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draws from the Source that never runs dry;
“My people have done two things wrong; (firstly) they have
abandoned Me, the fountain of life-giving water. And
they’ve dug their own wells (cracked-cisterns) that cannot
hold water.” (Jeremiah 2: 13)
May the tired eyes of peoples and nations look to You.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 29, 2020

Jerome A Henry

Dean Kellio writes a weekly faith column “Carpenter’s Corner” which is published in the East County Californian and The Alpine Sun in San Diego, California. Daniel is also an on-air talent for KPRZ 1210 AM radio where he has interviewed such distinguished guests as Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, Melody Green of Last Days Ministries, Ray Comfort of Living Waters Ministries, Pete Briscoe of Bent Tree Christian Fellowship and many other personalities. Daniel is currently Senior Pastor of Oakzanita Springs Fellowship and resides in Alpine California with his wife and four children.

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    THE WELL with the HOLY NAME - Jerome A Henry

    Copyright © 2020 Jerome A. Henry.

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    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5970-9 (sc)

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 04/29/2024


    Reflections on Messiah

    Full Circle

    What’s in a Name

    The Testimony

    The Well Eternal

    Redeemer of Israel

    Book of Grace


    The Blood Donation

    A Jewish Insight

    The Word Ladder

    The Masoretic Text

    Prayers and Petitions

    Oil and Water

    Death of the Righteous

    The Sign

    Hebrew New Testament

    The Messiah

    What Did He Write…

    Guardian of Israel

    Saint Jerome

    The Righteous Servant

    The Restoration

    Fire Born of Water

    The Template

    The Good News

    Names Matter

    Table of Nations

    Lost in Translation

    Called by Name

    Passing the Torch

    Story to Tell

    The One Thing

    Come Out in the Name of Jesus

    Heaven and Earth Day

    Spiritual Awakening

    The Ripple Effect

    Footprints in Water

    Mana para el Alma

    The Vessel

    Beacons of Light

    Sans Diagnosis

    Enough is Enough!

    Currency of Redemption

    The Vertical Connection

    Sign of Jonah

    The Prophet and Nineveh Province

    The Dots…

    Prayer of a Dove

    Simon bar Jonah

    Image of Adam

    A Sling and a Stone

    The Master’s Table

    Detour to Destiny

    Constitution of Faith

    Bread and Wine

    Believe to Conceive

    The Third Well

    Binding and Loosing

    The Mystery

    Lamb of God

    Nature versus Nurture

    Cross of Christ

    An Unlikely Figure

    Standing Tall

    The Energy Equation

    Patterns and Archetypes

    Temple or Church

    Bridegroom by Blood

    The Mountain

    Glory of God

    The Crimson Chord

    Memory and Recall

    Forged by Spirit

    The Interpreter

    The Great Equalizer

    The Third Day

    Preventative Medicine

    Bitter with the Sweet (the Bittersweet)

    Aaronic-Blessing and the Priesthood

    Cities of Refuge

    The Altar

    The Rock

    Foundation of Spirit

    The Big Bang

    The Promise Keeper

    Outside the Box

    Burden to Blessing

    In God We Trust

    The Upward Call

    Seeds of Expectation

    Jacob’s Testament

    The Journey

    The Lion of Judah Roars

    The Watchman

    Rachel’s Tears

    The Shepherdess

    Words Matter

    Forest through the Trees

    Freedom in Captivity

    Rachel’s Tears

    The Hammer

    Revisiting Ruth

    Tents of Jacob

    Tamar and the Crimson Thread

    Man of God

    Setting the Table

    The Legacy

    Go Forth…

    Justice and Mercy

    The Reckoning

    Bread of Life

    Grain of Sand

    The Sighted Blind Man

    Season of Remembrance

    Spirit of Emmanuel

    Search and Rescue

    The Remnant

    Whistle-blower or Trumpeter

    Year of Jubilee

    Son of Man

    From the East

    The Return

    Inside Man

    The Holy Vessels

    Justice and Mercy

    Crown of Thorns

    Rolling Away the Stone

    The Veiled Curtain

    Righteous by Faith

    Birth Pains

    The Thorn

    Eye of the Needle

    Fishers of Men


    Lost and Found

    Ministry of Reconciliation

    Labor Pains…Pains of Labor

    Faith and Football

    Speak Life


    The New Song

    Book within a Book

    I will announce the good news of righteousness among those assembled. I will not close my lips. (Psalms 40: 9)

