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Salvation from the Lake of Fire: The Beauty of John 3:16
Salvation from the Lake of Fire: The Beauty of John 3:16
Salvation from the Lake of Fire: The Beauty of John 3:16
Ebook283 pages3 hours

Salvation from the Lake of Fire: The Beauty of John 3:16

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“Salvation from the Lake of Fire: The Beauty of John 3:16” offers an enlightening exploration of eternal salvation, Christian salvation, and the theology of salvation within the context of life after death in Christianity. With a style deeply rooted in Christian theology and spiritual education, this book is a beacon of hope and understanding for individuals aged 18 and older who seek clarity on the profound questions about the afterlife.

In a world where uncertainty about the soul’s eternal destiny prevails, “Salvation from the Lake of Fire” serves as a guiding light. It bridges the gap between the concept of eternal salvation and the foreboding imagery of the lake of fire, making it accessible and relatable to readers from all walks of life.

This book’s primary mission is to extend a hand of love and grace to those who may not fully comprehend God’s boundless love for humanity. It serves as an introduction to salvation, inviting both unbelievers and questioning Christians to embark on a journey of spiritual discovery.

Within its pages, you’ll find a comprehensive exploration of the theology of salvation, illuminating the profound significance of John 3:16. This timeless verse reveals God’s sacrificial love in sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to secure eternal salvation for humanity. It underscores the pivotal role of faith in Jesus as the pathway to redemption from the ominous lake of fire.

This book stands alongside other spiritually enriching titles like “40 Questions About Heaven and Hell” by Alan W. Gomes, “Four Views On Hell” Second Edition With New Contributors by Preston Sprinkel, “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel, and “Captured by Grace” by David Jeremiah. If you have been searching for books on eternal life or have contemplated the theology of salvation, “Salvation from the Lake of Fire” is a must-read.

As you delve into this profound exploration, you’ll come to appreciate the timeless truths within John 3:16 and the assurance it offers. In a world filled with uncertainty, this book sheds light on the promise of eternal salvation, guiding you away from the fearsome lake of fire and toward the warm embrace of God’s love. It’s a transformative journey, an introduction to salvation, and an invitation to experience the profound beauty of John 3:16.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 24, 2021
Salvation from the Lake of Fire: The Beauty of John 3:16

Elisabeth Christine Nelson

Elisabeth Christine Nelson has a heartfelt desire to share God's message of love and redemption. She focused on completing this book after retiring in late 2019. She has plans to write on various theological subjects and is a volunteer member of her church's care team. Elisabeth, an alumnus of California State University, Long Beach, was the first woman in her family to earn a bachelor's degree; others have followed. She is blessed with one adult daughter and resides in Southern California.

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    Salvation from the Lake of Fire - Elisabeth Christine Nelson

    Copyright © 2021 Elisabeth Christine Nelson.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-2998-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-2997-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-2999-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021906725

    WestBow Press rev. date: 03/11/2024

    Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture quotations taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV® Copyright © 1973 1978 1984 2011 by Biblica, Inc. TM. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version® Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.




    An Invitation to a Journey

    Part 1: A Biblical Overview for Spiritual Growth

    A Statement of Biblical Theology

    Spiritual Edification—A Firm Foundation

    An Overview

    The Word of God

    In Today’s Uncertain Turbulent Times

    Spiritual Warfare

    Standing Firm

    The Bible: Our Manual for Living

    Spiritual Discernment

    Spiritual Awareness Questions

    Background—The Inspiration

    Grounded in the Word of God

    Introduction—The Start of a Journey

    An Overview

    A Little About Myself


    Introduction to the Three Views

    Wrapping Up the Introduction

    Part 2: A Biblical Overview of God’s Attributes and His Divine Wrath

    1. The Three Views of the Lake of Fire

    An Overview

    Definitions and Summaries




    Comparing the Views

    Analyzing the Views

    Chapter Summation

    2. A Balanced God

    The Nature and Character of God

    An Overview

    Is God Balanced or Unbalanced?

