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Geometry DeMYSTiFieD, 2nd Edition
Geometry DeMYSTiFieD, 2nd Edition
Geometry DeMYSTiFieD, 2nd Edition
Ebook344 pages5 hours

Geometry DeMYSTiFieD, 2nd Edition

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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A new ANGLE to learning GEOMETRY

Trying to understand geometry but feel like you're stuck in another dimension? Here's your solution. Geometry Demystified, Second Edition helps you grasp the essential concepts with ease.

Written in a step-by-step format, this practical guide begins with two dimensions, reviewing points, lines, angles, and distances, then covers triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, and the Cartesian plane. The book goes on to discuss three dimensions, explaining surface area, volume, vectors, Cartesian three-space, alternative coordinates, hyperspace, and warped space. Detailed examples, concise explanations, and worked-out problems make it easy to understand the material, and end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam help reinforce learning.

It's a no-brainer! You'll learn about:

  • Plane geometry and solid geometry
  • Using a drafting compass and straight edge
  • Solving pairs of equations
  • Working with vectors in three-space
  • Polar coordinates
  • Cartesian n-space

Simple enough for a beginner, but challenging enough for an advanced student, Geometry Demystified, Second Edition helps you master this fundamental mathematics subject.

Release dateMay 13, 2011
Geometry DeMYSTiFieD, 2nd Edition

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Reviews for Geometry DeMYSTiFieD, 2nd Edition

Rating: 2.3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars

    Mar 6, 2007

    This book needs to come with a Gibilisco-to-English Dictionary. The manner in which the author tries to explain even the most simple of geometric rules, shapes and processes is as complex as one could possibly phrase anything. You can easily get better description that's not nearly as absurdly contrived from Wikipedia, and in order to understand This author you'll need it, as he refuses to draw even the most basic links between different theorems and Rules.

    The descriptions/explanations take paragraphs to get through even though a Wiki can sum it up in a single sentence. The literature is heavily peppered with information that has no use to the immediate explanation, much of which isn't even used throughout the entire book.

    Bottom Line - Get a different book about Geometry. Even Advanced Geometrics Textbooks are more understandable to novices and those needing a refresher than this atrocity. However, do not take this to mean the entire Demystified series is as poorly written the Algebra book was Fairly well done and a glance at a few others, but I will personally avoid this authors work in the future.

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Geometry DeMYSTiFieD, 2nd Edition - Stan Gibilisco

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