    I have been outspoken about Your faithfulness and Your salvation (Yeshua, in Hebrew). I have not hidden Your mercy and Your Truth; may your mercy and your truth always protect me. (Psalms 40: 10-11)

    For Zion’s sake, I will not keep silent; for Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep still (rest), until her righteousness shines like a light, her salvation like a burning torch. (Isaiah 62: 1)

    Those who trust in the LORD (Yehovah) are like Mount Zion, unshakeable and enduring without end. (Psalms 125: 1)

    At that time those who feared the LORD spoke with one another, and the LORD listened and heard them. So, a scroll of remembrance was written before Him regarding those who feared the LORD (Yehovah) and honored His name. (Malachi 3: 16)

    Reflections on Messiah


    Jacob left Beersheba and he traveled towards Haran. And when he came to a certain place, he spent the night there. He took one of the stones, put it under his head (sort of like a stone-pillow), and he dosed off. (Genesis 28: 10-11)

    Jacob had a dream in which he saw a stairway (or ladder) set up on the earth, with its top reaching up to the heavens. On it, he saw the angels of God ascending-up and descending-down. (Genesis 28: 12)

    Above the top-rung (of the ladder) stood the LORD.

    I AM the LORD, the God of your father Abraham, and of Isaac. I (the LORD) will give you, and your descendants, the land upon which you now lay. In you and your descendants all the families of the earth will find blessing. I AM with you; and I will watch over (protect) you wherever you go. (Genesis 28: 14-15)

    A person’s willingness to believe (faith) activates God’s faithfulness to promises.

    Now, fast forward to the arrival of the Messiah.

    Philip (who was from Bethsaida, the same town as Andrew and Peter) found Nathaniel, and told him, ‘We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the Law (and whom the prophets spoke about); Yeshua, the son of Joseph. (John 1: 45)

    Nathaniel’s response to news about the Messiah illustrates how presumptuous (and fickle) human nature can be.

    Nathaniel assumed nothing of value could possibly come from the sleepy backwards village of Nazareth. Can anything good come from Nazareth?

    Philip answered, ‘Come and see.’ (John 1: 46)

    Those having eyes of faith are witness to Jacob’s Ladder, personified.

    Yeshua said;

    Truly, truly I tell you, you’ll see heaven open, and the angels of God going-up (ascending) and descending on the Son of Man. (John 1: 51)

    The Hebrew word for ladder is sullam, which, in this rendering, appears one place in Scripture, Genesis 28: 12).

    The imagery of the ladder in Jacob’s dream, not only directs us upward, but it clues us in on the way to the Father; through Yeshua the Son. He is our ladder!

    Note: This famous excerpt of Jacob’s journey has him reaching a certain place, and then stopping for the night. Upon delving into the story some more, readers learn the Hebrew word for place is makom, and that from a Hebrew perspective, the makom (the place) of Jacob’s encounter cannot be pinned down to a specific geographic location.

    In a spiritual sense, the makom transcends time and space.

    Upon waking, Jacob exclaimed, The LORD is in this place! I hadn’t known it (wasn’t aware of it). Jacob added, How awesome this place is! This is none other than the house of God, the very gateway to heaven!" (Genesis 28: 16-17)

    Full Circle


    The miracle of Israel is a testament to the restorative power of God Eternal. The Messiah’s story is a reconstituted version of Jacob’s (Israel’s) journey, albeit in abbreviated form.

    You are My witnesses. I (the LORD) have chosen you to know Me; to understand I AM the One who has done all of this. (Isaiah 43: 10)

    The word Hallelujah translates as Praise Yah, so in blessing the One who comes in the name of the LORD you are praising God Most High. To me, the Messiah’s name, Yehoshua (Yeshua) has the ring of eternity.

    The words of the prophets are timeless.

