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Non-Wood Forest Products for People, Nature and the Green Economy. Recommendations for Policy Priorities in Europe: A White Paper Based on Lessons Learned from around the Mediterranean
Non-Wood Forest Products for People, Nature and the Green Economy. Recommendations for Policy Priorities in Europe: A White Paper Based on Lessons Learned from around the Mediterranean
Non-Wood Forest Products for People, Nature and the Green Economy. Recommendations for Policy Priorities in Europe: A White Paper Based on Lessons Learned from around the Mediterranean
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Non-Wood Forest Products for People, Nature and the Green Economy. Recommendations for Policy Priorities in Europe: A White Paper Based on Lessons Learned from around the Mediterranean

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About this ebook

Based on the analysis of risks and limitations, this white paper stresses the urgent need for action and identifies promising policy options to:

.secure the conservation and sustainable supply of non-wood forest products (NWFP);

.build competitive, equitable, and sustainable value chains;

.improve transparency, data, and information flow on NWFP and;

.establish enabling conditions in the policy, financial, and innovation terms.

Release dateOct 19, 2021
Non-Wood Forest Products for People, Nature and the Green Economy. Recommendations for Policy Priorities in Europe: A White Paper Based on Lessons Learned from around the Mediterranean

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

An intergovernmental organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has 194 Member Nations, two associate members and one member organization, the European Union. Its employees come from various cultural backgrounds and are experts in the multiple fields of activity FAO engages in. FAO’s staff capacity allows it to support improved governance inter alia, generate, develop and adapt existing tools and guidelines and provide targeted governance support as a resource to country and regional level FAO offices. Headquartered in Rome, Italy, FAO is present in over 130 countries.Founded in 1945, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO provides a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy. The Organization publishes authoritative publications on agriculture, fisheries, forestry and nutrition.

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    Non-Wood Forest Products for People, Nature and the Green Economy. Recommendations for Policy Priorities in Europe - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

    Required citation:

    Martínez de Arano, I., Maltoni, S., Picardo, A., Mutke, S. et al. (2021). Non-wood forest products for people, nature and the green economy. Recommendations for policy priorities in Europe. A white paper based on lessons learned from around the Mediterranean. EFI and FAO, Barcelona.

    The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) or European Forest Institute (EFI) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO or EFI in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.

    The views expressed in this information product are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of FAO or EFI.

    978-92-5-134727-0 [FAO]

    ISBN 978-952-7426-08-1 (printed)

    ISBN 978-952-7426-07-4 (pdf)

    E-ISBN 978-92-5-135078-2 (EPUB)

    © EFI and FAO, 2021

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    Lead authors

    Inazio Martinez de Arano¹, Sara Maltoni², Alvaro Picardo¹⁴, Sven Mutke³.

    Contributing authors

    Joana Amaral Paulo⁴, Moktar Baraket⁵, Haïmad Baudriller-Cacaud⁶, Raphael Bec⁶, Jose Antonio Bonet⁷, Anton Brenko⁸, Dino Buršić⁸, Benjamin Chapelet⁶, Alexandra Correia⁴, Roser Cristobal⁷, Gabriel Ducos⁶, Liliana Fernandez⁹, Florian Galinat⁶, Lamia Hamrouni⁵, Henri Husson⁶, Mariem Khalfaoui⁵, Steven Libbrecht¹⁰, Nikos Markos¹¹, Giulia Muir¹⁵, Maria Pasalodos³, Olivia Marois⁶, Nicola Andrighetto¹², Jacopo Giacomoni¹², Aida Rodriguez⁹, Roberto Rubio⁹, Conceição Santos Silva¹³, Simona Sorrenti¹⁵, Kalliopi Stara¹¹, Paula Soares⁴,Ibtissem Taghouti⁵, Margarida Tome⁴, Enrico Vidale¹², Sven Walter¹⁵.


    Piotr Borkowsky¹⁶, James Chamberlain¹⁷, Davide Pettenella¹⁸, Eduardo Rojas¹⁹.


    We acknowledge the feedback on previous drafts given by the consortia of former EU-funded projects FP7-311919-StarTree and COST Action FP1203 NWFPs, as well as from FAO and members of the IUFRO Task Force Unlocking the Bioeconomy and Non-Timber Forest Products during a webinar on September 16-17, 2020, namely Anastasiya Timoshyna, Elise Heral (TRAFFIC); Celeste Santos e Silva (University Évora); Daniel Moura da Costa Teixeira (Brazil); Katie Meinhold (Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences); Kitti Horvath, Sven Walter (FAO), and Jim Chamberlain (USDA, IUFRO task force coordinator).

    ISBN 978-92-5-134727-0 [FAO]

    ISBN 978-952-7426-08-1 (printed)

    ISBN 978-952-7426-07-4 (pdf)

    ISSN 2670-2126 (printed)

    ISSN 2670-2215 (pdf)

    INCREDIBLE partners










    10 ESSET

    11 UOI

    12 ETIFOR

    13 UNAC

    Other affiliations

    14 Junta de Castilla y León

    15 FAO


    17 USDA Forest Service

    18 University of Padua

    19 Universitat Politécnica de Valencia


    Executive Summary

    Twelve policy actions to leverage NWFP

    1. Aim of the white paper

    2. The policy relevance of NWFP: unveiling the invisible

    2.1 NWFP and the sustainable development goals

    2.2 NWFP – a necessary element to achieve Europe’s policy priorities

    2.3 Untapped potentials and major challenges

    3. Concerted actions to achieve core policy objectives

    3.1 Securing the conservation and sustainable supply of NWFP

    3.1.1 Enhance the resource base

    3.1.2 Ensure sustainable harvest levels and fair and secure access to

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