    A Triune God

    God is Sovereign

    A Biblical Retrospect of God’s Attributes

    His Lovingkindness, Grace, and Mercy

    His Justice and Judgment

    His Holiness and Righteousness

    Do All Roads Lead to the Same Place?

    Unbelievers: What If You Are Wrong?

    Scenario One

    Scenario Two

    Chapter Summation

    3. The Lake of Fire

    An Overview

    Biblical Warning Signs

    Defining the Lake of Fire through Scripture

    What is the Lake of Fire?

    How long will it last, and Who will be in it?

    Clarifying Revelation 14:9–11

    Continuing with—Who Will be in It, and How Long Will It Last?

    Is It Real or Just a Metaphor?

    The Rich Man and Lazarus

    Chapter Summation

    4. The Beauty of John 3:16

    An Overview

    Spiritually Defining John 3:16

    Some Areas of Concern Regarding Salvation of Special Situations

    Innocent Babies and Children

    5. Jesus’ Descent to Hades



    Side Trip: Is the Rich Man and Lazarus Story a Parable?

    Discussion Continued

    My Perspective of Jesus’ Descent to Hades

    What about Those Who Have Not Heard the Gospel?

    What About Those Who Died Before Christ Came to Die for Our Sins

    A Beautiful End to Christ’s Visit to Hades

    Conclusion for Jesus’ Descent to Hades

    To Sum Up Chapter 5

    Does God Love Us?

    Part 3: A Biblical Overview of Eternity—With or Without God

    In Conclusion—A Soul’s Destination

    The End Is Not the End

    Is Death Final?

    Other Philosophies and Beliefs

    Misunderstanding Scripture

    A Diminished Perception

    Spreading The Word

    Does the Bible Lie or Contradict Itself?

    Does Sin go Unpunished?

    Are we going to be Thinking of our Loved Ones Suffering in Hell?

    POWs Being Tortured Daily

    You Cannot Have It Both Ways

    People Choose Their Soul’s Eternal Destination

    Heaven or Hell? Your Choice!

    Epilogue—To Wrap Things Up

    Spiritual Awareness Questions

    Part 4: A Biblical Overview for Continued Growth

    A Special Message from Elisabeth

    Benedictions—Blessings Be upon You

    Selected Benedictions from the Bible

    The Lord’s Prayer

    For Further Reading—To Assist You on Your Journey

    Pro-Life Resources and Advocates


    Article 1 – Biblically Justifying the Sanctity of Life

    Article 2 – Afraid for America!


    To My God

    I dedicate this book to the Triune God, who led me through a spiritual journey of truth. I give Him all the glory for His divine inspiration.

    To My Daughter

    I also dedicate this book to my wonderful daughter, Rachel Lynn Nelson, whom I love dearly. God truly blessed me with her.

    To the Reader

    As we journey together through the Scriptures, I pray the blessings of the Lord be upon you and that you come to know that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was because of His unconditional love for you.


    To Honor Those Who Assisted

    I give special thanks to several persons who helped me in countless ways, especially for all their encouraging words. I appreciate everyone’s contributions.

    Family First

    I want to thank my wonderful family for all the constructive criticism, reading updates, sharing theological views, and answering many questions.

    Additionally, my family and friends assisted in selecting an image for the book’s cover. I offered various images to them, and they voted on it. A majority vote went to hands with a cross. I added the crown of thorns to remind us that God’s mercy came with a price.

    Friends in Christ

    Uche Anizor, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Theology, Talbot Theological Seminary at Biola University (La Mirada, California), and author of numerous books and articles. Anizor evaluated part of my manuscript and offered valuable critiques.

    Kenneth Berding, whom I first met at church. He was teaching a Sunday School class on the Gifts of the Spirit. Berding encouraged me from the very beginning and kept me on target. Berding reviewed part of my manuscript and shared his constructive theological comments.

    Robert Bishop, Lead Pastor, Redemption Hill Church (Whittier, California). In the beginning, Pastor Bishop encouraged me with my journey, which inspired the theme for my book.

