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Christian Marriage Devotional for Couples
Christian Marriage Devotional for Couples
Christian Marriage Devotional for Couples
Ebook195 pages4 hours

Christian Marriage Devotional for Couples

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Strengthen your marriage and reconnect with God with this simple guided system without spending thousands of dollars on a marital counselor

Are you struggling to prioritize your marriage in a world that demands more than ever from your time and attention?


Do you feel like life's daily demands and interruptions are too much to handle as a couple?


You're not alone.


Marriage can feel like a rollercoaster, with ups and downs that you and your partner navigate together. With someone beside you in the passenger seat, the uncertainties that lie ahead are made more manageable.


Yet individual obligations, worries, and fears can make finding time to open up and reconnect with one another and God feel impossible.

In the busy modern world, it's easier than ever to feel stressed, overwhelmed, and disconnected from your spouse.


But it doesn't have to be this way.


Many couples have been where you are and learned how to embrace one another more tightly, love more intensely, and trust more implicitly than ever before.

In fact, just by landing where you are right now, you've already taken the first step down the path to creating a more open and devoted connection.

Setting aside just one hour each week to work through each topic will ensure real progress as you make the conscious decision to dedicate time and energy to build a Christ-centered marriage with your spouse as your family grows.


In Christian Marriage Devotional for Couples, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:

  • 52 weekly studies that provide spiritual insights and practical applications to use in your day-to-day life
  • Unique scripture selections for topics such as handling conflict, discussing finances, and accepting help from one another
  • The secret to maintaining physical intimacy -- and how you can incorporate it naturally into your routine
  • How to find God in the everyday and embrace His decisions, even when they seem impossible to understand
  • Thought provoking discussion questions that will help you assess your own relationship with God and family as you progress through the year
  • Weekly prayers designed to keep you and your spouse actively engaged in your spiritual practices
  • How to overcome unfaithfulness without breaking, even when it feels like it's the last thing you can possibly manage
  • Simple, practical action steps that will guide you on your journey to rediscovering love and joy in your marriage while raising your children with the Word of God

And much more.


No matter what season of life you and your partner find yourselves in, it's never too early or too late to experience more love and fulfillment in your relationship.


From adjusting to life as newlyweds to refocusing on a growing family, you'll find practical guidance and inspiration useful at any stage of marriage.

If you're ready to build a stronger, more intimate Christ-centered marriage, then start reading this book today!

Release dateDec 30, 2021
Christian Marriage Devotional for Couples

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    Book preview

    Christian Marriage Devotional for Couples - Teri Reeves


    In view of all this, we are making a binding agreement, putting it in writing, and our leaders, our Levites and our priests are affixing their seals to it.


    Throughout our lives, we'll make numerous kinds of agreements. They'll range from signing up to bring cupcakes, to taking on a $300,000 mortgage, to pledging ourselves to the one we love. And we'll mean what we say, from the bake sale to the altar, but then come the tests.

    In the above passage, Ezra, the priest, was winding up a lengthy ordeal with the children of Israel. They had broken faith with God by disobeying the covenant He made with Abraham, and turned aside to sinful and neglectful pleasures in ways both big and small, so the nation was suffering the consequences. Now, it was time to vow anew. They sorrowfully repented and took immediate corrective action, pledging to follow the rules, regulations, and observances prescribed by God.

    We see that Ezra and the people of Israel approached their renewal in four ways. They:

    Voiced their intentions.

    Put them into writing.

    Stood in the presence of witnesses.

    And, finally, they sealed their pledge.

    You may notice the similarities between the actions of the Israelites and the progression of events that finalized your marriage. You voiced your love and intentions, signed a marriage license, stood before witnesses to state your vows, then civil authorities affixed their seal.

    In ancient Jewish tradition, a copy of the wedding contract is framed and hung in a prominent place in the home. It enumerates the points of the marital agreement, but also the dire consequences of failure.

    It may seem strange to post a list of your vows and disciplines for breaking them, but doing so would certainly help to keep the Lord and your spouse at the forefront of your mind, every day.

    Plus, in doing this, you will forever cherish the joy, beauty, and excitement of your wedding day. That moment when you said I do will linger in your memory for all time. But, it's still the daily I dos that cause your love to bloom fully, and your vows to come to fruition. The essence of a godly marriage—the happily working at it ever after—lies in this daily renewal.

    As believers in Christ Jesus, you enjoy the same covenantal relationship with God. He gave His promise, kept it throughout the centuries, then renewed it in the person of His Son. His commitment to your eternal good is lavished upon you each day as you walk in the light of His unconditional love.

    You can love as He loves, with Christ as your example. Whether you post your vows, or tuck them away in your hearts, you can offer yourselves anew with the assurance that God is with you.

