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Love and Healing: A Guide to Emotional Wellness
Love and Healing: A Guide to Emotional Wellness
Love and Healing: A Guide to Emotional Wellness
Ebook436 pages7 hours

Love and Healing: A Guide to Emotional Wellness

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Love And Healing is a guidebook intended to relieve emotional suffering. Dr. Clayton introduces “Inner Restorative Healing” as a proven method of accessing and practicing the ancient ways of sensory therapy. The activation of earth’s energy and power gets delivered to the emotional self and is intended to ignite a positive shift in your overall wellness. Love And Healing is an inner journey of reprogramming your subconscious and harnessing the healing power of love. Love is changeful, it’s the most powerful agent of change in existence. These cultivated selections of self-healing methods assist you into alignment with your higher self, deepen your connection to your sacred heart, improve your ability to deliberately manifest, and help hardwire your access to the greater you. The methods you’ll be learning come from a combination of ancient healing techniques, philosophies, exercises, and New Age wisdom. Use this intuitive guidebook to choose your own combination of healing methods. Start moving through life in a bold new way!

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 1, 2021
Love and Healing: A Guide to Emotional Wellness

Dr. Russell Clayton

Physician, surgeon, author, poet, and spiritual teacher, Dr. Russell Clayton was born in Chicago, Illinois. His passion for sharing his perspective on love and life has helped countless people worldwide. Dr. Clayton’s first book, The Greater You, focused on the inner journey. Love And Healing focuses on spiritual restoration, emotional healing, and alignment with love. His 35-year medical career and extensive healing experience is wrapped up here together, in words, as a gift for all of us to explore and experience.

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    Love and Healing - Dr. Russell Clayton

    Copyright © 2021 Dr. Russell Clayton.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-6200-6 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021900834

    Balboa Press rev. date:     05/27/2021




    Chapter 1 The Human Condition and the Journey of All Souls

    Chapter 2 Inner Restorative Healing

    Chapter 3 You Are A Healer, Start by Healing Yourself

    Chapter 4 Multi-Sensory Healing Therapy

    Chapter 5 Multi-Sensory Healing Therapy

    Chapter 6 Multi-Sensory Healing Therapy

    Chapter 7 The Energy of Planet Earth and The Healing Power of The Universe

    Chapter 8 Meditation and Breathing Techniques for a Calmer, Happier Life

    Chapter 9 Surrender to Love

    Chapter 10 The Conscious Mind, The Subconscious Mind, and Deprogramming

    Chapter 11 The Technique and Benefits of Self-Hypnosis

    Chapter 12 Raising Consciousness Tools of the Ego, Mindfulness, Awareness and Presence. What’s the Difference?

    Chapter 13 Self-Image, Self-Respect, Self-Discipline, and Self-Love

    Chapter 14 Desire, Expectations, Attachment and Detachment

    Chapter 15 Healing Your Emotional Suffering

    Chapter 16 How to Identify Your Triggers and Heal Toxicity

    Chapter 17 Calming Fear, Anxiety, and Panic Attacks

    Chapter 18 Adjusting Your Mindset. Attitude, Altitude, Objectives, and Life Trajectory

    Chapter 19 Denial, Insecurity, Acceptance, and Gratitude

    Chapter 20 Healing Shame, Guilt, and Blame. The Power of Forgiveness

    Chapter 21 Universal Alignment, Synchronicity, Intuition, and Numerology

    Chapter 22 Manifestation and Flow

    Chapter 23 Healing Toxic Masculinity

    Chapter 24 The Emergence of the Divine Female

    Chapter 25 Managing Anger and Rage

    Chapter 26 Dark Emotions and the Shadow Self

    Chapter 27 Healing from Grief

    Chapter 28 Addiction and Recovery

    Chapter 29 Surviving Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse, and PTSD

