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New Worlds : Stories and Tales to Astound
New Worlds : Stories and Tales to Astound
New Worlds : Stories and Tales to Astound
Ebook217 pages3 hours

New Worlds : Stories and Tales to Astound

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Wandering, looking for a new world to explore? New characters to meet? New evils to hate, new loves to melt into?

Look no further, friend.

Welcome to New Worlds, a collection of short stories and novel samples from Amazon and USA Today bestselling author Chris Philbrook.

From zombie apocalypse to hard science fiction, urban fantasy to Lovecraftian gothic horror, Chris' writing surely offers you something to enjoy.
New Worlds features several short stories; The Mother in the Lake (a Lovecraft inspired tale told by a teenage girl about her family, and their lake house), Roots Grown Deep (a dark fantasy story about a tree deep in the woods that hungers for far more than water, and sun), Yerba Mate (an urban fantasy yarn about Goblins with an addiction to caffeine), and Phil's Story (a dark tale about a man working in a gun shop on the day the zombies rise).

New Worlds also has the first five chapters of the military space opera Colony Lost, the Lovecraftian modern horror The Awakening, and the young adult dystopian novel The Phone.

From The Reemergence series, to Adrian's Undead Diary, The Dry Earth, Elmoryn's Kinless Trilogy, to his space opera epic The Ghara Chronicles, fans have been loving, sharing, and celebrating Chris' works for over ten years now.

Release dateJan 24, 2022
New Worlds : Stories and Tales to Astound

Chris Philbrook

Chris Philbrook is the creator and author of Adrian’s Undead Diary, The Reemergence, Colony Lost, The Phone, and the fantasy world of Elmoryn. Chris has several years of experience working in game development and editing as well as writing fiction for several major game design companies. He has a business degree as well as a psychology degree. Chris has authored nine novels in the horror/post-apocalyptic series Adrian’s Undead Diary, as well as four urban fantasy novels in The Reemergence series, and three dark fantasy novels in The Kinless Trilogy. His first science fiction novel; Colony Lost has received stellar reviews.. He has also edited two anthologies, and has had numerous short stories and novellas published in the horror world. Chris calls the wonderful state of New Hampshire his home. He is an avid reader, writer, role player, miniatures game player, video game player, husband, and father to two little girls. To get all the news you can get, subscribe to his email newsletter, or reach out directly to him via the contact system here on the website, or use social media, because that’s what it exists for.

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    New Worlds - Chris Philbrook

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    Welcome to New Worlds

    In 2014 I put together (at great cost) the free eBook; At Least He's Not on Fire. I went wide with that eBook (wide meaning more retailers than just Amazon) specifically so I could have it set to free on Amazon. I wanted potential readers to be able to sample my writing for free, before actually paying for a book.

    It's worth more to me to have you get something for free and be sure you want it, than collect a single book royalty. Call me crazy.

    I still give away over a hundred copies of that eBook each month, just on Amazon, and I think it leads to more sales.

    So here we are, seven years plus later, at least as many books later, and two daughters later. So many new projects and new styles for new readers to try out.

    That's why you're reading New Worlds. It's a collection of short stories written after At Least He's Not on Fire, as well as the first five chapters of three of my new major book ones; Colony Lost, The Awakening, and The Phone (written as W.J. Orion.) Each work has a short introduction telling you a little about its original home, and gestation. Pretty cool.

    So please enjoy this sampler if you're new to my work, and I do hope that you find something within that strikes your fancy enough for you to follow through, and buy something full-length I've written for the retail price.

    All the best,

    Chris Philbrook

    Marlow NH, January 2022

    The Darkness of Diggory Finch

    Book One

    The Awakening

    Spring – A year or two after COVID-19

    Entry #1: Might as well make the first thing I write about sad.

    I’m in a bad mood. Most of this will sound like I’m angry, but really, I’m trying to figure out how to grieve; you’ve been warned, future me.

