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Slave: Fulfilling a Prophecy
Slave: Fulfilling a Prophecy
Slave: Fulfilling a Prophecy
Ebook48 pages26 minutes

Slave: Fulfilling a Prophecy

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About this ebook

This book describes a slave's journey from the deepest state of poverty to the fulfillment of a prophecy, a destiny that he himself foresees when he states in his thoughts: “I feel peaceful when I look at the sky, as if I am being embraced in the tranquility of the universe.”

How does he respond to the temptations set in hi

Release dateSep 12, 2019
Slave: Fulfilling a Prophecy

Rowan Knight

Biography ??Rowan Knight (pseudonym) is an author of psychological thrillers, fantasy novels and poetry. His books describe relationships with characters that are usually narcissistic, psychopathic or sociopathic. His stories are particularly known for the unpredictable twists and unexpected endings presented. His books have been featured on the Best Selling Lists of Amazon, Kobo and Apple.Biografia ??Rowan Knight (pseudônimo) é um autor de thrillers psicológicos, aventuras e poesia. Seus livros descrevem relações com personagens geralmente narcisistas, psicopatas ou sociopatas. Suas histórias são particularmente conhecidas pelas reviravoltas imprevisíveis e finais inesperados apresentados. Seus livros foram classificados nas listas de mais vendidos da Amazon, Kobo e Apple.

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    Book preview

    Slave - Rowan Knight

    About the Publisher

    About the 22 Lions Bookstore:


    This book describes a slave's journey from the deepest state of poverty to the fulfillment of a prophecy, a destiny that he himself foresees when he states in his thoughts: I feel peaceful when I look at the sky, as if I am being embraced in the tranquility of the universe.

    How does he respond to the temptations set in his path and all the challenges? With humility and faith in the many strangers he encounters who guide him to his unpredictable end.

    Chapter 1 - Despised

    Idon't remember how my childhood went. All I remember is always feeling hunger, cold and sadness.

    Today the sun rises and sets, but I don't feel the days go by. I feel that it is always night, that day runs fast and that there is no hope or meaning in living.

    However, I look around and see a crowd eager to devour itself. All that hangs in this society seems to be hate, violence and sex.

    Prostitutes abound and this is ironic for marriages that continue to be consummated as a rule.

    It seems that wars serve as an excuse for when sex becomes boring. It is an age of violence and suffering in which we live. And yet, humans don't seem to feel their souls, they don't seem to feel the need for purpose in life.

    I am poor and so is my family. I live in a corner of a square where every day they look at me like I'm not entitled to a heart that beats and asks for food.

    My mother begs every day. Asks for my sisters. For to her I am the devil's son.

    She does not consider me her son and brings me with

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