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Buffy the Spiritual Player: Save Yourself
Buffy the Spiritual Player: Save Yourself
Buffy the Spiritual Player: Save Yourself
Ebook111 pages1 hour

Buffy the Spiritual Player: Save Yourself

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For more than twenty years, Buffy suffered a host of abuse by people she loved. The pain didn’t break her until 2010 when she finally hit rock bottom. Buffy was attempting to commit suicide because of circumstances that left her alone with a narcissist, in a mentally and financially abusive relationship, broke and broken, unemployed, with no family support, dealing with PTSD and panic attacks while attending college and raising two daughters.

While writing her suicide letter, Buffy felt something stir in her spirit. She decided to live for herself and her two daughters as a single parent and depend on God. In Buffy the Spiritual Player, she tells her story, sharing how she spent fifteen years persevering through the struggle and earning her bachelor’s degree with honors. The first college graduate among her siblings, Buffy never stopped dreaming.

Buffy the Spiritual Player chronicles how Buffy discovered a spiritual gift, and she realized she was living the total sum of her prayers and imagination. She learned she was co-creating and manifesting situations unconsciously. In the end, she realized love is the energy source. She communicates the message to do your best to love the life you live now. Fall in love with yourself, love yourself unconditionally, and love all people unconditionally.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateFeb 9, 2021
Buffy the Spiritual Player: Save Yourself

Buffy Sanders

Buffy was born and raised in Indiana, and experienced a host of abuse and life’s challenges. She earned a bachelor’s degree and relocated to Florida, where she serves as Senior Clinical Research Associate in Oncology Clinical Trials for one of the largest CRO’s in the United States. She has two adult children.

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    Buffy the Spiritual Player - Buffy Sanders

    Copyright © 2021 Buffy.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5779-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5781-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5780-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020921473

    Balboa Press rev. date: 02/09/2021


    How It Started


    A Letter to My Daughters


    Who Am I? God/Universe/Holy Spirit Answers!

    Miracles from God/Universe/Holy Spirit

    Church from the Hood


    My Work

    Fear (Sin)


    Limited Beliefs

    Moving Forward

    Born to Heal

    Our Fathers on 2600 Jackson Street

    Daddy is Home

    Buffy’s Darkness

    Buffy’s Contrast

    Buffy’s Vision

    Buffy the Spiritual Player

    The Phoniest Senior

    Broken Spirit: August 1997

    The Devil is a Liar

    Lost in the Matrix

    Spiritual Blindness Revealed

    The Foundation of My Abusers, Compassion, for They Were Victims

    Our Power

    My Purpose!

    Who Should Be Reading This?

    Unlikely Messenger and Connector

    Pain = Prayer

    Reason to Keep Going

    Face Fear!


    Thoughts Became Things

    Twin Soul Flame

    Preconditioned into Lack and Limitations, Sickness, Greed, Fear, and Self-Hatred

    The Trials

    You are What You Think About

    You Can Live Your Life the Way You See It in Your Imagination

    Slaying Your Spiritual Vampires

    New Kingdom Within

    Slayed My Demons

    How It Started

    In my dream at the age of eighteen, while I was trying to save this little girl’s life, lying in my bed, screaming and crying for help, the girl yelled, Save her! It’s in the book!

    In real life, I woke up screaming, crying, and terrified. Having gone through hell and back, I understand now, at the age of forty-two, that I had to save myself and share my story with other people who find themselves stuck in a life filled with abandonment, rejection, manipulation, poverty, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse, and having nowhere to run, seeing no way out, suffering in silence. When you finish reading this book, I hope you will be able to find the wisdom and courage to turn your heart from pain to hope, faith, and pleasure.

    During my years growing up, my city was labeled as one of the murder capitals of the country.

    I was considered a quiet child, an observer and loner who questioned everything about life. In 1996, the day after my high school graduation, I left town. I made it out of Indiana, which was everyone’s dream. I became successful without a family to support me, and I was on my own on multiple occasions with two kids. Many people have asked me, How did you make it out, and how are you able to now live a life you love?

    It wasn’t easy. After many years of watching and experiencing the histology of a loved one suffering with schizophrenia; a friend imprisoned for murder; a father who was an alcoholic, womanizer, and woman beater; a relative who became involved in gang-related activities in his youth; poverty all around; childhood abuse; panic attacks; depression; and the pain of neglect, abandonment, molestation, and verbal and physical abuse as well, I emerged with tremendous strength.

    I managed to accomplish every dream and goal I envisioned for myself. If I only knew then what I know now! I would have dreamed a little bigger, judged a lot less, focused more on what I wanted, and made decisions out of love and not fear. But I know my journey was necessary because I am here now sharing my testimony and wisdom with you.

    My purpose is to share my story on how I discovered that my thoughts were becoming things before I knew the word manifestation ever existed. My desire is to speak to those individuals who may have been born and programmed in the same dimension as I have. I was completely unaware that love was my birthright. I sure as hell didn’t know I was born into a false perception about my reality until the God in me awakened, after years of praying, stepping out on faith, running for peace, crying and hoping for a better life for myself and my daughters, hitting my rock bottom, and then deciding to live, after writing my suicide letter to my kids.

    I discovered I was never alone—not even in the shower, in my prayer closet, or washing dishes, and especially when this African prince left me in tears on my birthday with $500 to my name, the beatings, the abuse, homelessness, betrayal, and the ugly hatred from people I love. That is when I learned I was truly created in the likeness of God. So, what does this mean for all of us? Straight to the point. We have been creating hell and heaven on Earth all this time through our beliefs. Isn’t that something?

    In October 2012, I was thirty-five years old, and for the first time in my life, I was able to see the synchronicity in my life called manifestation and a quantum leap. I found these terms while I was searching for answers to who I was, after manifesting an entire new life. During my research, I discovered a power I was born with that I never knew was in me. I finally understood how and why I made it out of Indiana. I understood why, no matter where I moved, who I dated, and who I married, I kept experiencing the same circumstances that caused my own suffering. I finally understood I was responsible for my own life. I knew why I kept experiencing the same stuff at work and in every other aspect of my life. I understood why people are still

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