Christ Revealed Through the Use of Similtudes: Acts of Prophecy Depicting Christ’s Salvation Plan Through the Use of Similitudes as Stated in Hosea 12:10 (Kjv) and Other Studies of Importance.
By Robert Selix
About this ebook
Helping the reader and learner to understand through the use of similitudes what the Holy Bible has to truly say about His son Jesus and God’s redemptive plan to save mankind from the fall.
Robert Selix
Here in this book, you will see a different form of teaching rarely seen. This material is good for group studies in different sizes for the progressive learners. This material can be used for prison ministry also. The use of similitudes brings a different way of thought to the Old Testament scriptures to show that God was revealing His son Jesus through out time before his birth. Personally teaching this method for many years, I have brought an awakening about the truth of what the scriptures really have to say not just quoting misquotes or human thoughts and opinions but revealing what The Holy Bible really teaches. Judah is a lion’s whelp; from the prey, my son, you have gone up. He crouches down, he stretches out like a lion, like a lioness - who dares rouse him up? The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until tribute comes to him; and the obedience of the peoples is his.
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Christ Revealed Through the Use of Similtudes - Robert Selix
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ISBN: 978-1-6642-1511-5 (sc)
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WestBow Press rev. date: 12/03/2020
I would like to dedicate this book to Our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.
and the following
Chuck Missler @ Koinonia House
Coeur d’Alene ID
Chuck Smith @ Calvary Chapel
Costa Mesa, CA
The Writings of Arthur W Pink
All of which caused me to move in the Spirit on my journey of exploring the depths of God’s Word as in Acts 17:11 and to my loving
Wife, Jaime Omera, that helped me put it all together to present to the body of Christ and all those interested in learning of the depths of God’s Word.
While in the mist of studying several diverse versions of The Holy Bible, my eyes fell upon Psalm 40:7 which stated: And Lo I come, and the volume of the book is written of me.
(KJV 1985) Zondervan Corp) I stopped in amazement at what I just read and pondered it...... Scanning in my mind, I recalled that I hadn’t heard of the personage of Jesus being mentioned until the books of the New Testament. I spoke outloud and said Lord we got a problem here, the volume of the book is not written of You. I have read through this book several times!
To add more to the amazement, the Lord replied back. You read it wrong.
I instantly questioned the Lord by asking outloud, How do you read something wrong?
Upon that note, I realized it was late and it was time to go to sleep, this issue of reading it wrong consumed my thoughts as I fell asleep.
Upon waking the following morning, my mind jumped immediately upon searching out the answer to my question of how could I have read it wrong?
Diligent to search out the answer, I resumed to position of reading my bibles, just as I had the day before. When I searched where I left off reading last, I realized that the pages were not where I had left them, the pages were turned to Hosea; chapter 12:10 seemed to be raised and magnified in comparison to the other verses surrounding it. Hosea 12:10 read:
I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministries of the prophets.
Stopping to understand what I just read, I focused upon the word - Similitudes, I didn’t know what it meant. Upon this note, I realized that we had another problem!
Once again, speaking outloud, I asked What is a similitude?
Searching in the books in front of me, I looked up the word similitude in the dictionary. Similitude means, the likeness of or the facts of commonality between two or more objects or subjects. (how are they similar?) Upon understanding this newly found theory, my mind focused in on Matthew 12:40 spoken by Jesus himself (in red letter edition) which stated:
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Here, upon reading this statement or similitude spoken of by Jesus himself, is where I began to understand its meaning.
I began to understand that Jonah was a similitude of Jesus, being in the belly of a great fish resembled Jesus in the tomb and the vomiting
of Jonah upon the designated beach to fulfil his mission resembled Jesus resurrecting to his feet to carry out the rest of his mission.
I finally got it and upon that note, I started all the way back to the beginning of the bible (Genesis) to collect my findings of similitudes throughout the bible.
Though this is not an exhaustive version, I pray you will read through to see the Son of God in all scripture, in many different ways, but always pointing to Jesus life, crucifixion, resurrection and redemption for all mankind.
Please read and study the story of Abraham and his son Isaac to understand the similitudes pertaining to Christ, portrayed through Acts of faith and obedience.
Being on the same mount that Jesus was later crucified upon, we can see God’s redemptive plan to save through these details envolved.
2 TIMOTHY 3:16
2 TIMOTHY 2:15
ACT’S 17:11
HOSEA 12:10
CHAPTER 22:1-24
: A B R A H A M A N D