    Return to Me, and I (the LORD) will return to you. (Zechariah 1: 2)

    I (Yehovah) declare the end from the beginning, and ancient times from what is still to come. (Isaiah 46: 10)

    I will look to the LORD; I will wait on Him. Although I have fallen, I will get up; although I sit in darkness, the LORD is my light. And I will see His victory. (Micah 7: 7-9)

    Who is like You, O God? You forgive sin (pardon iniquity); You pass over the transgression of Your people. You are not angry forever; (because) You delight in showing mercy. (Micah 7: 18)

    For you who fear (have a reverential awe of) My Name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings (tallit). (Malachi 4: 2)

    What’s in a Name


    It’s been said, As Jerusalem goes, so goes the world. On the surface, Jerusalem means City of Peace, and it is etymologized as meaning, foundation. In Hebrew, Yerushalayim speaks of plurality, conveying something more than a fixed geographic location, something above and beyond the natural (earthly) realm.

    As the day of His ascension approached, Yeshua resolutely set out for Yerushalayim (Jerusalem). He sent messengers ahead, who went into a village in Samaria to prepare for Him. But the people living there refused to welcome Him because His destination was Jerusalem. (Luke 9: 51-53)

    Note: The Samaritans were the descendants of Israelites who the Assyrian regime had subversively intermingled with other people groups (who were also subjects of the Assyrian empire). The inhabitants of Samaria did not subscribe to the centrality of Jerusalem in terms of their worship practices. In fact, they had their own mountain (Mount Gerizim) upon which they worshipped. Interestingly, Jesus commented on this, telling the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well, You (Samaritans) don’t know what you are worshipping; (whereas) we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. But a time is coming, indeed is already here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship, in spirit and in truth. (John 4: 22-24)

    Scripture notes, Many people from the town she was from put their trust in Yeshua because of the woman’s testimony. They then asked Yeshua to stay with them, and He did so for two days. Many more came to believe in Him. Now, we have heard for ourselves. We know this man truly is the Savior of the world. (John 4: 39-42)

    The Testimony


    I was a guest at a wholistic health facility, and I decided to volunteer to work a few hours each day. As it turned out, my start date coincided with another volunteer’s time of departure. The timing was perfect! I’d be taking over the job of a departing guest, who’d been responsible for watering the garden. The gentleman introduced himself; saying, My name is Joseph. I am Israeli. In my younger days, I was a competitive bodybuilder. In fact, I won, and held the title of ‘Mr. Israel’ in the mid 70’s (1970’s). He asked me if I’d be willing to help him write a testimonial (he didn’t feel confident with his English) about his specific health challenge. What he said next raised the level of the conversation; I am extremely sun sensitive.

    I tried not to let my facial expression betray my surprise; for I too had suffered with bouts of sun-sensitivity. So, I figured that by assisting Joseph with the wording of his testimony, I’d gain insight into my own health history, and possible destiny.

    I recently traveled to Israel, prompted by the belief that God had something in store for me. Shortly after arriving, I was forced to hunker down in my hotel, because snow and ice from a chilling winter storm was tying up transportation. A red-haired lady approached me (in the lobby), and she pointed to the book that was perched up against my laptop. Astonishingly, her husband was the book’s writer. She asked if I’d like to meet him; and, of course, I nodded affirmatively, not expecting David H. Stern, translator of THE JEWISH NEW TESTAMENT, to be in the building. But within a minute, there he was, an elderly gentleman, spryly walking out of the hotel elevator. He explained to me that the elevated snow levels prevented him and his wife from returning to their home in Jerusalem. The roadway was blocked, and they were waiting for it to reopen.

    Biblically speaking, I can certainly relate to being relegated to a holding pattern. Only an hour earlier, I’d been bemoaning the inclement weather for disrupting my itinerary. Now, I was praising God for the divine appointment. After-all, stormy conditions positioned me in a Tel Aviv hotel, and there, I received the confirmation I’d been seeking. And yes, I have overcome the spiritual malady known as Son (of Man) sensitivity.

    Thanks be to God; thanks be to Joseph!

    The Well Eternal


    THE WELL with the HOLY NAME draws from the Source that never runs dry; the ever-flowing water supply of Spirit.

    Yeshua told the disciples.

