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How to Find America and Germany in the Bible: Proof That France - Netherlands - Belgium - Switzerland - Norway - Iceland - Sweden - Finland - Denmark - State of Israel - United Kingdom and Ireland Are Modern Israelites Nations
How to Find America and Germany in the Bible: Proof That France - Netherlands - Belgium - Switzerland - Norway - Iceland - Sweden - Finland - Denmark - State of Israel - United Kingdom and Ireland Are Modern Israelites Nations
How to Find America and Germany in the Bible: Proof That France - Netherlands - Belgium - Switzerland - Norway - Iceland - Sweden - Finland - Denmark - State of Israel - United Kingdom and Ireland Are Modern Israelites Nations
Ebook229 pages3 hours

How to Find America and Germany in the Bible: Proof That France - Netherlands - Belgium - Switzerland - Norway - Iceland - Sweden - Finland - Denmark - State of Israel - United Kingdom and Ireland Are Modern Israelites Nations

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The United States of America and Germany have “a rendezvous with destiny,” to quote President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It is a rendezvous that will be devastating for America, yet neither will it bode well for Germany or the rest of the world. The lumbering European Project of 27 nations known as the European Union (EU) eventually will dwindle to ten willing nations (or ten regional groups of nations) federally united under the leadership of Germany. At last, the long-cherished dream of many Europeans for a resurgent and dominant Europe on the world stage will become a reality. With shades of Christendom from the Middle Ages, and free of Anglo-Saxon trappings and the moderating influence of the UK, the new EU will be an economic and military powerhouse that will serve as a counter balance to the once mighty U.S.A. and the growing China threat from the East. The Anglo-Saxon dream of a reinvigorated Anglosphere as an alternative to the EU will prove to be an illusion. Europe will enjoy a few years of unprecedented prosperity before the Project comes to a crashing halt.

How to Find America and Germany In the Bible explains why these events will take place. It also tells us that the Israelite nations of Bible fame are alive and well under their modern names and that their day of awakening is near.

Release dateJun 15, 2021
How to Find America and Germany in the Bible: Proof That France - Netherlands - Belgium - Switzerland - Norway - Iceland - Sweden - Finland - Denmark - State of Israel - United Kingdom and Ireland Are Modern Israelites Nations

Hugh Stewart

The author is an American minister serving in the UK, having also carried out ministerial duties in the United States, Canada, South America and the Caribbean. He developed a passion for writing while working as a journalist in the 1970s. He holds a Certificate and Diploma in Biblical Studies and an Associate of Theology Degree.

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    How to Find America and Germany in the Bible - Hugh Stewart

    2021 Hugh Stewart. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 06/14/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-2410-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-2411-7 (hc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021908497

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    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved

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    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.



    PART I

    Chapter 1: Important Keys for Understanding Prophecy

    Key #1: Prophetic Symbols: The Bible Interprets the Bible

    Key #2: Learn the Language of God

    Key #3: Prophetic Timetable—Let the Prophecy Unfold

    Key #4: Prophetic Time Gaps and the Principle of Duality

    Key #5: Obedience & Prayer

    Key #6: The Bible: A Legal Document

    Key #7: Know Modern Israel


    Chapter 2: A Brief History and Prophecy of Israel

    Chapter 3: Covenantal Relationships

    Israel’s Gross Ignorance

    God’s Covenant with Abraham

    God’s Covenant with Isaac

    God’s Covenant with Jacob

    God’s Covenant with the Nation of Israel

    Chapter 4: Connecting the Dots: Relationships Among Nations

    A Special Relationship

    Ignorance and Arrogance: Is the Old Testament Too Old?

    Chapter 5: The Sifting of Israel

    The Scythians and Parthians

    Chapter 6: Israel Moves West

    God’s Plan for Ancient Israel

    Chapter 7: The Mission


    Chapter 8: The Twelve Tribes Identified

    Ephraim and Manasseh

    The Tribe of Reuben

    The Tribe of Gad

    The Tribe of Dan

    Myths and Legends

    Dan’s Idolatry

    The Tribe of Asher

    The Tribe of Zebulun


    Sea Trade

    The Tribe of Naphtali




    Davidic Covenant

    Simeon and Levi


    Chapter 9: Finding Germany

    Assyria: Past, Present and Future

    Chapter 10: Conclusion


    To my wife Maxine, my Sweetie Pie

    and beautiful pillar, Danielle my joy, and Anna my hope and longed-for

    A Poignant Message to the Anglosphere Nations:

    Oh glorious eagle you own the sky

    You still can soar, but you lost an eye

    Your trusted wings still sail you through

    But your beak is broken, what will you do?

    The vultures see and are watching you

    The jackals look and are waiting too!