    I just got off the phone with my dad. I haven’t talked to my dad in like... a year? Maybe more. Not for health reasons either. I just... I just don’t like my dad.

    Or my mom, really. Cue the saddest song in the world being played on the smallest violin ever. Woe to Diggory Finch, he with both Mommy AND Daddy issues.

    Your grandmother died, Diggory, he said. Shouldn’t surprise anyone, at her age.

    My dad’s mom. Beatrice Finch.

    Dad didn’t say much about how she died beyond that it was in her sleep. Stroke or heart attack, I guess. Doesn’t matter. I hardly knew her. I don’t really know anything about anyone in my family. Shit, I don’t even know anything about myself.

    We’re all on a journey of self-discovery, my therapist says. I need a new therapist. I don’t particularly care for this one, but she took my insurance and helped me get my prescriptions on short notice after I moved to Boston. Right under the bus she goes.

    I struggle to make friends. Any interaction with me turns the light on that cockroach pretty quick. I’m likable, people usually think I’m funny, but I’m not consistent and I self-sabotage. I had a therapist once explain that if we’re used to all your relationships blowing up on us because of moving over and over as a child, then as an adult we often blow our relationships up intentionally because we have no idea how to manage anything meaningful over an extended period of time.

    Shots fired. Felt pretty called out by that, accurate as it was regarding me.

    I mean, if you like, really connect with your therapist it’s great. I had therapists growing up that were incredible and super helpful, but with us moving all the damned time I wasn’t able to keep any of them for any length of time, so boohoo for me on that account. I’m not a military brat either; my mom and dad just liked fucking moving all the time.

    Ten times before high school started, and if it wasn’t for their divorce when I was a freshman, we would’ve moved at least one or two more times. Dad has wanderlust. Gets itchy after a year of parking his ass in the same living room, I think. He’s never admitted to why we moved constantly, but I also didn’t really press him for an answer, and I’ll be damned if I give a shit about having that long a conversation with him now.

    I still wonder if he’s a criminal. Or maybe, just maybe, he was in witness protection and we were being moved by the Feds to protect us. That’s forgivable, if it’s the truth, but dad doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who’d work with the mob. He definitely wouldn’t rat on anyone; he wouldn’t say shit if he had a mouthful. He’d just storm off and marry some other woman to disappoint.

    I’m wounded today, and I really sound unlikeable. Holy shit, I sound like an asshole. I’m glad I opened this fifteenth attempt at starting a diary with a warning to my future self so I can go back and delete it to forget this day ever happened. I do that, delete things to pretend they never happened.

    Cue montage of perfectly good, deserving girlfriends that really liked me and wanted a serious relationship that would’ve inevitably improved my lot in life. I miss some of them, still.

    I need a black and white to do a drive by on that 187.

    There’s an inheritance. She left everything in that damned town to you, he said, then laughed. Sounded like relief to me.

    Why did she leave him out of the inheritance? I’ll even go a step further and take a wild stab in the dark to say that he sounded sad that he had to tell me I was getting what should’ve been his — which, apparently, is no little thing.

    The old Finch family home and the old mill building back in Twin Falls, where the Finch family originates. I’ve only been there a few times to visit Grandma on holidays here and there, and I recall it being a nice but small town. Well, two towns, actually. Right on the border of New Hampshire and Vermont, straddling the river, one town on each side that the locals just collectively call Twin Falls. There are two waterfalls, one on each side of the river, and each town is Something Falls.

    Danforth Falls, Vermont and Warren Falls, New Hampshire. Thank you, Google.

    Total approximate population 14k, most on the Vermont side for no discernible reason. Guess people like paying state income taxes in that region of the world.

    Sigh. What’s one more move?

    I mean... free house on an island, right? I did mention the house and the old brick mill building was on an island in the river, right? Water on both sides... aging but well-maintained Victorian semi-mansion... large old factory building to wallow the endless nights away listening to emo music and playing games online?