    Everyone who drinks this water will become thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I will give them, will never be thirsty again! For the water I give will become a spring of water inside them; welling up into eternal life. (John 4: 13-14)

    The LORD is my strength and my song. He is my Savior. With joy you’ll draw (drink) water from the springs of salvation (Yeshua in Hebrew). In that day you will sing; ‘Praise the LORD! Call on His Name! Make His deeds known among the nations.’ (Isaiah 12: 2-4)

    No matter how deeply buried, or dormant, the imprint of Yehovah, God Eternal, is in your life, know the Holy Spirit is purposed to reinvigorate, revitalize, rejuvenate, and restore.

    As only God would have it, believers can’t retract what was revealed to them by the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit).

    If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, then He who raised Christ Jesus, will also give life to your mortal bodies through the Spirit, who lives in you. (Romans 8: 11)

    The Spirit Himself testifies (bears witness) with our spirit that we are God’s children. (Romans 8: 16)

    We share a spiritual imperative to rise after a fall.

    Faith (trust) comes from hearing, and what is heard comes from a word (the Good News) proclaimed about Messiah. (Romans 10: 17)

    The light of Truth is evidenced by the oppositional forces that come against it (the Light).

    A contemporary of Albert Einstein asserted; The hallmark of any profound truth is its’ negation (or antithesis) is also true.

    I take those comments to mean that the degree to which the Gospel message (including the name Yeshua, itself) is stifled, silenced, or opposed testifies to its’ validity (as Truth).

    Redeemer of Israel


    Inherent to Judaism is the tenet of keeping God first. Thus, putting person, place, or thing between oneself and God could be considered a form of idolatry. Certainly, the physical appearance of Yeshua of Nazareth challenged the preconceived notions of what the redeemer of Israel should look like. And a messianic savior crucified on a Roman execution stake didn’t exactly fit people’s expectations of a warrior cut from the mold of King David. Nevertheless, it is what it is; salvation to those who believe.

    At the end of a contentious dialogue between Yeshua and the Pharisees, the Messiah made the statement, Before Abraham came into being, I AM! (John 8: 58) This harkens back to the discourse between God and Moses at the burning bush, in which the Great I AM told Moses, I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’" (Exodus 3: 14)

    It all comes down to the central question, Who is Yeshua? In the Gospel of John, Yeshua makes seven I AM statements (7 signifying completion). I AM who I say I am. (John 8: 28)

    Book of Grace


    If we could climb the rungs of Jacob’s Ladder, ascending step by step above the maze-like machinations of the world, maybe from a vantage-point on high, it would become clear that the Book of Law necessitates the Book of Grace.

    Do not think I (Yeshua) have come to abolish (cancel) the Law or the Prophets. No! I have come to fulfill them. (Matthew 5: 17)

    Mosaic law heightens awareness of our sin nature, thus, setting the stage for the law of grace. Yeshua did not initiate a new religion, nor did he advocate circumvention of Mosaic Law; No! Yeshua’s blood donation at Calvary, gave the God of Israel cause to supersede sin-consciousness with a covering of grace.

    Note: I believe Yeshua of Nazareth was crucified at the site known as Golgotha, where the Garden Tomb is located. And the archeologist Ron Wyatt’s assertion about Yeshua’s blood seeping down through a fissure of cracked earth, and onto the lid of the Ark of the Covenant, the "Mercy Seat (buried in a cavern below), fittingly defies conventional wisdom.

    The God of peace raised from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep, Yeshua, by the blood of an eternal covenant. (Hebrews 13: 20)

    The Great Composer’s grand orchestration renders differences in musical taste a moot point. The God of judgment and the God of mercy are one and the same. And the blood of the Lamb judiciously sprinkled the Mercy Seat.

    In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace, lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. (Ephesians 1: 7)



    If only it were as simple as turning the Hebrew letter Y (Yod) upside-down , as if it were a divining-rod, locating living water (the Spirit) poured out from above.

    At times man’s plight resembles a dispute over water-rights; with people and nations squabbling over ownership of the well. Hence, be encouraged to look to the water source that never runs dry.

    If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Streams of living water will flow out from within him.’ (John 7: 37-38)


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