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Home Automation with Raspberry Pi: Projects Using Google Home, Amazon Echo, and Other Intelligent Personal Assistants
Home Automation with Raspberry Pi: Projects Using Google Home, Amazon Echo, and Other Intelligent Personal Assistants
Home Automation with Raspberry Pi: Projects Using Google Home, Amazon Echo, and Other Intelligent Personal Assistants
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Home Automation with Raspberry Pi: Projects Using Google Home, Amazon Echo, and Other Intelligent Personal Assistants

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Gain the skills needed to create a hi-tech home―affordably and easily

This hands-on guide shows, step by step, how to use the powerful Raspberry Pi for home automation. Written in an easy-to-follow style, the book features DIY projects for Amazon Echo, Google Home, smart lightbulbs and thermostats, and more. Home Automation with Raspberry Pi: Projects Using Google Home, Amazon Echo, and Other Intelligent Personal Assistants lays out essential skills for hobbyists and makers of all ages and experience levels. You will discover how to build gadgets that can work in conjunction with―or in some cases replace―commercially available smart home products.

Inside, you’ll learn how to:

•Design and build custom home automation devices

•Interface a Google Home device to your Raspberry Pi

•Connect Google Voice Assistant to RasPi

•Incorporate GPIO control using the Amazon Echo

•Navigate home automation operating systems

•Use Z-Wave in your RasPi HA projects

•Apply fuzzy logic techniques to your projects

•Work with sensors and develop home security systems

•Utilize two open-source AI applications, Mycroft and Picroft

•Tie your projects together to create an integrated home automation system

Release dateMay 3, 2019
Home Automation with Raspberry Pi: Projects Using Google Home, Amazon Echo, and Other Intelligent Personal Assistants

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    Home Automation with Raspberry Pi - Donald Norris


    THIS BOOK IS ALL ABOUT HOW YOU, as a maker, can help automate your home or business to both improve the quality of your life and coincidentally achieve some efficiencies. The latter may be actual energy savings or may be simply improving the everyday flow of personal activities. I also included using the Raspberry Pi as a principal controller in most of this book’s projects because it so inexpensive yet provides amazing capabilities and functionalities when implementing home automation (HA) solutions.

    I have written about HA projects in several of my earlier maker books, which also included the Raspberry Pi as the main controller. However, in this book, I have included some rather extensive discussions regarding personal voice assistants and their role in HA projects. This type of device is fairly new to the marketplace and includes the rather well-known Amazon Echo and Google Home devices. The inclusion of these devices in this book was predicated on my realization that they are rapidly becoming the consumer’s favorite choice when interacting with HA systems. The days of turning a thermostat dial or flipping a light switch are rapidly declining given the ubiquitous nature of these new voice-activation devices.

    The first few chapters of this book are devoted to exploring how various voice-activation devices function with the Raspberry Pi. There are significant differences between how Amazon Echo devices interact with the Raspberry Pi and how Google Home devices interact. I try to explain how you can successfully interface with both device types, while at the same time I point out the pros and cons of the two approaches. I am confident that if you successfully follow my multiple demonstrations, you will become quite adept at interfacing with either device class.

    Chapter 5, which follows all the material on voice-activation devices, concerns HA operating systems, which are an extremely useful adjunct in the implementation of a workable HA system. I provide a good survey of all the major, currently available HA operating systems (OSs), but such surveys are highly volatile, and there will likely be significant changes by the time this book is published. Nonetheless, the fundamentals of a good HA OS are unchanging, and, hopefully, my discussion in this area will provide you with some good guidance regarding the selection of an appropriate OS that meets your requirements. Chapter 5 also includes a working demonstration of one of the most popular HA OSs, which should help you really understand how this software functions and let you make a good decision on whether or not to pursue this option as an HA solution.

    Chapter 6 describes a Z-Wave-enabled HA system. Z-Wave is a very popular way to create communications links among separate or distributed HA components. There are quite a few Z-Wave-compliant device manufacturers in business offering many different and varied Z-Wave-enabled components. I feel that it is important for you to be aware of this particular communications protocol because of its impressive popularity and many readily available devices and components. I also provide a chapter demonstration in which I interface a Raspberry Pi directly into a Z-Wave system. This allows you to create your own custom control scripts for many different Z-Wave devices.

