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Manipulation: Cutting the Strings of Control
Manipulation: Cutting the Strings of Control
Manipulation: Cutting the Strings of Control
Ebook104 pages57 minutes

Manipulation: Cutting the Strings of Control

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Manipulation is the number one guilt game played by narcissistic, controlling people. This means manipulative and controlling people try to make you feel guilty to get their own way, regardless of what's good for you. They'll accuse you of insensitivity or disloyalty or a lack of Christian kindness, in order to pressure you into giving your time, your money, or even yourself into doing what they want—even though you are not being led by the Lord to do so. In this mini-book on manipulation, you will learn what tactics are used by controlling people, why you have been manipulated, and how to stop being manipulated. In other words, this Hope for the Heart mini-book, Manipulation, gives Christians the confidence to say no to people so they can say yes to God.

Did you know that there are several verbal and non-verbal types of manipulation? Spiritual manipulation is not often talked about, but very present in the Bible, and is very common today. Learn all 16 types of manipulation, and how manipulators use words, seductive gestures, power, and spite to get what they want.

In the section titled, "Steps to Solution," June Hunt gives you practical advice on:
  • The first 4 steps away from manipulation
  • How to discover your own manipulative maneuvers
  • 9 ways to say "No" to manipulators
  • How to answer common questions on manipulation
  • And much more

To stop being manipulated, you must sometimes say no to people so you can say yes to God. Manipulative traits are often passed on from generation to generation, but you have the power to stop the abuse and start the healing. Manipulation and deceit started all the way back in the Garden of Eden when Satan convinced Adam and Eve to sin. The root cause is our own selfish desires, but they can be stopped with God's help, and you can walk once again on the path to wholeness.

This mini-book is a quick overview and is easy-to-understand. It focuses on the key issues and is perfect for the busy person who needs instant advice.
Release dateFeb 1, 2022
Manipulation: Cutting the Strings of Control

June Hunt

June Hunt is the founder of Hope for the Heart, a worldwide biblical counseling ministry that provides numerous resources for people seeking help. She hosts a live, two-hour call-in counseling program called Hope in the Night, and is the author of Counseling Through Your Bible Handbook and How to Handle Your Emotions.

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    Book preview

    Manipulation - June Hunt


    Cutting the Strings of Control

    It is handed down from one generation to the next ... to the next ... and to the next. But this family trait has no genetic history of big ears or blue eyes—no DNA of fair skin or brown freckles. This is something behavioral, something willful, something bad, called manipulation.

    This behavior—found in men and women alike—can also be called a character flaw. In fact, this pattern of conniving and cover-up periodically appears throughout the entire human family, even in the least likely family line: the patriarchs of the Bible—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as well as in Jacob’s sons and their descendants. Each of these men, and their wives, manipulated people and circumstances in an attempt to dictate their own destinies or to circumvent some assumed negative consequences.

    It’s clear—sometimes the faith of the patriarchs faltered and gave way to fear. And too many times the results were grave: dishonor to their name and disgrace to their God. And all because of maniacal manipulation!

    Truly ...

    There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Proverbs 14:12)

    Jagged line


    Abraham’s wife, Sarah, has long been considered to be submissive—however, she can also be seen as subversive.

    In the Bible, she is praised as a woman of inner beauty, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master (1 Peter 3:6). But she tarnished that inner beauty by manipulating circumstances to force God’s promise to Abraham to be fulfilled—in her timing. God had assured Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the sands of the sea. But now the couple is aged; they are still barren. Since Sarah is now well past childbearing years, she proposes a plan to be sure God’s promise is on her calendar!

    Go, sleep with my maidservant; perhaps I can build a family through her (Genesis 16:2).

    Abraham agrees and sleeps with Hagar, who, in turn, births a son named Ishmael, a son through whom the covenant promises were never intended and would never be fulfilled.

    Abraham and Sarah have not yet learned that ...

    The plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. (Psalm 33:11)

    WHAT IS Manipulation?

    She is 65 years old—and stunning.

    Since the life span of the patriarchs was twice that of people today, Sarai is doubtless in her prime, and that poses a serious threat to her husband, Abram (later called Sarah and Abraham, respectively).

    The couple sets off for Egypt to escape a famine, but before setting foot into the foreign land, Abram decides to fabricate a tale, twisting the truth. This first patriarch of the faith fears for his life because if the Egyptians discover he is married to beautiful Sarai, they might kill him in order to take her into Pharaoh’s harem.

    So he twists the truth I know what a beautiful woman you are. ... Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you (Genesis 12:11–13).

    Bottom line: Abram manipulates the facts. Indeed, she is his half sister, but also fully his wife. Thus, rather than trusting God, the cycle of manipulation begins.

    Manipulation is the art of controlling people or circumstances by indirect, unfair, or deceptive means—especially to one’s own advantage.¹

    Manipulation happens to those who allow others to have excessive control over them—the control that God alone should have.

    The Bible is clear about not giving others too much control, too much power, and too much authority. We must not allow another person to take the place only God should have. Instead we should apply the first of the Ten

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