    Discussion Questions:

    How has God shown His love for you?

    What qualities of Christ do you and your spouse currently exude toward each other?

    What qualities of Christ do you and your partner need to emulate better to love the way Christ loves you?

    Practical Application:

    Read the following verse: Follow God's example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Ephesians 5:1-2 NIV)

    Describe the love Christ has for us. How can you love your spouse in this way?

    Catch each other loving as Christ loves!


    Dear Lord, help me renew my vows of love and commitment to my spouse each and every day. Help me become more like You in my marriage, so that my spouse sees You in me. Amen.


    To answer before listening—that is folly and shame.

    PROVERBS 18:13 NIV

    In the first chapters of Genesis, we encounter the dynamic conversations between God, Adam and Eve. God asks a question, and Adam answers. God asks more questions of Adam and Eve and gets direct responses each time. There's a clear understanding of thoughts, words and deeds.

    However, there's another speaker in chapter three—Satan. His words sought to twist and deceive, to produce confusion and a devastating outcome.

    The conversations between God, Adam and Eve were honest, although sorrowful. The exchange between Satan and Eve was full of half-truths and misunderstandings, which ushered in the fall of humanity.

    Today's passage speaks of answering before hearing or listening. In the example of Genesis, we see that God listened. He didn't make assumptions, but instead asked questions, and listened for replies before speaking again. He's our supreme example.

    When you listen to your partner, actively participate. Many times, this means setting aside your devices or stopping to engage in eye contact. If you're unsure of what they’re speaking of, or why they may be using a specific tone, just ask. Jumping to conclusions before your spouse has fully explained themselves can lead to unnecessary arguments. And, when you ask questions, do so to gain an understanding, not to undermine or interrogate the other person.

    Ephesians 4:29 warns against unwholesome talk and encourages us to speak about what helps us build each other up according to the needs of the listener. You can achieve this even when discussing troublesome topics, if you choose words, tones and body language that seek to build instead of overpower or gain the upper hand in the argument.

    Speech that is unwholesome tears down the listener, inviting tears, anger, and resentment. Whereas wholesome speech uplifts and produces peace.

    Stop to consider what is motivating a particular conversation, and whether you truly wish to be understood in the end, or just win an argument. Choose wholesome words to avoid unintended outcomes. Whether you're communicating a need, simply sharing schedules, or planning a date night—communication is vital.

    Philippians 4:8 instructs us to concentrate on thoughts that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. If we make an effort to keep these factors in mind, speech, and practice, then our interactions will be peaceful and productive.

    Think back to the dialogues in Genesis. Desire understanding and truth. Never engage your spouse in order to discourage, take revenge, or deceive.

    Discussion Questions:

    Reflect on the scriptures above. What does God want you to understand about communication? Was there a time when you weren't fully present as your partner tried to communicate with you?

    What are some ways you can increase positive communication with your spouse? How often do you sit down with your spouse to casually speak to each other?

    Practical Application:

    Read James 3:3-5 (NIV): When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.

    Using the metaphors of a horse, ship, and spark, what do you think God is telling us here about the power of our tongue (Crump, 2013)?


    Heavenly Father, please guide the words I use when speaking to my spouse. I pray for improved and more effective communication in our marriage. May Your Holy Spirit guide us to approach and respond to each other with love, grace, and understanding. Amen.


    Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

    JAMES 1:17 NIV

    Many of the gifts we give and receive turn out to be less than perfect, because we, as humans, are imperfect. But, when we receive a gift from God, we can be sure it's a top-of-the-line treasure. As couples united by the Lord, our first treasure rolls over and looks at us each morning. He or she is cherished in the heart, whether or not they look like treasure at 5:00 am! And, since God is a gift-giver by nature, He often cannot stop at just one.

    In other words: here comes the baby!

    Only, this time, rolling over at 5:00 am may turn into a rare occurrence, as your new, little treasure may wake you a few hours earlier, and maybe even several times each night. During this process, all your insecurities may also come up to downplay your joy.

    However, just as your first I do was a beautiful proclamation of love, and you've been figuring it out daily, the we're pregnant can work just the same. No one knows exactly what to expect when uniting with their partner, just as there are unknowns when birthing and raising a child. However, humankind has proven its willingness to embark on both journeys with hopeful mystery. The main thing to remember is that, in giving you a child, God is always adding, never taking away.

    Continue with your couple's devotions and prayer. Sit together and talk, as you always have. Watch your favorite movies still, and pursue fellowship with friends. One of the worst mistakes new parents can make is to isolate themselves due to all the tiredness. True, a newborn will need lots of time and attention—you're all that little guy or gal has to keep them going—but if you split chores, errands, cooking, or picking up take out, neither of you will shoulder the full impact of the

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