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Gold Nuggets from God’s Mine: 366 Daily Devotional
Gold Nuggets from God’s Mine: 366 Daily Devotional
Gold Nuggets from God’s Mine: 366 Daily Devotional
Ebook755 pages8 hours

Gold Nuggets from God’s Mine: 366 Daily Devotional

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About this ebook

Gold Nuggets from God’s Mine is a devotional resource intended for use every day of the year, with an additional devotion for use during a leap year. Gold Nuggets is an extraction of the rich resources and revelation available in God’s Word. The Bible, like a gold mine, contains precious gems that are useful for building strong, successful, and prosperous lives.

In Gold Nuggets from God’s Mine, these precious gems from God’s Word are mined, polished, and provided for daily spiritual nourishing. The author hopes that through the reading of Gold Nuggets, faith will mature and lives will be changed for God’s glory. So, let us begin the exploration of God’s gold mine, and may our lives be enriched with God’s treasure.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 20, 2021
Gold Nuggets from God’s Mine: 366 Daily Devotional

Denise Smith-Lewis

Denise Smith-Lewis invited the Lord Jesus Christ into her life in her teen years. The experience confirmed her identity as God’s daughter. She is Antiguan and Barbudan by birth and grew up in Antigua with her parents and siblings. The home was a place of missions where the hungry were fed and the homeless were brought in for shelter. Denise discovered her passion for service then and has been in the pastoral ministry for twenty-eight years. She has served in her native Antigua and also in St. Kitts. She is a poet, songwriter, and playwright and has often used these gifts for self-expression and as a medium for sharing God’s love. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Theology and a Masters in Family Life Education. She is the wife of Rev. Algernon Lewis and mother of two young men, Yemun and Y’Mahzie Lewis. She remains passionate about serving the Lord and uses any means available to share the gospel.

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    Gold Nuggets from God’s Mine - Denise Smith-Lewis

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-3303-4 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021908747