    An open-source alternative to the Amazon Echo and Google Home devices is the topic of Chapter 7. The open-source device I discuss is named Picroft, and it is a Raspberry Pi–hosted variant on a parent device named Mycroft. Basically, Mycroft and Picroft are synonymous: Mycroft is an actual open-source device, which can be purchased, and Picroft is the software image loaded onto a Raspberry Pi. In reality, the Mycroft device contains a Raspberry Pi running precisely the same software as that contained in the Picroft image. Given this fact, I constantly interchange the names Mycroft and Picroft in the chapter without a loss of understanding or context. My purpose in discussing Mycroft is to present you with a lower-cost option to the Amazon and Google devices. However, the cost difference is really quite marginal when considering that you will need both an external USB microphone and speaker/amplifier to make up a working Picroft system. If you add all these extra costs to the cost of a Raspberry Pi, you will likely pay about the same as you would if you purchased an Amazon Echo Dot or a Google Home Mini. However, if the maker in you is up to the task, it is always fun to build your very own open-source voice assistant.

    A trip into the artificial intelligence (AI) realm is the subject of Chapter 8. There I cover the principles that govern how AI fuzzy logic (FL) may be applied to a home heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system. I discuss in great detail how to use a multistep procedure to design a workable FL system. The good news is that no additional or expensive components are required for a Raspberry Pi–powered HVAC FL controller. The only requirement is to create and load the FL code into the Raspberry Pi. There is an actual FL demonstration that simulates how a real HVAC system would function. I use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to indicate when appropriate heating and/or cooling commands are generated.

    Chapter 9 is a kind of a catch-all where I cover how to use a variety of sensors seen commonly in several different HA systems, including HVAC and security-type systems. This chapter provides reasonable insights into what to consider when selecting a sensor and how to design appropriate interfaces between the sensors and the controller (which, of course, in this chapter is a Raspberry Pi).

    Chapter 10 describes an HA security system that employs a remotely located sensor from the Raspberry Pi main controller. I use a very nice wireless data link system named XBee, which provides the capability of sending not only a binary on/off signal but also actual sensor data values, if needed. The XBee subsystem is controlled by an Arduino Uno microcontroller, which provides me with an opportunity to introduce the coprocessor concept into our discussion of HA system design. Sometimes a Raspberry Pi cannot do it all and needs some assistance. Timing is a very important feature for any communications link. However, the Linux OS running on a Raspberry Pi is asynchronous, meaning that there is no guarantee that the computer will be available to process incoming communications data. Meanwhile, the Uno does provide the immediate and continuous attention required by the communications link.

    Chapter 11 is a brief one in which I discuss some important ideas on how to integrate separate HA systems so that the user has a unified view of an overall HA system and how to provide one-stop control. I also discuss how scripts or macros executed on an HA controller can significantly improve the overall HA user experience.

    Donald Norris


    Designing and Building Home Automation Projects

    I LIKE TO THINK OF THIS CHAPTER as providing the prerequisite knowledge to allow you to build home automation (HA) projects as detailed in this book and other sources. It also seems that learning about the big picture is always a useful approach before digging into specifics and fine-grain details. The next section details a generalized approach to designing and implementing an HA solution.

    I will include a Parts List at the beginning of each chapter so that readers can identify what parts will be required to duplicate the projects and/or demonstrations presented in that chapter. The Parts Lists also provide suggested sources that are current at the time of this writing. Actual parts that are needed will depend on what each reader already has in his or her parts bin. This first list also includes parts and components that are common to other Parts Lists, such as power supplies and HDMI cables. I will not include these common items in later Parts Lists because they are self-evident.