    You own the trees and all things high

    But your food is below where rodents ply

    Oh glorious eagle you own the sky

    You still can soar, but you lost an eye

    You still ride the clouds and yes you still climb

    But you will come down, it’s just a matter of time.



    Bye, Bye America. Hello Germany

    In 2012, Der Spiegel, the weekly German news magazine, wrote: After a brilliant century and a terrible decade, the United States…has reached a point in its history when the obvious can no longer be denied: The reality of life in America [today] so greatly contradicts the claim to be the ‘greatest nation on earth,’ that even the most ardent patriots must be overcome with doubt.¹ The magazine’s cover showed a picture of Uncle Sam in a hospital room being fed intravenously with a thermometer sticking out of his mouth. The lengthy article by the Spiegel staff catalogued a slew of problems facing America: the effects of Super Hurricane Sandy, outdated infrastructure, lost economic opportunities, hatred, congressional gridlock, a divided country, highly qualified professionals turning their backs on America for greener pastures after completing their studies in the United States.

    America is in big trouble, and the world knows it.

    Many are convinced that the great American experiment will end just as empires of the past faltered. The September 11, 2001 attacks by Al-Qaida terrorists on key targets in America—often referred to as 9/11— and the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 by domestic terrorists are sobering illustrations of how quickly even the strongest nation can be brought to its knees.

    In the last twenty-five years, economists, historians, military and foreign policy experts, politicians, and theologians have written scores of books and articles pinpointing America’s decline. Jim Nelson Black, in When Nations Die, gives ten warning signs of America’s decline and shows the stunning parallels between modern America and the fall and subsequent destruction of several ancient societies—Carthage, Constantinople, the Holy Roman Empire, and the kingdoms of Spain and France. Fareed Zakaria points out in, Post-American World, America remains the global superpower today, but it is an enfeebled one.²

    Some began sounding the alarm about America’s current troubles more than thirty years ago. In 1988 Carl E. H. Henry, in, Twilight of a Great Civilization: The Drift Toward Neo-Paganism, wrote the following, I have a heavy heart about America. American culture seems to me to be sinking toward sunset.³ Today, there is evidence on almost every front—economic, military, ethics, morals, wages, and a general standard of living.

    Less than fifty years ago the United States of America was a confident country, a force for good in the world, to which freedom-loving nations looked for guidance and leadership. Today, America is a divided country, politically polarized, and morally bankrupt. Nations no longer trust or respect America’s leadership. While President Obama’s policy was to facilitate, President Trump’s words and policies created a clear divide between America and the rest of the world. It is a divide that is in line with Bible prediction.

    Mr. Trump’s boisterous and bombastic nationalist approach gave his supporters hope of a resurgence in America’s leadership, but his was leadership at home, not leadership abroad. Many abroad saw his America first, philosophy as an abandonment of America’s global leadership. China and the European Union saw it as their moment to stake their claim for regional or world hegemony. While the European Union is still sorting itself out, China has aggressively positioned itself as the dominant power in the East. President Biden’s efforts to rehabilitate America’s damaged image and restore America’s global leadership appear to be too little too late.

    But it is not just America that is in trouble. The Anglosphere: America, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand that dominated global affairs for the past 75 years is fractured, and by many accounts, has hit its nadir.

    The 2020-2021 social and racial unrest in America has led many to wonder if America is heading for another civil war. How many people even realize why these things are happening now? Why is America in so much trouble? Why are the Anglosphere nations losing their global dominance? What went wrong? Is this simply the natural flow of history playing out? Is it simply time for another power to take its place at the helm of world affairs? What will our world look like in the next ten to twenty years?

    Businesses spend countless hours and vast sums of money looking at trends and data to forecast short or long term developments around the globe. Yet, the book containing the most accurate forecasts about the flow of history and what will happen to specific nations, is largely ignored. That book—the Holy Bible—has much to say about America, Britain, Germany, the Jewish State of Israel and other modern nations. Really, you may ask? Yes...really!

    If the Bible does not speak with God’s authority from beginning to end, it has no credibility and the efficacy of Bible predictions is nil; in which case, this book is irrelevant. If, however, the Bible is the authoritative word of an all-powerful God, then God must have given it for a purpose, and its message must be understandable and relevant. The latter is an underlying claim of this work.

    The Bible sets a high standard for itself; it urges its readers, Test all things; hold fast what is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21, NKJV). The King James Version renders the same verse: Prove all things. The things we read in Scripture are provable!

    How unfortunate it is, then, that so many people will have little or nothing to do with the Bible these days. Yet, prophecy indicates that in the near future, people will want to know what the Bible has to say. The prophet Amos tells us, ‘Behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord God, that I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord, but shall not find it (Amos 8:11-12, NJKV). At that time the world will be in the throes of such apocalyptic woes that people will recognize that long prophesied end-time events in the Bible are happening before their eyes. The Bible refers to that time as the Great Tribulation. History shows that in times of trouble Americans know where to turn. They turn to God in prayer vigils, and they read their Bibles.

