as they needed or wanted.

    Anne then set out to collate and present all the research, provided by Sandi, with the agreed upon format, and in a way that would achieve the objectives. Anne is confident that you will be as happy as she with this book.


    I would like to acknowledge all my students and clients who have taught and inspired me so much. I am the student of students, and their input is invaluable to me to assist with my quest for lifelong learning.

    Additionally I would like to thank my life partner Ronny for her love, support and stability to guide me through my travels.

    To my parents who instilled in me that anything is possible and to my wonderful sister Helen and brother John who are the cream of the crop when it comes to siblings.

    To Polly who is with me always.

    Dr Sandi Rogers ED.D., N.D


    I dedicate my efforts to my mother who taught me not to be afraid to be myself and urged me to explore my potential.

    ‘Thank you to Roland, Matthew and Sarah for their love, encouragement and support.’

    Anne Wassnig B.Ed.

    ‘Respectable mainstream groups-including the National Cancer Institute and the New York Academy of Science-agree that nutrition can play a vital role in the prevention, treatment, and cure of a wide variety of ailments.’

    Earl Mindell, R. Ph. D

    ‘If carrots were used more extensively as a vegetable, they would prove of great benefit to mankind.’

    Jethro Kloss Author Back to Eden


    Today we are witnessing a great transition in nutritional thinking. The fast foods, with highly processed applications and preservatives, are now being seen to be what they really are, hollow empty substances with little or no nutritional value.

    For centuries, food in its most natural state, has been referred to as being the cellular activist for our anatomy. Regeneration takes place with the aid of the foods we consume. This food must in itself live in order for this action to take place. Therefore, fresh foods that have not been processed are the best for our overall health.

    The processing of foods diminishes the healing power. Fresh fruits and vegetables give us an opportunity to reach peak wellbeing as well as assisting in the treatment of many common ailments that will present in daily life.

    This text offers the reader an opportunity to use the powerful healing properties found in fruits and vegetables for both the prevention and treatment, of common ailments.

    In clinical practice I see common conditions that could be assisted with specific fruit and vegetables being introduced as medicines, to the client’s diet.

    ‘The cost factor is kept to a minimum with this type of treatment and the safety factor is unsurpassed in the realm of medicine. The healing ability and the powerful components found in these foods, is a wonderful study of natural medicines made available via nature.’

    Dr Sandi Rogers ED.D., N.D

    How To Use The Book

    This book is intended to be an easy reference for the use of fruits and vegetables in the treatment of and assistance with, common ailments. It is not intended that you try all the treatments suggested for each ailment. Choose those best suited to you or your client. Availability of some fruits and vegetables may be seasonal, however, as many alternatives are offered using a fresh product will not be a problem.

    The information contained in this text is presented as information only. It should not take the place of professional advice. Always consult your wholistically trained health care practitioner.

    It is important to also note that depending on the condition being treated, it may be necessary to use the treatments recommended in conjunction with other medications, as prescribed by your medical practitioner, or wholistically trained natural therapist. Fruit and vegetables will offer many solutions to aid your wellbeing recovery.

    The format of the book is very easy to follow and you may seek either as little or as much information as you need, or want, regarding which fruit and/or vegetable to use for a particular ailment and why it is the recommended treatment.

    In this edition several products have been added, some not fruit and vegetables, however these products are useful. I can testify to their efficacy as they have been trialled in clinic by literally thousands of people, proving fruits and vegetables are truly a wonderful medicine.

    The Format Of The Book


    This section contains a series of common ailments, listed in alphabetical order for easy reference.

    You simply look up the ailment you are wishing to treat and either one, or a number of suggested treatments, will be listed. Any recipes you may need will be referenced and easy to locate in Section Two.


    This section of the book contains a list of all the fruits and vegetables referred to in Section One. All fruits and vegetables are listed in alphabetical order for easy reference.

    The information about each fruit and vegetable listed contains:

    General information regarding each fruit and vegetable. It should be noted that this text focuses on the major constituents found within each fruit and vegetable and not every constituent is listed.

    The key minerals, vitamins, acids and other nutrients each food contains.

    Any recipes, specific cooking methods and instructions for any specific preparations, that might be suggested in Section One.


    This section addresses all the nutritional elements referred to in Section Two, alphabetically listed, under the headings Minerals, Vitamins, Acids and Other Nutrients.

    Information is provided regarding the action of each element and its healing effects on the body.


    This section alphabetically lists all the herbal teas recommended in the treatment of various ailments in Section One. The information provides instructions as to where each tea can be purchased or alternatively, if you have to prepare it yourself, the recipe is provided.


    This section has alphabetically listed all the oil treatments referred to in Section One. A brief outline is given explaining the healing properties of each oil, which oil combinations are the most effective when treating specific conditions, and details of either where to purchase each oil, or how to prepare it yourself: whilst it is acknowledged that some oils are derived from plants other than fruit or vegetable, it was thought necessary to include them if the treatments suggested were to be as comprehensive as possible.


    This section is a new addition to this update. Juices and smoothies have become very popular and quite trendy, yet most formulas offered are far too complex and phyto-chemically concentrated. It is essential that blends are balanced and in such concentrations not to overwhelm the body.

    It is important to note that everything we consume has to be broken down and assimilated by the body. It is a delicate balance and ‘less is more’ should be considered when combining fruit, vegetables and grains.

    Table of Contents




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