    Chapter 30 Seven Mantras for Seven Days

    Chapter 31 Healing Ancestral Trauma

    Chapter 32 Healing Your Inner Child

    Chapter 33 Managing Stress, Overcoming Burnout, How to Get Unstuck And Unlocking Happiness

    Chapter 34 Surviving Depression and Suicidal Thoughts, Inspiration, Motivation, and Activation

    Chapter 35 Relationship Dynamics: The Story of The Runner and The Chaser

    Chapter 36 Soulmates and Twin Flames

    Chapter 37 Healing From Heartbreak, Separation, and Divorce

    Chapter 38 Narcissistic Personality Disorder Trauma Bonds and How To Break Them

    Chapter 39 Romantic Relationships, Spiritual Partnerships, and Unconditional Love

    Chapter 40 Opening Your Sacred Heart: Heart Intelligence and The Practice of Love


    L ove And Healing is a spiritual guidebook designed to assist in the healing of your past emotional trauma. I seek to shed light and attention on ancient honored healing techniques. It is my intention to further open the spiritual eyes of the seekers of truth, and to offer keys, mantras, and exercises to reach and expand your sacred heart. I have endeavored to make every word of this manuscript as simple, familiar, and inspirational as possible. I have poured life and divine energy into each word so that this book is forever energetically charged and capable of opening your heart and touching your soul. This book is a map inward to your inner space. This inward journey to connect with your soul can only be undertaken by you. These seventy exercises are virtual checkpoints to help guide you on your journey. Some lessons are purposefully repetitive and appear in multiple chapters. This is to highlight their importance and significance. This manuscript serves to remind you of the many rivers of consciousness that you must cross to get to abundant self-love and deep spiritual hea ling.

    Your Invitation to Healing

    Welcome! I invite you to open the door to your sacred heart and start your restorative healing journey. Now is the time to turn your awareness inward towards healing your past trauma and blocked energy. On these pages I have outlined how negative emotions and subconscious beliefs can lead to disease. Take this opportunity to learn how to control your thoughts and become the master of your mind. This manuscript puts an intense magnifying glass on healing and emphasizes the rich library of healing methods within your grasp. Everything that you need to heal is already available to you. Many of these ancient secrets and healing traditions have been buried by time. My aim is to bring these beautiful elements of natural healing to light for all to see and to use. Inside this book are useful exercises and life lessons to help bring you into wellness. Don’t procrastinate anymore, kick-start your healing journey today. Use your soul as a compass to follow your magnetic true north. Love And Healing is a reliable tool for your toolbelt on your journey of deep healing and self-restoration. Along the way, you will awaken to remember the light from which you have come. It is my intention to guide you into alignment with your mind, heart, body, and soul. I offer you these ancient practices, mindsets, hacks, techniques, and exercises to assist you in your times of need on your magnificent journey.

    ~ Namaste ~


    T rans formational healing takes place in the space in which you take a step back and add forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, and unconditional love to your daily life. In the dimension where true healing takes place, it doesn’t matter what you are doing or what transgressions you have committed. Radically forgive yourself, replenish yourself, and love yourself. Healing represents the end of conflict inside your mind. Start your healing journey today. Start wherever and however you find yourself right now. Be aware that deep healing takes place at the level of your spirit and it’s energy impact radiates and shines outwardly. Once your healing arrives it brightens your aura, which results in a deeper penetration of your energetic power and potential impact on the world. When you are finally able to overcome the addiction to your emotions, you break the cycle of suffering and find freedom. Once your body-mind is free, you can look at your scars from past trauma with understanding and forgiveness. This spiritual healing happens by keeping your full attention in the present moment, the space where nothing else matters. May love be your light and may grace be upon you. Let the healing begin. Ten years ago, I set the intention to live each day of my life as a better version of myself. This manuscript is the reflection and manifestation of my brightest dreams for humanity as living and loving emanations of the Di vine.

    What’s your special talent?

    Make service to others your priority.

    The world needs your unique gift.

    Share your blessings with those that need it the most.