    Stephen G. Raines, D.Min., Pastor Emeritus. Raines pastored two churches in Arkansas from 1992 to 2023. Raines retired in July 2020 after sixteen years of teaching as an Assistant Professor (Social Studies Department) at Central Baptist College, Arkansas. Raines is a former high school classmate from American Heritage Christian Schools (Hayward, California). He encouraged me along the way, recommended Scriptural references, reviewed part of my manuscript, and offered his words of wisdom.

    I want to extend an extra thank you to the young woman at work who openly shared her strong faith in Jesus Christ. She permitted me to share our conversations within the book if it would help others. Even though we disagree on certain biblical subjects, we respect each other’s thoughts and appreciate our engaging discussions to this very day.

    I express my gratitude and appreciation for whom I had conversations with, whether at church, work, online, or family gatherings, regarding my book’s research questions.

    Thanks to you all! I could not have done it without you—it took a village!

    A Tribute to American Heritage Christian Schools

    I want to honor American Heritage Christian Schools, Hayward, California. The school opened its doors in the Fall of 1968 and closed in May 2005. Initially, the school campus was at Fairway Park Baptist Church, and the school’s superintendent was the pastor of the church, Rev. Elliott T. Paulsen. Rev. Paulsen was a dedicated minister and a strong advocate for the school. I am unsure of the year, but learned that Rev. Paulsen is with the Lord. Internet research showed that the school moved (not sure of the exact year) to a different location before closing its doors.

    We had a football team and a cheerleading squad, which I was on. I was also Vice President of the student council during the time I attended (1968–1970). My father was in between pastoral church assignments, so he joined the faculty at American Heritage. I had my father as a geometry and English teacher. And, no, he did not show favoritism. Two of my siblings also attended this school. My mother painted the school signage, including drawing and painting the school mascot, the Bald Eagle. My father accepted a new church assignment in Citrus Heights (near Sacramento), California, so our family moved in the Spring of 1970.

    I usually did not care for history classes; however, I did like the class, Rudiments of our American Government. This class taught the real history of our country. The following definitions are from the 1969 and 1970 yearbooks. First, rudiments taught us perceiving the history of Christianity and America as inseparable and requisite to understanding the relation of individual character to a nation’s government.¹ Second, the government class was a study of the American Christian constitutional form of government and the idea of liberty with law.² Further, the History class was a study of Christ: His story, the westward movement of Christianity, Christian liberty, government, and individual character as contrasted with the pagan and socialistic story.³

    Additionally, these three main principles were taught:

    •God’s Principle of Individuality

    •For every ounce of freedom, there is an ounce of responsibility

    •One person’s rights end when another’s begin

    I highly doubt our American public-school system teaches those philosophies, including the three principles. For most of my school life, I attended public schools, which were excellent [at that time], but they did not teach those values listed above. For example, God and prayer used to be in our public schools. When I was in kindergarten, we prayed before our milk and graham crackers and then took our naps. Also, I remember when I graduated from eighth grade, the public school, Porter Elementary (Alameda, California), asked my father to pray before our graduation picnic party. Imagine that!

    To all the past American Heritage Christian Schools students and faculty—Go Team Go! I miss you all.

    ¹ Rudiments, definition taken from American Heritage Christian Schools yearbook, 1969.

    ² Government, Ibid.

    ³ History, definition taken from American Heritage Christian Schools yearbook, 1970.

    An Invitation To A Journey

    I, Elisabeth C. Nelson,

    personally invite you

    to take a journey through

    scripture with me.

    As we progress through

    the pages of His Word,

    we will learn together

    the truth of God’s message

    to every person.


    A Biblical Overview for Spiritual Growth


    I cannot express enough the extreme importance of God’s message to all humanity. The heart of the message of God’s holy Word is this.

    •God wants a personal and spiritually intimate relationship with each of us because He loves us very dearly (John 16, John 16:27 NLT).