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/19/2021



    1   I Am Eternally Loved!

    2   God Thinks Good Thoughts!

    3   God’s Resources Are Limitless

    4   Made to Rule

    5   God Can Do It

    6   Rise above Words!

    7   Living Purposefully

    8   Holy Hiding

    9   God Will Appear

    10   Watch Your Mouth!

    11   God Remembers

    12   God Is Calling You

    13   In Search of One

    14   Learn to Love

    15   Confessing Is Right

    16   Good Foundation

    17   Let Your Mouth Speak Good Things

    18   Blessings Follow Obedience

    19   God Stands

    20   When God goes Slowly

    21   God Is For You

    22   What Is Your Position?

    23   God Is Good Refuge

    24   When You Give, You Get

    25   Don’t Compromise on You

    26   Keep Dreaming

    27   God Has Answered

    28   Shepherd All My Life

    29   Stay at It

    30   Command the Morning

    31   All God’s

    32   Mouthguard

    33   Love Does Not Leave

    34   Wait

    35   Quiet Confidence

    36   Pray On

    37   God Is Good

    38   Supernatural Security

    39   Word of Honor

    40   Take Warning

    41   Live

    42   Quite a Spread

    43   Requirements

    44   Put Together

    45   Spirit-Filled

    46   What’s on Your Head?

    47   Let’s Exchange

    48   Still Here

    49   Uninterrupted Power

    50   From Good Stock

    51   Letting Go

    52   Prayer Nonstop

    53   Giving Thanks

    54   Thinking Hard

    55   In Order

    56   Are You Up?

    57   Show Off

    58   Peace Up

    59   Touching Faith

    60   Love Gives

    61   With Us

    62   Down to Raise Me Up

    63   Transfer Is Good

    64   Look Up

    65   No Need to Fear

    66   Blessed People

    67   New Strength

    68   Together We Do It

    69   Lost and Found

    70   New Eyes for Seeing

    71   When You Know

    72   Treat Others Kindly

    73   Melody Speaking

    74   Courage under God

    75   Power Spirit

    76   Safety Deposit Box

    77   Prophesy

    78   He’s Standing with You

    79   Holding a Watch

    80   Ask and Receive

    81   Singing All the Time

    82   Unbreakable Bars

    83   Know Your Season

    84   What’s Your Number Now?

    85   Stop Fretting

    86   Birthing

    87   Change Is Coming

    88   Go Beyond

    89   Avoid Entanglements

    90   Fruit Season

    91   Keep Doing

    92   You Can Only Give What You Have

    93   Bearing His Name

    94   More Blessed

    95   Peace Treaty

    96   Surrounded

    97   He Knows His Own

    98   Look Out

    99   Be on Your Watch

    100   Make Up Your Mind

    101   Seeing through the Darkness

    102   Power of the Word

    103   Pouring Out

    104   He Calls Your Name

    105   You’re Coming Out

    106   A Gentle Reminder

    107   My Rightful Share

    108   Never-Ending Love

    109   Prepare Your House

    110   The Day Is Coming

    111   First Things

    112   Forgiveness Canopy

    113   Moving Out

    114   Build for the Future

    115   Demonstrate Love

    116   Seek and Live

    117   When Waters Roll

    118   Taken

    119   Chosen

    120   Here and Now

    121   Come Away

    122   Keep It In

    123   I’m Listening

    124   What Do You Have?

    125   Use It for Something

    126   As Promised

    127   Don’t Forget

    128   The Way to Pray

    129   Turn Around

    130   For Real

    131   Peace in Christ

    132   The Same-Minded God

    133   Aim to Please

    134   What Do You Keep before You?

    135   When Love Rejoices

    136   Kept

    137   Just Go

    138   Surrounded

    139   Custom-Made

    140   I Love My Neighbor

    141   Knowing and Doing

    142   Who Do You Call Friends?

    143   God Honors My Preference

    144   Today

    145   Do Hear

    146   What’s Your Mindset?

    147   Service without Complaint

    148   Before the Foundations

    149   Trouble Can’t Last

    150   Detected Right Through

    151   Good Suffering

    152   Walk Well

    153   Shine Your Light

    154   Pleasant Things

    155   Safe House

    156   Always Available

    157   Hide It

    158   Just Because

    159   Loving and Lifting

    160   Due Season Coming

    161   Tomorrow’s Worry Canceled

    162   I Am Still Thirsty

    163   Exceeding Grace

    164   Poor Yet Rich

    165   The Need to Pray

    166   Hand Help

    167   Fresh Look

    168   Sure Healing

    169   Speech Matters

    170   No Fear

    171   Two Different Looks

    172   Who Are We Really?

    173   Two Edges

    174   Funny Words

    175   What You Give Is What You Get

    176   Holiness Is a Choice

    177   Tell and Be Healed

    178   Far and Near Peace

    179   By Yourself

    180   You Are Protected

    181   Hear and Heed

    182   Help for the Humble

    183   Never Forgotten

    184   Still, Rejoice

    185   Take Comfort

    186   Firm Focus

    187   Wait in Hope

    188   Power to Witness

    189   Only God Knows

    190   Path Maker

    191   Who Is Your Master?

    192   Take a Rest

    193   Weigh In

    194   Reason to Sing

    195   Bless the Lord

    196   Eyes and Feet

    197   Delight

    198   Consider

    199   For Me He Prays

    200   Go in Peace

    201   It’s Wiped Out

    202   Cleansed

    203   All Is Not Lost

    204   Blessed Dead

    205   Come Quickly

    206   Open Door

    207   Stay in Love

    208   Give Generously

    209   Chains Are Off

    210   Priority

    211   Title of Your Song

    212   Blessed by the Blesser

    213   Fear and Fair

    214   Not Failed, Not Forsaken

    215   Hold Your Hope

    216   Stewards Serve

    217   What Pleases God

    218   Strength in Grace

    219   Water Rock

    220   Release

    221   Being Faithful

    222   Reason to Praise

    223   Reward in Full

    224   Raised from the Heap

    225   Limitless Storehouse

    226   You Have a Mighty One

    227   Judge and All

    228   Who and Do

    229   Love Happy

    230   Now I Am Well

    231   Still Looking

    232   Bad Power

    233   No Harm, Neighbor

    234   Searching for Sheep

    235   Equal Measure

    236   Faith Rest

    237   Full Face

    238   Sovereign Silence

    239   Under God’s Hand

    240   My Assignment Is Worship

    241   Seek to Live

    242   Lighted Lamps

    243   Look for God

    244   Just Call

    245   Awesome God

    246   Blessings Take Over

    247   Glory Facedown

    248   When God Arises

    249   All God

    250   Protected

    251   Easy Blessings

    252   I Shall Not Leave

    253   Corner Covered

    254   Eyes on You

    255   Can-Do God

    256   Ahead of You

    257   Speak On

    258   Come and Listen

    259   Groanings