    Heal yourself. Help a friend.

    Love deeper. Heal the planet.




    W e are aware that all generations of our ancestors and future generations are present inside us. We are one as human beings, we are all on a continuous journey of never-ending change and advancement into greater forms of ourselves. What you make of yourself in this life is what you will be upon your death. If you are full of love and compassion at the time of your death, you will be born again into love and compassion in your next life. Conversely, if you choose to fill your spirit with anger and hatred in this life, it will be your starting point in your next life. Everything you are at the point of your death is what you bring forward into your next life. With this in mind, you will come to realize that every moment of life matters. As more human beings awaken, the entire universe becomes more evolved. There is only one life form in the entire universe that is capable of awakening and we are that, this is huma nity.


    Science and technology have advanced more rapidly than ever. Since the year 2000, we as human beings are sicker and more depressed than ever. We are an aging society that is living longer lives than ever before. Ironically, our aging population is placing increasing strain on our current healthcare system. The entire nation is overwhelmed with older patients, yet our healthcare networks fail to adequately reach our most rural areas. Access and affordability to basic healthcare is simply unavailable to millions of people worldwide. The soaring costs of prescription drugs is leading many to abandon their much needed medications. Increasingly, Westerners have been practicing more ancient Eastern healing techniques to fill in the current void and need. Indeed the world is in need of healing.

    This is the age of information and technology. There are new groundbreaking discoveries and innovations happening every single day. New discoveries in quantum physics and epigenetics have increased our understanding of the role of our thoughts and emotions in our overall health. The age of technology and the internet have made unimaginable amounts of information available to us at our fingertips. This volume of information has contributed to the onset of a greater sense of awareness about spirituality amongst the world’s population. As a society, we are constantly evolving into a higher state of consciousness. The global pandemic of 2020 has unleashed massive global suffering never seen before. We must remember that suffering, while painful, also opens the door to spiritual transformation. The volatile political climate of today is also pushing our spiritual consciousness at a higher rate of speed. Thousands of souls are awakening to their higher selves everyday. The current world population is roughly two trillion souls, can you imagine the positive effect on humanity of a world with millions of awakened souls?


    Due to recent worldwide events of social unrest and the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a surge in the rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide. Many people are suffering from symptoms of PTSD. It’s common knowledge that there are psychological, emotional, and environmental components to every disease of the body. For example, it is proven that chronic worrying leads to disorders of the stomach. The majority of doctor visits today deal with stress-related illnesses. Unprocessed emotions are the cause of many of today’s physical illnesses. Whenever and wherever you bury your pain, it eventually becomes an energy blockage and causes you to suffer. Chronic stress and trauma impairs our immune system’s ability to fight against dangerous viral and bacterial infections. Remember, the accumulation of dis-ease in your spirit most definitely leads to disease inside your body-mind.

    The Energetic Significance of 2020

    1. Shift: This year we are all experiencing an epic shift of human consciousness. New higher frequencies of awareness are presenting themselves and are available to you.

    2. Calling: The current worldwide crisis is a calling for your individual transformation and evolution into a realized soul.

    3. Reset: Today’s world events present an opportunity to make upgrades and advancements in understanding your dynamic relationship between you and the power of the universe.

    4. Realign: The end goal is remembrance and realignment with Source by recentering yourself in love.


    Our bodies are intricately connected micro-systems run by natural intelligence. The term holistic simply means that we’re looking to treat and heal the complete system rather than the individual parts. Holistic medicine accounts for both the mind and the entire body, as opposed to specialized or compartmentalized medicine, which just treats one organ system or just a part of it without taking into account the whole organism. Holistic medicine therefore considers a person’s mental, emotional, and social factors— not just their physical symptoms. This is why many people are finding alternative medicine more and more compelling. This is because they feel less like a patient and more like a human being.

    People who have the same DNA, who have the same

    susceptibility to illness, one can become ill and the other can stay well.

