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Necessary Conversations: Changing Your Mindset to Communicate Confidently and Productively
Necessary Conversations: Changing Your Mindset to Communicate Confidently and Productively
Necessary Conversations: Changing Your Mindset to Communicate Confidently and Productively


Ebook38 pages31 minutes

Necessary Conversations: Changing Your Mindset to Communicate Confidently and Productively

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Effective communication is an essential skill for navigating today’s world, in everything from building a flourishing business to building a happy family life. But in your daily life, are you having necessary conversations, or are you stuck having difficult ones? Think carefully — there is a difference between the two.
In her Scribd Coach course, Necessary Conversations, author and executive coach Liz Nolley Tillman aims to help listeners navigate and have fruitful necessary conversations: the conversations that have the most impact on our lives, all about listening, learning, and reaching reconciliation. In a world where necessary conversations are often branded as difficult, it can be hard to get around to having these conversations. Enter Tillman’s course, where she outlines the differences between necessary and difficult conversations, addresses key communications “dos” and “don’ts,” and offers an effective structure for preparing to have necessary conversations. She also shares exercises along the way to help you apply what you’ve learned right away.
Get more out of your important conversations — you might find it’s not as hard as you’d thought!

PublisherScribd Coach
Release dateNov 2, 2021

Liz Nolley Tillman

Liz Nolley Tillman is an author, coach, speaker and founder of Your Folding Chair, an on-demand coaching service for professionals looking to be themselves and win in business. For nearly 30 years, Liz has been an advisor to C-level executives at some of the largest and most successful companies in Corporate America. Find more from Liz at her website,

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    Necessary Conversations - Liz Nolley Tillman

    Necessary Conversations

    Necessary Conversations

    Changing Your Mindset to Communicate Confidently and Productively

    Liz Nolley Tillman


    Copyright © 2021 by Liz Nolley Tillman 

    All rights reserved

    ISBN: 9781094431871

    First e-book edition: November 2021

    Scribd, Inc.

    San Francisco, California

    For more, visit and follow @Scribd on Twitter and Facebook.

    About Scribd Coach

    This ebook is brought to you by Scribd Coach, a new imprint from Scribd dedicated to short-form, inclusive, and insightful personal and professional growth courses written by recognized experts.

    Each Scribd Coach course is available in audiobook format or as an ebook transcribed from the audio course — like the book you’re about to read. If you’re interested in the audio edition of this course, or if you’d like to read more personal growth content from Scribd Coach, check out the Scribd Coach imprint page. 

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    Hello, I’m Liz Nolley Tillman, and this is the Scribd course called Necessary Conversations: Changing Your Mindset to Communicate Confidently and Productively. Welcome to the course! I’m glad to have you here.

    Let me tell you a bit more about who I am. For nearly 30 years, I’ve been working as an advisor to the top-level executives at some of the leading companies in corporate America, including UBS Financial Services and Allstate Insurance Company. I also work as a coach for many entrepreneurs and professionals who look to build their brand’s image and put themselves out there.

    Staying true to who you are is the main principle of my work as a coach. For years, I’ve often been the only person that looks like me in almost any room. But because of this, I was lucky to gain insight and access spaces that are not available to just anyone. Right now, I’m on the mission to share my knowledge and experience with others.

    In this course, I would like to share with you everything I know about having successful and productive conversations. This is often one of the first things I teach the professionals that come to me for coaching. Effective communication is an essential skill in many aspects of our existence, from building a flourishing business to living a happy family life.

    I would like to start this course by asking you a simple question: Are you having necessary conversations, or are you stuck having difficult ones? I encourage you to take a minute to think about the conversations you are

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