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Communication Means Talking Together: How You Can Inspire Your Team and Lead with Purpose
Communication Means Talking Together: How You Can Inspire Your Team and Lead with Purpose
Communication Means Talking Together: How You Can Inspire Your Team and Lead with Purpose
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Communication Means Talking Together: How You Can Inspire Your Team and Lead with Purpose

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About this ebook

Everyone knows communication is important but ask them to define it and you’ll probably get befuddled looks.

Arjun Buxi, an executive coach and university lecturer in communication and leadership, knows the answer: Communication means talking together—and it is no easy task.

In this no-fluff guide to communicating, he explains what it is, how to do it, and how mastering it can help you accomplish big goals. Find out how to:

• Overcome fear and nervousness when talking in front of a group.
• Tell meaningful stories to drive interest and engagement.
• Take advantage of speaking opportunities that sneak up on you.
• Focus on the flow of speeches and presentations.

The author also highlights how to navigate difficult conversations with a supervisor, how to make convincing arguments, managing your team through highs and lows, selling ideas to management, and getting people to truly listen to you.

Packed with tried-and-true techniques tested in the corporate jungle, this is a must-have handbook for every current and aspiring leader trying to make their mark.

Release dateJul 21, 2021
Communication Means Talking Together: How You Can Inspire Your Team and Lead with Purpose

Arjun Buxi

Arjun Buxi is an Executive Coach to Silicon Valley Tech Company Leaders, a University Lecturer in Communication and Leadership, and an award-winning collegiate debater. He has spent ten years training and teaching others how to improve communication and leadership skills. He earned a master’s degree in communication and bachelor’s degrees in business and communication. He brings a lifelong experience of being part of family-owned businesses and helping students and entrepreneurs alike find their voice.

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    Communication Means Talking Together - Arjun Buxi

    Copyright © 2021 Arjun Buxi.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-0659-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-0658-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-0660-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021908617

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 06/28/2021



    Part 1: Communication

    Chapter 1     Communication Anxiety

    Chapter 2     How to Write and Deliver a Persuasive Presentation

    Chapter 3     Storytelling

    Chapter 4     Speaking Off the Cuff

    Part 2: Leadership

    Chapter 5     Defining Leadership

    Chapter 6     Leading a Team

    Chapter 7     Leadership Style for Your Team

    Chapter 8     Communicating a Decision

    Chapter 9     Planning and Running a Meeting

    Chapter 10   Show Confidence


    About the Author


    Dear reader, thank you for choosing this book.

    I wrote this book for current and aspiring leaders in all industries—for-profit businesses, nonprofit organizations, and all other walks of life—who sometimes struggle to find their voices, make an impact, and be respected by others.

    Like a lot of people, I grew up wanting to help others, and the spirit of this book is to give any human being the chance to be courageous and influential in their life.

    What is communication?

    Think of an argument you may have had with someone, especially someone you might care about. Heated words like You don’t understand me and I don’t know what you want and all manner of curses are exchanged—contributing to a feeling of friction.

    Very unpleasant, right?

    On the most elemental level, in our deepest heart of hearts, our souls, we want to be heard, understood, acknowledged, and appreciated. And sometimes that doesn’t mean the other person likes us or agrees with us or changes their mind, but at least that person knows where we stand on the issue, and then the antagonistic feeling that was playing out between us subsides, and our relationship can continue.

    That is communication. The process of building, defining, and furthering community.

    Communication is talking, together.

    There’s no communication without sharing and togetherness, even if it’s just between two people.

    Together we create ideas, meanings, processes, knowledge, and most of all, value.

    Talking together drives families, societies, economies, countries, and the world.

    We talk in real time (synchronous communication) or leave messages and emails for each other to read later (asynchronous communication).

    We write, we speak, and we send images, gifs, videos, links, and emojis.

    The medium—spoken, written, or visual —doesn’t matter. All that matters is that the other person gets it. So long as there is some meaning, there is communication. So long as there is sharing in the process, there is communication.

    Communication is about choices, goals, and purposes.

    I’ve always been fascinated by people and how they interact, why they interact, and with whom they choose to interact.

    That’s really it, right? The choices we make and the rational and emotional drivers behind those choices. It’s probably fair to say that we act just as much on the rational or logical side as we do on the emotional side of things.

    As soon as we start making decisions, no matter our titles or stations, we become leaders.

    Communication is inseparable from culture and leadership.

    In my consulting and college professorship work, I work with clients and students alike to create well-rounded, vibrant people who can lead. People who use powerful communication skills to execute leadership goals and build a great culture among their teams.

    I know others teach communication, culture, and leadership separately. Whenever I begin working with someone, I find that person to be full of doubts, fears, and concerns of different kinds. Thus, it is essential to teach leaders to speak well and with courage, and show them how to tell their stories and make a persuasive argument. Then, once they’re standing on their own two feet, they begin the hard work in building their leadership personas, their teams, and their organizations.

    I have found that one must first learn to speak. Only then can one lead.

    That is essentially the order in which this book is written.

    Respect, logic, and connection.

    The ancient Greeks wrote the terms ethos, pathos, and logos, which make up the combination of a speaker’s presence or persona, the emotional tone, and the evidence-based arguments that drive home any point we’re trying to communicate.

    My ethos is that I gave my first public speech in fifth grade with zero preparation in front of a thousand children and the school principal, and I never looked back.

    After that followed hundreds of public speeches and debates over decades. I captained many winning school debate teams, got a master’s degree in communication, and taught communication at universities.

    The skills of oratory, argumentation, persuasion, and interpersonal communication transfer seamlessly from the stage to the boardroom. I have trained executives and corporate leaders, making my mark in Silicon Valley.

    I only tell you this to demonstrate that I know what I’m talking about.

    The logos of this book is that communication and leadership are the key cross-industry skills demanded by employers and schools alike, so if you’re trying to make your mark in hypercompetitive schools and corporations with sharp communication and leadership skills, but don’t know how to move forward, this is the right book for you.

    The pathos of this book is that I’d love to have a ten-chapter conversation with you, arranged in two parts—communication and leadership—about making your mark as a leader with radically improved communication skills.

    The chapters address ten topics that I think will remove your fears, open your mind, and give you both food for thought and tools

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