    In the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 terror attack, Americans flocked to church services en masse. A bigger catastrophe than 9/11 is coming. It is unlikely to be another attack with airplanes slamming into buildings. It could be economic, for example, a bigger financial meltdown than in 2008. It could be a cyber-attack, but it will be big, so big that it will bring America to its knees. According to prophecy—Isaiah 30:12-13; Jeremiah 6:29; 15:8; Habakkuk 2:7—it will happen suddenly, a sentiment also shared by Harvard Professor of History, Niall Ferguson. Addressing the 2010 Aspen Ideas Festival, Ferguson warned of "the increasing prospect of the American ‘empire’ suddenly collapsing, due to the country’s rising debt level, adding that America fiscally and other ways, is very near the edge of chaos."⁴ The 9/11 attacks and the January 6, 2021 storming of the US Capitol show how quickly the fortunes of a nation can change.

    Many people have asked: Is the United States mentioned in Scripture? Some prophecy pundits say: yes; others say no. In this book, not only do I prove that America is mentioned in Scripture, I also explain what the Bible tells us about events to occur in America, Britain, the State of Israel, Germany, and other nations in the years ahead. Exact dates are not in your Bible therefore I give no specific dates nor speculate when or precisely how predicted events will take place. There are, however, important markers to which I can look and I point them out as I go along. These markers provide a reasonably accurate time line that will illuminate the things I discuss.

    It is somewhat disheartening that some who should know where to find America in Bible prophecy cannot do so. In answer to the question, where is the United States in Bible prophecy? Dr. David Reagan, author of several books, some on prophecy, wrote, "The answer is that we [America] are not mentioned directly and specifically. We are covered by general prophecies that relate to all nations, but beyond that, our end time destiny must be a matter of speculation."⁵ Dr. Reagan makes similar assertions in his book, America the Beautiful? The United States in Bible Prophecy.

    Hank Hanegraaff, past president of the Christian Research Institute and syndicated radio host, rejects any suggestion that America is mentioned in the Bible. He states confidently, No, America is not mentioned in the Bible, only prophecy pundits with a Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other find the U.S. in biblical prophecy.⁷ I raise my hand and plead guilty. Yes, I am one of those pundits. The sad fact is that Mr. Hanegraaff’s comments make a travesty of Bible truth. He and Dr. Reagan are wrong. America is mentioned in the Bible with other prominent nations today, and the evidence is convincing!

    I offer this disclaimer: the names America, Britain and Germany are not in the Bible. However, that does not mean these nations cannot be identified in Scripture. If someone should ask a student of political science to name a communist island to the south of the United States, it should not be hard to connect the dots. The clues are easy: (a) an island, (b) location south of the United States, (c) communist. Only Cuba qualifies. Likewise, when the Bible tells us that a certain country (or countries) to the east of Jerusalem will marshal a military force numbering over two hundred million, one does not have to be a rocket scientist to know it is talking about China, India, Korea, or a combined force from these and others nations from the region. The clue is easy: those countries are east of Jerusalem and they alone have the population to mount such a force. Further, when you see China arming itself to the teeth or when you see economic co-operation between China and India, and strategic alliances among the Chinese, Iranians and Russians—all east and northeast of Jerusalem, then the ancient prophecies about a two hundred million-man army begin to come alive before our eyes.

    In looking at Bible prophecy, timing is important, and we must be patient. For instance, prophecies involving nuclear war could not have been fulfilled or understood before the nuclear age began in the 1940s. Two thousand years ago no one could have imagined a scenario in which weapons described in Revelation 9: 17-19 as fire, smoke and brimstone could wipe out a third of mankind. It required faith and patience to understand how such a prophecy would eventually unfold. Today we can see how. The most likely scenario is nuclear war.

    Another prophecy in the book of Revelation describes a catastrophic event affecting the ocean at the end of the age. John saw something like a great mountain burning with fire in the sea resulting in a third of the sea becoming blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea dying, and a third of the ships being destroyed (Revelation 8:8-9). Two thousand years after John wrote his prophecy we now have an idea what he was looking at. In January 2015, an underwater volcano erupted off the Tonga islands in the South Pacific, causing disruptions to air and sea travel and turning the surrounding ocean blood red. As British newspaper The Guardian reported, Tonga residents described a spectacular sight, with the enormous plume from the volcano shooting high into the sky and a muddy discharge underwater turning areas of the sea off the island blood red.⁸ It is evident that what John saw was the top of a massive volcano.

    So contrary to what some prophecy experts tell us, America is in the Bible, not by name, but by extrapolation of historical facts and unmistakable prophetic description. We simply need to know the basic keys

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