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Total Chakra Balancing: Awaken Your Inner and Outer Beauty
Total Chakra Balancing: Awaken Your Inner and Outer Beauty
Total Chakra Balancing: Awaken Your Inner and Outer Beauty
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Total Chakra Balancing: Awaken Your Inner and Outer Beauty

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The book 'Total Chakra Balancing' gives you exactly what it says on the cover. A broken down 8 point system to awaken each primary Chakra within the body. The reader will learn about many different health fields within the book. The book reveals a complete support system for awakening each Chakra, ensuring that even if Yoga practice is not for you, many other uplifting methods can help you find balance and peace from within. Yoga, meditation, essential oils, herbs, and colours are all used throughout the book. Each system can ignite the eight powerhouses, including the understanding of how to use a pendulum, not only to read your chakras but to ask other important life questions you may be facing. The book is a companion you can carry with you and use at any time, revert to when needed and even use it to help others by understanding the workings of the seven vertices concerning their psychology, physicality, and spirituality. I also introduce another vital aspect, a chakra which I refer to as the 'infinity chakra'. I feel the final Chakra within the book will become more potent by the day as life moves to a world predominantly run by Artificial intelligence. The infinity Chakra is a current learning experience for myself, too, as I am being introduced to its workings and magic every day. I feel it is the bridge between the dream state we call real life and the truth of life, which exists behind the dream. Come and explore with me and learn how balancing your chakras and awakening your inner and outer beauty can align you to your true self and put you on a path of flow and ease.
Release dateOct 30, 2020
Total Chakra Balancing: Awaken Your Inner and Outer Beauty

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    Total Chakra Balancing - Kiran Shashi





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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8202-8 (sc)

             978-1-9822-8203-5 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 10/29/2020



    Thank you to my Son, ‘Dominic Shashi - St Mart’

    and my Mother ‘Shashi Kaushal’ for being

    the Love and Strength behind all that I do.

    Kiran Shashi"






    Kiran Shashi




    Chapter 1:   Inner and Outer Beauty

    Test Your Chakra’s

    Chapter 2:   Root – Mulandhara Chakra

    Chapter 3:   Sacral – Swadisthana

    Chapter 4:   Solar Plexus – Manipura

    Chapter 5:   Heart – Anahata

    Chapter 6:   Throat – Vishuddha

    Chapter 7:   Third Eye – Ajna

    Chapter 8:   Crown – Sahasrara

    Chapter 9:   Black, Infinity




    A s we move further into the 21 st century, it becomes even more apparent that the vibration of the human species is changing. We are gradually moving away from the very logical, structured, conformed and controlled masculine energy to the open, creative, passionate, intuitive, and free-thinking feminine energy. The importance of the left and right brain balance becomes essential to living a more fulfilled and joyful life. We experience what we are, we mirror what we have become, and we manifest what we subconsciously hold as reality, in our ‘mind’s eye’.

    We must allow the feminine energy of change, movement, and flow move through us while keeping our foot very much in the present. Our 3D, dimension has taught us structure and format in all areas of our life, which is vital to the running of our everyday timelines and routines. The ‘right brain’ activates the ‘intuitive flow’ and ‘mermaid energy’ within the body and mind. It also activates ‘flow’ inside the structure of our world. The energy creates room for change. The room creates the space to ‘open up’ to the unexpected thrills and movement of life and to live our creative passions.

    Once I began to shift my perception away from the restrictions of a ‘programmed reality’, the Universe awakened me to the ‘Total balanced system’ of ‘Chakra Balancing’ to help me achieve ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ balance.

    Please let me explain.

    The Chakras

    The word ‘Chakra’ is an ancient, sacred Sanskrit word that describes the powerful spinning vortices that reside within the inner and astral body, which can physically and symbolically affect the person’s energy field and life as they know it.

    There are hundreds of Chakras within the human body, but traditional Yoga and holistic medicine tend to focus on seven main ones and in the case of animals, eight main ones.

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