    Too good to be true if the internet there is half decent. I wonder if the town has a game store? If I can get my D&D books, miniatures, and cards locally... holy shit, that’d be heaven on earth. And if the internet is good, and if there is a local game store, I’d be stupid to stay here with three roommates in Allston, working a third shift site security gig in Boston for subsistence wages.

    Plus, Dad said there was an old trust fund set up that covered the expenses on the house and mill building, so... I’d only need to get a reasonable job to make ends meet, and I can do reasonable things. I went to college for criminal justice with an English minor. I can do lots of things that are reasonable.

    I must confess: I didn’t know my grandmother well enough to cry over her death. I remember she was really nice to me and was always happy to see me, but I haven’t actually laid eyes on her since middle school, and that was twenty years ago. I feel sadness that she’s gone, but it’s out measured by far by the simmering resentment I feel over just hearing my dad’s voice. The coals of that fire might never burn out, and let’s be honest... how I feel about my dad keeps me warm at night. How I feel about my mom runs a close second, but whatever, I’m riding a momentary manic high over the idea that I might be getting a free house and warehouse soon.

    Sorry, Grandma. You are more than just an inheritance, and I know better. My parents did try to instill values in me, though their execution was suspect. I will go to your funeral and I will cry because I know that when I’m in the moment, this... fucking mask I wear to blend in with the real world will fall off and I’ll let the real Diggory Finch see some sunlight before scurrying back into the anxiety I drape myself with.

    Okay. Enough. Sad sack nonsense.

    You know, for some reason, this fifteenth attempt at keeping a journal might stick for a while. This feels different to me. Maybe it’s the higher dose of Ritalin, maybe it’s Maybelline. Doesn’t matter, but I’m gonna try and write more like this.

    But, it’s time for me to sign off. My guild has a raid tonight online, and the best friend I’ve ever had is a guildie. His screen name is NATSEL187, and he lives in the Midwest near Omaha, Nebraska. We met years ago playing Horde on World of Warcraft but migrated over to this indie MMO called Elmoryn, and they just released the first expansion, The Amaranth Empire. It’s a nation governed by necromancers in the frozen wastes of the north, filled with undead, and there’s like, six new raids. Scuttlebutt on Reddit since midnight is that one of the raids in the Snake Mountains drops actual Amaranth Flowers, which you can decoct into a potion that increases one of your Core Traits ™ by one, and that’s the first time they’ve done that.

    I’m gonna play my Warrior/Necromancer character, Kintarr Tenwell. I can level him up to the new level cap, and then switch over to my new Artificer and level him up some after. Fun game. I’m excited to bullshit with Natty. He’s got a brutal Archer build running right now. If Natty winds up being busy, I can grab one of my other guildies. I love playing with Xander or Mordeth Dolan. Both of them can tank for me. Plus they’re fun to chat with.

    If you couldn’t tell what I get amped over before that side quest of a tangent, you sure can now.

    Future me, I’ll see you in a day or two. Dad said I need to get in touch with some lawyer in Twin Falls that’s handling all of grandma’s affairs. He definitely sounded relieved over that, but he’s avoided doing the tough stuff for a long time. Fuck him.

    I’m gonna call my boss and put in for bereavement time. I hope they can find someone to cover my shifts.

    I can handle this. This is a sad thing, but a good thing for me.

    -Diggory, but the cool kids call me Diggs

    Entry #2: Holy crap, this is actually happening.

    I just slipped my gaming headset on, queued up a slamming EDM playlist, sat down at my desk in my bedroom here in the basement, and now I’m gonna type like it’s 1999 (fervently, then printing everything to have a hardcopy before Y2K hits). I’m tired.

