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Why Do They Cry In Heaven? A Narrative Poem In Hendecasyllabic Metre Sonnets
Why Do They Cry In Heaven? A Narrative Poem In Hendecasyllabic Metre Sonnets
Why Do They Cry In Heaven? A Narrative Poem In Hendecasyllabic Metre Sonnets
Ebook36 pages14 minutes

Why Do They Cry In Heaven? A Narrative Poem In Hendecasyllabic Metre Sonnets

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Lou, a philander, suddenly dies at a lovers house and his soul finds itself reviewing his choices and the only option left for his. To pay for his sins in hell. But he finds hope. He wonders if he will be resurrected back to life. What must he do or say as hell awaits? He goes through reflections about life. if he is to his prayer answered.

Why Do They Cry In Heaven is a narrative poem composed of 28 hendecasyllabic sonnets written by the Instagram Poet Anaphora Black who writes specifically narrative poems. Whose other work is entitled The Night Day Call Of Awahawa. Also a narrative poem.

Release dateOct 3, 2021
Why Do They Cry In Heaven? A Narrative Poem In Hendecasyllabic Metre Sonnets

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    Why Do They Cry In Heaven? A Narrative Poem In Hendecasyllabic Metre Sonnets - Anaphora Black

    Sonnet 1

    Fear Not

    Fear not there's a great shift between dark and light,

    That darkness does chase and leaps light away,

    That darkness is on the fringes, out of sight,

    Pushing in. The two struggle to rule man's day

    And way always like how flesh and soul duel. Yet

    This question is settled; the light in us is

    Bright'r than that dark lightness flaming the World's seat.

    We fear not this weakness their weakness, it's weakness.

    It is weak but our light is strength of true strength.

    And there we now stand bold, there our faith now holds.

    The sweet call will sound warning of life not death.

    We'll rise from this faithless mass of weeping hordes.

    All will see the found rise on wings strong and fly

    Triumphant, proving the power of His Way.

    Sonnet 2

    Am I?

    Why? Why am I in a strangers house lying

    In their bed dying? Then I die. She frenzied

    Nuttering, O, my God. My God. He's dying!

    But I was already dead. Dead. I watched. Dead.

    She starts. Felt her shiver, watching my corpse

    Get cold. Heard her thoughts, pressurised reason, bay:

    Call...No one. - Call the cops. Silence. -

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