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The Abstract and the Concrete
The Abstract and the Concrete
The Abstract and the Concrete
Ebook128 pages1 hour

The Abstract and the Concrete

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About this ebook

Mixing explanation and fun, four-panel comic strips in this book guide readers to understanding and embracing the world in a new light. In a comprehensible manner, it will aid understanding the "abstract" in contrast to the "concrete."

The reader will be guided to a new life path, where they will learn about the concepts behind this new metaphysical mechanism and how to reduce uncertain feelings and acquire hints on how to improve their lives.
Release dateJan 1, 2022
The Abstract and the Concrete

Isao Hosoya

Business consultant and author Isao Hosoya graduated from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, worked for brief a period at Toshiba, and then entered the world of business consulting. After working for Ernst & Young and Capgemini, he became managing director of QUNIE in 2009. Books he has written include the bestselling Jiatama-ryoku wo Kitaeru (Train Your Basic Thinking Skills) and Analogy Shiko (Analogical Thinking) (Toyo Keizai Inc.). His translations include The Trusted Advisor (David Maister, etc., Toyo Keizai Inc.) and Reinventing Professional Services (Ari Kaplan, Akis

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    Book preview

    The Abstract and the Concrete - Isao Hosoya

    The Abstract and the Concrete

    Text © Isao Hosoya 2021

    Art © Ichibyo 2021

    First Published in Japan in 2014 by dZERO Inc.

    ISBN: 978-1-64273-178-1

    No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher. For information contact the publisher. Every effort has been made to accurately present the work presented herein. The publisher and authors regret unintentional inaccuracies or omissions, and do not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the translation in this book. Neither the publishers nor the artists and authors of the information presented in herein shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages.

    Written by Isao Hosoya

    Illustrated by Ichibyo

    English edition edited by Hachidori Inc.

    Book designed by Lamplighters Label

    43-32 22nd Street STE 204 Long Island City New York 11101


    How to Live in an Age of Easy Understanding?

    All around the world, everything moves towards an easy understanding.

    Bookstores display books with titles like Easy to understand..., TV stations have more programs that are easy for everyone to understand, while politicians and business leaders need to clearly explain things.

    This appears to be a universal and one-way irreversible phenomenon, with no going back.

    It is a regular course of events that organizations like a company, for example, were built up by a single designer at the time of its establishment, and will then become democratized and public over time. What is required here is an ease of understanding for everyone. Once established, this condition will not be reversed easily. Putting it bluntly, this situation can only really change when new things (people or mechanisms) take over old things. This manner of becoming democratized over time is not limited to corporate structures, of course.

    Ease of understanding means support by the majority. This is why goods that are easy to understand sell better than those that are difficult to understand. At companies, people doing easy-to-understand things tend to take the upper hand. With elections, candidates who are easy to understand tend to win in most cases.

    In a single structure, an ease of understanding increases in an irreversible manner.

    In a sense, this book goes against that ease of understanding. Making use of four-panel cartoons and illustrations, while limiting the number of characters and pages, the book may appear easy to approach and understand. However, it has a completely different direction from what is referred to as an ease of understanding. Concreteness represents ease of understanding. In books, TV programs and lectures as well as articles on the Internet, concrete and easy-to-understand expressions are called for, while abstract expressions are thoroughly loathed when addressed to many people. What I want to express in this book is the concept of the abstract.

    Why does this book cast doubt upon an ease of understanding or concreteness? The demand for an ease of understanding becomes conspicuous when an organization enters a period of maturity. During such a stage, it becomes very difficult to destructively reset conventional evils, even though continual changes can be made. However, for the very reason that we are in such a period of maturity, it is clear that when compared to the life of man we do need to consider a change in generations to prepare for an upcoming period of decline.

    Needed in such a period is an intellectual ability to handle abstract concepts that will cause discontinuous changes.

    As discussed in this book, it is no exaggeration to say that most human intellect has been established by abstraction. In a period of ease of understanding where concreteness is always emphasized, there is a risk that abstraction will be retrogressed.

    The main purpose of this book is to explain how to deal with the abstract in contrast to the concrete in an easy-to-understand manner. However, this ease of understanding is vastly different from that in the world of the concrete.

    This book has been written mainly for two types of assumed readers.

    The first ones are those readers who want to enhance their ability to think about dealing with such abstract concepts, in addition to improving creative powers and comprehension. The concept of concrete and abstract is considered to be the foundation for school education though not expressly taught in this manner. We are putting it into practice one way or another on a daily basis, yet it is more than likely it is partially performed.

    This book expressly shows such readers the mechanism of a way of thinking they put into practice is based, while presenting

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