    •God proved that love by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to take the sins of the world upon Himself and die on the cross, Calvary’s tree, and shed His precious blood to offer all humanity the gift of salvation (John 3:16; 1 Peter 1:18–21).

    •This sacrificial act of love was completed (It is finished, John 19:30) because humanity has been in a state of condemnation since Adam and Eve fell into sin in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:17–19, Romans 5:12). Thus, humanity needs redemption. Furthermore, the initial sin of disobedience broke the relationship between God and humanity. Therefore, no one can come before God the Father except through Jesus Christ (John 14:6; Revelation 21:27).

    •Jesus’ sacrificial act of love bridges the gap of the broken relationship.

    •Humankind has been denying and rejecting God and has unbelief in Him, the theology of condemnation, and the refusal of redemption.

    •Humankind has also refused to believe in [the existence of] the spiritual warfare between good and evil—God and Satan (Ephesians 6).

    •Without redemption, each person’s soul’s eternal destination will be in the lake of fire (Daniel 12:2, Matthew 25:46; John 5:29; 2 Thessalonians 1:8–9; Revelation 20:14–15). If the lake of fire were complete annihilation or temporary punishment, there would be no need for God’s sacrificial love for humanity.

    •Jesus died on the cross because there is a lake of fire with an eternal judgment that He wanted to save us from because He loves us. If there were no eternal lake of fire to save us from, Jesus would have died in vain.

    •We need to understand the following concepts.

    •In a lost and broken world, all individuals need salvation.

    •A soul’s eternal destination is either heaven or hell.

    •Only through Jesus Christ can we receive salvation as a free-will choice.

    We have an enemy who wants us to think that our physical death is the end of our life; however, scriptures tell us the opposite. The Christian faith is set apart and above all others due to the biblical facts that Jesus was born of a virgin (Matthew 1:23, 25; Luke 1:27, 34), died (John 19:30), was raised from the dead (Romans 10:9, Acts 4:10), and sits at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19, Romans 8:34). Jesus is the Son of God and the son of man, and He is the Incarnate Word (1 John 1:1–3 NASB).

    The biblical fact of eternal punishment in the lake of fire (Daniel 12:2; Matthew 13:41–42; 25:41, 46; John 5:29; Revelation 12:10, 20:15) is set apart and above all others due to the deep-rooted spiritual fact of what Jesus did on the cross; My grace is sufficient for you (2 Corinthians 12:9 NASB). The philosophies of complete annihilation, temporary punishment, or other non-biblical views devalue and diminish what Jesus did on the cross and diminishes the magnitude of sin.

    Let’s start our journey together.


    An Overview

    I feel this world is spiritually lost and blind to the truth of God’s Word. In Matthew 9:36–38 (NASB), we read how Jesus felt compassion for the people. In Matthew 9:37 (NASB), Jesus told His disciples, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Through this book, I pray that I am one of those few workers by sharing what I have learned.

    My intentions are not to offend anyone. I am not being critical or judging anyone’s beliefs. Instead, I want to share what I have learned so that we can learn together the truth of God’s Word.

    Throughout this book, I made great efforts to scripturally document and support the theology I have presented. I diligently gave credit where credit was due. The opposing opinions and views of those I quoted, I respected and accepted their words as an education.

    Some subjects I will be addressing are complicated and sensitive and may appear to be harsh and critical, but my goal is to help others understand the truth of God’s Word, which is not always easy. Therefore, I have compassionately presented the material in a straightforward and matter-of-fact methodology to offer easy-to-comprehend Biblical theology without mincing God’s word.

    I pray I can use my gift of simplification of a challenging subject with respect and reverence. Stephen Raines, a former classmate from American Heritage Christian Schools, reminded me of the following passage.

    But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15 ESV)

    I conducted training meetings for two of the companies that I worked for in the past. I was able to break down complicated subjects so all could understand them. I heard comments such as, Before the training, my stress level was sky high. After the training, I heard, "Elisabeth, you made everything seem so easy, and my stress level dropped, and I could

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