    I have three roommates here in Allston. They are all stereotypes. It’s a joke how much they’re jokes. Also, me too. I rarely let criticism out that hasn’t stopped and lifted a leg right over me. Let’s break my roommates down before they depart my life, or rather, as I theirs:

    Jinhai, or Just Jin, as he prefers. I don’t actually know his last name, but in my experience every white person interacting with him calls him Justin, which he just rolls with. He hasn’t said his last name much and he’s rarely around for me to clarify. He’s here in the states on a college visa from Shanghai, attending Boston College for medicine. He’s about to enter residency, I think. He’s gonna be a doctor back in China and comes from wealth. Just Jin could be in his own place, parking his tricked-out Acura wherever he likes, but instead, he’s slumming it with us in a four-bedroom basement apartment near the green line.

    Chad Permahigh Reckinghouse. Yes, his last name is actually Reckinghouse. He’s an ex-football player who dead-ended when he blew out a knee in a game versus Notre Dame several years back. He now works for a custom book binder in production, making good enough money to keep all of us in THC (legal or otherwise). He’s nice, but there’s so much resentment inside him. He lost his golden ticket and every Sunday for half the year he gets to see the kids who didn’t lose their golden tickets play games in the chocolate factory he should be playing in. I’ll actually miss him.

    Ariel Lightwalker Smith. Ariel is in transition and has become quite a celebrity in the local cosplay scene, which is no mean feat. He has a crushing Link costume and has like, ten thousand followers on Instagram and a hundred thousand followers on TikTok. It’s crazy. He bounces around the apartment here, high as fuck on life, or cocaine, or whatever, taking videos of himself while dancing to shit in costume, and somehow makes like, fifty grand a year off social media and convention appearances.

    After I move, assuming I don’t hate Twin Falls the way my dad seems to, I’ll never see them again, and that’s kinda sad. They’re the best roommates I’ve ever had. They tolerate my weirdness and understand that when I’m playing on my computer or painting miniatures I don’t exist. I am on a different plane of existence that only snack foods, coffee, and Mountain Dew can cross the barrier of.

    And I’m definitely moving. I talked to my grandma’s lawyer (an old dude named Charles Warren, as in Warren Falls, who reps the trust fund my family... owns?) yesterday, and he explained a lot of the broad strokes to me about what’s happening. Let’s bullet point ‘dem bitches, future me:

    Beatrice Finch will have her funeral tomorrow afternoon in Twin Falls. Her services will be at Trinity Church in Danforth Falls on the Vermont side. She’s going in the ground right on the little island the family owns, in the tiny graveyard that’s behind the house. Yes, that’s creepy as fuck, but Ye Olde New Englande does as Ye Olde New Englande does.

    After the funeral, Chuck Warren (my new lawyer, I guess) wants to sit down in the kitchen of the house that’s going to be mine and sign all the paperwork to make everything actually mine. He also wants to go over details of how things will work.

    I asked him how much money there was, trying hard to not sound like a money-grubbing rectum-ferret, and his response was, As long as you get a reasonable part-time job and live a modest life, you’ll never worry for much.

    That doesn’t tell me anything, but it sounds good. I’m REAL good at getting part-time jobs. I do wonder what’s available in small town rural New England, though. I don’t really want to bag groceries twenty hours a week. Plus, I need healthcare.

    I’m gonna stay there in the house for a couple days, check things out, scope out the town, then come back here to finish packing up. I’m leaving stuff for my roommates since I don’t think I’ll need all my shit. Grandma had a whole-ass house of stuff I can use, and it’s guaranteed to be better than my Ikea/Facebook marketplace décor. Maybe not. I can pick and choose; as long as I can fit it in my Camry or a U-Haul. I can’t afford a U-Haul right now. Hm. Sounds like a Chuck Warren problem.

    I think that’s the broad strokes.

    I’m tired, I think I said that already. I’m too lazy to scroll up to check though; I just got home from an overnight shift pulling site security for some electricians installing wiring in the ceiling of an office building with a cool view of Boston Commons. I read two books sitting in the hallway as they blasted AC/DC and swore like sailors at the ‘fucking assholes’ who did the work prior to them. While distracting, it sure was entertaining. I did get a little pissed at them when they went on a tangent, making fun of an evening shift

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