    Parts List

    Generalized HA Design Approach

    The first step in any HA project, except for the most trivial one, is to define the requirements. This means that definite and detailed project requirements should be written in a clear and nonambiguous manner. For example, simply stating to turn on the lights would be incorrect because there is no mention of what specific lights are to be turned on or activated, how they are to be activated, or how long they should stay on. A better version for the requirements statement might be to turn on the front porch lights for one minute by voice activation. In this case, a specific light is identified as well as an operational time and an activation mode. Each of the phrases in the requirement statement will naturally lead to specific HA implementations. Creating definitive, clear, and precise requirements should help you to develop appropriate HA solutions to meet your individual needs in an HA system.

    The architecture of an HA solution depends very much on the device types to be controlled and their locations within the home. For instance, controlling a thermostat is a very different process from activating a light. Different control technologies are involved in each case, which employ different means of interfacing with a particular technology. I will also be using a Raspberry Pi as the standard microcontroller for all the HA projects in this book, which will help to minimize any confusion regarding interfacing or data-communication issues. However, I will be using several different control technologies because some HA devices are widely separated, which typically requires a wireless control technology, whereas other devices are close to the controller, which might best be served by using a direct-wired approach. In a few select cases, I will use wired control lines for dispersed devices but only use two wires for the control data signals.

    One very important design feature that you always must keep in mind when designing an HA system is safety. Any controlled device that uses a mains supply should always be controlled with a certified device that is appropriate to the country where it is being used. In the United States, this means that the mains control device should have Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approval. There are similar rating agencies in other countries where HA projects are designed and implemented. Using certified control devices will raise the cost of a project, but there is truly no other option when it comes to ensuring the safety and well-being of you and your family. None of this book’s projects involve controlling mains-connected devices other than with UL-approved products.

    Another important HA design feature that must be addressed is how the user will interact with the system. I mentioned voice activation in the earlier example because this approach seems to be the most popular at present. HA systems implemented just a few years ago relied on keypads and relatively simple liquid-crystal display (LCD)/ light emitting diode (LED) electronics to signal user interaction. Of course, most true home-brew HA systems used and still do use a traditional workstation coupled with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. I will be using both the workstation and voice-recognition approaches in this book. Using a workstation is very advantageous when it comes to designing and developing specific HA solutions. The voice-recognition unit, or assistant, can then be integrated into the system once the initial design has been proven to work as expected. I will explain how the Google Voice Assistant functions a bit later in this chapter, but first I need to explain how to set up a Raspberry Pi such that it can function as an HA system controller.

    Raspberry Pi Setup

    You will need to set up a Raspberry Pi (RasPi) in order to duplicate this book’s projects. I will show you how to set up a RasPi 3 Model B as a workstation that will host the applications required to implement a variety of HA solutions. Figure 1-1 shows the RasPi 3 Model B used in this book.

    Figure 1-1 Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.

    I should mention that a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ was just introduced by the Raspberry Foundation at the time of this writing. It is essentially the same as the Model B except for a slight speed improvement and some improvements in the wireless functions, none of which will have any impact on this book’s projects. You can use either the B or B+ models without any software or hardware modifications.

    I will not go into much detail about what makes up a RasPi single-board computer because that has already been adequately covered by many readily available books. I refer you to two of my earlier books, Raspberry Pi Projects for the Evil Genius and Raspberry Pi Electronics Projects for the Evil Genius, where I discuss in detail the architecture and makeup of the RasPi series of single-board computers. In this book, I use a RasPi 3 Model B in a workstation configuration, which is simply having the RasPi connected with a USB keyboard, USB mouse, and HDMI monitor. The RasPi is powered by a 2.5-A, 5-V supply with a micro USB connector, as indicated in the Parts List. Now I will discuss how to set up secondary storage for a RasPi because this is critical to its operation.

    A RasPi does not require a disk drive for storing and retrieving software applications and utilities, which includes an operating system (OS). The recent designs, within the last few years, all rely on using a pluggable micro SD card to serve this secondary storage function. It is also possible to connect a traditional disk drive to a RasPi, but it will only serve as an auxiliary storage device and not as the primary, persistent storage for the OS and boot partition. Next, I will show you how to download and install an OS on a micro SD card such that your RasPi can be booted to serve as a functional HA microcontroller.