    One can heal and the other can’t. All because they optimize the environmental factors that control gene activity and that’s what the field of epigenetics is all about.

    ~ Joan Borysenko, PhD


    The science of epigenetics, which literally means control above genetics, profoundly changes our understanding of how life is controlled. The idea is that a past trauma can leave a chemical tag or mark on a person’s genes, which is then passed down to subsequent generations. The mark doesn’t directly damage the gene itself, there’s no mutation. The alteration isn’t genetic. This is epigenetics; where the expression of genes are modified without changing the DNA code itself. Current studies suggest that we inherit a trace of our parents’ and grandparents’ experience, particularly their suffering. This negatively impacts our health and perhaps the health of our children’s children as well. The idea is that we carry some biological trace of our ancestors’ pain. This concept resonates with the feelings that arise whenever anyone views images of famine, war, or slavery. It seems to support current psychodynamic narratives about ancestral trauma. Suffering travels through time, reverberates through generations, and has the potential to go up and down your family tree.

    The human body is made up of a vast intelligent community of cells inside a larger microbiome which is constantly adapting, self-regulating, and healing itself. Your amazing body miraculously creates new cells everyday. If you start to add and integrate new age belief practices of wellness and vitality, those same beliefs and practices will influence your newborn cells to function at a higher level.

    In the last decade, epigenetic research has established that

    DNA blueprints passed down through genes are not set in concrete at birth.

    Genes are not destiny! Environmental influences, including nutrition,

    stress and emotions can modify those genes without changing their basic blueprint.

    And those modifications, epigeneticists have discovered, can be passed onto future generations as surely as DNA blueprints are passed on via the double helix.

    ~ Dr. Bruce Lipton


    Quantum physics is essentially the space where math and science meet consciousness and spirituality. Quantum physics proves our intimate connection with the majestic universe that surrounds us. In 1984, quantum physicists discovered that the atom was not the smallest particle in the universe. It was discovered that atoms are made up of even smaller subatomic elements. A human body is made up of over a trillion cells. Each cell contains over one hundred million molecules. Each single molecule contains over a billion atoms. Quantum physicists have discovered that physical atoms are made up of tiny tornado-like vortices of energy, that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature. These elements are what make up the structure of an atom. If you focus in closer on the structure of the atom, you would see empty space, a literal void. This phenomenon is similar to the relationship between the stars and the universe. The universe is composed of mostly empty space. The stars are the physical matter of the universe but represent less than one percent of the vast universe itself. By this light, human beings are also mostly empty energetic space, we are more invisible than we are solid. Einstein’s work revealed that we do not live in a universe with discrete, physical objects separated by dead space. The universe is alive in one indivisible dynamic whole. A space in which energy and matter are so deeply entangled that it’s impossible to consider them as independent.

    The atoms of our bodies are traceable to the stars that manufactured

    them in their cores and exploded these enriched ingredients across

    our galaxy, billions of years ago. For this reason, we are

    biologically connected to every other living thing in the world.

    We are chemically connected to all molecules on earth.

    And we are atomically connected to all atoms in the universe.

    We are not figuratively, but literally stardust.

    ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson


    The body and mind is constantly changing, but the soul is eternal. Your soul is composed of subatomic particles of pure consciousness with no beginning or end. Your most powerful state is that of knowing; the realization and acceptance of your truth. You can always become more aware of who you really are. You accomplish this by learning how to remain as pure awareness. The more you practice being the witness of your thought patterns and energy fields, the more adept you will become at closing the distance between you and your higher self. In your highest energy state, there is no separation between you and your God Essence. Alignment with your soul may only take place in the present moment, that’s why it’s so crucial to reside in the Now.

    Being caught up in your emotions is to be trapped in the chemical residue of the past. Most people can’t find their soul because their identity is chained to their body. To upgrade your identity to the level of your higher self, you must transcend your body-mind and come into alignment with your soul.


