About this ebook
Your life is all about you, the only you whoever was, is, or will be. To Tell The Truth. . . demonstrates how you can improve your life and create the future at the same time, how you can help resolve global problems simply by returning to the basic
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To Tell The Truth - Fred Fox
A Perspective
Have you ever felt that life could be better? Is yours really all that you want it to be? If your answers are yes and no in that order, here’s your book.
This book is all about you and making your life better. Making it all you want it to be will require some work on your part, but what you read here will give you a running start.
Your task is complicated by a world fraught with problems, some of which are so common that we accept them without even thinking of them as obstacles to a better life. Our attitude toward truth is an example. We tend to be indifferent toward equivocation, duplicity, deceit, even outright lies, often excusing the deceiver out of hand. We even redefine the term to make it better fit the situation. After all, what can you do? It’s normal, just the way things are. Live with it.
The problem is that the malady spreads as people become inured to it. Things get worse. And that’s what’s happened. There’s a general lack of trust in government and wide disagreement about what ought to be done to fix it, and solving the wrong problem(s) can even make matters worse. How bad can it get? We’re witnessing it. And you don’t have to live with it.
To Tell The Truth… isolates the issues, identifies the problems and their causes, and offers a simple, practical, and effective solution that works. Correctly identified, our societal problems are so fundamental that their solutions turn out to be fundamental as well. Going on that assumption, we start with fundamentals: First Principles and the individual…you.
Anything of substance has to be built on a solid foundation, and First Principles provide the foundation for what’s in this book. These basic foundational axioms—knowns, givens, absolutes—can’t be inferred from any other proposition or assumption. They just are—simply, what is—and truth, the principal Principle, provides the backbone of this book.
While our problems are social, their solutions rest with the individual, and that means you. The solution proposed here is systemic; it cannot fail. And if you heed the message of this book, neither can you. Your life will be better. And your life is, really, all about you.
You are the most important person in your life. But who are you, really? Well, who you are is what you do with what you ar e — the gender, race, and distinctive physical makeup you were born with: male, female, colored, white, tall, short, whatever, a totally unique human be ing in the same world with countless other totally unique human beings, each with a brain weighing in the neighborhood of three pounds and the same universal truths to work with. You breathe air and your heart pumps blood. Gravity works as well for you as for anyone else. Your day is the same length. You have feelings and emotions. You can form or quit relationships. Just like everyone else.
But you—the who you are—are not just like everyone else. Who you are is entirely unique to you and what you do with the virtually limitless resources available to you. The fact is that you have within yourself a storehouse of life knowledge courtesy of your three-pound brain that also provides access to the entire wisdom of humanity. Everyone starts with the same resources, but not everyone is aware of them. Those who are aware handle them in their own unique fashion. How you handle them determines who you are.
While you can’t control what you are, you have the power to be who ever you want to be. Just unlock your mind to what’s already there and believe what you already know, and you will become all you can be.
Doing it is straightforward; simply apply the facts of life starting with the principal one—the one that’s been redefined to the point of pointlessness as our society has plunged into the future—truth.
It’s this book’s task to put truth into sharp focus using common knowledge uncommonly dealt with, putting essential issues in an honest perspective. And it’s really quite simple. Just trust in yourself and what is, and you will become all that you really are.
People who study these things tell us that the written word can handle about 30-percent of personal communication. But effective communication requires more. Speaking adds tone, increasing effectiveness another 10-15 percent. But often even that’s not enough to clearly relate exactly what’s meant.
Concepts and feelings are difficult to transmit because we think and, as subjective beings, we each think individually. Also, what one person says may not be what another hears, which may not be what the speaker means.
You’ll notice that we’ve used italics to provide some degree of tone, and bolding to emphasize certain important points in an effort to increase understanding. While this may slow down the reader to some extent, the object of this book is to cause you to think and reflect, and this ought to be a positive feature rather than a negative one. We trust that it will help drive home the important points.
It’s All About You
Vital Relationships And What You Already Know
Do you appreciate how important you are? Well, think about it and you’ll realize that you are the only you who ever was or will be. That makes you special because you, the individual, are the basic building block of humanity. Your reaction to anything that happens will be unique for all time, so everything you do must be special in some way, even if you don’t agree with it, want it, or understand it. Nobody else will ever see through your eyes, or ever have your unique imagination or intuition. Nobody else will ever understand things exactly as you do. Like a snowflake, you’re one-of-a-kind — forever , and what you do will affect others. Forever. That’s power. Why not make it a positive force for humanity and make your own life better at the same time?
Who are you? What are you? Why are you? Well, by asking even these basic questions, you’re already knocking at the door of higher philosophy. We’ll get to that, but for now, we’ll deal with the what of you.
You already know that you’re unique and some part, however large or small, of the big picture.
You can also come up with descriptive verbiage that will help define you in as much detail as you wish. But be careful! Remember that at this point you’re only dealing with yourself. Nobody else, no relationship, no group, counts, so you can’t define yourself in terms of others and especially not in terms of any group of which you may be a part.
But what you are came into this air-breathing world with a surplus of brain cells and sufficient other raw materials to become a significant member of humanity. What you are, including your basic physical and emotional makeup, is really a function of history, a product of the past (but not your past). Whatever you are is what you’ve been given.
You are a piece of the big picture like it or not, so the big picture is not truly complete without you. You make it what it is simply by being, and your particular piece of the puzzle just might be one of the more important parts. That’s why you’re here in the first place. The importance of this statement cannot be over-emphasized. Your importance cannot be overemphasized. So, while you’re here, make it count.
Within the context of mankind, the individual (you) has no limits. You’re connected and unable to sever your fundamental bond with mankind because your freedom, independence and continuance exist totally within its constraints. You also cannot presume to be independent of other individuals; their humanity is their basic bond. Each unique individual is an equally vital and viable entity that cannot be entirely on his own. You are who you are. All you have to do is be who you are.
But one person alone can accomplish only so much, and whatever that might be can’t survive without relationships. It’s just another given that we have to deal with; avoid or in some way relate to others, each as unique as we are. (In fact, we can only complete ourselves in others.)
A final word about the power of one: without one there would be no computers; these run—simply—on the power of one and nothing—zero. Ones and zeroes, that’s it. More about this later. In the meantime, don’t be a zero.
Sooner or later, you’ll connect with another person based on a mutual need, interest or goal, thereby creating a third party, a collective entity, a mutual vitality, the sum of which is greater than its parts. This phenomenon (1 + 1 > 2) is the reason for humanity’s persistent progress.
Our selfs are what make us special, and since your self is nothing less than the source of energy for