    260   Touch Not

    261   Don’t Be Afraid

    262   Pay Your Vows

    263   Serve in Your Presence

    264   Sons of God

    265   Peaceful Land

    266   Training

    267   Watch Your Steps

    268   Preferred Status

    269   Fruitful

    270   Friends

    271   Kept Love

    272   Lands Sing

    273   Free Life

    274   My God

    275   Stuck-On Friend

    276   Long Life

    277   Do Good

    278   Strength

    279   Resting

    280   Watched Over

    281   Don’t Start

    282   Joy Gives Strength

    283   By the Roads

    284   God Alone

    285   Sealed Heart

    286   Laughter Is Good Medicine

    287   Dread Warrior

    288   Hope for Zion

    289   Sin Finds Out

    290   The Lord Is

    291   God Knows

    292   Prayer Hearer

    293   Full Understanding

    294   Reward Will Come

    295   Safe Sleep

    296   God’s People

    297   Holy Intercessor

    298   The Lord Knows

    299   God’s Servants

    300   Teach Us to Pray

    301   Public Confession

    302   Holy Talk

    303   Do It Freely

    304   I Am

    305   Better Than Fowls

    306   More Room

    307   Give and Get

    308   Let Go

    309   Lose to Gain

    310   Command Conscious

    311   So Satisfied

    312   When God Is with You

    313   Loosed

    314   Big Wish

    315   Success Plan

    316   Can’t Lose

    317   Chosen Instrument

    318   Faith on Power

    319   More Blessed

    320   Build Your Altar

    321   Joy, Joy

    322   None Other

    323   Boaster

    324   Love’s Desire

    325   When Fear Meets Love

    326   Genuine Love

    327   In Pursuit of Peace

    328   Moved by Our Cry

    329   Dead and Alive

    330   With You

    331   Alive

    332   All Healed

    333   Love Does Not Condemn

    334   Just Do

    335   When Little Is Much

    336   Walk Worthily

    337   Time of Favor

    338   Sons through Faith

    339   Sin Talks

    340   Greater Is He That Is in Me

    341   Commander, Come

    342   Nonsnatchable

    343   Refreshing

    344   Free to Serve

    345   Be Strong

    346   Continue

    347   Full Armor

    348   Love Heals

    349   No Complaining

    350   Content

    351   Grace

    352   God with Men

    353   Wiped Tears

    354   Born in Hope

    355   War and Win

    356   Zip It

    357   Tamed Lions

    358   Returned

    359   Christian Characteristics

    360   The Sinner’s Advocate

    361   Love and Light

    362   Sons

    363   Keep Calm

    364   Save Me

    365   Never Forsaken

    366   Glory Forever



    About the Author



    My praise and thanksgiving belong to almighty God whose goodness and mercy remain my ambassadorial escorts and supernatural security. My access to this Christ resource enabled me to complete this project.

    The project Gold Nuggets from God’s Mine began a long time ago. There were some mishaps that led to seasons of discouragement and delays. Today, I celebrate God’s grace that brought it to fruition.

    I offer my profound thanks to those who supported me along the journey.

    To Kelah Joseph, thank you for your labor of love. To the Rev. Nasel Ephraim, Rev. Elva Richards-Goodwin, Bernadine Philip, Jamilla Connor, Holliette Valentine, Leunda Callendar, and Ted Martin, thank you for the part you played. To the Rt. Rev. Dr. Conrad Spencer and to all who partnered with me in this project, my heartfelt appreciation. To my husband, children, and other members of my family, thank you for your love and support. To every reader, I pray you will be enriched in every way by these gold nuggets. Do enjoy your gold-mining experience.



    I Am Eternally Loved!

    I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.

    With unfailing love, I have drawn you to myself.

    JEREMIAH 31:3 (NLT)

    I don’t have to measure up, perform, or be perfect to receive God’s love. God loves me unconditionally, fully, and completely.

    God loves me with my insecurities and inadequacies, my faults and my failings. He loves me and accepts me just as I am. I am complete in God’s love. Therefore, I accept myself and love myself as I am. Thank you, Lord, for this love. Amen.

    I have nothing to prove.

    I am worthy of God’s love.



    God Thinks

    Good Thoughts!

    For I know the plans I have for you, declares

    the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm

    you, plans to give you hope and a future."

    JEREMIAH 29:11 (NIV)

    Did you know that God thinks highly of you and that God favors you? He does. From the bowels of eternity, God made plans for your future, a future filled with hope and success.

    Amid the challenges you experience today, remember that God is working on your future to make it good. Rest assured, tomorrow will be better. Simply trust him. Thank you, Lord. With you, my future looks good. Amen.

    Lord, here is my life’s plan,

    my today and my tomorrows.

    I place them in your hands.



    God’s Resources

    Are Limitless

    With God are wisdom and might; he has

    counsel and understanding.

    JOB 12:13 (ESV)

    Everything belongs to God: infinite wisdom, unlimited power, perfect knowledge, and pure love. There is no shortage, there is no scarcity, and there is no lack with God. Whatever I need, God has it in stock. His storehouse is always full.

    Whenever I have a need, I only have to ask, and God makes every resource of heaven available to me. I ask. and I receive it! God, owner of all that is, give all I need. Amen.

    Whenever I cry, God will supply.



    Made to Rule

    Then God said, "Let us make man in our image,

    after our likeness. And let them have dominion

    over the fish of the sea … and all the earth."

    GENESIS 1:26 (ESV)

    God fashioned us like himself, in his image and likeness. He formed us from the substance with which he is made and breathed his breath into us. He gave us the capacity to function as he does and appointed us as the CEO of his creation.

    Being God’s CEO is a privilege and an awesome responsibility. We must exercise our dominion with dignity, authority, grace, and humility. God is expecting us to manage well. Help us live up to our potential, Lord. Amen.

    Friend, you have greatness

    on the inside of you.

    Now do the things God wants you to.



    God Can Do It

    Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return about

    this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.

    GENESIS 18:14 (NLT)

    The sovereign God who holds supreme power is never hindered by obstacles. He knows no setbacks and no limitations, and he is certainly not restrained by boundaries or borders. Sarah and Abraham were past childbearing age, but God

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