    If the Chi, the Prana, or life force energy gets stuck somewhere inside you from an emotional and spiritual level and it is not addressed, then over time that blockage will lead to an actual physical blockage in your body. The idea is to release your emotional blockages before they cause you bodily harm. There are countless ways to release your negative stored emotions. Emotions can only get stuck in your body after you develop an attachment to them. The key to releasing your emotional attachments is to raise your energy. Higher frequency vibrations bring peace and calm. In order to elevate, some people do yoga, zumba, pilates, meditation, exercise, or hire a therapist. Others travel to distant lands for spiritual interventions. Some people take Ayahuasca. Others simply start their healing journey and find peace in knowing that their spiritual awakening is tied to the overall wellness of their bodies.


    The simple way for you to raise your vibrational energy is by shifting your awareness to the present moment. Your DNA is being created every single day and is stamped with the history of your emotions. The DNA that you create today can be no greater than the power of its source.

    The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.

    It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.

    ~ Albert Einstein

    Tips to Remain in Present Moment Awareness

    Find a moment to be alone with yourself.

    Let your mind become soft, receptive, and permeable.

    Get silent and still.

    Imagine seeing yourself as energy: light as a feather’

    Feel yourself floating freely in the universal field.

    Take three conscious breaths and open up to your deeper dimension.

    Activate your five senses.

    Slow down time by becoming the witness of your experience.

    Experience timelessness.

    Access your power of intuition in your sacred heart.

    Be at peace with yourself.


    We are evolving from our five senses as humans into multi-sensory beings. Author Gary Zukov says, The perceptions of a multi-system sensory being, extend beyond physical reality to the larger dynamic system, of which our physical reality is a part. The multi-sensory being is able to perceive and appreciate the role that our physical reality plays in a larger picture of evolution and the dynamics by which our physical reality is created and sustained. This realm is invisible to the five-sensory human. There are two notions that should be kept at the forefront of your mind; the first is that everyone is moving towards becoming a more spiritual being. The second is that the process must be experienced and tested by each and every person in their own way and at their own pace. The journey of awakening has many roads, but they all lead to the same place, oneness with Source.


    All beings are divine in the sense that all living entities are sparks of God. As humans, our light is encased in our body-mind temples. As each person is born into the physical world we instantly become love temporarily hidden from itself with no awareness of our true nature. The most important part of our spiritual journey is the remembering of who you really are. The divine essence of you awaits your readiness and willingness to receive it. Once you decide to let go of your old useless mindsets your divine energy flows, until then it won’t. You are divine when you finally believe that you are. Nothing needed, nothing conceded. Coming into alignment with your divine nature clears karmic baggage. It’s like an electric current that runs through your body. Spiritual transformation brings your inner light forward so that your physical self can merge into you, the light vessel. It’s transformational in that it empowers a person to go far beyond their believed physical limitations. It transforms a normal human into a divine human. Ultimately, when we remember our true nature, soul consciousness expands and our inner light shines forth for all to see.

    The definition of divine means God-like. You are a piece of God-like energy created in the image of God. Divine nature can be seen as a cup overflowing with infinite wisdom and intelligence as it’s foundation. It is by increased awareness of this ever-expanding quality whereby miracles are performed and wholeness is restored. This is why we are here on earth, to remember and display our true selves. Each human being is divine love personified. Blessed with the gift of life and the treasure of heart intelligence. Certain genes have a timer on them and get expressed in divine moments in your life. We are each born into this world to leave our positive, unique, and historical imprint on humanity. To the extent that God lives within you, you are immortal.


    The soul is a seed of immortal spirit placed inside each of us by God. The philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson likened the soul to the sun, too bright to be gazed upon directly, yet by it we see all things. He also pictured it as a vast ocean, with our individual souls seen as waves, emerging for a time and then returning to the whole. There are no such things as lost souls, in Emerson’s view, there are only people who have forgotten their connection to soul. That connection can be rediscovered and nurtured by looking within.

