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Healthcare in Practice: Communicating Principles of Practice in Health and Social Care
Healthcare in Practice: Communicating Principles of Practice in Health and Social Care
Healthcare in Practice: Communicating Principles of Practice in Health and Social Care
Ebook128 pages1 hour

Healthcare in Practice: Communicating Principles of Practice in Health and Social Care

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This book is about communicating the principles of practices in healthcare sector. Healthcare industry is highly regulated. There are laws, regulations and policies guiding the practice in healthcare. Practitioners have to guide themselves with various rules and regulations and to communicate these rules and regulations effectively. Daily routine of any practitioner in healthcare is based on the implementation of regulations and policies. The clients or customers of healthcare section have been given their rights and privileges and any healthcare practitioner has to acquaint himself or herself with the procedures of implementing these regulations and policies. To assist the healthcare practitioners and students, this book is written to be used as reference point on how to implement the daily routines of healthcare practitioners.
Release dateOct 15, 2020
Healthcare in Practice: Communicating Principles of Practice in Health and Social Care

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    Healthcare in Practice - Oguchi Martins Egbujor








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    Published by AuthorHouse 10/15/2020

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    The Communication Boundary

    Purpose of Communication in Healthcare Sector

    Communicating Effectively

    Building Good Relationship

    Communication in Healthcare Sector

    How Does Communication Work In Practice

    Principles of Care

    Forms of Communication

    Verbal Communication

    Non-verbal Communication

    Types of Communication

    Characteristics of Verbal Communication

    The Cobweb of Messaging

    Environmental Characteristics of Communication

    Techniques for One-on-One Communication

    Communication Skills

    Barrier to Communication

    Interpersonal Communication Skills

    Principles Enabling Communication in Healthcare Provision

    Principles and code of Practice in Healthcare Sector

    Code of Practice for Doctors in England

    Code of Practice for Nursing and Midwifery

    Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers

    The Rules and Regulations Guiding Healthcare Sector

    The Key Lines of Enquiries (KLOE)

    The Five Domains of fundamental standards as explained by CQC:

    6Cs Care Values

    The Fundamental Standards of Care

    Care Quality Commission: Fundamental Standards Explained

    Organisations and Managers Only

    HealthCare Organisations and Their Legal Duties

    Organisational Systems and Procedures for Compliance of the Law

    Healthcare Organisations and workers must comply with the law

    Quality Compliance System

    Local Policies and Procedures for Good Practice

    Caldicott Seven (7) Principles (To Share or Not to Share) September 2013

    HSCIC 2013: The Five (5) Rules of Confidentiality Disclosure

    Health and Safety at Work 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

    Application of COSHH Regulations 2002

    Application of RIDDOR 1995

    Equality Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 1998

    The Care Act 2014: Safeguarding Vulnerable Group (Adults at risk)

    Legislations Guiding Safeguarding Vulnerable Group

    National Framework Standards and Safeguarding

    The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

    The Duty of Employees

    HSE Advice for Workers and Employers

    Employees have general health and safety duties to:

    Care Plan

    Monitoring and Review of Health and Safety at Work

    Types of Monitoring

    Working in Partnership

    Partnership Working, Care Plan and the Service Users

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Information for Providers

    Useful Information

    About the Author


    Oguchi Martins Egbujor FCMI is a UK based Lecturer in Business and Management, and Health and Social Care. Oguchi has over ten years of teaching and assessment experience. He had taught in various programmes relating to Business Management and Health and Social Care from BTEC HND to BA Business and Management. Oguchi specializes in Strategic Management and Strategic Human Resource Management though he teaches other business subjects effectively. Oguchi Martins Egbujor is a contributor to international issues concerning the education and development of mankind.

    The Communication Boundary

    Communication in this book is relating to healthcare professional-patient relationship as described by the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) regulations 2014, and to be focused on achieving the fundamental purpose of communicating in healthcare sector. It is essential to set the context in which this book is written. Communication as mentioned in this book is that which is carried out by the following:

    ➢ Healthcare professional means a person who is registered as a member of any profession to which section 60 (2) of the Health Act 1999 (13) (regulation of health professions, social workers, other care workers, etc) applies.

    ➢ Personal care means physical assistance given to a person in connection with:-

    1. eating or drinking (including the maintenance of established parenteral nutrition)

    2. toileting (including in relation to the process of menstruation)

    3. washing or bathing

    4. dressing

    5. oral care

    6. the skin, hair and nails (with the exception of nail care provided by a chiropodist or podiatrist)

    It is therefore, obvious that Communication in this book is any interrelationship and interaction taking place within the context and environment as described above.


    Purpose of Communication

    in Healthcare Sector

    The purpose of communication in healthcare sector is to create understanding between care provider and the care receiver. That is the care professionals and their clients that include the patients, family, friends

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