    The simplest way to obtain a programmed micro SD card is to purchase one from one of the RasPi suppliers listed in the Parts List. These cards are ready to go and only need to be configured to match your particular workstation configuration, which includes your private WiFi network. I will discuss the configuration process in a later section, but first I want to show you how to create your own micro SD card in case you do not have the means or desire to buy a preprogrammed card.

    The software to be loaded is known as an image and is freely available from several online websites, with the recommended one being the Raspberry Pi Foundation site at You will need to download the latest image from the Downloads section of the website. Two versions of the disk image are available. The first version is named NOOBS, which is short for New Out Of the Box Software. The current NOOBS version available at the time of this writing is v2.7. This image, in reality, is a collection of files and subdirectories that can be downloaded either using the BitTorrent application or simply as a raw Zip file. The BitTorrent and Zip downloads are approximately 1.2 gigabytes (GB) in size. The extracted image is 1.36 GB in size, but the final installed size is over 4 GB. This means that you will need to use at least an 8-GB micro SD card to hold the final image. However, I strongly recommend that you use at least a Class 10 card to maximize the data throughput with the operating RasPi.

    The second image version available is named Raspbian, which is a Debian Linux distribution especially created for the RasPi. The currently available image is named Stretch. This version is also updated quite frequently, but I will show you how to ensure that you have the most up-to-date version in the configuration section. The Raspbian version may be downloaded using BitTorrent or as a Zip file with final image sizes similar to the NOOBS image.

    A micro SD card must be loaded with the desired image after that image is downloaded. There are two ways to accomplish this task depending on the version downloaded. I discuss these ways in the following sections.

    Writing the NOOBS Image to a Micro SD Card

    The easiest way to create a bootable micro SD card is to use the downloaded and extracted NOOBS image. In this case, you will first need to format the micro SD card using an appropriate application compatible with your host computer. For Windows and Mac machines, use the following link to get the formatter program:

    I used the Mac version without any problems. However, it is imperative that your micro SD card is properly formatted or else the NOOBS installation will not work.

    The downloaded NOOBS file is named, and when it is fully extracted, it is in a folder named NOOBS_v2_7_0. You must go into the folder and copy all the files and subdirectories in that folder, as shown in Figure 1-2.

    Figure 1-2 Contents of NOOBS_v2_7_0 folder.

    All the folder contents must be pasted into the formatted micro SD card.

    IMPORTANT: Do not simply copy the NOOBS_v2_7_0 folder itself. You must copy the folder contents onto the SD card or the card will not be bootable by the RasPi.

    Writing the Raspbian Image to a Micro SD Card

    Creating a Raspbian image is slightly different from the NOOBS process. In this case, you do not have to format the micro SD card prior to writing the image. That part of the process is automatically done for you by the application that writes the image to the card. You will need to set up an appropriate application based on your host computer. For a Windows machine, I highly recommend that you use the Win32DiskImager available from

    The download is a Zip file, which will need to be extracted prior to use. All you need to do is run the application and select where the disk image is located, as well as the appropriate micro SD card logical file letter. Figure 1-3 shows my configuration screen for writing the Raspbian Stretch version to a micro SD card on a Windows machine.

    Figure 1-3 Win32DiskImager screenshot.

    I recommend using the Etcher program if you are using a Mac to load the disk image. It is available from This application functions in a very similar fashion to the Win32DiskImager program. Figure 1-4 is a screen shot of it being run on my MacBook Pro.

    Figure 1-4 Etcher screenshot.

    The next step in the setup process is to configure the image, once you have loaded it onto your micro SD card. The next two sections detail how to configure the NOOBS image first followed by the Raspbian image.

    Configuring the NOOBS Image

    The first step in configuring the NOOBS image is to set up a RasPi as a workstation. Do not attach the micro USB power supply to the RasPi before inserting the micro SD card holding the NOOBS file into the RasPi card holder. Ensure that the card is inserted upside-down, meaning that the printed side of the card is facing down. You ordinarily could not incorrectly insert the card unless you attempted to use unreasonable force, in which case you would likely break the holding mechanism.

    Attach the USB power cable once the micro SD card is inserted, and you will see the initial screen, as shown in Figure 1-5.

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