    Your spiritual awakening is not a choice, it’s a calling. Awakening is the calling of all souls to realize the interrelatedness of life. It’s happening for you right now, whether you realize it or not. What’s stopping you from alignment with your higher self is nothing but your ego and multiple old layers of trauma. Use each day to practice your spiritual alignment. The more you connect with your inner essence, the more you become one with God. Once you reclaim your divine power you will no longer see yourself or believe yourself to be a poor helpless victim.

    Everyday you are literally rewriting your biological programs and signaling the formation of new genes in your body thereby creating a new genetic destiny. The more emotionally balanced you feel, the more chemically and physically balanced you will become. If healing is your objective then you must develop a healing mindset. To be completely healed you must change the way you think, feel, talk, and walk through your experiences.




    T he healing journey is different for everyone. The journey requires self-analysis and self-discovery to uncover the hidden sources of your pain. Somehow we all must get better at processing the stress and strain that life inherently brings. Our tech driven society is moving at a rapid pace. As technology continues to push mankind towards greater innovations, the need to keep up brings additional wellness concerns and burdens to the table. Those who don’t keep abreast of the latest technology risk being separated by the digital divide. In today’s world, stress is now the main cause of most diseases. The impact of the medical sequelae of stress and its costs are having a profound impact on billions of people’s health. The way to healing is always just around the corner. You must look for it to find it, and when do, you must uncover it, love it, and embrace it. The healing journey is the way broken hearts mend and the way tattered spirits become whole a gain.


    Rising rates of obesity, morbidity, anxiety, depression, chronic diseases, cancer, and suicide all point to a looming devastating worldwide health crisis. The world is truly in desperate need of healing and global healing starts with each and every one of us. There is no superhero coming to save the world. It’s up to you to intentionally heal your inner world which assists in the healing of your outer world. The world needs you to be your most magnificent self. You are a manifestation of the Divine. Your connection with Source is the key component to healing yourself. Inner Restorative Healing (IRH) is an integrated healthcare program that I developed which establishes a three way connection between you the patient, you the healer, and Source Energy. Once this amazing 3-way divine connection is made, true transformative healing takes place. Restorative healing recharges your life and restores proper rhythm to your mind, body, heart, and soul.

    To tap into the force of the universe itself,

    we must see ourselves as part of it, rather than separate from it.

    ~ Gregg Braden


    The universe is full of energy and you can harness it to reduce your stress, tension, body aches, diseases, pains, and suffering. The key to activation is to become a better receiver of Source energy. Say yes to your healing and start your journey, it’s time to change your fortune. Your decision to invite healing into your life is a win-win situation. The more you state your intention to heal and master your emotions, your healing accelerates. Every time you visualize your healing all the way to completion, you attract it closer to you. Visualization increases the likelihood that your dreams will one day manifest. Healing is like planting. Declaring the deliberate intention to heal yourself plants a seed and initiates a creative action plan which eventually produces a plant. Use this intuitive guidebook to choose your own healing methods.


    If you don’t believe in your own healing, it can’t happen for you. Sometimes the power of faith is the only belief that’s required to heal. Indeed positive thinking has been proven to have a strong healing effect. In the scientific world, this is known as the placebo effect. As a physician, I define placebo as a pill which has no pharmacological effect, but satisfies a patient who supposes it to be a medicine. Sometimes anything presented as a medicine will work. In my office practice, the placebo effect is a commonly seen phenomenon where people get relief from their physical symptoms simply from taking a sugar pill. The placebo effect is extraordinarily powerful because it demonstrates that positive beliefs are capable of shifting biology. The hidden question is: Do we heal from the medicines physicians prescribe, or do we innately heal from our own divine energy? Current research points to the mind-body connection as the biggest contributor to healing. Strong beliefs are capable of influencing and shifting our body’s healing potential. We don’t perceive truth, we perceive what we believe to be true. Restoring belief in oneself has been proven to have a profound effect

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